Post on 09-Apr-2022

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Students Celebrate Earth Day Volunteers Revamp PR’s Courtyard


Last Friday students in Mr. Dugger’s AP Environmental Science class volunteered their time throughout the day to

improve one of the courtyards at the high school. First period students worked until 7th period lunch and 10th period

students took over until the end of the day. The process took hours but with lots of helping hands it turned out gorgeous

in the end.

Students pulled weeds, power washed, hauled mulch, dirt, top soil, and planted flowers and plants. Students also dug

up dead bushes, put mulch down, and edged. Mr. Seybert helped stain the benches.

Although Earth Day was last Thursday, since it was a bit cold, students worked on Friday instead. Redoing the

courtyard was in celebration of Earth Day and a reminder to students to keep our earth clean.



Students volunteer their time to improve the courtyard; finished product featured in the center.

MoMA and Other Famous

Art Museums

Why They Play A Major Role In

The Art World


One of the most prominent art museums in the world

lies in Midtown Manhattan, New York City which is

known as The Museum of Modern Art, or, MoMA. In the

late 1920’s, progressive patrons of the arts, Miss Lillie P.

Bliss, Mrs. Cornelius J. Sullivan, and Mrs. John D.

Rockefeller challenged the conservative ideals of

museums to allocate their work to modern art. The

museum intended to dedicate helping people understand

varied forms of visual expression.

Throughout the ten years leading up to 1939, the

museum moved locations three times and finally opened

its doors to where MoMA still resides in Manhattan

today. Alfred H. Barr, the founding director of the

museum, submitted an innovative plan to expand its

departments resulting in architecture and design,

drawings and prints, film, media and performance,

painting and sculpture, and photography. Today, the

Museum of Modern Art has a collection of over 200,000

paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, photographs, and

owns two million film stills.

The museum holds work from the world most

renowned artists such as Andy Warhol, Pablo Picasso,

Keith Haring, and Dorothea Lange. And while MoMA of

course carries other famous works of art, they also hold

promotional events for “underground” artists to exhibit

their work to gain publicity.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is yet another

wonderful museum in New York City. The Met is most

well-known for the Met Ball which is a fundraising gala

for the benefit of the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s

Costume Institute. The event is usually held every year,

but since the pandemic hit, there has not been a Met Gala

since 2019. Other than its world famous event, the

museum holds some of the most notable art pieces like

Vincent Van Gogh’s Self Portrait with a Straw Hat.


museums play

such a

prominent role

in ensuring the

appreciation of

other groups

and cultures.

Without them,

most famous

artists today

would not have

been as

successful as

they have


notoriety from

curiosity within

the art world.

Design Editors:

Cameron Perkins

Abby Lane

Staff Writers:

Maggie Allwein

Logan Blackwell

Zoe Blackwell

Emily Brough

Hayden Conley

Lucas Cordoba

Sophia DeJesus

Dominic Desjardins

Megan Donnelly

Teo Fazio

Emma Krizmanich

Abby Lane

Amanda Malobicky

Abby Moreland

Cameron Perkins

Grace Rich

Emma VanMeter

Christian Wolf


Mrs. Harshman

The RAMPAGE is a student-created

publication of Pine-Richland High

School, 700 Warrendale Road,

Gibsonia, PA 15044. The newsroom

is room 221. The RAMPAGE is

available online every Thursday. It is

written by students, for students, and

will make every attempt to report all

school-related news. We welcome

freelance submissions, suggestions,

comments, and story ideas from

students and staff. Since this is a

student-publication, we realize we

may make mistakes; we encourage

readers to report mistakes to the staff

writers; you may win a prize if you

can locate all mistakes.


The Genius of


The Art of

Filmmaking and One

of Its Crowning

Achievements HAYDEN CONLEY

STAFF WRITER “1917” is one of the most

successful and stunning movies to be

released in the last five

years. This movie is easily the

best to come from director Sam

Mendes and the rest of his

production team. One of the

most remarkable aspects of this

film is how it appears to be

filmed in all of one shot. You

may not immediately think of

filmmaking as an art form, but

after seeing this movie, your

mind might be changed. The

way that this movie presents

itself makes you feel so many

emotions in the span of a

fantastic two hour film.

This film’s most astonishing

aspect is the way it creates a

sense of one singular take. This

was a genius idea from Mendes,

as it allows us to go along on

this journey of trudging through

Europe attempting to reach

another group of troops. There

are some fantastic aspects of the

film that I cannot cover due to

spoilers, but you just must see

the movie for yourself. This is

a war movie, so people are

bound to die, and we know

that. However, because we have

gotten to know them as people and

not just soldiers, so when they do

inevitably die, Mendes is able to stir

up emotion. This aspect of the film

is astounding, and it is something

that you must see for yourself.

Some concerns may come to

mind when thinking of a film that is

made this way. One of the main

concerns I had going into the film

was the pacing. I had known before

I saw the movie in theaters that it

was edited to be shot in one shot. I

tend to really enjoy war films, so I

went into this expecting a lot of

action and exciting fight

scenes. This movie did not exactly

meet that expectation, but what it did

not have in action, it did have in

tension. There are some points in the

movie when there is a scene that just

seems random. After you first

witness something like this, it carries

for the rest of the movie. You never

know when something is going to

happen, and that keeps you on the

edge of your seat for the entire

movie. If the film were not shot in

“one take” it would not have the

same sense of excitement because

every time you jump from place to

place, the action would be

continuous. I think Variety

Magazine put it perfectly

when they said the movie

was, “A two hour tightrope

walk.” The way Mendes

keeps you pulled in is truly

astonishing, and there is no

denying that.

Throughout this entire

movie, Mendes shows how

film can be a real art

form. The mesh between

the setting, the characters,

and the creative genius of

Mendes make for a

fantastic film to

watch. Every time I watch

this movie, I get chills

from how good it is. This

movie brought to my

attention how much work

and creativity goes into

making just one film, and

when it works, it really,

really works. (This movie is

rated R for violence, some

disturbing images, and



How Music Has

Affected Me

A Reflection on My 10


I do not think I would be the person I

am today if it were not for musical

theater. As dramatic as that sounds, it is

true. I went from a shy little 3rd grader

to someone who is more than confident

in their abilities to speak and present


I grew up on stage, really. Starting

when I was 7 years old, I would go to

Act One theater school every Tuesday,

Thursday, and Saturday and do what I

loved: singing and acting. As much as

you would think that it was just an after

school activity, it was more than that. I learned how to

audition, act as another character, and do a couple jazz

squares. But on top of that, I learned how to be the best

version of myself, which started with kindness.

Being a part of a cast is almost like being a part of a

sports team. When we are on stage, we must trust each

other to make sure that everything is going on track. My

castmates from Act One saw me in my most vulnerable

states. To be another character does not mean you throw

away every personality trait that you have. Instead, you

add onto yourself, and see how you fit into that character.

Musical theater has allowed me to step out of my

comfort zone into the shoes of others. Prior to being a

part of theater, I barely knew who I was. But as soon as I

allowed myself to open my mind to other characters, my

personality was shaped.

There are different characters that I have portrayed that

have stuck with me and formed who I am now. I have the

confidence of Peter Pan, the adventurous spirit of Simba

from the Lion King, the determination of Joseph and his

amazing technicolor dream coat, and now, the caring and

sensitivity of Gabriella from High School Musical.

So not only has the vocal training, the dance lessons,

the acting coaching led me to where I am now, but every

show that I have been a part of has affected me in some

way, shape, or form. And for that, I will forever be

grateful for what music has done for me.

OPINION page 4

Blast from the Past: a picture of one of the musicals I’ve been in.

Photo provided by Maggie Allwein.

Art Therapy


There are so many different forms of art in this modern world. My personal The whole process of music is

art in itself. Thinking of a song, writing random thoughts down on paper, jotting ideas down, then finally catching a melody.

From here on you start to really put down tempos, and bring together lyrics.

It's beautiful because the song is so personal, sometimes the audience may never know what your thought process was with

the song and how much it meant to you. What’s cool about music is that we can all interpret it in our own ways. We can relate

to songs and use our personal experiences to connect with it. Then, that song becomes comforting to you because you can really

relate to it. This is now a form of therapy.

Songs can truly take a person somewhere that no human could take you. It can make you feel such strong emotions and can

bring out such a fun and beautiful side of someone. Songs can take you to a happy place, or allow you to cry and let things out.

Music is the purest form of art, it allows us to connect with our emotions, and find comfort in those 3-4 minutes, or you could

keep it on I do.

An Ode to My Idols ZOE BLACKWELL


An amazing singer,

performer, and musician,

Prince had some of the

top RnB and Rock hits of

our time. Purple Rain,

Little Red Corvette, and

1999 are just some of his

most popular songs. He

was an absolute icon. He

inspired the sound of

many of today’s pop artists with his funky guitar riffs and raw

emotional vocals that rocked the hearts of fans worldwide.

2. Amy Winehouse

Much can be said about Amy Winehouse, and most of the press

and tabloids focus on her mistakes and events leading to her

tragic end. But behind the media’s portrayal, was her rugged

charm, brash sense of humor and emotional lyrics. Her heart

can be found in the jazzy vocals of her songs that told her story

from her own words.

She earned her place

as one of the world’s

greatest RnB/Soul

artists since the time

of her debut album


3. Freddie


Not many singers

embodied the fearless

creativity and attitude of

Queen’s lead singer Freddie

Mercury. He combined an

outrageously colorful stage

persona, an astounding mock-

operatic sound with guitar

solos and layered vocals, and a

great talent for writing

complicated and catchy songs.

There was no performer that

could connect and interact

with the crowd quite like he


An Ode to My Art History Class:

Why it’s My Favorite Subject This Year


I am not exceptionally good at “art.” I have never been good at drawing or painting and I have never practiced art outside

of school. However, some of my favorite subjects during my high school career have been art classes. Art allows me to be

creative in a way that I am not in most other parts of my life. Even though my work never comes out to be a masterpiece, I am

always proud of what I create.

Throughout my high school years, I have taken Metalcraft, Painting, Introduction to Art, and this year, AP Art History.

However, I never expected to take AP Art History and actually like it, for I did not mind history and I liked art, but only when

I was the one making it. Yet, it has been one of the most entertaining and enlightening classes I have taken this year.

The class requires students to review the 250 pieces of art in preparation for the AP test and write concept maps for them

along with an essay. That may seem like a lot of work, but the research that goes into our concept maps are entertaining. I

have felt more connected to and inspired by the art world by taking this class. AP Art History allows me to take time out of

my day to look at famous pieces of art and learn the stories behind them. Each art piece has a unique history and reason why it

was placed on the AP list. Some of my favorite pieces of art this year was not because I liked the artwork itself, but because I

loved the story behind why the artist painted it, whether it was in protest or changing the art movements going on during that

time. Mr. Thearle also does a good job of giving us enough time to do our work while also teaching and preparing us for the

AP exam. Art History combines my love for writing and getting good grades while also entertaining me the same way being

creative by making my own art does.

OPINION page 5 Rampage Writers Get Grateful. What are you grateful for, PR?

Body Image & Fashion How Advertisements Change the Fashion Industry

ABBY MORELAND STAFF WRITER Fashion is best advertised through

pictures and media. The fashion industry

is always changing and adapting to the

world around us. Over the years, topics

such as body image have been a challenge

brands have had to overcome. Representation within fashion

companies is best brought to the public

eye by pictures of models. When we shop

online, the first thing we see is the picture

of the item on a model. This gives us an

immediate reaction as to what type of

clothing it is. Seeing it on someone

skinny rather than someone of a bigger

size, may shift your thinking of what it

means to be showing these clothes on

people that are comfortable in their own

skin. Recently, the brand Aerie, which is a

sub-brand of American Eagle, has used

body image to positively influence

society. Over the past year, social media

platforms as well as online stores have

been affecting our views one way or

another. Aerie has shown their desire to

make a name for themselves. Including

models that are comfortable in their own

skin makes the shopper want to buy from

there. This has been a positive step for

Aerie as they have moved forward in the

role of showing women that are

comfortable with their flaws. In the past, companies have used

skinny models that everyone typically

pictures when they hear the word model.

They portray a perfect look and size.

What the customers don’t realize is that

they photoshop

and alter every

picture to make it

look like that

person is perfect.

But in reality we

all know that

perfection is not

real. We all have


but that is what

makes us; us. Diversity in

fashion is what

we need. Our

world is evolving

into this new era

of self

expression, and

along with that, so is fashion. Everything

we wear portrays how we feel about

ourselves and what we think of ourselves.

Being able to wear clothes we feel

comfortable in, rather than being seen as

a shirt that is only portrayed on a skinny

model, helps us to connect as a society

and feel good about ourselves and others.

Expressing Yourself Through Fashion Embracing your Own Unique Style


A lot of people express themselves by

what they wear. Many people have

different styles of clothing. People

usually decide on their clothing based on

what they like and what their interests are.

You can really tell a persons’ interests by

what they wear. People do use fashion as

a form of self-expression. Humans feel an

urge to be unique, show their character

and give a good first impression, which is

always given by appearance. Expressing

personality through fashion requires

having a style.

The first step in finding our own style

is to overcome the fear of being judged.

While at times this is easier said than

done, it is possible and anyone can do it.

A lot of people don’t feel comfortable in

their own clothing due to the fear of being

judged. Once you get over that fear and

feel more comfortable in your own skin,

you’ll be so much more confident.

Fashion has been one of many ways

that I like to express myself. I love to go

shopping for new clothes. I have many

different styles of clothing as well. On

lazy days where I’m not doing anything I

like to stay home in my sweats. On nights

out with my family or friends I like to get

dressed up. I have always been the type of

person who loves to get all dressed up for

a night out. Without fashion, life would

be boring and people would not be able to

express themselves through their



American Eagle and Aerie encourage body positivity.

Amanda Gorman: American Poet

Wordsmith. Change-maker. ABBY LANE STAFF REPORTER

Amanda Gorman is the youngest

inaugural poet in U.S. history, as well as

an award-winning writer and cum laude

graduate of Harvard University, where

she studied Sociology. She has also

written for The New York Times and

authored three books.

Gorman was born and raised in Los

Angeles and began writing at only a few

years old. Her words have won her

invitations to the White House and to

perform for Lin-Manuel Miranda, Al

Gore, Secretary Hillary Clinton, Malala

Yousafzai, along with many others.

Recently she performed an original poem

during President Joe Biden’s

inauguration. Her words went viral. With

the induration exposure, Gorman’s name

recognition catapulted. Most recently

Gorman was selected for the prestigious

honor of being featured on the

cover of Vogue.

Vogue is considered one of

the utmost authorities on fashion.

Famous photographer Annie

Leibovitz photographed Amanda

Gorman in native Africa attire as

well as other beautiful fashion


Gorman’s poems focus on

issues of oppression, feminism,

race, and marginalization, as well

as the African diaspora. She was

also the first person to be named

National Youth Poet Laureate.

According to Vogue Magazine,

Gorman loves the arts and uses

poetry to help find her voice so

she can make a difference in her


The Rise of The NBA In Fashion

How Did Jerseys Become so Popular all of a Sudden? HAYDEN CONLEY STAFF WRITER

I don’t know if anyone else has noticed,

but I have been seeing so many NBA jerseys

over the past few years. I feel like I am

seeing a new player or a new team’s jersey

every day. How did they get so

popular? That’s what I’m going to try and

figure out today. NBA jerseys have really become

mainstream in the past decade or so. As

extremely popular players continue to

become more popular and stars young and

old continue to push the

popularity of the game. The

NBA in the past decade has

really ramped up their

marketing from the time of

Michael Jordan. With the

increase in popularity of

Basketball around the world,

Jerseys are becoming popular

internationally. China in

particular has shown an

increased interest in the NBA

over the past few years, which

furthers the international


Another reason NBA jerseys have

become so popular is because of their

accessibility. If you want an inexpensive but

lower quality replica jersey you can visit

websites such as, Ebay or

DHgate. If you are willing to pay more for a

higher quality jersey you can visit the official

NBA apparel website or other websites such

as Fanatics. All of these websites are very

easy to use and the higher quality jersey sites

often have discount codes. You can find all

kinds of players from Bill Russel to Steph

Curry and everyone in between. There is so

much variety in the NBA that there should be

a player or a jersey for everyone. I absolutely love this new trend. I love

basketball and I love the jerseys that they

wear so it is great to see the NBA expand this

way. I hope this continues and I hope that

more people can see the value of these

jerseys in fashion.


Amanda Gorman’s Vogue cover.

NBA Jersey Collection

Basketball Stars’ Fashion Players Stay Fashionable LUCAS CORDOBA STAFF WRITER

Fashion is defined as a popular trend,

such as clothing or behavior. However,

nowadays fashion relates more to

appearance, and while everyone has their

own style, some styles are more

noticeable than others.

While some athletes don’t care much

about fashion, some are obsessed with it.

For example, Brooklyn Nets guard James

Harden has a reputation for having some

fashionable, and sometimes weird,

outfits. He attracts a lot of media attention

through his outfits, apart from also being

a dominant player in the NBA. In fact, his

former teammate, Russell Westbrook,

also ropes in media attention through his

fashion styles. Although they both have

some questionable outfits, there is no

doubt that on the court, they both hold

remarkable records and have earned their

stripes as some of the game’s greatest.

Some players may not always care

about fashion, but for special occasions,

they pull through. One of these examples

is Halloween. Stephen Curry, arguably

the greatest shooter of all time, is known

for his antics off the court, and being a

“class clown”, and you would expect

nothing less out of Steph. On Halloween,

he pulled into the arena on a tricycle and

a jigsaw costume. However, he was not

the only one to dress up for the

occasion. J.J. Redick, a lights out shooter

who has been a role player throughout his

career, walked into the arena wearing a

Lego costume. It’s nice to see these

players having fun playing the game they


Some players focus on the game,

others focus on the business aspects of

their lives, and some just maintain their

focus on their outfits and fashion style.

Fashion is a big part of society nowadays,

and these basketball players resemble


Do’s and Don’ts Of Gym Apparel

What to Wear While Working Out and Accessories you Should Have TEO FAZIO STAFF WRITER

As a constant gym goer, I have noticed

that some people in the gym are wearing

the wrong apparel for exercise. So I am

going to help you all out by telling you the

do’s and don’ts of gym apparel.

First the do's are to wear basic gym

apparel which is shorts and a t-shirt or a

stringer (tank-top). You can wear

sweatpants and sweatshirts too, those are

completely fine. Some brands that I like

the best are Nike, Adidas, Underarmour,

Gymshark and Rawgear. They all have

websites and can help you get decked out

in gym apparel. Also, you do need the

right shoes when you're working out.

Those same brands have shoes that you

can use and get but the ones I recommend

the most at least for weight-lifting is the

Nike Metcon. It has a flat bottom, so you

are stable when you squat or deadlift. If

you are just running I would then get the

Adidas Ultra Boost or a Brooks running

shoe. Furthermore, some accessories you

should bring to the gym if they don’t

already have it there is chalk. You can

buy liquid chalk online (Amazon) and it

is a very good investment since it helps

your grip strength a lot since your hand

won't be wet and sweaty with it on.

Secondly are the don'ts. You definitely

don't want to go to the gym wearing Jorts

(Jean Shorts) or any constricting pants

like jeans. It restricts your movement and

is very uncomfortable to workout. Also

do not show up to the gym wearing any

type of dress shoe. Wearing anything

other than gym apparel while working out

will most likely lead to you getting

injured in some sort of way. Also, I would

not wear jewelry while you are working

out because it can possibly break or get

caught on something. I know this from

experience because while benching my

necklace broke.

I hope this article gives all of you gym

goers good advice on what to and not to

wear to the gym. To sum it all up basically

wear athletic apparel with the right shoes

to go with what you are training for. I also

highly recommend leaving your jewelry

at home.


James Harden.

Suit Evolution: Men’s Fashion Changes Over the Years DOMINIC DESJARDINS STAFF WRITER

Men’s fashion has evolved over the

years and has expanded to wide varieties

of different looks. However, the

traditional work outfit hasn’t changed

much. Over the last hundred years, the

suit has become slimmer and unique

colors are used here and there.

1920’s: These suits typically had a

wide pant width as well as a longer

length. The suit itself consisted of three

pieces, pants, jacket, and vest. The shoes

had a black toe cap with the majority of

the shoe white. Bow ties were more

common than today but regular ties were

also worn.

1940’s: The pants stayed the same

with solid shoes becoming more popular.

The three piece was still “in;” however,

the bowties started to fade away. The

jacket itself changed with almost

everything. The collar was wider, pointed

out towards the shoulders, and baggier

with double buttons. Fedoras were also


1960’s: Three-piece suits were still

common however, varieties of different

styles started to come out. Jackets got

slimmer and smaller and pants weren’t as

long. The style is similar to modern day

suits with lots of similarities. The only

difference was that pants come up higher

on the torso with a cuff at the bottom.

1980: Lots of similarities from both

the 60’s and 40’s. The slimmer pants with

the cuff remained the same but the

baggier jacket was making a comeback.

Double buttons were back but not as

many. Bow Ties were almost extinct, and

ties were thick.

2000’s: The modern-day suit has

arrived with tight jackets and pants. Pants

barely reach the shoe with a subtle break.

Bowties are more common and double

buttons are making a comeback. Three

pieces are slightly more common but

typically worn for special occasions.

Fashion Trends Throughout the Ages Clothes and Outfits that were Popular in Recent years


On social media, there are numerous

trends that take the world by storm and

inspire others to try them out. Every year,

there are newer and more bold clothes

that the people of the world take interest

in. With new styles and unique touches

that help every generation be creative, the

trends of fashion get better and better

every single year. Fashion is the art of

expression through the clothes we all

wear every single day, so below are a

couple of examples of trends that were

most popular very recently.

The famous bucket hat made its debut

in 2019 with so many colors to wear.

Something that used to be worn by

fishermen in the 1900s has now become a

huge fashion trend that still goes on today.

It's safe to say that it's not only fun to

wear, but also efficient in guarding your

face from the sun.

The pandemic had spread like

wildfire and as a result, new creative

and revolutionary ideas came out to

ease people's boredom. Lots of different

kinds of metallic clothing came into

style during fall 2020 and still continues

to thrive today. Whether it be a dress,

skirt, jacket, or pants, anything

Metallica was all the rage.

With Covid still ongoing across the

entire nation, new creative and D.I.Y.

masks started taking the media by

storm. Multiple new colors, designs,

and shapes, masks have now become

something expressive in the fashion

industry. Wearing a mask used to be a

major burden and many people hate it

immensely but staying safe and creating a

cute mask is a great way to do something

in your spare time and look good in



trends from the

past years have

been all unique

and unmatched.

Every year, no

matter the

problem or

situation the

world is in, the

people of the

world always

find a way to



throughout Earth. Trends come and go

but being yourself and experimenting

with different styles can help you be more

expressive and can always inspire you in

your everyday life.


Vintage suits from Pinterest.

Bucket hat from Puma.

Current Fashion Trends

So, What’s New in the Fashion World?


With each new year we see fashion

trends come and go. For the past few

years, most fashion clothes have

resembled the styles of the 80’s and 90’s-

more of a grunge look you could say. As

we are all coming out of the dark year of

2020, colorful and vibrant patterns are

becoming popular again, just how they

were in the 70’s.

In the fall, oversized blazers became

the star of the show which brings us back

to more of an 80’s style. A more of a

classy look can turn into a fashion

statement, just by being oversized. The

whole outfit doesn’t have to be fancy with

this. Pair it with some jeans and dad

sneakers, and you’re on your way.

The skinny jeans have said goodbye

and now we are moving on to high

waisted and flare jeans- specifically these

ones from Zara. These particular jeans

have become extremely

popular in the past month,

making their way to girls and

women’s closets for their

spring wardrobe. These

almost resemble the gogo

pants of the 70’s, with a fit

and snug waist and the subtle

flare bottoms. As Vogue said

in a spring 2021 fashion

article, “It’s past time to

break the cycle of dependence on

sweatpants and leggings, and the spring

2021 collections certainly offer plenty of


While we used to see plain and basic

colored shirts on girls and women, these

shirts are far from quiet. On top of this,

mixing flashy patterns is now a problem

of the past! On the contrary- it's


Then there are always the basics which

includes pastels. Bright pastels to be

exact. Sage green is becoming the color

that a lot of young influencers are

standing by along with a lavender.

Whether you are trying to find a new

wardrobe for spring and summer, or just

up your style game, this sure is the year to

do it.

Fashion Events of 2021 Mark Your Calendars With Upcoming Fashion Events

MEGAN DONNELLY STAFF WRITER If you are someone who follows fashion trends, you

were probably disappointed by all the cancellations of

fashion shows and events in 2020. The cancelling of

events has even carried on into the early months of

2021 as we have not fully opened back up and dropped

all restrictions. Though we are not 100% in the clear

yet, the promise of the vaccine provides hope for future

fashion events of 2021 being carried out. Here is a look

at the fashion events you can look forward to

throughout the end of October. The current month of April is one of the few

months in the year that doesn’t have any significant

fashion events. However, if you look ahead to the

month of May, you will find fashion events begin to

pick up again. The first event is the 2021 Met Gala which takes place on May 3rd. The Met Gala formally called the Costume

Institute Gala and also known as the Met Ball is an annual

fundraising gala for the benefit of the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute in New York City. This year, the theme is

still unknown, but 2020’s chosen theme was “About Time: Fashion and Duration”.

CFDA Fashion Awards May 31 The CFDA Fashion Awards honors excellence in fashion design. It’s like “the Oscars of fashion”.

Nominations are submitted by the Fashion Guild, a group of over 1,500 CFDA members, fashion editors, retailers, and stylists.


Fashion in Motion from Vogue.

Senior Spotlight: Happy-Go-Lucky Harrison ZOE BLACKWELL STAFF WRITER

When I think of a person who’s

laid-back, funny, and kind, a certain

guy comes to mind!

Harrison Hayes is one of our

seniors here at PR, and you may also

know him as the chill, offensive

lineman from the football team. But

when he’s not at football, you may

catch him showing off his pickup

basketball skills to his friends or just

hanging out and relaxing with his

family on the weekends.

To the freshmen at PR right now,

are you maybe a bit stressed or

overwhelmed with school? Or

perhaps you’re unsure about

prioritizing your workload or free

time? Guess what? Why not do both!

Here’s some advice Harrison has to

share with you as a senior: “Do your

homework and try to have fun in high

school, and you’ll be fine.”

As a senior and football player,

Harrison is usually pretty busy during

the week and on weekends too, but

when he has some free time (and a

little cash) he’ll shop around at the

mall, or maybe binge a season of The

Office, or maybe rewatch one of the

old Star Wars movies.

I haven’t known him for that long

but I do know that he loves his family,

friends, team, and his red and blue

Nike low tops that are also rocked by

Steve Harrington from Stranger


Senior Harrison Hayes.

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STUDENT GOVERNMENT: The junior class is collecting

packages of diapers and baby wipes for the Western PA

Diaper Bank. The collection is running until Friday, May 7th.

There is a donation box located in the lobby that says diaper

drop-off. If anyone has questions they can email Mary Fannie

at her PR-Rams e-mail address. (

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My Thoughts on the Ways Art Shapes our World SOPHIA DE JESUS STAFF WRITER

Living in the world today, you

cannot go anywhere without

experiencing some form of expressive

artistry. Art is truly magnificent in how

unique and creative every piece is

made, and it’s with this universal and

amazing concept that allows humans all

around the world to enjoy art’s entirety.

It can change opinions and even alter

perspective through instilling the values

of loving or hating a particular thing.

Art can also translate other people’s

stories and it connects people to one

another. It can be interpreted into

communication or expression by using

simple or complex images to talk to

people of different cultures and times.

Artists themselves are considered a

vehicle for expressing universal

emotion. They focus on connecting

with people’s feelings by adding their

personal touch or opinion.

Art requires the viewer to look at the

deeper meaning of its design. Some

pieces are distinctly clear in what they

are trying to convey, while others are

meant to be looked at in a deeper and

more thorough observation.

By bringing out the beauty and pain

of events that are undergone in the

world around us, artists can illuminate a

solution or how impactful that specific

event is. They almost work as educators

by teaching the world about new ideas

or by spotlighting lies and truths. These

simple ideas that are painted or drawn

on top of any canvas can lead to small

or big changes in attitudes within our

society. It’s up to the artist and their

work to express the message, and that

message can influence future

generations to come.

Every work of art embodies ideas or

history by the time period in which it

was created. The Starry Night created

by Vincent van Gogh, made in 1889

within the Post-Impressionism period,

is perhaps one of the most notable and

influential paintings ever made. The art

itself is absolutely stunning visually,

but an even deeper meaning symbolizes

the artist’s intention of linking the tree

to death and sadness. The tone of the

entire painting is meant to be glum and

deep, and the artist created the piece in

order to convey his personal feelings by

using specific colors to get them


By artists educating everyone in

different nations, pieces of art bringing

out deeper messages in the world, and

through the preservation of history

through detailed or simplistic work, art

is something that shapes society. Art

itself isn’t merely paintings or

drawings, but also statues, music, and

so much more creative expression that

we see every day.

Without art, the world would be

divided and no one would understand

each other. But while art thrives and

exists, the world will always be

influenced by its beauty.


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SENIOR SURVEY: Attention Seniors, every spring, PRHS asks

seniors to complete the PRHS Senior Survey. The purpose of

the survey is to better understand students' plans after high

school, impact of course selection on career choice, report

state matriculation results to the State of Pennsylvania, and

gather information for the Class of 2021 Map. Please

complete your survey by May 16th! If you need help, contact

Mrs. Whalen in the School Counseling Office.

Hope in a Time of Darkness The Ways Hard Times Can Actually Bring out the Best in Us


A fresh start.

That’s what many of us thought

we would get when 2020 came

around. Believe it or not, some

were excited for 2020. Then, the

world was hit with a reality check

that some many haven’t

experienced in a lifetime.

However, even when the dark is

engulfing us from all around, light

always finds a way to emerge. In

this case, art brought the light and

beauty back to the world and gave

people hope in times of hardship

and struggle.

Starting on the West Coast: Los

Angeles, California. Nurses and

medical staff are heroes and are

getting the recognition they

deserve by local artists. There are

many pieces of art that symbolize

many different things but the

“War Time” mural definitely hits

hard to many that pass by it. Based

on the conditions we have been

living in for a year now, it’s

starting to wear on many people

both mentally and physically. The

“War Time” art brings grit and

determination to the people of Los

Angeles while rewarding medical

staff with recognition and


Down to the Southern Midwest

in Austin, Texas: this city helped

create a sense of community and

continues to remind people to

check in on each other. Using the

comic strip theme, this work brings

humor with the dialogue but

remains a sense of seriousness and

reality with the masks over their

noses. The southern stereotype of country farms and ranch land also plays a role with the two settings that are portrayed, with the

gentleman calling from his farm and the woman calling from an urban, city setting. This shows the sense of community in Texas,

and again, brings hope to these people and keeps them connected in some small way.

Art has and continues to bring this country and its people together. Though the world has been consumed by a dark, thick cloud

that brings uncertainty and darkness, with every mural that is created, that darkness lets in the light and the unknown becomes


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Art has changed so much over the years. Art goes from

drawing animals in a cave with a stick to paintings of humans

and objects. I used to think that art was just a waste of time, that

it had no point or meaning to anyone but my opinion has

changed. Now I have a whole different perspective on art. All

art has meaning and a story behind it; however, it may not be

easy to figure all of that out the first time you look at a painting

or drawing.

In the prehistoric times from ~40,000-4,000 BC, or also

known as the Old Stone Age, humans used natural pigment and

stone carvings to create representations of objects and

animals. One of the most famous pieces of art from that time is

of the Paleolithic cave paintings found in the complex caves of

Lascaux in France. Though discovered in 1940, they’re

estimated to be up to 20,000 years old and depict large animals

and vegetation from the area. The painting shows animals that

we have never seen before because they are now extinct.

Let's move forward in time to the year 1500 during the

Renaissance Period. This is the time where some of the most

popular paintings were made. Renaissance art is a style of

painting, sculpture, and decorative art characterized by a focus

on nature and individualism, the thought of man as independent

and self-reliant. During the time period 1490 to 1527 this is

where some of the most influential artists made a name for

themselves, for example, da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael,

each of whom brought creative power and spearheaded ideals of

emotional expression. Artwork throughout the Renaissance was

characterized by realism, attention to detail, and precise study of

human anatomy. Artists used linear perspective and created

depth through intense lighting and shading.

Going into the present time (1970-Present day) this day and

age is called the Contemporary Art Period. This is the period of

all the different types of art mixed together to make something

even better. Some kinds of art now are feminist art, street art,

and digital art. Feminist art is the movement to transform

stereotypes and break the model of a male-dominated art

history. Street art is graffiti-like art on surfaces in public places

like sidewalks, buildings, and overpasses. Lastly, digital art

allowed artists to use the infusion of art and technology to create

with mediums like computers, audio and visual software, sound,

and pixels.

Though art has changed throughout the years, every piece of

art has a story behind it.

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Attention Spanish Club

members! The virtual

flamenco lesson will

take place on May 3rd

from 4 to 5PM. Please

RSVP for this event! We

hope you can all make

it! Spanish Club Officer

Elections will be held

at our meeting on

Monday, May 24th from

4 to 5PM. Please write

an email of interest to

Senora Hough

by May 1st.