Issue no 106

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Issued on: 20/10/2014

Transcript of Issue no 106

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Issue No : 106 20th October , 2014

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia | 1

Issue No : 106 20th October , 2014

Palestinian Cultural Organization MalaysiaMalaysiaM

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Issue No : 106 20th October , 2014

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia

Siege on Al-Aqsa tightens

TM donates RM300,000 to Gaza fund

He called on Muslims to defend Al-Aqsa MosqueMishaal: Israel uses the regional turmoil to seize the Aqsa Mosque




Articles & Analyses

Read in This Issue

Al-Aqsa and the difficult words to say


Clashes renew in occupied Jerusalem




Hamas: We will not exchange the re-construction of Gaza for Al-Aqsa

Massive participation in protests support-ing Aqsa Mosque in Arab countries

P14Malaysia & Palestine

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Issue No : 106 20th October , 2014

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia


News of Palestine :

Siege on Al-Aqsa tightens 4

Mishaal: Israel uses the regional turmoil to seize the Aqsa Mosque 5

Clashes renew in occupied Jerusalem 6

Israeli police attack and detain Palestinians in overnight raid in Jerusalem 7

Hamas: We will not exchange the reconstruction of Gaza for Al-Aqsa 8

Palestinian boy shot dead by Israeli forces 9

Israel policy of heavy fines forces

Jerusalemite to destroy his house 10

Massive participation in protests supporting Aqsa Mosque in Arab countries 11

Hamas organizes Gaza march to ‹defend› Aqsa mosque 12

Malaysia & Palestine

Kelantan BN Assemblymen Donate RM27,600 To Palestinians 13

TM donates RM300,000 to Gaza fund 14

Articles & Analyses

Al-Aqsa and the difficult words to say 15

Photo Gallery

Al-Aqsa under Attack 16

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Issue No : 106 20th October , 2014

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia

News of Palestine

The Israeli army is continuing to tighten the siege around the Al Aqsa Mosque compound.

During the week-long Jewish holiday of Sukkot, which ends Wednesday evening, hun-dreds of right-wing Jews have visited the Compound resulting in numerous clashes with Palestinian worshippers.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Information attacks started six months ago fol-lowing the removal of 300 young Palestinians from the mosque by Israeli police in order for Jewish settlers to enter.

Jewish claims to Al-Aqsa are fuelling the tensions. The mosque is the third holiest site in Islam and is located in the heart of the Old City in Israeli-occupied East Jerusalem.

Jews claim the mosque lies on the site of Temple Mount, the most holy site in Judaism, however many Rabbi’s, including Israel’s chief rabbinate, believe that entering Al-Aqsa is a violation of Jewish law.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s visit to the compound 14 years ago sparked the Second Intifada.

19/10/2014 Source: MEMO

Siege on Al-Aqsa tightens

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Issue No : 106 20th October , 2014

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia

Khaled Meshaal, the head of the Political Bu-reau of the Islamic resistance movement Hamas, called on Thursday for Muslims to defend Al-Aqsa Mosque, noting that Israel is trying to seize control of the holy site that was the focus of the Palestin-ian Intifada in 2000.

Felesteen Online news website quoted Meshaal, who was speaking in the Qatari capital city of Doha, where he currently resides, as saying that: “I call on the nation to be angry for the sake of Al-Aqsa Mosque. I congratulate and salute the men and women, as well as the mujahedeen, who are staging a sit-in at Al-Aqsa and confronting the en-emy in defence of Al-Aqsa.”

He added that, “We call on everyone to defend Je-rusalem and Al-Aqsa, and we urge all our people inside the country to quickly go to Al-Aqsa to de-fend it.”

According to the news website, Meshaal said that

Mishaal: Israel uses the regional turmoil to seize the Aqsa Mosque

He called on Muslims to defend Al-Aqsa Mosque

the Israeli government is taking advantage of the Arab’s preoccupation with regional turmoil, partic-ularly in Syria and Iraq, to try to take over Al-Aqsa.

“We call on the nation to send a message of pain-ful anger to the world that the Palestinian people and the Arab and Muslim nation will not be silent in the face of this Israeli crime.”

Regarding the potential for the outbreak of a new war, Meshaal responded that, “Nobody wants a war, but it’s our right to resist and preserve our rights,” pointing out that, “Resistance is the only means to deal with our various issues.”

“We have been resisting for one hundred years and will continue to resist.”

He added, “Al-Aqsa is worth us becoming martyrs for, and anyone who can carry a weapon in the region should go and defend it, as this is the true meaning of jihad.”

16/10/2014 Source: Agencies

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Issue No : 106 20th October , 2014

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia

Clashes renew in occupied Jerusalem

Palestinian medical sources said several residents have been injured by army fire in renewed clashes that took place with Israeli soldiers invading various neighborhoods and towns in the occupied city. At least five, including a child, have been kidnapped.

Dozens of soldiers and police officers invaded the Chain Gate (Bab al-Silsila), the town of at-Tour, and the Shu’fat refugee camp, in addition to a number of neighborhoods in the Old City.

The soldiers invaded Asaliyya and Sharha neighborhoods in the Old City, and attacked several Pales-tinians before kidnapping four.

One of the Palestinians, identified as Hamza Khalaf, was injured in the head when the soldiers as-saulted him before kidnapping him.

Another kidnapped Palestinian has been identified as Mohammad Sharha; soldiers also kidnapped two of his relatives.

In the at-Tour town, soldiers kidnapped a child identified as Ibrahim al-Hedra, after the army invaded the town, and clashed with local youths.

Shortly before midnight, dozens of soldiers invaded Aqabat as-Saraya, al-Waad Street, Bab Hatta, Sa’diyya neighborhood, and al-Jabsha Street, in the Old City, leading to clashes between the invading soldiers and local youths.

19/10/2014 Source: IMEMC

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Issue No : 106 20th October , 2014

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia

The Israeli occupation police on Saturday night physically assaulted Palestinian citizens and detained four young men during a raid on a neighborhood in al-Silsila Gate area near the Aqsa Mosque.

Eyewitnesses said that clashes broke out in Bab al-Silsila Gate area with the invading police soldiers, who fired tear gas grenades and rubber bullets to disperse angry young men.

During the events, a group of policemen stormed the neighborhood of Asila family, assaulted some of its residents and kidnapped Mohamed Sharha and two of his relatives in addition to another one named Hamza Khalaf.

The policemen severally beat Hamza Khalaf and caused him head injuries before detaining him, ac-cording to his family.

In separate incidents, the IOF kidnapped last night a child called Ibrahim Hadrah during confrontations with young men in Attur neighborhood on Azzeitoun Mount in east Jerusalem.

A Palestinian young man driving a bike was also hit on purpose by an Israeli military vehicle in Wadi Al-Joz neighborhood in east Jerusalem and suffered an arm fracture and some bruises in his back and legs, his family reported.

19/10/2014 Source: PIC

Israeli police attack and detain Palestinians in overnight raid in Jerusalem

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Issue No : 106 20th October , 2014

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia

Hamas: We will not exchange the reconstruction of Gaza for Al-Aqsa

Hamas spokesperson Salah Al-Bardaweel said on Wednesday evening that his movement would not agree for the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip in return for closing its eyes on the Israeli viola-tions against Al-Aqsa Mosque, Felesteen Online reported.

“The one who thinks that we want the reconstruction of our houses in return for closing our eyes on the Israeli violations against Al-Aqsa Mosque is mistaken,” he said.

Al-Bardaweel added that: “Whatever efforts are exerted to deviate our eyes from looking at Al-Aqsa Mosque, we will not allow this to happen. This is an absurd and cheap subversion that the Israeli occupation is trying to achieve.”

Meanwhile, the Hamas leader called on the Palestinian Authority to stop its security cooperation with the Israeli occupation as a response to the latest Israeli violations against Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Source: MEMO

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Issue No : 106 20th October , 2014

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia

Israeli forces have shot and killed a Palestinian boy in a village in the occupied West Bank, local med-ics and residents said.

Thirteen-year-old Bahaa Badr was shot as Israeli forces entered Beit Liqya near the separation wall with Israel, and were reportedly pelted with stones by local youths on Thursday.

It is unclear whether the boy took part in the confrontation, which the Israeli army described as an “il-legal riot” in which residents threw Molotov cocktails at their forces, as they were exiting the village.

A military spokesperson said soldiers responded with live fire and the army would investigate the killing.

Director Ahmed Betawai of the Ramallah Hospital said the boy was shot three times in the chest and died of his wounds about two hours after the incident.

Tensions in the occupied West Bank have risen since Israel’s seven-week war in Gaza began in July and killed more than 2,000 Palestinians - mostly civilians - and more than 70 Israelis, almost all of them soldiers.

In recent days, tensions also spiked amid Palestinian charges that Israel is limiting access to Palestin-ian worshippers at Al-Aqsa in East Jerusalem.

Israel has occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem since capturing them in the 1967 war. Palestin-ians want the territories, along with the Gaza Strip, for a future state.

17/10/2014 Source: Aljazeera+Agencies

Palestinian boy shot dead by Israeli forces

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Issue No : 106 20th October , 2014

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia

Israel policy of heavy fines forces Jerusalemite to destroy his house

The Israeli municipality in the occupied Jerusalem forced on Saturday the Jerusalemite Amin Abdul Haq to destroy part of his house in Ras al-Amud himself under the pretext of unpermitted construction.

Abdul Haq said that Israeli court issued on last September an order of destroying two rooms of his house in addition to the old part of it. The court gave him two month to imple-ment the order.

He explained that the court asked him previously to register the two rooms, but he could not because of the heavy fees imposed on construction for Palestinians. “I get myself forced to destroy the two rooms to avoid paying any fines,” he said.

The house covers an area of 90 square meters, in which seven people live.

The Israeli municipality deprived Palestinian Jerusalemites from getting building permits by imposing heavy fees on construction registration, so that Palestinians forced to build their homes without permits.

19/10/2014 Source: ALRAY

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Issue No : 106 20th October , 2014

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia

Several popular rallies and marches were organized on Friday in protest at Israel’s violations against Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque in Morocco, Jor-dan and Egypt.

Scores of citizens participated in a sit-in staged outside the Moroccan parlia-ment to protest Israel’s escalation of violations against the Aqsa Mosque recently and to demand the authorities to criminalize the normalization of rela-tions with Israel.

Senior official of the national action coalition for Palestine Aziz Hennawi stated in a speech during the sit-in that having normalized relations with Israel poses a threat to Morocco’s national security.

Massive participation in protests supporting Aqsa Mosque in Arab countries

He warned that the normalization with Israel would make the Arab Maghreb region a gateway for the Zionist movement to infiltrate the culture of its countries.

In Jordan, several cities, including Amman, also saw massive participation in protests organized following the Friday prayers in support of Jerusalem and the Aqsa Mosque.

Different speakers during the rallies urged the Muslim and Arab nations to rise up in defense of the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and denounced the Jordanian government for not exercising its administrative sovereignty over the holy place.

A similar protest, called for by the national anti-coup alliance in Egypt, also took place in Cairo as part of the Aqsa support week.

Hundreds of Egyptian citizens carried banners and chanted slo-gans supporting the Aqsa Mosque and denouncing the silence of Al-Azhar sheikhs on Israel’s violations against the Islamic holy shrine.

18/10/2014 Source: PIC

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Issue No : 106 20th October , 2014

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia

Hamas organized a march in Gaza on Friday to call attention to what it sees as threats to the Al-Asqa Mosque in Jerusalem.

Senior Hamas leader Ismail Radwan told crowds that a “dangerous level of Judaization” is taking place in Jerusalem and that Israel plans to demolish the Al-Aqsa mosque.

Radwan called on worshipers in Jerusalem to resist and defend al-Aqsa.

“Al-Aqsa is a red line: Israel must be aware that the ongoing raids and attacks on al-Aqsa will cause a volcanic explosion in the area that will reach Israel,” he said.

The Hamas leader also called on the PA to stop security coordination with Israel and to act on Israeli attacks on the holy site in Jerusalem.

On Thursday, Hamas chief-in-exile Khaled Mashaal called on Palestinians to defend the Jerusalem holy site.

Similar marches held across the West Bank Friday were reportedly suppressed by Palestinian Au-thority security forces.

18/10/2014 Source: Ma’an

Hamas organizes Gaza march to ‹defend› Aqsa mosque

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Issue No : 106 20th October , 2014

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia

Kelantan BN Assemblymen Donate RM27,600 To Palestinians

Kelantan state assemblymen from the Barisan Nasional (BN) has donated RM27,600 to the people of Palestine, who have been subjected to oppression by the Zionist regime.

State opposition leader Datuk Nozula Mat Diah (BN-Paloh) handed the sum to Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Yakob before the state legislative assembly sat on Wednesday.

Nozula told reporters outside the assembly later that the donation was from the 12 BN assemblymen.

“It is a small personal contribution from us BN assemblymen. We pledged to make a donation from our allowance as elected representatives,” he said.

The assembly on Tuesday unanimously approved an emergency motion condemning the Zionist regime for the atrocities committed against the people of Palestine.

15/10/2014 Source: BERNAMA

Malaysia & Palestinian Cause

Palestinian Cultural

Organization Malaysia

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Issue No : 106 20th October , 2014

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia

TM donates RM300,000 to Gaza fund

Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) donated RM300,000 to help Palestinians in Gaza through Media Prima Bhd’s (MPB) Palestine Humanitarian Fund and the Aman Palestine and Aqsa Syarif groups.

TM chairman Datuk Seri Dr Halim Shafie presented three RM100,000 mock cheques to MPB group adviser for corporate social responsibility Datuk Ahmad A. Talib, Aman Pales-tine chief executive officer Awang Suffian Awang Piut and Aqsa Syarif board of trustees member Dr Mohd Tahir Abdul Rahman at Menara TM here yesterday.

Halim said the company’s employees contributed to the funds during the month-long “Tabung Save 4 Gaza” donation drive, which started on Aug 20.

“We raised RM50,000 in the donation drive,” he said, adding that RM250,000 was contrib-uted by TM as part of its corporate social responsibility efforts.

He said TM employees empathised with the plight of the Palestinians in Gaza.

16/10/2014 Source: NST

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Issue No : 106 20th October , 2014

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia

Al-Aqsa and the difficult words to sayBy: Lama Khater The words don’t come out of our mouths and the ink of the pens we write with fades away when Jeru-salem is at the heart of events. When it is under threat and is being violated, only the issue of Al-Aqsa could render us speech-less or make the words difficult to say, or make them worthless. It is this issue alone that makes you feel reserved once you think about writing to describe what is going on, analyse the circum-stances surrounding Al-Aqsa, or even answer the question: Why? Why are the attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque being escalated? Why are settlers daring to storm the mosque on a daily basis? Why is everyone silent?For starters, perhaps the contin-ued violations of Al-Aqsa and its storming on a daily basis by the occupation, its settlers, and its army is due to the fact that they know that the time during which the sanctities were the fuse that would light the determination of the people and the fastest way to mobilise people to defend their honour is long gone. Maybe we, on the other hand, would be fool-ing ourselves if we say that the Palestinian national spirit in gen-eral is still intact and is still the same as it was during the early days of the first Intifada (for ex-ample); when our hopes were high and political pollution was limited and contained.Nowadays, the sit-ins inside Al-Aqsa have become the main scenes of protection and defence of the mosque. It seems that the occupation is bent on dismantling these sit-ins and putting an end to them as a phenomenon. This is

Articles & Analyses

due to the fact that this is taking place in the heart of Jerusalem, because it is an advanced state of sacrifice, and because it is a daily reminder for the nation of their sanc-tities and prevents the entire nation from be-ing isolated, neutralised, and losing interest.When the speeches about Al-Aqsa intensify, the first question that comes to mind is: What is required of us? This question is constantly posed in the media when it broadcasts live scenes of the raids on Al-Aqsa and hosts many guests, all of whom are bombarded with the same question. Some rush to give the same answer we have heard for decades regarding the need for the Arab nations to defend their sanctities. However, only a few of these guests bring up what has happened a few years ago in the Arab squares, which led to the fall of some regimes, while oth-ers continue to exercise tyranny and criminality, and how some regimes were replaced with even more oppressive and tyrannical governments than the ones be-fore. They are also only a few of us who can see that the entire Arab nation is in labour, riddled with wounds and our necks are under the guillotine; how can those who are facing brutal injus-tice in their own lands prevail in another arena, even if the other arena is Jerusalem? How can some of us walk away from in front of our mirrors and be blind to our own responsibilities, and instead resort to making absurd calls to others?Now, more than at any other

stage in the past, it seems that the issue of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque is not in need of an answer to the question what is required of us, because we know what is required of us, which is, at the very least, staging a sit-in in the squares of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa to protect it, and the most we can do is to strongly resist in the close by and neighbouring areas in order for the occupation not to believe it can violate it.But the more difficult question, and the one that only a few highly ambitious people know the an-swer to, is: How? How can we pave the way to reach what is re-quired and desired? How do we help ourselves and our depleted nation rise again and restore our role? How can we dig a tunnel through the solid wall in order for us to march towards Al-Aqsa?This is a difficult question that cannot be addressed with words, tonnes of analysis, or readings of the situation because the symbols and code behind this is only unlocked and decoded with actions. Such actions must be preceded or accompanied by a comprehensive psychological renaissance that will put the ac-tors on the right path and will not distract them with other fruitless paths or to stand on the ruins of this path.

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Issue No : 106 20th October , 2014

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia

Al-Aqsa under Attack

Photo Gallery

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Issue No : 106 20th October , 2014

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia

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Issue No : 106 20th October , 2014

Palestinian Cultural Organization Malaysia