Issue no 38

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Issued on: 09/04/2013

Transcript of Issue no 38

Issue No: 38 9th April, 2013

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia (PCOM) 1

Issue No: 38 9th April, 2013

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia (PCOM) 2

Read in this report:

Khalid Mishaal re-elected to lead HAMAS (P.4) Israeli occupation under cyberattacks by

"Anonymous" (P.5)

Israel launches air raids on Gaza (P.6) Israelis kill two young Palestinians in

occupied West Bank (P.6)

Incitement charges brought against

Haaretz journalist (P.8)

Malaysian NGOs discuss “Mushaf of

Palestine Project” (P.9)

Issue No: 38 9th April, 2013

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia (PCOM) 3



Khalid Mishaal re-elected to lead HAMAS ............................................................................... 4

Israeli occupation under cyberattacks by "Anonymous" ........................................................... 5

Protests over prisoner's death hit jails and streets ...................................................................... 5

Israel launches air raids on Gaza ............................................................................................... 6

Israelis kill two young Palestinians in occupied West Bank ..................................................... 6

Israel continues ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem .......................................................................... 7


Incitement charges brought against Haaretz journalist .............................................................. 8


Malaysian NGOs discuss “Mushaf of Palestine Project” .......................................................... 9


Hamas answers its critics ......................................................................................................... 10


On the martyrdom of the prisoner “Abu Hamdiyyah” in Israeli jails .................................... 102

Issue No: 38 9th April, 2013

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia (PCOM) 4

Haniyyah to be his deputy

Khalid Mishaal re-elected to lead HAMAS


The Shura Council of Hamas has re-elected

Khaled Mishaal as head of the movement's

political bureau for another term.

The majority of members of council insisted

on Mishaal despite the fact that he insisted on

being relived from the post since several


Hamas movement has officially confirmed in a

press statement its re-election of Khaled

Mashaal as head of its political bureau, and the

election of Prime Minister “Ismail Haniyah”

as his deputy.

The movement pointed out that after

completing all stages of election for its

institutions at home and abroad on democratic

basis, "the Shura Council held on Monday a

meeting in Cairo to elect a leader and

members of the political bureau."

The statement said that the atmosphere of the

Council meetings in Cairo was positive, and

that Mashaal's re-election was welcomed by

all members of the Shura Council which

comprised Hamas leaders from Gaza, the West

Bank and overseas.

Having been chosen to lead Hamas for the

fifth time, Meshaal addressed several issues.

Speaking about Palestinian prisoners being

held by the Israelis, he pledged that Hamas

will liberate them and mentioned that several

of those released in the exchange deal agreed

with Israel in 2011 have been elected onto the

political bureau. "Who could have imagined

when they were in jail that one day they would

now be part of the Hamas political bureau?" he


Source: Agencies


Issue No: 38 9th April, 2013

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia (PCOM) 5

Israeli occupation under cyberattacks by "Anonymous"


An international hacking group called

"Anonymous" claimed responsibility for

defacing and attacking dozens of important

Israeli websites on Sunday morning in

retaliation to its crimes against the Palestinian

people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

In a video recorded statement posted a few

hours ago on Youtube website and others, the

group said it would start as of Sunday morning

a cyber-campaign called "Operation Israel"

against Israeli official websites.

Hours after the statement was launched,

"Anonymous" published a list of about 17 key

sites and several other sites it claimed had

been defaced or attacked as part of its second

campaign Operation Israel. Many of the sites

had their homepages replaced with messages

supporting the Palestinian people and their


The websites of Israel's central bureau of

statistics, its army, and other governmental

websites were defaced by Anonymous.

Almost 19,000 Israeli Facebook accounts had

been attacked by hackers affiliated

with Anonymous. Besides, the names and

email addresses of some 1,500 Mossad agents

have also been made public in the Google

Documents service.

The group said it would be "the largest

Internet battle in the history of mankind" that

would eventually "wipe Israel off the map of

the Internet" on April 7.

Source: PIC


Protests over prisoner's death hit jails and streets


Four thousand five hundred Palestinian

prisoners being held by Israel have gone on a

3-day hunger strike as demonstrators take to

the streets in protest at the death of Maysara

Abu-Hamdiyya in Israeli custody. More than

30 people have been wounded in the protests

across the occupied West bank.

Other protests inside Israel's prisons have

included the burning of the Israeli flag and

destruction of CCTV cameras. Clashes with

prison guards have led to dozens of prisoners

being severely injured. Mr Abu-Hamdiyya

died in an Israeli hospital this week after being

refused proper treatment for his cancer over

several months in one of Israel's prisons.

Massive demonstrations in West Bank cities

and the Gaza Strip were followed by pre-dawn

raids during which several Palestinians,

including minors, were arrested by the Israeli

occupation forces.

Meanwhile, an official Palestinian human

rights report has affirmed that chronic disease

had spread among Palestinian prisoners in

Israeli occupation jails.

A report by the ministry of prisoners in

Ramallah on Monday said that 25 Palestinian

prisoners are cancer-stricken due to medical

Issue No: 38 9th April, 2013

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia (PCOM) 6

neglect in Israeli prisons. It said that most of

the cancer cases were detected after spreading

in the body of the victims.

In a related context, the Palestine Prisoners'

Centre (PPC) reported that the Israeli

occupation authorities detained 330

Palestinians in March. The figure includes

ninety children, six women, eight journalists

and a parliamentarian.

Source: Agencies


Israel launches air raids on Gaza


Israel has launched air raids on the Palestinian

Gaza Strip, the first such attacks since a truce

ended eight days of war on Gaza last

November. However, Israel has in fact broken

the terms of the truce more than 100 times

with land incursions and attacks on Palestinian


The interior ministry in the Hamas-ruled Gaza

Strip said planes had bombarded an open area

in northern Gaza and that there were no


Earlier, the Israeli military claimed that

Palestinians had launched three rockets

towards “Israel” after the death of “Maisara

Abu Hamdiyeh" in the Israeli jail.

Israel and Hamas agreed to an Egyptian-

mediated truce in November, after eight days

of fighting, in which 170 Palestinians were


Source: Aljazeera + MEMO


Israelis kill two young Palestinians in occupied West Bank


On the third day of protests which erupted

following the death of a Palestinian prisoner in

Israeli custody, Israel's occupation forces shot

and killed two young Palestinians. Three

others were injured in the incident at the Innab

checkpoint to the east of Tulkarem in the

occupied West Bank.

Amer Nassar, aged 17, was shot at midnight

on Wednesday and rushed to Thabet Hospital

in the city but was declared dead on arrival,

said local activist Ahmed al-Betawi. His friend

Naji al-Bolbeesi, 18 was found bleeding in the

same area at dawn on Thursday; he had been

shot in the chest and died later of his injuries.

According to Mr Al-Betawi, the Israeli

occupation forces prevented Palestinian

paramedics from taking Nassar to hospital.

The youth was left bleeding for a long time.

Fadi Abu-Assal, 18, was shot in the hand

during the incident and another two

Issue No: 38 9th April, 2013

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia (PCOM) 7

unidentified men were shot but sustained light

injuries. All three were rushed to hospital for

treatment, where they are said to be in a stable


The Israelis confirm that they used live

ammunition to shoot at the Palestinian

protesters "after they threw firebombs"

towards the troops. Al-Betawi denies this

version of events. He confirmed that the

youths only threw stones at the soldiers who

were inside a fortified guard-post at the time.

Source: MEMO


Israel continues ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem


Khalil Tafakji, director of Mapping and

Geographic Information Systems Department

of Arab Studies Society in Jerusalem, said that

Israel is continuing policy of ethnic cleansing

in Jerusalem as it did in Galilee and Negev in


He told PIC that the policy which has been

adopted by Israel against Jerusalem on the

37th anniversary of Land Day represents an

extension to the policy of Judaization of the

Galilee and Negev that has started since 1948.

Tafakji pointed out that the occupation has

continued and stepped up its policy of

Judaization in the occupied city of Jerusalem,

as it aims to make it its central capital.

He stated that the successive Israeli

governments have been spending huge

amounts of money to achieve this aim, in

addition to the policy of ethnic cleansing,

evicting and displacing the residents and

replacing the Palestinian population and the

legitimate owners of the land in Jerusalem by


Source: PIC

Issue No: 38 9th April, 2013

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia (PCOM) 8

Incitement charges brought against Haaretz journalist


The Council of Settlements in the West

Bank have demanded the opening of a police

investigation into the Haaretz newspapers

and its journalist, Amira Hass, following the

publication of an article yesterday which

addressed the issue of Palestinian rights to

throw rocks as a means of self-defence.

On Thursday, Maarev newspaper added that

the secretary-general and the regional head

of the Council had both submitted written

reports to the Jerusalem police demanding

an investigation of the newspaper and the

journalist, as the article allegedly incites


The Council's report asserted that, "The article cheers on and praises the rock-throwers and gives them

the right to do so, but ignores the fact that rock-throwing is a dangerous violation and endangers the

lives of Israeli residents and soldiers. Such acts have resulted in a number of deaths and dangerous


Yesterday, the "Judiciary of the land of Israel" made a request to the government's Attorney General,

Yehuda Weinstein, to investigate the alleged incitement published in the article.

The article also caused a storm in political circles, and Knesset member from The Jewish Home party,

Orit Strock, said that it was "dangerous incitement toward violent acts against civilians and an

encouragement to assault soldiers". She also expressed astonishment that an Israeli newspaper would

publish an article which, according to her, promotes bloodshed and violence.

Source: MEMO


Issue No: 38 9th April, 2013

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia (PCOM) 9

Malaysian NGOs discuss “Mushaf of Palestine Project”


Yayasan Restu and the Palestinian Cultural

Organization Malaysia (PCOM) have held a

meeting with the Malaysian non-governmental

organizations to discuss the “Mushaf of

Palestine” project; which will be carried out by

Restu in coordination with PCOM.

Several NGOs representatives attended the

meeting including Aqsa Syarif, Aman Palestin,

Perdana Global Peace Foundation, Malaysian

Islamic Organisations Consultative Council

(MAPIM) and Haluan Palestin, where they

have discussed potential means for

propagating the project and mobilizing

sponsorship for it.

Dato’ Abdul latiff Mirasa, the chairman of

Yayasan Restu revealed that the first edition of

the new Mushaf is expected to be released in

the coming month of Ramadan, which requires

a continuous hard work to accomplish it in

time according to him.

“We will organize a charity dinner in May

followed by an exhibition in June to propagate

the project in order to pave the way for

launching the first edition soonest”, he added.

Muslim Abu-Umar, the chairman of PCOM

said that his organization is working to bring

Palestinian calligraphers to receive a special

training by Restu before joining the second

phase of the project; where the Qur’an verses

are to be written by Palestinians.

A memorandum of understanding on Mushaf

of Palestine Project was signed in Gaza last

January between Restu, PCOM and the

Palestinian Government with the presence of

the Palestinian Prime Minister “Ismail

Haniyyah”. The design of the Mushaf is to

reflect the Palestinian culture and heritage to

preserve them against the Israeli continuous

attempts to obliterate the Islamic identity of


Source: PCOM


Issue No: 38 9th April, 2013

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia (PCOM) 10

Hamas answers its critics

By: Dr. Daud Abdullah *

After months of delay the Islamic Resistance Movement in Palestine,

Hamas, has completed its internal elections and returned Khaled

Meshaal as head of the political bureau. More than 70 delegates took

part in the meeting of the movement's Shura (Consultative) Council in

Cairo, which reaffirmed its confidence in the previous political

leadership. The outcome of the process should now silence the rumour

mill, if only for a while.

When Meshaal disclosed one year ago that he

would step down from the leadership, cynics

went into overdrive with speculation of a rift

within Hamas. His subsequent visit to the

Gaza Strip, in December 2102, to mark the

25th anniversary of the movement's launch,

did nothing to dispel the rumours. The ecstatic

reception he received from the people and

local leadership alike wasn't enough to quash

media reports of a power-struggle between the

internal and external leadership. With this new

mandate, however, Meshaal and his newly-

elected deputy, Ismail Haniyeh, can now

tackle head-on the challenges before them.

In Palestine, Hamas will rightly be called upon

to shed its factional image and assume the

mantle of a national movement capable of

accepting and working with other forces.

Paradoxically though, this critical internal

matter has been internationalised to the extent

that the Middle East Quartet's conditions are

regarded as the criteria for Palestinian


However, there is no chance that Hamas will

recognise the State of Israel, renounce armed

resistance or abide by the agreements signed

between the PLO and Israel, all of which are

demanded by the Quartet. This isn't going to

happen: not for a seat in the PLO; a

partnership role in a unitary government with

Fatah; or any other enticement.

As such, the movement will continue to pursue

its objective of national liberation, by all

available means. Pursuing this strategy will

not, however, confine its efforts to legitimate

resistance and attrition against the Israeli

occupation, even though that is a central part

of its thinking. There are also huge political

responsibilities, which extend well beyond the

borders of historical Palestine.

After 17 years at the top, Meshaal ticks both

boxes. Not only did he guide the movement

successfully after the assassination of its

founding leaders, including its spiritual guide

Shaikh Ahmad Yasin, but he also managed

most recently to secure the release of hundreds

of prisoners from Israeli jails, something that

Fatah has failed to achieve after two decades

of security collaboration with the occupation

authorities. Some of those prisoners who were

released have been elected onto the new

Hamas Shura Council.

In any human endeavour there are bound to be

mistakes and, undoubtedly, Hamas has made

critical errors, some of which have exposed its

weaknesses. Predictably, its detractors have

tried to exploit these with divisive references

to either an "external and internal rivalry", or a

feud between "moderates and hardliners".

In his first public speech since being re-elected

Meshaal reassured supporters in Cairo this

week that Hamas is more united today than at

any time previously.

As a result of the Arab Spring Hamas lost its

strategic alliance with Syria and by extension,

to a lesser degree, with Iran, but that has been

compensated by new ties with Egypt, Tunisia,

Qatar and Turkey. The movement must, in the

immediate future, seek the maximum political

gains from such links.


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Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia (PCOM) 11

Already, some tangible ground has been

covered. The visit by the Emir of Qatar to the

Gaza Strip and his financial support for the

reconstruction of the enclave was the first by a

regional head of state. More recently, Egypt's

decision to allow the movement to convene its

Shura Council in Cairo, in spite of the vicious

media campaign instigated by Mubarak

loyalists, would have been unthinkable under

the former regime.

By electing a new political bureau with Khaled

Meshaal at its head, Hamas has answered its

critics. The man of the moment has sacrificed

for the greater good his personal preference to

step down. On more than one occasion he has

insisted that he wants to set an example for

Palestinian and Arab political leaders by

allowing leadership rotation and the transfer of


Looking ahead, Hamas cannot afford to rely

on the personal charisma and popularity of its

leader. It must articulate a political vision and

programme that can inspire the Palestinian

people and their partners in the region and

beyond. Inevitably, principles will at times

conflict with interests. When that happens,

even the "pragmatic" Meshaal must ensure the

primacy of principles and values. The national

goals of reconciliation, liberation and

repatriation must be accomplished by the best

possible means.

* Daud A. Abdullah is the current Deputy Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain. He

has been senior researcher at the London-based Palestinian Return Centre and editor of the

Return Review, which has recently been replaced with the Journal of Palestinian Refugees Studies.

Issue No: 38 9th April, 2013

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia (PCOM) 12

Press Release

On the martyrdom of the prisoner “Maisara Abu Hamdiyyah”

in Israeli jails

With lots of pain and sadness, the Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia

(PCOM) conveys its warm condolences to the Palestinian people and Muslim Ummah

for the martyrdom of the Palestinian prisoner “Maisara Abu Hamdiyyah”; who passed

away yesterday, April 2nd 2013, in an Israeli jail due to medical ignorance and firm

Israeli refusal to treat or release him despite of his cancer and health deterioration.

PCOM holds the Israeli occupation responsible for the death of “Abu Hamdiyyah”

and considers it a crime against humanity and a clear violation of International Law

and Geneva Convention.

The martyrdom of “Abu Hamdiyyah” - who is the 208th to be martyred in the Israeli

jails - sounds the alarm for the continuous crimes and violations of Israeli occupation

against Palestinian prisoners in its jails, and it sparks a new Palestinian Intifadah

against the Israeli occupation.

PCOM calls upon all international institutions and human rights organizations to take

serious measures to rescue the Palestinian prisoners, expose the crimes of the Israeli

occupation and bring Israeli criminals to justice.

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia 3rd April, 2013 22nd Jumada Al-Awwal, 1434 H


Issue No: 38 9th April, 2013

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