“Issue Identification and Solution Proposals” by Tracy S. Hutcherson Problem Solving.

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Transcript of “Issue Identification and Solution Proposals” by Tracy S. Hutcherson Problem Solving.

“Issue Identification and Solution Proposals”

by Tracy S. Hutcherson

Problem Solving

Tracy S. Hutcherson


• Airborne Combat Medical Noncommissioned Officer, 8 ½ years

• Army-wide, Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS) Representative, served 117,000 plus Soldiers


• Central Carolina Community College, A.A. & A.S. with Honors

• North Carolina State University, Microbiology and Genetics

• Environmental Microbiology & Bioremediation Lab Technician

Organizations and Experience:

• North Carolina Community College Student Government Association (N4CSGA), served 700,000 plus Students, Vice President

• NCSU Senior Senator

• NCSU Chapter of Golden Key International Honour Society, President


What is an issue?

What is a concern?

What is a priority?

What is a demand/mandate?

What is a requirement?

Identification of Issues

Proposal of Solutions

Impact of Proposals

Follow Up & Evaluation

What is an Issue?

A point or matter of discussion, debate, or dispute

A matter of public concern

A misgiving, objection, or complaint

The essential point or crux

A culminating point leading to a decision

What is a Concern?

To be of interest or importance to

To engage the attention of or involve

To cause anxiety or uneasiness in

A matter that relates to or affects one

Regard for or interest in someone or something

What is a Priority?

Status established in order of importance or urgency

Precedence, especially established by order of importance or urgency

An authoritative rating that establishes such precedence

A preceding or coming earlier in time

Something afforded or deserving prior attention

What is a Demand/Mandate?

Demand:To ask for urgently or peremptorily

To claim as just or due

To ask to be informed

To require as useful, just, proper, or necessary

An urgent requirement or need

Mandate:An authoritative command or instructionAn order issuedA contract by which one party agrees to

perform services

What is a Requirement?

Something that is required

A necessity

Something obligatory

A prerequisite

Imperative or authoritative command

Essential condition

Needed or necessary

Identification of Issues

Chief concerns

Who is interested in the issue and the threshold of concern



Duration and frequency



Proposal of Solutions



ScopeToo broad?

Causes rather than issues

Outside of organization control


Impact of Proposals

$ to Implement

Manpower needed

Change of rules and regulations


Follow Up & Evaluation

Was the solution implemented

Was the solution appropriate

Did the solution work

Are there changes needed

Should the issue be re-examined at a later time

Was the scope too broad

Did the solution cause problems

Can this solution be implemented by other organizations

Tracy S. Hutcherson

Email: tshutche@unity.ncsu.edu

Web page: www.ncsu.edu/stud_orgs/golden_key/index.php