Issue 8 Q4 2009 - · 08/07/2017  · Page 1 Issue 8 Q4 2009 Issue 8 Q4 2009 ..... 1

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Transcript of Issue 8 Q4 2009 - · 08/07/2017  · Page 1 Issue 8 Q4 2009 Issue 8 Q4 2009 ..... 1

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Issue 8 Q4 2009

Issue 8 Q4 2009 ................................................................................................................................. 1

Preface .............................................................................................................................................. 4

Sending Messages from ESB Toolkit to MSMQ ................................................................................... 5

Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 5

Resolvers ....................................................................................................................................... 5

Adapter Providers.......................................................................................................................... 5

Itinerary ........................................................................................................................................ 6

Sending messages to non Transactional MSMQ using WCF-Custom Adapter Provider ................... 6

Sending messages to Transactional MSMQ using WCF-Custom Adapter Provider ........................ 10

Creating Custom Adapter Provider for MSMQ ............................................................................. 11

Testing MSMQ Adapter Provider ................................................................................................. 13

Non Transactional Queue ........................................................................................................ 13

Transactional Queue ................................................................................................................ 14

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 15

Simplified BAM tracking of human intervention in a process ........................................................... 16

Working with BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0 ............................................................................................ 20

Background ................................................................................................................................. 20

Architecture ................................................................................................................................ 24

Installation and Configuration...................................................................................................... 27

The BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0 in action ......................................................................................... 31

Scenario and walkthroughs .......................................................................................................... 31

Adapter with BizTalk Server Walkthrough ................................................................................ 32

Adapter with .NET Walkthrough .............................................................................................. 38

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 40

Page 2

Resources .................................................................................................................................... 41

Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................... 41

Empowering BizTalk management ................................................................................................... 42

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 42

What is PowerShell ...................................................................................................................... 42

Why a provider for BizTalk ........................................................................................................... 43

Architecture ................................................................................................................................ 44

Management Automation Layer .............................................................................................. 44

Provider ................................................................................................................................... 46

Usage sample .............................................................................................................................. 47

Scenario Overview ................................................................................................................... 47

A CmdLet template .................................................................................................................. 48

Backing-up an application ........................................................................................................ 49

Uninstalling an application ....................................................................................................... 49

Removing assemblies from the GAC ......................................................................................... 50

Installing an application ........................................................................................................... 51

Upgrading an application ......................................................................................................... 52

Future plans ................................................................................................................................ 52

More information ........................................................................................................................ 52

About the authors ....................................................................................................................... 52

HL7 Accelerator v2.0 [BTAHL7] ........................................................................................................ 54

General ....................................................................................................................................... 54

HL7 Standard ............................................................................................................................... 54

BTAHL7 Components ................................................................................................................... 55

Schema Generator ................................................................................................................... 55

HL7 Disassembler & HL7 Assembler ......................................................................................... 55

MLLP Adapter .......................................................................................................................... 55

Batch Orchestration ................................................................................................................. 55

HL7 Configuration Explorer ...................................................................................................... 55

HL7 Schemas ............................................................................................................................... 55

Adding schemas to your solution ............................................................................................. 56

Schema name and namespace ................................................................................................. 56

Z-Segments .............................................................................................................................. 57

Custom Trigger Event ............................................................................................................... 58

Page 3

MLLP Adapter .............................................................................................................................. 58

Configuration ........................................................................................................................... 58

MLLP Test Tools ....................................................................................................................... 59

Performance ............................................................................................................................ 60

Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................... 60

General .................................................................................................................................... 60

Custom ACK pipeline component ............................................................................................. 61

End-to-End Acknowledgements ............................................................................................... 62

How to Create a Custom Receive Pipeline Decoder in BizTalk Server 2009 ....................................... 63

Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 63

Install Microsoft BizTalk Server Pipeline Component Wizard ........................................................ 63

Use BizTalk Server Pipeline Component Wizard ........................................................................... 64

Add C# code for project ........................................................................................................... 67

Using Custom Component Created .......................................................................................... 68

Testing Receive Pipeline........................................................................................................... 70

Automating Business Processes with SharePoint, Workflow and BizTalk .......................................... 72

BizTalk Management Tools .............................................................................................................. 79

Operations Manager 2007 ........................................................................................................... 79

CODit SOA Dashboard.................................................................................................................. 79

FRENDS Helium ........................................................................................................................... 79

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Preface This is the 8th issue of BizTalk HotRod magazine. BizTalk Server 2009 R2 was anncounced recently.

We also published a new roadmap for it at

BizTalk has come a long way since it was released in 2000. It now has over 10500 customers. These

customers are based in all 6 inhabitated continents. This issue has articles written by residents of

North America, South America, Europe and Africa. I want to thank the folks who submitted articles

for this issue. I also want to thank Andreas Erben for his help in reviewing these articles. Feel free to

submit articles in the next edition or let us know if you have any suggestions for improvement.

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Sending Messages from ESB Toolkit to MSMQ By Rajinder Singh, Technical Solutions Professional, Microsoft,

Introduction The BizTalk ESB Toolkit 2.0 is a collection of tools and libraries that extend BizTalk Server 2009

capabilities of supporting a loosely coupled and dynamic messaging architecture. You can learn more

about ESB Toolkit 2.0 at This article will

show you how you can use ESB Toolkit to communicate with MSMQ.

ESB Toolkit uses dynamic send ports called Off Ramps to send messages to various BizTalk adapters.

It relies on .Net components called Resolvers and Adapter Providers.

Resolvers For runtime flexibility ESB Services are not hard-coded to specific endpoints or maps. This metadata

is determined at runtime. Resolvers can locate and retrieve this metadata. Itineraries define which

ESB services execute and in which order. Resolvers define how ESB Services execute. List of

Resolvers included in ESB Toolkit 2.0 are shown below.

Adapter Providers Information retrieved by a Resolver is stored in a .Net based Dictionary object. BizTalk isn’t built to

work with Dictionary objects. Adapter provider act as a bridge between .Net based ESB components

and the BizTalk based components. Here is a list of adapter providers that are included in ESB Toolkit


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As you can see from the above list MSMQ Adapter provider is not included in ESB Toolkit. This is

where WCF-Custom adapter provider comes in handy. WCF-Custom adapter is able to invoke any

WCF binding. WCF includes netMsmqBinding which can be used to send messages to MSMQ.

Itinerary Any message that is sent to the BizTalk Server goes through a series of steps before its processing is

complete. In messaging only scenarios a BizTalk receive location might pick up a message and send it

to the MessageBox. One or more Send Ports might be subscribed to this message so they will get

this message and send it to the destination system. In case of an Orchestration the message will be

subscribed by an Orchestration where it may be decomposed, transformed and sent to one of more

system. All this can be easily accomplished by BizTalk without ESB Toolkit. However Itineraries

provide the runtime flexibility that BizTalk does not have by default. They also provide more flexible

Service Composition. Itineraries are designed in the Itinerary designer in Visual Studio. The designer

allows you do to design time validation of the itinerary. When the design activity is complete the

Itinerary is exported to an Itinerary Repository.

Sending messages to non Transactional MSMQ using WCF-Custom Adapter

Provider 1. Create a private MSMQ queue called test

2. Start Visual Studio 2008 and create a new project of type Class Library.

3. Add a new Itinerary to this project.

4. Set the name of the Itinerary to wcfmsmq

5. Select the Model Exporter to have a value “Database Itinerary Export”. This will enable

export of the itinerary to database.

6. Set the Itinerary Status to “Deployed”. This is similar to a business rules engine policy

deployment where a policy can be in published or deployed status.

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7. Set the Export Mode to “Strict”. This mode captures more details about the itinerary and

should be used for any new itinerary. The other mode is called “default” and it is there for

backward compatibility with ESB Guidance 1.0 Itineraries.

8. Set the Encryption Certificate Property if you want to encrypt your itinerary. If you want to

disable encryption you can see the instructions here



9. Other values in the properties windows can be left unchanged.

10. Drag On-Ramp to the design surface.

a. Update the name property of the OnRamp.

b. Select “On-Ramp ESB Extender” as the value of Extender

c. Set the value of BizTalk Application to “Microsoft.Practices.ESB”. This value should

be set to the application where OnRamp exists. In this example we are going to use

an OnRamp that exists in “Microsoft.Practices.ESB” application.

d. Select “OnRamp.Itinerary” receive port as the value of Receive Port. This port is a

one way receive port.

Page 8

11. Drag Itinerary Service to the design surface.

a. Set the name of this service to “RoutingService”

b. Set the value of Itinerary Service Extender to “Messaging Extender”. This instructs

ESB Toolkit to execute this setup in a pipeline.

c. Set the value of Service Name to be “Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Services.Routing”. This

service is a part of the ESB Toolkit. You can create your own messaging services and

register them in ESB.Config and they will become available to you in Visual Studio

Itinerary Designer.

d. Set the Container to “OnRamp1->ReceivePort”. This instructs ESB Toolkit to execute

the routing service in the pipeline for the Receive Port.

e. Tracking Enabled property determine if steps of the itinerary will be tracked in BAM.

f. Right click on the service and add a new Resolver.

g. Set the name of the resolver to “MsmqTest”

h. Set the value of Resolver Implementation to “STATIC”. This implies that we will hard

code the settings in the itinerary

i. Set the Transport Name to “WCF-Custom”

j. Set the Transport Location to “net.msmq://localhost/private/test”. This tells the

WCF Custom adapter to use netMsmqBinding of WCF to send message to MSMQ

k. Set the value of Action to any string. This value is not used in case but its value still

needs to be set.

l. Press the … button for Endpoint Configuration to bring up the configuration dialog


i. Set the BindingType to be “netMsmqBinding”

ii. Set the BindingConfiguration to <binding

name="netMsmqBinding" durable="false"

exactlyOnce="false"><security mode="None"


This setting implies that MSMQ message will be not be transactional or


Page 9

12. Right click on the design surface and select “Validate”

13. If there are no errors you should right click and select “Export” Model

14. If there are no errors you can use test application



a. Set the Itinerary Name to be “wcfmsmq”

b. Set the Version to 1.0

c. Select the appropriate file in the Load Message section

d. Press the “Submit Request”

15. Verify that MSMQ message was written to the Test Queue.

Page 10

Sending messages to Transactional MSMQ using WCF-Custom Adapter

Provider Most of the steps required to accomplish this task are similar to the steps in the previous section.

The only differences are:

1. Create a new private Transaction MSMQ Queue called “trantest”

2. When you create a new resolver it should be named “MsmqTranTest”

3. Transport Location should be “net.msmq://localhost/private/trantest”

4. Binding Configuration should be set to

<binding name="netMsmqBinding" durable="true"

exactlyOnce="true"><security mode="None" /></binding>

Page 11

Creating Custom Adapter Provider for MSMQ We can easily extend ESB Toolkit to create a Custom Adapter Provider for MSMQ. The only

requirement for this is that the adapter which you are invoking has to support dynamic


1. Create a new Class Library project in Visual Studio called


2. Set a reference to C:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk ESB Toolkit


3. Add a strong name key to this project.

4. Add a new class called “AdapterProvider”

Page 12

5. Add a statement using Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Adapter;

6. Inherit the AdapterProvider class from BaseAdapterProvider class.

7. Override the properties AdapterName andAdapterContextPropertyNamespace as shown


8. Add a new XML file to the project called MSMQPropertyManifest.xml. This file has to be

named in AdapterNamePropertyManifest.xml format. This file contains all the MSMQ

Adapter schema properties (

us/library/aa577593(BTS.10).aspx ). These are the properties that are used by BizTalk to

send a message to MSMQ. Partial list of these properties is shown below.

9. Build the class library and add it to Global Assembly Cache.

10. Copy the file MSMQPropertyManifest.xml to C:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk ESB

Toolkit 2.0\Tools\Itinerary Designer

11. Register the adapter provider in esb.config file by adding the line to the section where

other adapter providers have been registered.

<adapterProvider name="MSMQ"


Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Adapter.MSMQ, Version=,

Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d3afc588de1b9f91" moniker="MSMQ"


ties, Version=, Culture=neutral,

PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" />

Page 13

Here the name is the name of the adapter, Type is the .Net type of custom adapter

provider you just created, moniker is Transport Name in the Resolver configuration and

adapter assembly is the BizTalk assembly that contains all the context properties related

to the MSMQ Adapter.

Testing MSMQ Adapter Provider Most of the steps required to accomplish this task are similar to the steps in the previous section.

Non Transactional Queue

The only differences are:

Page 14

1. Name of the Itinerary should be ExpressMsmq.

2. After creating Itinerary Service called RoutingService, you need to add a new Resolver.

3. Resolver Implementation is still STATIC.

4. If your MSMQ Adapter provider registered correctly you should be able to select “MSMQ” as

the Transport Name.


6. You can once again use


\Debug\ESB.Itinerary.Test.exe to test this itinerary.

Transactional Queue

The only differences are:

1. Name of the Itinerary should be TranMsmq.

2. After creating Itinerary Service called RoutingService, you need to add a new Resolver.

3. Resolver Implementation is still STATIC.

4. If your MSMQ Adapter provider registered correctly you should be able to select “MSMQ” as

the Transport Name.


6. Press the … button for Endpoint Configuration to bring up the configuration dialog box and

change the value of Transactional Property to True.

7. You can once again use


\Debug\ESB.Itinerary.Test.exe to test this itinerary.

Page 15

Conclusion ESB Toolkit provides Adapter Providers to allow you to communicate with various BizTalk adapters.

WCF-Custom adapter offers a lot of flexibility because it can use any WCF binding. For example WCF-

Custom can be used to communicate with any of the WCF based adapters that are included in

BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0. When the existing Adapter Providers don’t meet your need you can easily

extend ESB Toolkit to create new Adapter Providers. You can download code samples used in this

article from my blog at

Page 16

Simplified BAM tracking of human intervention in a process

By Brian Loesgen, Principal SOA Architect, Microsoft Corporation,

Earlier this year I created a demo that highlighted integration between BizTalk, ESB Toolkit, InfoPath and SharePoint. Although I was quite happy with my first implementation of my Order Demo (see prior post here that points at videos of completed solution), I wanted to incorporate some BAM tracking in my second version of the demo.

The scenario around the demo is very common and simple: if an order total amount is below a threshold amount, then it flows straight through. If the order total is above the threshold, then it is sent to a SharePoint process site where a human needs to approve/deny it. The BizTalk BRE is what’s making the decision: as an order is received it looks at the total order amount, and applies the appropriate ESB Toolkit itinerary to the order.

The data I wanted to track was simple: when orders needed to be approved or denied, I wanted to track how long it took someone to act on it, the disposition, etc.

The first way I thought of to implement this was go back to my order schema, and add in some new elements like InterventionStart, InterventionEnd and InterventionDisposition to capture the data. That would have worked, but I really didn’t want to change my source schemas just for this, particularly as there were multiple InfoPath forms built off those schemas that would need to be refreshed. Plus, it would mean carrying around content in a message that may only be used for a specialized activity tracking report. So, I started thinking…. there must be a better way. And, I was right.

The way I solved this was by looking at and leveraging the properties surfaced by the SharePoint adapter. For example, timing the duration of an intervention would be a simple matter of tracking “document creation time” (when it was written to the doclist, intervention completed would be the time I picked it up. As a bonus, I could also get other properties, such as what account last modified the document.

The beauty of this approach was that it was completely “touch free”. I didn’t have to go in and modify the document structure, any of the artifacts, nor the InfoPath forms. In fact, I deployed my tracking solution WITHOUT TOUCHING THE ALREADY DEPLOYED AND RUNNING BIZTALK SOLUTION. Pretty cool!

Here’s how the BAM portion of the solution is assembled.

My activity definition looks like this:

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My view definition looks like this:

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I used the Tracking Profile Editor to do the mapping from the tracking model to the physical data items and their respective collection points. Note that there is no orchestration in the mix, we are doing messaging-only BAM, and the screen shot below shows that I have set the port mapping to be the “ReceiveIntervenedOrders” port, and that the data I am picking up is “InCreated” from the SharePoint adapter properties.

And, that’s all there is to it from the collection standpoint. With the tracking profile deployed, any messages coming in through that receive port get the properties tracked.

Finally, now that we are capturing metrics, I needed to render them, and used my favorite tooling for this: SQL Server Reporting Services hosted in SharePoint. Although I rarely work with SSRS, this is what I was able to quickly cobble together:

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A couple of important points to note:

in case you missed it above, I implemented tracking intervention duration with no changes to the existing solution

Both human intervention and the interval tracking is completely de-coupled from the process. There is no orchestration running to time intervention and no corresponding correlation that has to happen. This simplified design means not needing to worry about items deleted from SharePoint, answers that never come, etc…

because I used Reporting Services to define the report, it would be trivial to set up a subscription to do something else with the report, such as run it every Monday morning and email a PDF to an alias

Elapsed time from the point of having the idea to having something working, only about 5 hours. I then spent a couple of hours tweaking the reports. It would have been faster if I were more familiar with SharePoint and Reporting Services.

I heard someone say once that good developers are lazy, as laziness makes them strive for the easiest way to solve problems. In this case, my laziness led me to what I see as a very clean and elegant solution pattern that I can see lots of people taking advantage of.

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Working with BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0 By Steef-Jan Wiggers, Consultant, motion10

Microsoft’s BizTalk Server offering contains the BizTalk Adapter Pack. The Adapter Pack provides interoperability with multiple Line-Of-Business (LOB) applications like SAP, Siebel or Oracle. Currently version 2.0 of the adapter pack is available supporting BizTalk Server 2006 R2 and BizTalk Server 2009 for Developer, Standard, and Enterprise Editions. The Adapter Pack can be purchased separately and is licensed on a per processor basis and BizTalk Server is not required. BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0 is a collection of key Line-of-Business (LOB) application adapters that enables any Windows application to integrate with LOB applications using the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) programming model. These adapters are written using the WCF LOB Adapter SDK, a prerequisite to be able to use the pack. This article will dive into the background of the adapter pack, its architecture, how to install and configure the pack and describes a scenario of how the pack could be used.

Background As BizTalk Server evolved the number of adapters grew the Enterprise Adapters became first class citizen of BizTalk adapter’s collection. Out of the box BizTalk offers a lot of adapters that support numerous databases, protocols and applications. The adapter pack extended the number of adapters to provide more integration capabilities. Interoperability to SAP has been supported by Microsoft since 2000 with connectivity to SAP R/3. Adapters for SAP were based initially on the BizTalk Server Adapter Framework and later on the Adapter Pack 1.0 release which makes use of the Windows Communication Framework (WCF). Besides SAP Microsoft in August 2005 acquired eight .NET based application adapters from iWay. These adapters allowed BizTalk Server customers to easily connect to third-party applications like Amdocs, JD Edwards, Oracle Corp., PeopleSoft, Siebel Systems Inc. and TIBCO Software Inc. This purchase of the iWay adapters took place before the major release of BizTalk Server (2006), SQL Server (2005) and Visual Studio (2005). These adapters, which were based on the BizTalk Server Adapter Framework (.NET Framework 2.0), were bundled into the “Microsoft BizTalk Adapters for Enterprise Applications” offering which targeted at BizTalk 2006 and later BizTalk Server 2006 R2. The Adapter Framework is a set of extensible APIs. The APIs enable developers to take advantage of relevant services within BizTalk Server when building adapters and connectors that integrate third-party applications. Therefore also custom adapters could be made using this framework. Table 1 lists the adapters that are included in ‘Microsoft BizTalk Adapters for Enterprise Applications’.

Table 1: Adapters included in ‘Microsoft BizTalk Adapters for Enterprise


Adapter Description Supported Version

J.D. Edwards Enterprise


8.10,8.11, and 8.12

Page 21

J.D. Edwards OneWorld XE B7.3.3.3 with Service Pack 23, and B7.3.3.4 with Service Pack 23

Oracle Database Provides access to Oracle Database tables, views, stored procedures, functions, and PL/SQL packages and is based on ODBC.

8i, 9i, and 10g

Oracle E-Business Suite Provides access to Oracle eBusiness Suite applications and is based on ODBC.

Oracle E-Business Suite Application

PeopleSoft Enterprise People Tools 8.17.02, 8.43, 8.45, 8.46, and 8.48

Siebel eBusiness


Provides access to Siebel eBusiness Applications via Business Objects, Business Components, and Business Services.

Version 6.2.1 with patch 110 or later, Version 7.0.*, Version 7.5.*, Version 7.7, and Version 7.8

TIBCO Enterprise Message


TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS) version 4.2

TIBCO Rendezvous TIBCO Rendezvous version 7.3

The LOB adapters provided through Microsoft BizTalk Adapters for Enterprise Applications consist of several components. Once these adapters are deployed you might find the following processes running in your environment as you use the design-time and run-time components of the adapters: • Adapter Framework – The adapters are built on the BizTalk Server Adapter Framework. The

Adapter Framework is a set of extensible APIs that enable developers to take advantage of relevant services of BizTalk Server when building adapters and connectors that integrate third-party applications.

• Java Runtime – The Adapter Framework, which is used by the LOB adapters, is dependent upon the Java Runtime (version 1.4.3 or later).

• Browser Agent – This process is used by the Adapter Framework and invoked by Visual Studio .NET. It retrieves and formats metadata from the LOB systems into XSD files that the BizTalk Server development environment can then consume and use. After five minutes of inactivity, it automatically shuts down to release any resources, such as memory, that may have been used. This process appears in Task Manager as browsingagent.exe.

• Runtime Agent – This process is used by the Adapter Framework and is invoked by the BizTalk Server runtime (BtsNtSvc.exe) to call business functions on the LOB systems. Unlike the Browser Agent, the Runtime Agent does not shut down after a period of inactivity. This process appears in Task Manager as runtimeagent.exe.

• Connectors, JAR files – JAR files contain the set of Java classes specific to the LOB system. The Adapter Framework exposes these classes as Java interfaces, which are used to communicate with the BizTalk Server design-time and run-time executables.

The figure below shows the high-level architecture of both the design-time and run-time

components and how they interface with the LOB adapters and the LOB system.

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Figure 1: LOB Adapter process flow.

Microsoft continued to work on improvements of the LOB adapters and in March 2008 the BizTalk Adapter Pack 1.0 was made available. This pack contained three adapters for Siebel, SAP and Oracle Database based on WCF LOB Adapter SDK. It offered the possibility to connect to a variety of clients (such as Microsoft Office, BizTalk Server, and custom .NET applications). The SDK inherently relies on the core WCF concepts, principles, and classes implemented in the .NET Framework 3.0 and later. It provides for a simplified programming model on top of WCF Channel Model to enable adapter developers in creating service-oriented interfaces to existing systems and applications. Microsoft delivered this Pack to enable a flexible integration and application infrastructure connecting LOB systems with a unified open approach on the technology of the WCF programming model. The WCF LOB Adapter SDK provides a set of run-time and design-time components, a .NET object model, and support components including:

Component Description WCF LOB Adapter Development Wizard Provides step-by-step guidance in the creation of

WCF LOB Adapter SDK projects within Visual Studio .NET.

WCF LOB Adapter Service Development Wizard Provides step-by-step guidance in creating a Web project to host an adapter in Internet Information Services (IIS).

WCF LOB Adapter SDK run-time system Supports the WCF LOB Adapter SDK by extending the WCF channel architecture and providing other run-time services.

WCF LOB Adapter SDK object model A collection of classes, types, and interfaces that support common adapter tasks such as metadata normalization, caching, connection management and pooling, and messaging inspection.

Add Adapter Service Reference Plug-in Gives custom .NET applications the ability to consume adapters developed using the WCF LOB Adapter SDK.

Consume Adapter Service Add-in Gives BizTalk Server the ability to consume adapters developed using the WCF LOB Adapter SDK.

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The architecture of WCF LOB Adapter SDK will be described in following architecture paragraph. Picture below will give some insight how adapters interfacing with LOB systems changed with BizTalk Adapter Pack.

Figure 2: BizTalk Adapter Pack 1.0 Architecture

With BizTalk 2009 Microsoft continued their commitment to simplify interoperability. In Server Adapter Pack 2.0, the BizTalk Server Adapter Pack 1.0 was extended with Oracle E-Business Adapter and SQL Server Adapter. This SQL Server adapter replaces the native SQL adapter offered out-of-the-box from BizTalk Server and offers many more features, to name a few:

Support for new data types in SQL2005 and SQL2008 (notably FILESTREAM, varbinary (max))

Insert/Update/Delete/Select operations on tables and views

Invoke (SQL and CLR) Stored procedures, scalar valued functions , table value functions

Supports execution of generic T-SQL statements, via the ExecuteReader(), ExecuteNonQuery() and ExecuteScalar() operations

Configurable polling – polling statement, polling interval, receive multiple result sets

Support for x86 and x64 platforms What is included in the Adapter Pack 2.0 is displayed in table 2 below.

Table 2: Adapter Pack 2.0 features

Adapter Description Supported Version

SAP Supports execution of BAPIs, RFCs, and tRFCs, data exchange using IDOCs, and receiving events from SAP with a generic RFC Server.

SAP R/3 4.x and R/3 6.20

(Enterprise) SAP ECC 6.0




Provides access to Siebel eBusiness Applications via Business Objects, Business Components, and Business Services.

7.5.3, 7.7, 7.8, and 8.0

Page 24


eBusiness Suite

Provides access to Oracle eBusiness Suite applications and is based on ADO.NET.

ODP.NET, Oracle

EBS 11.5.9, 11.5.10 and




Provides access to Oracle Database tables, views, stored procedures, functions, and PL/SQL packages and is based on ADO.NET. Timed polling is also provided, allowing applications to periodically look for changes in the database.

Oracle 9i (, 10g

( &

SQL Server Provides access to SQL Server databases. 2000, 2005, and 2008


Adapter SDK

Provides a simple programming model for developing adapters that are based on Windows Communication Foundation. This is a separate download available to everyone using the .NET Framework 3.0.


What is very important to note here are the supported versions; if for instance you need

compatibility with earlier versions of LOB applications, you will need to use older versions of

adapters like ‘Microsoft BizTalk Adapters for Enterprise Applications’ (non-WCF LOB Adapters).

These non-WCF LOB adapters are deprecated in BizTalk Server 2009 and to achieve a better

supportability you might need to use an older version of BizTalk.

Architecture Adapters in the Adapter Pack 2.0 are based on WCF LOB Adapter SDK, which consists of a runtime, a

collection of APIs, and design-time tools for creating adapters that expose data and operations from

line-of-business systems. Adapters manage messages between the adapter consumer and the line-

of-business system and can consist of metadata, data, or other information. Figure 3 shows the

internal architecture and main components of WCF LOB Adapter SDK.

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Figure 3: Architecture of WCF-Based Adapters.

Picture above shows to types of developers:

1. Solution developer consuming an adapter.

2. Adapter developer implementing a custom adapter.

Adapter development will not be discussed in this article and focus is on the solution developer

working with the Adapter Pack 2.0. Channel implementation is an important part of architecture. An

adapter built using the WCF LOB Adapter SDK is basically a transport channel

(System.ServiceModel.Channels.IServiceListner). It is surfaced to the consumer as a WCF binding,

where the binding is used to create the channel stack. This binding can be considered a peer to other

predefined WCF bindings such as BasicHttpBinding, WsHttpBinding, and NetTcpBinding, and can be

set via app.config or in code by the client application when calling a service. This binding contains an

ordered set of binding elements, with the adapter being the key binding element that derives from

Page 26

the T:System.ServiceModel.Channels.TransportBindingElement class. In an outbound scenario, the

WCF LOB Adapter SDK runtime uses a channel factory to create the adapter (that is, the transport

channel). This scenario will be used to walkthrough usage of adapter pack 2.0 later on in this article.

In an inbound scenario, the WCF LOB Adapter SDK runtime makes use of channel listeners for

incoming channels in a service application. Both run-time as well as design-time messages pass

through this component.

Other important parts of WCF-based architecture for an adapter consumer are:

The Connection Uri Builder allows adapter consumers to programmatically build connection URIs without specific knowledge of syntax.

The Metadata Exchanger is responsible to handles the client’s metadata messages including Adapter SDK’s Browse / Search.

The WSDL Builder provides automatic WSDL generation from the WCF LOB Adapter SDK's internal metadata object model (it can be overridden for scenarios that require custom WSDL generation).

The Metadata Browse/Search allows for browsing and searching all LOB metadata.

The Metadata management is responsible for the object-oriented representation of the caching of the metadata for the target system. Metadata can be held in a common cache accessible across all credentials, or it can be cached per credential basis.

The Connection Pool Management is responsible for the lifetime management of the connections of an adapter. It internally keeps a pool of the connections ready for use. This connection pool is credential and URI-based. The credential contains a user name and password that define the security context the connection runs under.

And important tool for solution developers is the Adapter Metadata Utility (through Add Adapter

Service Reference Plug-in, Consume Adapter Service Add-in) available within Visual Studio, once the

WCF LOB Adapter SDK is installed in your development environment. This will be discussed later on

in the next paragraph. This utility allows the solution developer to generating code for the client (for

outbound scenarios) and for the service (for inbound scenarios) based on operations selected by the

solution developer.

The goal of the WCF LOB Adapter SDK is to facilitate uniform development of reusable metadata-

oriented WCF-based adapters that enable enterprise applications, databases and messaging

platforms to integrate with each other. The picture below will show this with BizTalk Adapter Pack

2.0 in mind which differs with Adapter Pack 1.0 (see picture 2).

Page 27

Figure 3: Adapter Landscape of the BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0.

Installation and Configuration To install the BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0 you will need an environment or a virtual machine with for instance the following components installed:

Operating System like Windows Server 2008 Standard or Enterprise;

SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition;

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1;

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1;

BizTalk Server 2009.

The required environment above will be used as a starting point for usage scenarios for BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0. Other environments are possible having BizTalk Server 2006R2 and Visual Studio 2005. To install the adapter pack 2.0 you will first need to install WCF LOB Adapter SDK SP2. Installation of the SDK is straight forward, but you may run into a pop window telling you to wait for installer to determine disk space. You can get around this problem by executing the following line (run the installation with reduced UI): msiexec /i “<directoryname>\AdapterFramework.msi”/qr

An important note here is that you have to assure that with WCF LOB Adapter SDK you install Runtime, Tools, BizTalk Server Add in and Samples. You can do it running following command line: msiexec /i “<directoryname>\AdapterFramework.msi”/

You probably will not be bothered by pop-window and you can choose/change and add Runtime, and other components as you can see below in the picture.

Page 28

Picture 4: WCF LOB Adapter SDK Setup features to install. The last step to get the Adapter Pack 2.0 installed is the pack itself, available as a 120-day evaluation edition or an officially licensed one through Microsoft. Again a pop-window can ask you to wait for installer to determine disk space and you can use command line if this takes too much time as described above. Installation of Adapter Pack 2.0 is one thing the other will be an enterprise application supported by the pack (see figure 3). To support the walkthroughs with Adapter Pack and Oracle in coming paragraphs I will shortly describe the installation of Oracle 10g Expression that easily be installed on VM having described configuration. Oracle Express Edition can be easily obtained through Oracle Technology Network (OTN) after you have registered yourself. For Oracle Database 10g Express Edition installation you can do the following:

1. Password for both SYS and SYSTEM database you can set for instance: welcome1 2. Below will be shown in next screen and you can leave it as is:

Destination Folder: C:\oraclexe\ Port for 'Oracle Database Listener': 1521 Port for 'Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server': 2030 Port for HTTP Listener: 8080

The above is basically all you have to do for the installation of Oracle 10g Express Edition. The installation will finish with the option to launch the database home page, which you can do to log into the database through SYSTEM account. You then need to unlock the sample user necessary for this scenario. To unlock the sample user account for HR Schema you need to do the following:

Page 29

1. Click the Administration icon, and then click Database Users. 2. Click the HR schema icon to display the user information for HR.

Figure 5: Screenshot of Oracle Database Express Edition: Manage Database Users. 3. Under Manage Database User, enter the following settings:

•Password and Confirm Password: Enter hr for the password. •Account Status: Select Unlocked. •Roles: Ensure that both CONNECT and RESOURCE is enabled.

Page 30

Figure 6: Screenshot of Oracle Database Express Edition: Manage Database User.

4. Click Alter User. Once you have set this up you can check HR Schema by logging in with HR account and password. Go to Browser Objects (1) and select for instance Employees table (2) and then select data (3) and you will see what is shown below.

Figure 7: Screenshot of Object Browser showing data.

Page 31

To work with the Adapter Pack 2.0 and Oracle you will need Oracle.DataAccess.dll version This is included in Oracle 11g ODAC and Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio and available through OTN. ODAC is a zip file you will need to extract. After extraction you are able to execute the setup. In setup you will need to select Oracle Data Access Components for Oracle Client In next screen leave everything as is and proceed to available product components. You only have to select Oracle Data Provider component as shown below, and Oracle Services For Microsoft Transaction Server (additional Oracle Instant Client is selected by Wizard and is required!). To start installation click next and install and check GAC afterwards to verify is correct Oracle.DataAccess.dll is present like picture below.

Figure 8: Screenshot of Assembly Cache showing Oracle.DataAccess assembly version.

Having done all the preparations above us we can now dive into how to build an application that retrieves data from backend system in this case Oracle. Through provided Oracle adapter interoperability can be achieved.

The BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0 in action

Scenario and walkthroughs We will walkthrough how to retrieve data from Oracle’s test DEPARTMENTS table; firstly from a BizTalk perspective using an orchestration, schema and query message and then from a windows application perspective using a .NET client proxy code and a Windows form. Microsoft offers a wide variety of examples based on scenario’s shown in picture 9.

Page 32

Figure 9: Usage and Hosting Scenario’s. Through this location:, the examples of scenario’s depicted in picture 9 can be obtained. These samples are built with Visual Studio 2005 and need to be migrated if you want to apply them in a BizTalk Server 2009 environment. Walkthroughs described following paragraphs will provide for an example of integration with Oracle 10g Express Edition with:

1. Microsoft BizTalk Server using Metadata Utility tool to generate XML Schema’s. 2. Microsoft .NET using Meta Utility tool to generate .NET Client Proxy.

Adapter with BizTalk Server Walkthrough

The following tasks need to be performed in Visual Studio:

1. Create a new Empty BizTalk project and Name it: HR_Messaging. 2. Go to your project and right-click, navigate to Add Add Generated Items … and click on it 3. Select Add Adapter Metadata, click Add 4. Select WCF-OracleDB from list of registered adapters and click Next 5. The Consume Adapter Service Window will pop up (Adapter Metadata Utility Tool) and you

can select OracleDB binding and click on configure and pop up window will appear called configure adapter.

Page 33

Figure 10: Screenshot of Configure Adapter Window.

6. Within Configure Window select on security tab Username for client credential type. 7. Fill in user name HR and password hr. 8. Select next Tab URI Properties and fill in the Server Address: that is your computer name and

Service Name: XE and then click OK. 9. Click Connect and contract type and category should appear. 10. Select HR in category and click, and navigate to the DEPARTMENTS table.

Page 34

Figure 11: Screenshot of Consume Adapter Service Add In.

11. Choose Select in available categories and operations and click Add. 12. Click Ok and a schema will be generated. 13. Rename BizTalk Orchestration to Department_Query.odx. 14. Delete multi-message parts in orchestration viewer. 15. Place four shapes in the orchestration designer: Receive, Send, Receive, Send and name

them accordingly: a. ReceiveMessage b. SendMessage c. ReceiveResponse d. SendResponse

16. In the Orchestration View create two messages by right clicking on message and selecting add new message:

a. First message is a request message: i. Identifier: Request ii. Message Type: HR_Messaging.OracleDBBinding_DEPARTMENTS.Select

b. Second message is a response message: i. Identifier: Response

Page 35

ii. Message Type: HR_Messaging.OracleDBBinding_DEPARTMENTS.SelectResponse

17. Next create three ports: a. Click new configured port:

i. Name: FileIn ii. PortTypeName: FileInType iii. Communication Pattern: One-Way iv. Access Restriction: Internal – limited to this project v. Port direction of communication: I’ll always be receiving messages on this

port vi. Port Binding: Specify later vii. Operation Identifier: Select

b. Click new configured port: i. Name: LOBPort ii. Use Exsisting Port: HR_Messaging.HR_Table_DEPARTMENTS iii. Port direction of communication: I’ll be a sending a request and receiving a

response iv. Port Binding: Specify later

c. Click new configured port: i. Name: SaveResponse ii. PortTypeName: SaveResponse Type iii. Communication Pattern: One-Way iv. Access Restriction: Internal – limited to this project v. Port direction of communication: I’ll always be sending messages on this

port vi. Port Binding: Specify later vii. Operation Identifier: Select

18. Configure the shapes accordingly: a. ReceiveMessage Shape

i. Message: Request ii. Activate: True iii. Connect to FileIn Port (Request)

b. SendMessage i. Message: Request ii. Connect to LOBPort (Request)

c. ReceiveResponse i. Message: Response ii. Connect to LOBPort (Response)

d. SendResponse i. Message: Response ii. Connect to SaveResponse (Response)

19. Your orchestration should look like picture below.

Page 36

Figure 12: Screenshot of Department Query Orchestration.

20. Next build your solution. 21. Right-click your project in solution explorer and go to signing 22. Select sign assembly and click new

a. Name: HR_Messaging b. Unselect Protect my key file with a password c. Click Ok

23. Go to deployment tab and fill in Application Name: HR_Messaging 24. Right click on project and click Deploy. 25. Create an instance of Select Message by right clicking on your generated schema and click

generate instance. Message: <ns0:Select xmlns:ns0="http://Microsoft.LobServices.OracleDB/2007/03/HR/Table/DEPARTMENTS">



26. Click on URL in Output Window and copy message to notepad 27. Save it as TestInstance.xml, with UTF-8 encoding in the folder where your solution resides. 28. Create in that folder two new folders called IN and RESPONSE. 29. Go to BizTalk Administration Console and open BizTalk Group. 30. Navigate to HR_Messaging Application and right-click to Configure.

Page 37

31. Select Orchestration and select BizTalk Host. 32. Next configure ports:

a. New Receive Port: i. Name: ReceivePort FileIn ii. Receive Location: new

1. Name: Receive Location FileIn 2. Type: File

a. Configure file location (folder in solution directory called IN) 3. Receive Pipeline: XML Receive

b. New Send Port i. Name: Send Port LOB ii. Type: WCF-Custom

1. Configure select on Binding Tab the Binding Type OracleDBBinding

Figure 13: Screenshot of WCF-Custom Transport Properties Window.

iii. On General tab fill in URI: oracledb://<your machine name> iv. SOAP Action Header:

Page 38

Action: http://Microsoft.LobServices.OracleDB/2007/03/HR/Table/DEPARTMENTS/SELECT

c. New Send Port: i. Name: SendPort Response ii. Type: File

1. Configure file location (folder in solution directory called RESPONSE) iii. Receive Pipeline: PassThruTransmit

33. Finally right click application and click Start. 34. Check if proper access rights are applied to folders, if not do so by right click folders IN and

RESPONSE and add BizTalk Application Users in Security Tab. 35. Modify Test Instance message by opening it and change as displayed below:

<Select xmlns="http://Microsoft.LobServices.OracleDB/2007/03/HR/Table/DEPARTMENTS">



36. Save the message as depicted above. 37. Copy TestInstance.Xml to IN folder 38. Browse to the RESPONSE folder and a message similar to the one below should have been

received as a response:

Figure 14: Screenshot of response message.

Adapter with .NET Walkthrough

The following tasks need to be performed in Visual Studio:

1. Create a new Windows Forms Application project and Name it: HRApplication. 2. Navigate to Form1 in your project and rename it to DEPARMENT SEARCH. 3. In property windows of form rename Text to Department Search 4. On form place the following controls:

a. Label i. Name: lblDepartment ii. Text: Department

Page 39

b. Textbox i. Name: txtDepartment

c. Button i. Name: btnSearch ii. Text: Search

d. Label i. Name: lblResult ii. Text: Result

e. Textbox i. Name:txtResult ii.

5. Form should look like something below

Figure 15: Screenshot of Windows form.

6. Next right click you project and click Add Adapter Service Reference … 7. The Add Adapter Reference Window will pop up (Adapter Metadata Utility Tool) and you can

select OracleDB binding and click on configure and pop up window will appear called configure adapter.

8. Within Configure Window select on security tab Username for client credential type. 9. Fill in user name HR and password hr. 10. Select next Tab URI Properties and fill in Server Address: that is your computer name and

Service Name: XE and then click OK. 11. Click Connect and contract type and category should appear. 12. Select HR in category and click, and navigate to tables to DEPARTMENTS. 13. Choose Select in available categories and operations and click Add. 14. Click Ok and a .NET class OracleDBBindingClient.cs will be generated. 15. The generated class acts as a .NET Client Proxy. Now go to Windows Form and click on

Search button. 16. Paste the following code in the code behind:

using microsoft.lobservices.oracledb._2007._03.HR.Table.DEPARTMENTS;

17. Paste the following code inside the brackets of bth_Search_Click():

Page 40

18. Build solution by right clicking project in solution explorer and click build. 19. Click F5 to run. 20. Fill in ‘IT’ in Department and Click Search. 21. Result should look like screen below:

Figure 16: Screenshot of Windows form performing a search.

Conclusion In this article I gave some historical background on BizTalk’s LOB Adapters while focusing on the current BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0 and its WCF programming model. Two walkthroughs provided Adapter Pack usage scenarios; one using BizTalk Server and the other using Microsoft .NET. The Adapter Pack provides versatile and consistent interoperability with LOB systems like SAP, Siebel, Oracle, and TIBCO. Data can be exposed through adapters to BizTalk Server, .NET, MOSS, SQL Server

Page 41

or IIS depending on usage/hosting scenarios. Migration of solutions between these different usage scenarios is made easier due to the shared use of the WCF programming model. Do bear in mind that the version of the LOB system you want to integrate with depends on supported versions of Adapter Pack 2.0. If you require interoperability with older versions of a LOB system you may have to turn to a non-WCF LOB Adapter as mentioned in this article.

Resources Microsoft Adapter Pack 1.0:


Microsoft BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0 Installation Guide:


BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0 now Released!!!:

WCF LOB Adapter SDK:


BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0:

Oracle 10g Express Edition:

BizTalk Adapter Pack 2.0 Oracle Binding:


Microsoft Adds Eight Application Adapters for BizTalk Server:

WCF LOB Adapter SDK and BizTalk Adapter Pack:

Whitepaper: WCF LOB Adapter SDK and the BizTalk Adapter Pack:


Acknowledgements I would like to thank my colleagues Sander Nefs, Gary Daly and Tomasso Groenendijk from motion10

helping through auditing and editing this article. Thanks a lot guys!

Page 42

Empowering BizTalk management Introducing the PowerShell provider for BizTalk

By: Maxime Labelle, Michel Hubert and Randal van Splunteren

Introduction Management is a fundamental key for a successful BizTalk platform. In fact, because of BizTalk

typically addressing integration scenarios managing flow of data, the availability of a BizTalk

platform depends on upstream and downstream systems. Moreover, some flows are near real time.

So, robust management capabilities are crucial to run those often mission critical systems. By

default, Microsoft provides some useful tools to administrate a BizTalk platform. For example, we

can notice the Administration Console, a command-line tool and APIs. But the provided tools are not

easy-to-use by IT Operations. The APIs are complex and heterogeneous, indeed, to administrate

BizTalk, you have deal with various technologies like WMI, runtime Dlls, registry keys, some

information on the management database and more.

The purpose of this project is to provide more useful and easy tools mainly for IT Operations in order

to :

Automate administrative tasks

Automate deployment of BizTalk applications avoiding human errors

This article describes how Windows PowerShell can be utilized to achieve those goals.

What is PowerShell Windows PowerShell is Microsoft’s main shell and scripting technology. The first version (v 1.0) was

released in 2006, in October 2009 the second version (v 2.0) came out.

Every administrator or developer knows it is quite cumbersome to automate tasks using batch files,

VBScripts or Windows Scripting Host. There is no uniformity, it is very hard to debug and lacks easy

ways to work with variables across different processes to name only a couple of disadvantages. In

fact PowerShell is Microsoft’s effort to overcome the limitations of the old ‘cmd.exe’ shell and

accompanying scripting technologies.

PowerShell has been built from the ground-up with four principles in mind:

Object orientation – PowerShell itself is a .Net application, hence leverages the .Net

Framework. Everything in PowerShell is an object. While other shells exchange information

between commands using text strings, PowerShell exchanges object instances.

Extension mechanism – PowerShell comes with a consistent, well-documented API that

makes it easy to extend it using a .Net language like (C# or Visual Basic). The API provides

interfaces for building new commands, hosts, providers, etc.

Backward compatibility – Existing scripts and batch files run in PowerShell. Users don’t have

to throw away scripts they currently use. This makes it possible to migrate gradually and use

heterogeneous scripts to do tasks.

Page 43

Consistency and uniformity – PowerShell makes it possible to manage and control different

technologies. Examples are SQL Server, Exchange, file system, the registry, etc. The great

thing is that you have to learn only one scripting language and syntax to control it all.

In the above diagram the architecture of PowerShell is shown. Its modular structure makes it easy to

extend. You can build for example your own graphical user interface (GUI) to host the runtime.

PowerShell (version 2.0) comes with two host implementations out of the box, a command line shell

and Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE). If this does not meet the requirements you can build

your own host.

Features like remoting (in version 2.0) can make this even more powerful.

At the bottom of the diagram we see the cmdlet providers and cmdlets. cmdlets represent the

implementation of commands. A cmdlet provider is the implementation of a set of related cmdlets

used to browse and manage a certain technology or product. PowerShell comes out of the box with

providers for the file system, the registry and environment variables.

Also we will probably see more and more products have their management GUI run on top of

PowerShell. Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 for example has its own PowerShell provider to manage

the server. The Exchange management console is built on top of this provider and uses it to process

management commands. When the user needs scripting, the provider can be “accessed directly” by

using PowerShell shell.

Why a provider for BizTalk As we’ve seen, Windows PowerShell relies on a set of additional software components, known as

providers, the purpose of which is to abstract away the intricacies and specificities of a given server

platform while exposing its underlying functionality in a consistent manner.

Fortunately, Windows PowerShell has been designed from the ground up as a highly open and

extensible platform. Therefore it is capable of supporting an arbitrary number of third-party

providers that help administer otherwise unsupported platforms.

Page 44

Today, many server software components, even originating from third-party vendors, come with

PowerShell bindings, either built-in or in addition. But, this is still not the case for BizTalk. Even as of

BizTalk Server 2009, no news of a potential provider came from Redmond. With all the effort

Microsoft is devoting towards making Windows PowerShell a key piece of its strategy with regards

to the next generation of its server platforms, it only made sense to build a provider for BizTalk.

Incidentally, as of this writing, Microsoft BizTalk Server 2009 R2 has been officially announced and,

pursuant to this policy, Microsoft has announced the support of PowerShell for the most common

used administration and management tasks. It is still unclear though, as to what the real scope of

the future provider will be.

Anyhow, with our provider, a user can now automate a large spectrum of administrative tasks in a

single consistent way. In fact, the most common deployment activities with regards to BizTalk

solutions are supported, with more to come in future releases.

Thanks to its respectable set of built-in cmdlets, the provider for BizTalk allows to quickly interact

with a BizTalk solution from the command-line. Combined with the flexibility of the command-line

pipeline, the provider makes it easy to perform various tasks on many BizTalk artifacts

simultaneously with previously unmatched feedback and speed.

Equally as important, the hierarchical nature of the underlying object model allows designing a rich

library of reusable scripts for systems administrators and developers. This object model supports a

virtual data store that has been modeled after the BizTalk Server Administration MMC Snap-In, so as

to make it familiar to any seasoned “BizTalker”.

Coupled with other existing providers – e.g. Internet Information Services, SQL Server – or cmdlets –

e.g. Event Log - the PowerShell provider for BizTalk adds another powerful tool to the systems

administrator’s toolbox.

Architecture The project is divided into two parts: a core object model and a PowerShell provider for BizTalk.

The object model must be considered as the main part of the project and we can consider the

PowerShell provider as an example of the implementation of the object model.

The object model provides a unique and uniform way to administrate a BizTalk Platform. It can be

used by any kind of application. The PowerShell provider allows a better integration into System

Center Operations Manager for example and gives IT Operations the capabilities to manage the

platform efficiently and to automate by scripting administrative tasks.

Management Automation Layer

The BizTalk Management Automation layer is the fundamental building block on which the provider

is actually built. It provides a façade over the numerous and heterogeneous libraries supporting the

automation of a BizTalk group.

Page 45

This layer serves several purposes:

First, it helps unify the various technologies one needs to use in order to effectively program against

a BizTalk group.

Indeed, the BizTalk runtime on which the automation layer is built spans a wide range of different

assemblies and programming paradigms. The Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM assembly, used for

starting and stopping applications for instance, exposes a neat hierarchical object model that

supports transactional access to the underlying management database. Whereas the

Microsoft.BizTalk.ApplicationDeployment assembly, used for exporting an application and creating a

Windows Installer package, makes direct use of the SQL Server data access client libraries and

commits changes immediately to the database. Other tasks, such as programmatically creating a

new BizTalk host or host instance, can only be carried out through the use of the BizTalk WMI

provider. Finally, working with the Business Rules Engine requires a totally different API and object


That’s why the automation layer tries very hard to iron out all these differences. This is an important

goal by itself. Without the automation layer, all those differences would ultimately trickle down to

the end user. Because PowerShell lets you work with objects, it would force script authors to know

and understand these differences when using the provider.

By building an abstraction over the BizTalk runtime libraries, the automation layer exposes a

complete, stable and hierarchical object model over BizTalk artifacts. It enables you to perform

various tasks on BizTalk groups, including administrating and deploying BizTalk solutions. In the same

way that Windows Powershell aims to provide a consistent way to administer several heterogeneous

platforms, the goal of the automation layer is to provide a façade over various distinct underlying

technologies in a single unified object library.

Another purpose of this layer is to provide a strong foundation on which to build additional tools

that target the BizTalk programming model. Although the boundary between dynamic and static

languages is increasingly becoming somewhat fuzzy, the scenarios for using scripts versus statically

Page 46

compiled programs do not completely overlap. If you need a more long-term solution than what

scripts can provide, you may want to create a full blown .Net application or framework to

accommodate your needs.

It is our aim for the BizTalk Management Automation layer that it is adopted by a wider audience of

software developers and architects in order to help them support any number of unanticipated


The primary role for the BizTalk Management Automation Layer is to be a supporting library for the

provider, but it can be used as a standalone project that does not in fact incur any dependencies on

PowerShell. This makes it an ideal candidate to use in your own programming projects around

administrating and manipulating BizTalk artifacts.


It is obvious that the PowerShell provider for BizTalk lets the user manage BizTalk. Of course this is

done in the uniform PowerShell way. Basically it provides two things:

a way of navigating through the BizTalk artifacts

a set of BizTalk specific cmdlets (acting upon the fore mentioned BizTalk artifacts)

As far as navigation is concerned the provider has the same structure of artifacts that we’re used to

in the BizTalk administration console. This means we start at the top level with the BizTalk group,

which in PowerShell terms is called a drive. One level below we find the applications and platform

settings container, etc. The figure below shows a screenshot of how we can navigate through this


Page 47

The BizTalk cmdlets are used to instruct BizTalk to perform a certain task. In the current release of

the provider there are about 27 cmdlets implemented. Some samples are: Start-Application, Add-

Reference and Restart-HostInstance.

As mentioned before PowerShell works with objects. This means all commands that return data

actually return objects and all commands that process data need at least one object as input. The

BizTalk PowerShell provider does this by providing and returning objects from the BizTalk

Management Automation Layer. For example when we get a list of all BizTalk applications for a

certain BizTalk group we can use the Get-ChildItem command on the applications container. This

command returns an array of BtsApplication objects from the Management Automation Layer. Also

when we for example want to start a host instance we would use the Start-HostInstance cmdlet. This

cmdlet expects a parameter of type BtsHostInstance object or a path pointing to a BtsHostInstance


Usage sample One of the main tasks of a BizTalk administrator is to help to install incremental versions of an

application during the quality assurance phase. As part of this work, one has to perform a set of

operations on one or several BizTalk applications in order to ensure a high level of availability. This is

particularly true if this solution is part of a greater project in the enterprise.

In order to assess the quality and conformance of an upgraded application, the following tasks are


Backup an existing application, including the deployed assemblies and associated bindings,

Potentially remove an existing application, including removing assemblies from the GAC,

Import the updated application and its bindings.

Scenario Overview

This section demonstrates, in the scope of a very simple application, how the provider for BizTalk

makes it easy to address this scenario. For the purposes of this article, let’s focus on an application

that receives, as part of a nightly batch, a set of “items” from a back-end system. Each “item”

consists of a record in the incoming flat file, and can be represented by a unique identifier and a

textual description.

The application uses a Receive pipeline with a FlatFileDisassembler component in order to split the

incoming batch into individual records and map them to a corresponding XML messages, a process

known as debatching. Each message is treated by a dedicated instance of a processing orchestration.

As part of its processing, information about the message needs to be logged to an external

monitoring system for legal purposes. The orchestration makes use of a simple C# helper class to do

this job.

Finally, each processed item needs to be made available to a legacy application that listens on a

shared directory.

The application consists in the following components:

Page 48

HotRod.Samples.Messaging.dll: This BizTalk assembly holds the XML schemas and

associated maps.

HotRod.Samples.Staging.dll: This BizTalk assembly holds a custom pipeline with a

FlatFileDisassembler used to disassemble incoming flat files.

HotRod.Samples.Processing.dll: a simple orchestration that processes each item as they are


HotRod.Samples.Helper.dll: a simple C# library, with a helper class that consists of a single

static method.

The following illustration shows our BizTalk application up and running on the quality assurance

platform as it appears from the BizTalk Administration Console.

The following tutorial will walk you through the steps required to implement a set of custom

CmdLets that leverage the PowerShell provider for BizTalk. In the same way as one can combine

existing CmdLets to perform complex operations, we will combine our own CmdLets as well. Note

that error handling will be omitted as it falls outside the scope of this article. So, let’s get started!

A CmdLet template

Before we dive into the actual work, we need to plan for the CmdLet that we’ll be writing. As of the

latest release of Windows PowerShell, the syntax for authoring custom CmdLets from scripts has

been slightly modified. The following code shows our new template for writing a custom CmdLet.

Page 49

Function Backup-Application


[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Path")]

param (

[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Path")]

[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

[Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)





if (!$inputObject) { $inputObject = (Get-Item $path) }

# do something with $inputObject


Since we would like our functions to accept input from a pipeline, we make use of the

ValueFromPipeline and ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName attributes. The first one is useful when

we pass objects down from the pipeline. The second one helps for the cases where objects from the

pipeline expose a property named “Path” or “PSPath”. Fortunately, most PowerShell objects are

“decorated” this way.

Thus, the following syntaxes will be possible:

PS:\> Backup-Application –Path 'BizTalk:\Applications\BizTalk HotRod Application'

PS:\> (Get-ChildItem BizTalk:\Applications) | Backup-Application

Before PowerShell 2.0, such functions written directly within Powershell used to be known as script-

CmdLets. They are now officially called advanced functions.

Backing-up an application

In case our upgrade does not go well, we need to make sure we do not disrupt the activity of the

quality assurance lab. Therefore, we need to backup the existing application before we upgrade. The

backup strategy goes like this:

Export the application to a Windows Installer .MSI package in order to be able to rollback in

case of a problem, as well as the associated bindings and transport options, using the

“Export- Application” CmdLet.

It’s nice to also have the bindings backed-up because in case we need to have a look at the

configuration of old bindings without resorting to import the full application back to BizTalk.

We will use the “Export-Bindings” CmdLets here.

Export-Application –Path $path –Package $package

Export-Bindings –Path $path –Destination $bindings

Uninstalling an application

As a matter of policy for preventing potential conflicts caused by an upgrade, we prefer that new

versions of an application be installed from a clean state. Therefore we want to completely remove

the application from BizTalk as well as the file system.

Page 50

In order to remove an application from BizTalk, we must first completely stop the

application. This disables all receive locations, and sets all send ports and orchestrations into

the unlisted state. The “Stop-Application” CmdLet is available for this task. The added benefit

of completely stopping an application is that potentially suspended service instances are

also removed.

Removing the application from BizTalk leverages the standard “Remove-Item” CmdLet that is

overridden by the provider for BizTalk on its own artifacts. The provider exposes functions

to support item removal in a standard and consistent way.

Finally the application is then uninstalled from the operating system using Windows

Installer’s msiexec.exe command-line utility.

Stop-Application –Path $path –StopOption StopAll

Remove-Item –Path $path -Recurse

# Get Package CLSID

$clsid = Get-ChildItem $targetDir |

Where-Object -FilterScript {

$_ -match "^[A-F0-9]{8}\-([A-F0-9]{4}\-){3}[A-F0-9]{12}$" } |

ForEach-Object -Process { $_.Name }

$expression = "msiexec /x `"{$clsid}`" /qn"

Invoke-Expression $expression

In order to uninstall the application using the Windows Installer utility, we make use of the

knowledge that when BizTalk solutions are installed on disk, there is an additional folder in its

directory hierarchy. This folder is conveniently named after the unique identifier of the Windows

Installer package used to install the application in the first place.

Therefore, uninstalling is a simple matter of calling the following command-line:

C:\> msiexec /x <package identifier>

However, you’ll notice that for the call to the msiexec.exe utility, we need to create a representation

of the intended command-line as a string which is passed on to the “Invoke-Expression” CmdLet.

Indeed, for reasons that pertain to the way legacy command-line utilities are usually written, and the

peculiar parsing engine of Windows PowerShell, it can sometimes be very difficult to call command-

line tools from script. In effect, we need to combine a bunch of escape characters and double

quotation marks in just about the right sequence in order to achieve seemingly simple results.

Removing assemblies from the GAC

One curious omission of the uninstall process is that assemblies that are registered into the Global

Assembly Cache (GAC) are not actually removed. Our goal is to start installation from a clean state.

Therefore, we need to remove the assemblies that are part of our solution ourselves.

Page 51

One possibility would be to use the GacUtil.exe command-line utility that ships with the Microsoft

.Net Framework SDK. However, this would require us to package this utility because we are almost

certain that it is not already present on the target platform. However, GacUtil is not redistributable.

Besides, calling GacUtil from a custom action as part of an installation is not recommended.

That leaves us, for our simple scenario, with an intermediate solution that consists in calling into

internal classes from the framework to perform the operation. It is not particularly clean, but at

least, we sure stay away from legal proceedings!

[Reflection.Assembly]::Load($assembly) | Out-Null

$gacutil = New-Object System.EnterpriseServices.Internal.Publish

if (Test-Path $path) {



Installing an application

Installing an application is a two way operation that consists of first importing the contents of the

.MSI package into the BizTalk Management database, and then installing the assemblies on the file


These are the exact reversed operations that we performed during uninstall.

Importing the application into BizTalk is best done with the “Import-Application” CmdLet.

Since in our scenario we are actually upgrading an existing version of our BizTalk solution,

we would like the bindings to be automatically re-applied. This is done by calling the

“Import-Bindings” CmdLet.

Import-Application -Path . -Package (Get-Item $package)

if ($bindings) {

$path = "$((Resolve-Path .).Drive.Root)\Applications\$name"

Import-Bindings -Path $path -Source $bindings


Notice that we hit a kind of a conundrum here since that, in order to import the bindings, we need

to know the path of the application that has just been installed. So a quick hack is to record the root

of the current drive and combine it with the relative path to the application, given its name.

Future versions of the provider will probably return the application object from the

“Import-Application” CmdLet to prevent this situation.

Finally, installing the application is performed by calling the msiexec.exe utility with the path

to the .MSI installation package with which to upgrade. In a similar way than before, we first

create a string representation of the command-line with proper escape-sequences before

calling the “Invoke-Expression” CmdLet.

Page 52

$property = "TARGETDIR=```"$targetDir```""

$expression = "msiexec /i `"$package`" /qn $property"

Invoke-Expression $expression

Upgrading an application

Since we now have a (somewhat) useful set of dedicated functions, let’s combine them together

with other CmdLets from the provider in order to automatically backup an application before

installing a new version.

Not surprisingly, we’ll call this function “Upgrade-Application”.

if (Test-Path $path)


Backup-Application -Path $path -Destination $backupDir

Uninstall-Application -Path $path -targetDir $targetDir


Install-Application -Name $name -Package $package -TargetDir $targetDir

The above example shows how BizTalk can be easily managed in a flexible way from within

PowerShell. Administrators can create their own script library so repetitive tasks can be executed

over and over again.

Future plans As explained earlier, the PowerShell provider must be considered as a first and complete example of

a management tool for BizTalk Server. Based on the object model, the second step is to provide

other complementary tools. We can quote:

- WCF services for interoperability

- A new concept of web-based Management Dashboard

More information More information on the provider can be found at A getting started

guide can be downloaded from here: http://cid-


More information on PowerShell at:


An article to get started with PowerShell can be found at:

About the authors Maxime Labelle, SOA Architect (

Maxime currently works as a Software Architect for Logica Management Consulting and is involved

in the design and implementation of Software Oriented Architectures. He is essentially interested in

Page 53

the various platforms and technologies that Microsoft has developed over time and is currently

bringing his attention to the Microsoft BizTalk Server platform.

Michel HUBERT, MVP BizTalk (

Michel works for Logica Management Consulting as SOA Architect specialized on Microsoft

technologies. He is expert on SQL Server, SharePoint, BizTalk Server, System Center Operations

Manager and .Net in general speaking. He is a speaker for Microsoft events such as TechDays and

animates a French community about SOA :

Randal van Splunteren, Consultant (

Randal works as a consultant for Aviva Solutions in the Netherlands. He focuses on EAI, BPM and

SOA using the Microsoft .Net platform especially Microsoft BizTalk Server. Randal has worked with

all BizTalk versions and is a BizTalk Server MCTS.

Page 54

HL7 Accelerator v2.0 [BTAHL7] By Toon Vanhoutte [],

BizTalk Consultant @ Delaware Consulting

Audience: BizTalk Developers

Technologies: BizTalk Server 2006/2009, VS.NET 2005/2008

Skill level: Beginner to Expert

General The BizTalk Accelerator for HL7 is part of the BizTalk Accelerators package. The accelerator offers

the BizTalk developer a wide range of extra tools/components that make the implementation for

health care integration scenarios a lot easier and faster.

HL7 Standard HL7 (Health Level 7) is a messaging standard that enables clinical applications to exchange data.

The radiology information system (RIS), lab information system (LIS), hospital information system

(HIS) and electronic medical record (EMR) need to communicate with one another seamlessly. The

HL7 messaging standard is used worldwide and is still being modified to meet the changing data

needs of the healthcare world.

The structure of a HL7 message resembles that of EDI. A HL7 message consists of segments. Each

segment consists of one or more composites, also known as fields. The MSH (Message Header)

segment includes the sender and receiver of the message, the message type, and the date it was

sent. Every HL7 message specifies MSH as the first segment. Over 120 different segments are

available for use in HL7 messages. The PID segment, for example, contains the patient information.

MSH|^~\&|EPIC|EPICADT|SMS|SMSADT|199912271408|CHARRIS|ADT^A04|1817457|D|2.5| PID||0493575^^^2^ID 1|454721||DOE^JOHN^^^^|DOE^JOHN^^^^|19480203|M||B|254 8ST^^EUCLID^OH^44123^USA||(216) |||M NK1||CONROY^MARI^^^^|SPO||(216)731-4359||EC||||||||||||||||||||||||||| PV1||O|168 ~219~C~PMA^^^^^^^^^||||277^ALLEN FADZL^BONNIE^^^^|||||||||| ||264|||||||||||||||||||||||||198||||||005

Some special characters separate one composite in a segment from another, or separate one sub-

composite from another. Here's a quick overview of those delimiter characters:

Character Purpose

0x0D Marks the end of each segment

| Composite delimiter

^ Sub-composite delimiter

& Sub-sub-composite delimiter

~ Separates repeating fields

\ Escape character

Page 55

BTAHL7 Components

Schema Generator

A HL7 message can have a complex structure. I would take many hours to develop a schema by

yourself. The BizTalk HL7 Accelerator offers you an enormous range of standard HL7 schemas. You

can add them to your Visual Studio project, by a simple schema generation tool.

HL7 Disassembler & HL7 Assembler

The HL7 disassembler is a pipeline component that parses incoming HL7-encoded messages into

XML segments for processing. It performs validation of the message header and basic validation of

the body. It determines the schema that it uses to parse the HL7 message, determines the source

party for the message, and performs additional validation of the body (if enabled for the party). The

HL7 disassembler can also generate ACK messages.

The HL7 assembler serializes XML segments into an outgoing HL7 (flat file) message. It determines

the schema that it uses to serialize the HL7 message, determines the destination party for the

message, and performs validation of the body (if enabled for the party).

These important pipeline components are available in Visual Studio, so you can use these

components in your own custom pipelines. BizTalk also has four default HL7 pipelines that contain

these components.

MLLP Adapter

This adapter is a TCP/IP socket adapter that uses the Minimal Lower Layer Protocol (MLLP). That

protocol is often used in healthcare solutions. MLLP wraps messages inside a <SB> Start Block

character and a <EB> End Block character. The adapter supports ordered delivery, which is often a


Batch Orchestration

The HL7 Accelerator provides an orchestration (BatchOrchestration.dll) that is capable to process

batches of HL7-encoded (2.X) messages and/or acknowledgments (ACKs). The orchestration works

with batch activation, batch termination, and batch timer messages that BTAHL7 uses to control


HL7 Configuration Explorer

This management console can be accessed in this way: Start > All Programs > Microsoft BizTalk

Accelerator for HL7 2.0 > BTAHL7 Configuration Explorer. You can configure some extra settings for

each HL7 party. For example settings about validation, ACK’s, batching, MSH map,…

HL7 Schemas A ‘normal’ XSD-Schema exists of one schema file. Due to the complexity of HL7 and the different

interpretations of the HL7 standard, a HL7 schema file should be very complex. BizTalk covers this

problem by having the data fields, segments and tables - that identify looping structures - defined in

separate schemas per version. Those version-specific schemas are used in the individual schema for

each message type. These references give the schema an object-oriented way of developing.

Page 56

The benefit of this approach is that schemas can be both globally and locally modified.

Modifications that must apply for each message type have to be done in the definitional schema.

Changes, for a specific message type only, must occur in the message schema.

Adding schemas to your solution

After installation of the accelerator, Visual Studio offers you a range of BTAHL7 projects. These

projects contain the predefined definitional HL7 schemas, per version. First, add all definitional

BTAHL7 projects to your solution. Then, add a project for the HL7 message schemas. This project

needs references to the definitional projects, because it uses these segments/datatypes/values.

A quick overview of the solution structure:

BTAHL7V2X: contains the standard Message Header en Acknowledgement schemas

Delaware.HL7.BTAHL7V2X: contains the customized Acknowledgement schemas (custom namespace)

Delaware.HL7.BTAHL7V23: contains the customized definitional schemas for all V 2.3 message schemas (custom namespace)

Delaware.HL7.Schemas: contains the customized message schemas (custom namespace)

Schema name and namespace

In BizTalk a schema is uniquely defined by the following combination:


The RootNodeName of a HL7 schema has the following fixed structure:


Because the RootNodeName must be fixed, the way that customized schemas are differentiated

from the standard schemas is by altering the SchemaNamespace on the customized schemas.

The standard BizTalk HL7 SchemaNamespace is:

Page 57

The only way to change the namespace of a standard HL7 schema to your own custom namespace is

by executing a Find/Replace so that for example all are

replaced by http://Delaware/HL7/2X. Do not forget to change also the namespace of the referenced

definitional schema.

In the BTAHL7 Configuration Explorer you can specify for each party the corresponding namespace:


It is important to know how BizTalk handles Z-Segments. Z-Segments are used to add some extra

information to a message, which is not described in the standard. Standard HL7 allows the use of Z-

Segments, but Z-Segments are not predefined. So they are 100% custom segments.

It's important to be aware of how BizTalk processes a HL7 message. In the receive pipeline, a

message is transformed into the XML representation of the message. This XML message is a multi-

part message. It consists of 3 parts:

MSHSegment [Type = System.Xml.XmlDocument]

BodySegments [Type = HL7 message schema]

ZSegments [Type = System.String]

BizTalk assumes that Z-Segments are always at the end of a message. So when the HL7 Disassembler

parses the HL7 message and an unknown Z-Segment is found; it writes all the next segments to the

ZSegments part of the multi-part message, as a string. Why as a string? Because BizTalk does not

know the definition of those segments, so a Z-Segment cannot be serialized to XML.

Page 58

This means that standard segments that are placed behind an unknown Z-Segment will be treated as

Z-Segments. This can lead to a validation error, because mandatory segments are missing. To solve

this problem, you must customize the message schemas. Add all expected Z-Segments

(optional/mandatory) to the message schema. Now BizTalk will not threat these segments as

unknown Z-Segments, but as any other known body segment.

Custom Trigger Event

Some hospitals make use of a custom trigger event, for example an event called ZAP for the MFN message type. Just like Z-Segments, you will not find this in the HL7 standard. The first thing you must do to address this, is adjusting the definitional message header schema, to allow an event called ZAP.

Open the MSH_25_GLO_DEF schema and find in which table the enumerations are stored Table3.

Adding an enumeration to a message header schema is not as simple as adding one to a definitional schema. You must perform the next steps:

Right-click the MSH node and add Child Field Element.

In the Properties window, click the Data Type node and select Table3. Add ZAP to the enumeration.

Delete the created element.

Now it is time to add the MFN^ZAP schema to our project. Only one problem: this schema doesn’t exist. The fastest way is adding a schema that resembles to our schema: MFN^M01:

Change RootNodeName, FileName and TypeName to MFN_ZAP_23_GLO_DEF

The only thing to do now, is customizing the schema.

MLLP Adapter


The MLLP adapter can be configured as a one-way/two-way receive/send port.

Page 59

Block Characters. Messages that BizTalk receives or sends on an MLLP adapter require the following


<SB> Start Block character

<EB> End Block character

<CR> Carriage Return Byte (optional)

Network Connections Parameters.

Unique connection name

For send specify the server name as host (def=localhost)

Always specify TCP port ID

Persistent Connection and Timeout handle the way

the connection closes.

Ordered Delivery. Is often a requirement in healthcare integration:

For receive: DeliveryMode

For send: Transport Advanced Options

Solicit-Response for One-Way Send Port. You can enable receive ACK's on the same TCP connection.

If enabled, specify the URI of the receive location that's configured to receive the ACK's.

MLLP Test Tools

There are two test tools that are shipped with the HL7 Accelerator. You can find these command

prompt apps at C:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk 2009 Accelerator for HL7\SDK\MLLP Utilities.

MLLP Receive Test Tool

This application runs an MLLP listener. This is a very handy tool to make sure that a message is sent

correctly, during development.

Open command prompt

Navigate to the correct location in the command prompt

In the command, specify the port ID, ES/SB/CR characters, the directory where to store the

received messages,...

Listen to port 2000 and save the messages to separate files on C:\Delaware

>> mllpreceive.exe /P 2000 /SPLIT /SB 11 /EB 28 /CR 13 /D C:\Delaware

MLLP Send Test Tool

This application sends a message to a specific TCP port. This is a very handy tool to test receive

locations and to make sure that ACK's are returned.

Page 60

Open command prompt

Navigate to the correct location in the command prompt

In the command, specify the server, the port ID, ES/SB/CR characters, the file to send, how

many times to send the message, if you expect an ACK,...

Send 10 times the message C:\Delaware.hl7 to server on port 2000

>> mllpsend.exe /I /P 2000 /REPEAT 10 /F C:\Delaware.hl7


When using a request-response port for sending HL7 messages and receiving their corresponding

ACK, you can run into performance issues. This problem occurs because the timeout setting of the

MLLP adapter, for an asynchronous call of messages to the BizTalk Server MessageBox database, is

by default 10.000 milliseconds. You can change this value, through the following registry key:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\BizTalk Accelerator for HL7\Version 2.0]

"MLLPSendFlushTimeout"=dword:00000500 (Value = compromise between latency and throughput)

To decrease end-to-end latency, another performance setting can be changed through the Microsoft

SQL Server Management Studio. Connect to the BizTalkMgmtDb database and open the table

adm_ServiceClass. Change the value of MaxReceiveInterval to (for example) 50 ms corresponding to

the Name = Messaging InProcess. Initially it is 500 ms. This setting specifies the maximum

polling interval at which the messaging agent polls the MessageBox.



The configuration of the Acknowledgements per party, must be done in the HL7 Configuration


When keeping all ACK fields blank, you take the default values (like switching sender and receiver). You can overwrite the default values, by filling in these fields. When you want a default field not to be displayed, you can override this by filling in: \.

For each Acknowledgement type you can select if you never/always/only on success/only on error want to create the (N)ACK.

A common used option is to Route ACK to send pipeline on request-response receive port. When this option is turned on, the ACK (generated by the HL7 disassembler) is automatically returned to the sender of the message on the same connection.

Page 61

It's important to keep this in mind when developing custom pipelines. For example: if your pipeline

contains a custom routing pipeline component , that promotes properties based on an advanced

query in a preconfigured routing database, you have to take into account the fact that this

component will also receive the ACK. This component can use the MessageType property to

determine which message it is processing.

Custom ACK pipeline component

In some cases, the standard BizTalk HL7 Acknowledgement functionality might be insufficient. Then

you can consider developing your own ACK pipeline component. Creating the ACK message, based

on the content of the incoming HL7 message, is not that difficult. But which properties of the ACK

do you need to write/promote in order to route back the ACK to the send pipeline of the receive

port? Let's take a closer look. (Note that no error handling is added to this simple example)

public Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage

Execute(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPipelineContext pc,

Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage inmsg)


return inmsg;


public void Disassemble(IPipelineContext pContext, IBaseMessage inMsg)


//Retrieve content of the incoming HL7 message

Stream inputStream = inMsg.BodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream();

inputStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

//Create ACK Stream, based on the incoming HL7 message

MemoryStream ackStream = new MemoryStream();

StreamWriter ackWriter = new StreamWriter(ackStream);

//TODO: Add logic to build the ACK Stream based on inputStream

//Flush the content to the ACK Stream


ackStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

//Create a new pipelinemessage.

IBaseMessage ackMsg;

ackMsg = pContext.GetMessageFactory().CreateMessage();

//Set the Bodypart = ACK Stream.


pContext.GetMessageFactory().CreateMessagePart(), true);

ackMsg.BodyPart.Data = ackStream;

//Create an empty Message Context

ackMsg.Context = pContext.GetMessageFactory().CreateMessageContext();

//Add all necessary properties to the context. This is the

minimum to route back the ACK to the sendpipeline of the


Page 62

const string NSPACE =


//Promoted Properties

ackMsg.Context.Promote("RouteDirectToTP", NSPACE,

inMsg.Context.Read("IsRequestResponse", NSPACE));

ackMsg.Context.Promote("EpmRRCorrelationToken", NSPACE,

inMsg.Context.Read("EpmRRCorrelationToken", NSPACE));

//Not Promoted Properties

ackMsg.Context.Write("ReceivePipelineResponseConfig", NSPACE,

inMsg.Context.Read("ReceivePipelineResponseConfig", NSPACE));

ackMsg.Context.Write("CorrelationToken", NSPACE,

inMsg.Context.Read("CorrelationToken", NSPACE));

ackMsg.Context.Write("ReqRespTransmitPipelineID", NSPACE,

inMsg.Context.Read("ReqRespTransmitPipelineID", NSPACE));

//Write the input and the ACK message to the outqueue



//Now the GetNext method will be called


public IBaseMessage GetNext(IPipelineContext pContext)


if (qOutputMsgs.Count > 0)


return (IBaseMessage)qOutputMsgs.Dequeue();




return null;



These are the properties that the sendpipeline of the receiveport subscribes on, or needs to process the message correctly: RouteDirectToTP (Promoted) EmpRRCorrelationToken (Promoted) ReceivePipelineResponseConfig (Not Promoted) CorrelationToken (Not Promoted) ReqRespTransmitPipelineID (Not Promoted)

End-to-End Acknowledgements

End-to-End ACK’s are possible with BizTalk. First of all, you have to disable the option of routing the ACK back to the send pipeline of a request-response receive port. Do this for a certain party in the HL7 Configuration Explorer.

There are two options to create an End-to-End scenario:

In a pure messaging HL7 scenario you can subscribe with a request-response send port on the incoming request-response receive port.

When more logic is necessary, you can use an orchestration to subscribe with a request –response receive port on the incoming request-response receive port.

Page 63

How to Create a Custom Receive Pipeline Decoder in BizTalk Server

2009 By Ruth Resende, Biztalk Consultant, ITGroup - MS GOLD Certified Partner

This article assumes you are familiar with BizTalk Server Pipelines, C# Code and Visual Studio 2008.

Audience: BizTalk Developers

Technologies: BizTalk Server 2009, VS.NET 2008

Skill level: Intermediate

The source code used in this article can be downloaded from the following location:

Summary Out-of-the-box solutions unfortunately sometimes are not sufficient to solve specific problems, so

we must build a custom solution to address those.

In this article, I will try to show you how to build a Custom Receive Pipeline Decoder that handles

special characters (like HTTP and XML reserved chars, e.g.: &, quotes and diacritical marks as a

cedilla, tilde, circumflex, or macron) of a message, using as parameters a Regular Expression and its

replacing value.

In this tutorial we will use Regular Expressions, since is a very flexible form to identify characters in a

text. To learn more about regular expressions visit

Install Microsoft BizTalk Server Pipeline Component Wizard The easiest way to get started is downloading the BizTalk Server Pipeline Component Wizard, an

add-in for Visual Studio that in a few steps will create our Decode Component project with all

necessary external references and interface implementations.

The wizard can be found in, in this article we will be using version 2.10.

To install the wizard, unzip the file and at the extract folder go to directory

\PipelineComponentWizard Setup\Debug and execute Setup.exe.

Page 64

Follow the steps in the Setup Wizard.

Use BizTalk Server Pipeline Component Wizard 1. Open Visual Studio 2008 and click on File -> New -> Project.

2. In Biztalk Projects choose the option Biztalk Server Pipeline Component Project.

3. Choose a directory and project name. Click OK.

4. The Setup Wizard should run automatically, and the Welcome screen “Pipeline Component

Project Wizard” should appear. Click Next.

Page 65

5. In the next screen you must fill out some properties like class name and namespace. Since

we are creating a Decode Component we need to select “Receive” as Pipeline Type and

"Decoder” as Component Type. Click Next.

6. Fill out component name (that will be the assembly and Visual Studio project name), version

and description. Click Next.

Page 66

7. In the next screen, add two string properties, so we can configure our Receive Decoder. The

first one is a Regular Expression and the second one the replacing text. Click Next and Finish.

The wizard finishes and our BizTalk project is ready to go. It should appear:

8. Click twice on ReplaceString.resx and change Component’s name to “ReplaceString


9. In Solution Explorer right-click on Project Name/Properties, change the name from

“Assembly Name” to the same name as “Default Namespace”.

Page 67

Add C# code for project

When you open the project, this structure should appear:

I will not drill down into all required interfaces; you can find further information at

1. The pipeline component entry point is the IComponent.Execute

method, so expand the IComponent region and in the Execute

method, copy and paste the code below.

public Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage

Execute(Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop.IPipelineContext pc,

Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.IBaseMessage inmsg)




if (inmsg.BodyPart != null) //Verify the message is different from null


MemoryStream memStrm = new MemoryStream();

Stream originalStrm = inmsg.BodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream();

StreamReader sReader = new StreamReader(originalStrm,


if (_RegularExpression != null)


if (_ReplacedValue == null || _ReplacedValue == "")

_ReplacedValue = " ";

//Replace the regular expression with the value specified

string strReplace =


_RegularExpression, _ReplacedValue);

Page 68

StreamWriter swriter = new StreamWriter(memStrm,

System.Text.Encoding.Default); //Retrieve modified message



memStrm.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

inmsg.BodyPart.Data = memStrm;







catch (Exception ex)



"Occurred an error on modify the message: " + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace,


throw (ex);


return inmsg;


This code will load the message the receive pipeline is processing and use the

System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace to replace the desired expression for the replacing text.

This code sample is not suitable for large messages. If you are processing large messages you should

use streams as they are more efficient.

2. Build the project and copy the generated DLL to the folder \Microsoft

BizTalk Server 2009\Pipeline Components

Using Custom Component Created


2. Right-click on the toolbox and select “CHOOSE ITEMS”.

Page 69

3. In the “Choose Toolbox Items” dialog box, click the BizTalk Pipeline Components tab. Click

“ReplaceString decoder”, and then click OK.


5. Drag the “ReplaceString decoder” pipeline component from the Toolbox into the Decode

stage of the custom pipeline.



Page 70




Testing Receive Pipeline



2009\SDK\UTILITIES\PIPELINETOOLS\PIPELINE.EXE THAT ALLOW you to test if a pipeline is functioning

correctly without having to configure the BizTalk Server environment, such as send/receive ports.


PIPELINE -PT "[Fully Qualified Assembly Name created at ‘Using Custom Component Created’]" -D


The result must be:

Page 71

Tools like the Custom Pipeline Component Wizard really help us in creating our domain specific

solutions like this string replacing component, doing the hard job of implementing all the required

interfaces and leaving us only the Execute method to fill. I hope you could use this tutorial in your

BizTalk solutions so it will be easier to develop and test your custom pipelines.

The code at contains this sample and a more complete

scenario with orchestration, Send and Receive Ports.

Page 72

Automating Business Processes with SharePoint, Workflow and

BizTalk Paul Somers, Microsoft MVP

Business Processes are the core of an organization. These processes can be made more efficient by

implementing human based workflow in SharePoint and system based workflows in BizTalk. If you

look at the desired end result for the business process, the end result may be that the approval of

the workflow is not where the process finishes or there may be further steps required that can only

be manually performed. This is where BizTalk can take the workflow output and fully automate the

Business process, giving real benefits to an organization.

BizTalk and SharePoint can work together to seamlessly automate business processes that need

human intervention and system to system integration.

Explore SharePoint; it is a good central web based user interface with dashboards, document

libraries and lots of other functionality, it is a great host for human based workflow and it’s an even

better place to allow users to provide the feedback required to advance a workflow to the next step.

It can draw users in and get them to fill in forms and answer the questions that a human based

workflow might require, such as approvals, get users to fill in a Purchase Order…etc. These can all be

stored in a document library in SharePoint. They are placed there perhaps as part of a workflow, or

part of a larger business process. The possibilities for scenarios are only limited by your level of

business process automation (BPA).

Most business processes need to end somewhere. Where is that end point? Is it when the manager

clicks approve, or the requested document is uploaded.... then someone manually prints these off

and acts on them? This occurs more often that you can imagine; the fact that the document or the

approval is recorded in SharePoint and we printed this off is thought to be enough.

To implement an “approval workflow” in SharePoint is very simple these days and you get some

benefits by doing this, but what about the rest of the business process?

Follow the business process after approval - what happens to the printed document? It is manually

entered into a system, used to update items in a second system, and then something else is printed

from a third system, and then faxed. This entire process is manual; it is time consuming and totally


We have the technology! Better still we have proven technology to take the request which was

approved in SharePoint, act on it electronically, and perform the additional steps automatically.

BizTalk can read from SharePoint, it can be configured to wait for approved documents in the

document library, it can communicate with your internal systems, update details, and it can even

orchestrate a back end process for this, which would follow your current process. It can FAX the

order to the destination company, thereby removing all of the manual steps needed to process the


It might not seem like much, but for a basic request where there can be as little as 100,000 requests

a year, it can very easily add up. For example: Take the cost of the Fax machine, a telephone call, the

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cost of the staff member who re-keys, then faxes and files the document, the electricity, paper,

office space…etc. Let’s very conservatively say around $20 per request is saved.

100,000 requests per year * $20 = wait for it....

You could save 2 million dollars a year, by removing this small step.......?

The question is put to you, why wouldn't you do this? Would you like an extra $2 million in your budget?

The cost of the Technology to do this is much less than the amount you would save in most cases

and this is only for one process. What about all of the others? A company can save a great deal if

they start to automate a few of their processes from start to finish, removing as many manual steps

as possible, and removing all re-keying of data.

How do we do this? Take a very common scenario of purchasing from a vendor, as most

organizations purchase something from another company.

The PO Requester

Fills in a form, prints it for signature, and hands it to the PO Approver

The PO Approver

May eventually sign and approve it. It is then manually handed to the purchasing manager

Purchasing Manager

Would manually generate an order, and then phone, fax or email an order to the Vendor.

The Vendor

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Provide an invoice which would kick off a different process inside the organization, again

another manual process.

This process is time consuming, requires several people in the loop, and requires re-keying of

information which could lead to errors. The result is that it costs the company money it need not


If you start to add workflow to this scenario you get something that looks like the diagram below.

Instead of doing this manually we leverage SharePoint and InfoPath documents to submit a PO

Request and route it to the PO Approver and Manager.

You can see that the purchase order approval process is automated - no more paper - and you can

now start to track PO approval status. You can have multiple approvers and multiple people who can

submit a PO. It simplifies the process as well as automating it.

You will note that the process for the purchasing manager has not changed that much; they can now

see a list of approved PO’s with which they need to manually work, perhaps they have an ERP

system into which these need to be re-keyed, and the Order numbers generated from, then

manually generate the order and manually receive the invoices as before.

You will achieve efficacies by adding workflow; there are ways to make this process much more


A workflow does not end once it is approved by a human. This is where the real power and benefits

of this solution are demonstrated in the diagram below:

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Looking at where the previous diagram left off, we can see now that once the PO’s are approved:


Takes the PO’s directly from SharePoint, the ERP system is sent the order, BizTalk generates

the PO for the vendor.


In an automated process, from interfacing to the ERP system, would receive the details of

the order, and generate an order number along with enough information for the vendor to

process the order, and then surface this to BizTalk.


The communication with the vendor can occur in several ways depending on the vendor.

The most efficient communication method is a vendor web service that the Vendor would

expose via the internet to allow secure automated submission of PO’s which would flow to

the internal systems of the vendor.

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Should the vendor not have a service, they can receive the order in PDF Format via an email

in order to confirm the order.

If the vendor is unable to or does not have email, we can even revert to sending via faxes to

the vendor’s fax machine. In reality, any industry standard protocol is supported as a means

of communication with a vendor, e.g.: FTP, HTTP


As the interaction to the vendor occurs, the status of the PO can be updated, so the business

can see where the PO is, and the original PO that the vendor is sent can be archived in the

SharePoint document library - no need for manual filing of a piece of paper or printing the

paper for that matter.

The key here is that there is no human interaction required. The entire task of the purchasing

manager for this process is removed, the purchasing process is not only automated, it is made more

efficient, no more waiting for someone to action the request once it is approved. The efficiency gains

to the organization can start to be seen.

Vendor Invoicing

The vendor would eventually send an invoice for the goods; this can be received in several ways as


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The vendor can send the invoice, electronically and securely, to an invoice service that has

been identified on the internet. They could of course also email or fax their invoices.


The service would communicate with BizTalk directly. The email can be interpreted and read

from the local mail server or the fax can be scanned using Optical Character Recognition



The invoices could be stored centrally in SharePoint, where a workflow can be started to

process these invoices. This would lead to an invoicing process, where the vendor’s invoice is

matched with a PO, interfaced to the ERP and accounting system, and payment made on the

invoice once the payment is approved. This is yet another area for improving the business


What is the organization saving for just this one business process? Let’s look at another conservative

example. Take an organization that has 100 purchase orders a month (that’s 100 x 12 = 1200 per

year), with a conservative estimate saving of $100 per PO, and we are talking a saving of $120,000

for this process alone for a small number of PO’s.

For a larger organization that sends say 1000 purchase orders a month, we are looking at 12 x 1000 =

12000 per year - an estimated saving of $ 1 200 000.

The cost of implementing such a system can be a fraction of the saving; this means you get the

entire system for the cost of the first process with extra money to spare, while you build the rest of

the processes on top of the same system. Your savings increase for every business process you


The question remains: the technology exists to implement these kinds of scenarios, and you can save

money from this - why wouldn’t you?

Many thanks to the Microsoft and Quicklearn please have a look at this demonstration to dig deeper into the scenario.

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Paul Somers

Paul is a Microsoft MVP specializing in driving Business Process and Integration for all organizations,

no matter the vertical. Every organization can benefit from automating their business processes and

making the organization more efficient, thereby saving money.

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BizTalk Management Tools I will use this page to document BizTalk Management Tools.

Operations Manager 2007


CODit SOA Dashboard