ISSUE 77 February 15th, 2011 - China Daily

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Transcript of ISSUE 77 February 15th, 2011 - China Daily



February 15th, 2011

One RISE, Year TWO – BSI convention in Lyon:

a company on the move

Bluestar Silicones International organised its Annual Management Convention in Lyon on January 18 2011, bringing together the Group’s 100 international executives in Lyon, to take stock of the situation one

year after the beginning of BSI’s recovery plan, One RISE. The Convention began with a film showing Robert Lu, President of Bluestar, who presented BlueStar’s fine results for 2010 and encouraged the teams in their endeavours. The results of all 9 One RISE projects, from P1 (Continuous HSE Improvement) to P9 (Strategic Purchasing) were then

Harbin Petrochemical Achieves Profits of RMB10 Million in Jan.

Jiang Yu

In January, Harbin Petrochemical Co., Ltd achieved profits of RMB10 million bringing about a good start in the year of the

rabbit with year-on-year growth of 127%. January and the period around Spring Festival are the most difficult times for sales of chemical products. In order to minimize the inventory to the greatest extent and achieve a good start in the year of the rabbit, the company took the following measures under the principle of "six-in-advance". In production: arranging in advance, setting up quantitative targets in advance and eliminating hidden dangers in advance. In operations: communicating in advance, paying visit in advance, implementing in advance. This not only built a strong, safe production network but also firmly gained clients who kept producing during the Spring Festival and established a basis for a good start.

Sales Revenue of Shenyang Chemical in January

Reaches RMB760 MillionHan Jingchao

Shenyang Chemical Co., Ltd. overcame the great challenge to sales caused by

fierce market competition and difficult products transportation through strengthening marketing

management and expanding market with all efforts. It achieved sales revenue of RMB760 million in January, hitting a new record and brought about a good start.

presented, showing net progression for BSI in 2010 and reflecting a company moving forward! BSI showed its growth, innovation, productivity and reliability gains, the success of all strategic investment projects in terms of cost/quality/timelines (USA, Brazil, France...) and penetration of new markets (solar, healthcare, etc.). The convention was also an opportunity for the President of BSI, Pascal Chalvon Demersay, to present the Company’s 2011 and 2012 objectives through One RISE and to restate the fundamentals of the Company’s Global Perspective. Finally, the Convention ended with a prize-giving rewarding the most international, innovatory and efficient BSI projects in 2010. These awards are an integral part of our very important employee motivation programme, One RISE’s P8-TEAM.


Jinan Yuxing Achieves Good Start on

Production & Operation

Ren Chun

Under the unfavorable conditions o f comp l i ca ted & chang ing

env i ronment , J inan Yux ing s t i l l achieved a good start in January. Two production lines, A & C, of the company produced 5,520t of rutile titanium dioxide. 5,530t of titanium dioxide were sold, achieving an increase of 11% on sales revenue year on year.

China BlueStar Yima Achieves Good Start in the First Month

At the beginning of the New Year of 2011, China BlueStar Yima Chrome Chemical Materials Co., Ltd actively held a labor competition

of "work energetically for 100 days and achieve good start for the first quarter." By Jan. 20, work in all parts of the company had achieved a good start 10 days ahead of schedule in the first month. In production, the new clean production line of chromic salt produced 146.8t of dichromium trioxide completing 122% of the production task for the whole month; the old production line of chromic salt produced 347t of chromic anhydride in January since the successful start-up on Dec. 27, 2010, completing 116% of the plan. Product quality reached standard-of-excellent grade. In sales, it achieved 100% of rate-of-production & sales and 100% of collection rate while successfully making sales of products at high prices.

Xinghuo Plant did not stop production during the Spring Festival holiday and did overhaul instead, achieving a successful one-time shutdown, one-time overhaul and one-time start-up. (Du Yanqing)

Jan. 30, BlueStar leaders celebrated the Spring Festival with BlueStar staff in Beijing. Photo shows a Xinjiang Dance

performed by employees.

On New Year's Eve, leaders of Shenyang Chemical Co., Ltd. visited the production l ine and spent the New Year 's Eve together with workers. (Han Jingchao)

A large "drum lantern" with unique design made a splendid debut in 2011 Shenyang Chemical Spring Lantern Show.

Jan.18, Xinghuo Plant held Spring Festival Greeting Gathering of 2011 and the French experts who stayed to work in the plant watched the art performance. (Text and picture by Du Yanqing & Lu Yuanlin)

BlueStar Children's World

Scenes of Four SeasonsWang Yiran, BlueStar Harbin Petrochemical

When ice and snow melt and all plants turn green, it is dynamic spring. In ebullient summer, the sun scorches and hundreds of flowers bloom.

The leaves fall in profusion on golden land in the cool autumn and days grow shorter. In deep and silent winter, all wear silver and white clothing, buildings are seemly decorated with jade. As the four seasons take their turns, beautiful scenes appear; I savor the best of the four seasons. The morning of spring is overflowing with vigor. A year's plan starts with spring, a season which makes me feel full of hope. Looking at the grass begin to shoot up, I feel injected with infinite energy. The grass straightens up, listening to whispers of the sun, smiling and absorbed. The grass stands in different postures, adding vitality to the spring morning. Enjoying the grass, I feel the best of spring. The evening of summer is dynamic. Looking up to the sky, I see stars scattered over the black curtain. Though not

as eye-catching as the moon, they firmly believe they own the whole night sky, and thus are the most resplendent. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are… Unconsciously I hum the nursery rhythm and recall my childhood. Appreciating the stars of night, I taste the best of summer. The dusk of autumn is charming. When autumn winds are still, the last cicada calls noisily, and I feel that the golden season of autumn is coming. Falling leaves return to their roots and fertilize the soil, nourishing the trees. Thinking about this inspires me. Feeling the fallen leaves, I understand the best of autumn. The early morning of winter is freshest and coolest. In early morning, there are few sparrows looking for food on road, several children leave lines of poems as witness to their growth. Enjoying snow in early morning, I feel the best of winter. Appreciating beautiful scenes of the four seasons, I love nature and I am happy!

Spring (chun), summer (xia), autumn (qiu) and winter (dong).

� BlueStar Communication Chinese Editor: Jiang Bo English Editor: Zeng Yu Layout: Ma Changjie


Pottery and porcelain have over 8,000 years of development in China. Both colored and black pottery were common in ancient times. Terracotta was at its best in the Qing dynasty, and tri-coloured pottery

reached its zenith at the time of the Tang dynasty. During this period, the glazed porcelains came alive with yellow, green, blue, brown, black and white colours. Chinese porcelain began flourishing some 3,000 years ago during the Shang dynasty and is one of China’s greatest cultural treasures. During the Han dynasty, black and celadon porcelain were mainly produced. Celadon, a type of glaze that resembles the color of jade, saw continued development throughout the dynasties. By the Tang dynasty, celadon porcelain had developed to a high technical standard. The porcelain wares of the Song dynasty are considered classics. By the Song era, artisans had reached a high level of sophistication in design, firing and glazing. As a result, pieces from this time strike a perfect balance of shape, glaze and artistry. The capital of porcelain is undoubtedly Jingdezhen, which is located in Jiangxi Province. With over 1,700 years of porcelain production, it continues its seminal role in Chinese porcelain arts and industry. A typical celadon porcelain from Jingdezhen.


About 5,000 years ago the Chinese began casting bronzeware. During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, aristocrats used bronze vessels for ancestral rituals

and for the more mundane tasks of daily life. Ancestral worship was a central belief of this era and bronze vessels played an important role in the ritual offerings. As befitting their important role in society of the time, they were kept in places of honor, such as in ancestral halls and were used during banquets and celebrations. Common bronze vessels were used for utilitarian purposes such as cooking or to heat millet wine, but large ornate vessels would become symbols of power and status. A ding, which is a cauldron with three or four legs, was originally used both for cooking and ceremony – but came to symbolize power. Dings also had their surfaces etched with details of important political events and memorials to the deceased. These items of intricate and beautiful detail are now important historic markers detailing political alliances and tributes and the lives of those who lived thousands of years ago. Eventually dings came to symbol power and prestige as they

required considerable wealth to commission. Bronze work in China developed much faster than in other parts of the world because of extensive use. Technically, Chinese bronzes were unmatched during this period. Early bronzes vessels such as jue and zhi wine goblets, zun wine beakers and hu wine goblet beakers were highly sophisticated. In 1976, archaeologists uncovered a Shang tomb in Anyang in north Henan Province, the former capital of the Shang dynasty. The tomb was the burial chamber of Fuhao, who was Emperor Wuding’s consort as well as a top general. The tomb, located at the Yin Palace Ruins Ancestral Worship Temple, remains the only Shang imperial tomb found intact and revealed a rich find of artifacts. Many bronze vessels were found within; some were probably used by Fuhao, while others were funerary objects. Several famous Shang bronze vessels currently displayed around the world belong to the legacy of Fuhao’s tomb. Most Shang ritual vessels take the form of animals and are decorated with highly stylized animal designs and motifs. One example is the ancient Chinese totem known as the taotie monster mask–a mythical beast with piercing eyes that is used to express fierceness and strength. This mythical beast is commonly seen in Shang bronzes, as it played a central role in Shang spiritual beliefs. Offerings put into this animal- shaped vessel was symbolically consumed by the taotie and transported to the spirit realm. Later, this motif became an artistic motif in itself, signifying the mysticism and artistry of China’s Bronze Age.

Simuwu Rectangular "Ding."