Issue 4 Summer 2020 · 2020-07-15 · From Everyone Across the Wessex Learning Trust Tel: 01934...

Post on 28-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Issue 4 Summer 2020 · 2020-07-15 · From Everyone Across the Wessex Learning Trust Tel: 01934...

Key Dates

17/07/20 Last Day of Term

18/07/20 - 06/08/20 Summer Holiday

07/08/20 First Day of Term

Trust Newsletter

Issue 4

Summer 2020

Congratulations, Class of 2020!

This year has not been like other years.

There have been no exams or summer balls, no celebrations, and no goodbyes. You have battled adversity and challenge unlike anything we have seen for a long, long time; but you have persevered. This year may have not been like other years, but you have stood up to the challenges

which faced you and you have overcome.

You will be remembered in the history books as the year that had everything thrown at them to stop them and get them down, but who

would not let it succeed. For this you should be proud.

Whether you’re moving on to university, or another school; whether you’re about to start exam courses, or just move to a new class – we are

proud of you.

Thank you, for inspiring us with your perseverance, and for taking everything in your stride. We miss you, and although we can’t see you right now, we wish you best wishes and good luck for the future. If you can get through this year, then trust us: you can get through anything.

From Everyone Across the Wessex Learning Trust

Tel: 01934 745363


Station Road, Cheddar, Somerset, BS27 3AQ Twitter: @WessexTrust

Check out this incredible painting

by Charlie – a budding Year 8 artist at Hugh Sexey Middle

School! We feel like we’re almost


Trust Newsletter

Issue 4 - Summer 2020

Chief Executive’s Message As we reach the end of a most unprecedented school year, I would personally like to take this opportunity to say a huge well done and thank you.

Firstly, well done to our wonderful students who have worked so hard to keep learning whilst schools have been closed. It has been heartening to see their efforts, as well as learn of the time many have put into developing life skills, new hobbies, and volunteering in the community. I praise everyone for their determination at this difficult time, and for doing their best to keep going despite the barriers which have stood in their way.

I would also like to say a big thank you to parents and carers for your support and patience. Since learning has moved into the home you have taken on an even bigger role in your child’s life, and you have risen to the challenge admirably. Thank you also for your patience as the Trust has tried its best to deal with these unprecedented challenges. It has been a difficult time for those working in education, but I believe we have always taken a considered approach and strived to do the best we can for our students at every turn. Thank you for your feedback and for helping to guide us to the best solutions for your children.

None of us quite know what September will bring, but we will continue to be there for you and your children – whatever is thrown our way. I wish you all a safe and relaxing summer holiday, and I look forward to welcoming you back to our schools in six weeks’ time.

Staff Spotlight

Suzi Smith Deputy Head - Cheddar First School

This term we’re getting to know Mrs. Smith – current deputy headteacher at Cheddar First School, who is soon to take on the role of Acting Headteacher in September.

Hi Mrs. Smith! Tell us, what is your role within the Trust? Hi I’m Mrs Smith and I’m currently the Deputy Head Teacher and SENDCo at Cheddar First School. I am also a Year 1 teacher. As Deputy Head I support our Head Teacher, Mrs Wookey, to oversee the teaching and learning in school and ensure everyone is safe and inspired to do their best! What was it that inspired you to get into teaching? Teaching is so much more than a career, it’s a way of life and it gets under your skin! I have two children and started helping out in their school as a parent helper when I realised that teaching was what I really wanted to do. I promised myself that I wouldn’t go back to work after having children unless it was something that I was truly passionate about so I went back to university, whilst working as a teaching assistant and the rest is history! I love the fact that every day I come to work it’s different and I am constantly in awe at the learning capacity and resilience of children. What’s your favourite thing about your job? That’s a tricky question because there are so many aspects of working with children that’s rewarding and fulfilling. But I think it is that moment when a pupil is having a tricky day or is finding something difficult and you see that your actions have in some way made a difference. Are you excited to become Acting Head at Cheddar in September? Yes, I’m very excited about September but also a little nervous! Mrs Wookey has inspired so many children and created a school to be proud of. Hers are large shoes to fill, but I hope to continue her legacy and support the staff and pupils through this period of change until the next Headteacher is appointed. How have you found working during lockdown? Working during lockdown has been my salvation in lots of ways! During this unprecedented time of uncertainty, I feel that we have been able to provide a sanctuary of semi-normality. School has become a quieter place but the principles of providing a safe learning environment haven’t changed. I love working more closely with the pupils who have come into school, whilst phoning and remaining in contact with those who have been learning at home. It’s been so lovely welcoming more children back to school recently but also heart breaking that lots of children who would like to come back haven’t been able to. We never underestimate how hard it has been for those parents and children working from home and can’t wait to get everyone back to school in September.

Quickfire News!

Brent Knoll: This term the children at Brent Knoll School celebrated World Ocean Day with staff and students dressing up in blue and learning about the impact of plastic pollution on the seas and how to recycle.

Mark: At Mark Pre-School this term the children were very excited by their adoption of a Seal. The move, which will mean the children receive regular updates from their seal, as well as a cuddly class mascot, will help support seal conservation and help the children learn about the rich tapestry of wildlife which exists in the world!

East Brent: East Brent children were excited to learn about the ancient world by building very realistic Roman shields and helmets. Bene factum!

Trust Newsletter

Issue 4 - Summer 2020

Kings Student Braves the Shave for Charity

Year 11 student, Ed Philips, carried out a selfless act this month to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Research following the diagnosis of his

friend and fellow Kings student David Sousa with Aplastic Anaemia. Ed set the target of raising £300 through shaving his head, but has to date raised over £1000, all of which will go towards research and supporting families affected by cancer. We are all incredibly proud of Ed, and immensely heartened by the care he has demonstrated for his friend, along with the awareness he has raised within the local community. You can donate to his campaign here:

Fairlands take part in a Virtual Author Day

On Wednesday 1st July, Fairlands Year 6 pupils were given the opportunity to host a virtual Q&A session with the author Jasbinder Bilan. The Wells Literacy Festival funded this wonderful opportunity and also supplied her

book ‘Asha and the Spirit Bird’. She read parts of the book to the children and has set them the challenge of researching and creating their own spirit animal.

We are very proud of all the children who took part and hope that the experience will inspire a love of reading in them which will last for a lifetime!

Children of Weare Come Together Through the Power of Song

Although due to lockdown we may have all been physically distant, this didn’t stop Weare First School using the power of the internet to bring

their students together in song. To keep up morale, staff and students donned their headphones and webcams, and performed ‘Looking to the Rainbow’ by Nick and Becki Drake, as part of a Diocesan initiative to create worship resources during lockdown. Deputy Headteacher, Felicity Gibb, said the project was “Instrumental in bringing us together as a school community in these current tricky circumstances”, and we for one loved hearing them. You can watch the video here

Finding Frogs at East Brent

Year 4s at East Brent First School have this term been channeling their inner David Attenborough, by researching and becoming experts in Poison Dart Frogs. The children found out everything there was to know about the frogs, before taking on the challenge of designing their own species and making them from felt, by hand. Little did

they know that upon arriving at school the next morning, their frogs would have taken over the site and populated every nook and cranny! Once they’d found them all, the children took their frogs home and gave them as gifts to families and loved ones!

The Games Go On, Despite Lockdown Sports day is one of the most anticipated days on the school calendar – a day of games and competition which, for many, represent a rite of passage through their education. Unfortunately, this year the traditional teams of students with egg and spoon in hand, cheered on by parents and peers was not to be; however that wouldn’t stop us doing something!

Across the Trust those at home and in school took part in their own fixtures in lieu of the traditional whole school event. There was running, jumping, throwing, balancing; and everything in between. At Weare, Wedmore, and Cheddar First Schools, PE Teacher Matt Coggins organised an inter-school competition with children competing in five events to see which school could amass the most points. It was a close fought competition, with even Mr and Mrs Wookey (teachers at Wedmore and Cheddar respectively) taking part! In the end however it was the children of Cheddar who came out victorious.

Everyone loved taking part and doing their bit, and we congratulate the winners – more than ever though it’s not the winning, but the taking part that counts!

Trust Newsletter

Issue 4 - Summer 2020

The Lockdown Lowdown Vol. 3

Check out what our children have been up to, both at home and in school, in this final summer term under lockdown!

Do send in images of what you’ve been getting up to so we can feature them.

An amazing model from Mark

On behalf of everyone within the Trust and our schools we wish you all a safe, relaxing, and enjoyable summer; and

really look forward to welcoming you back in September

Mark Pre-School

spreading some


Children at Lympsham were enjoying getting back to school!

Lympsham Pre-School have been having fun exploring


At East Brent they’ve been making art inspired by Andy


Cooking up something delicious at East Brent

Getting in the

Roman spirit at

East Brent

Brent Knoll ran a

photography competition. This was one

of the beautiful winners

Scarlett at Brent Knoll has been making some very beautiful clay dragons! Meet Garlic and Onion

Staff and students at

Kings made a virtual

recording of ‘Top of the


East Brent received a

visit from our MP, James Heappey

Artists at Kings had a

lot of fun re-creating famous


At Mark they built a bench out of plastic


Axbridge have been making marble runs

Creating a Dinosaur swamp

at Axbridge

Christopher at Kings has been raising money for

charity through a twenty-hour gaming


Fairlands featured on BBC Points

West to discuss re-opening and a

student petition to get Year 8s back in

East Brent have been making

some very yummy looking

constellations out of marshmallows

Lympsham made

sculptures inspired by the music of Anna
