Issue 30, Volume 19

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Issue 30 of Volume 19 of The CNM Chronicle

Transcript of Issue 30, Volume 19

By Jonathan BacaCopy Editor

The old book store on Main Campus has been trans-formed into a lush, comfort-able and more accessible area for students to access a wide range of services, said Executive Director of CNM Connect, Ann Lyn Hall said.

The new space was revealed on Monday, January 21, and combines the offices of CNM Connect, Student Activities, SAGE’s Adult Basic Education and the CNM Call Center into one open and

inviting location, with the goal of making it easier for students to access all the services they need, Hall said.

“I think people are really excited about the new space. It really gives us an opportunity to collaborate and expand, and pro-vide additional services for stu-dents,” Hall said.

Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management, Eugene Padilla said the transformation has been in the works ever since the new book store was being built, and it is part of the larger initiative to expand the role and mission of CNM Connect.

“When the new book store was built, this really gave us the opportunity to renovate this area and make it CNM Connect. It is a great opportunity to bring together a lot of the support ser-vices,” Padilla said.

When students first enter, they walk into a large area where the CNM Connect offices are, with access to Achievement Coaches, a comfortable area filled with couches and chairs, and eventually, a computer lab with 29 computers, printers and a copy and fax machine, he said.

By Nick SternManaging Editor

Full-time Education Faculty member, Joanne Zakrzewski, passed away on January 10 from a sudden brain aneurysm at the age of 42.

Zakrzewski is sur-vived by her three chil-dren, and husband, who the Chronicle sends our sincere condolences.

Zakrzewski was born Oct. 27, 1971 in Manilla, Philippines and came to America in 1986.

Zakrzewski was a fac-ulty member in the School of Communication, Humanities, and Social Sciences since September 2004, accord-ing to the CNM Media and Communications office.

Colleagues and friends of Zakrzewski were invited to visit the family home Wednesday, Jan. 15, Friday, Jan. 17 to pay their respects and to remember a fallen associate.

A student poster on rate my professor said about Zakrzewski, “I am so sad to inform all of you that Joanne passed away of a brain aneu-rism. I was in her Educational Psychology class. She was a fantastic teacher, easy listener, and allowed everyone’s opin-ions to be heard. I am so sorry for this tragedy and I hope she is remembered in light.”

Full-time Instructor, Andrea Olguin said Zakrzewski’s time with CNM allowed her to touch many people’s lives in many different ways, and these people are all better off for knowing her.

“She was an incredible friend and will be greatly missed by everyone, hon-estly I am better for know-ing her and I am just hon-ored to have called her a friend,” Olguin said.

She did not just have an effect on students and col-leagues, but rather everyone she ever came into contact with was affected by her great personality, she said.

Dean of CHSS, Erica Volkers said Zakrzewski was extremely passionate about education and has changed and inspired many of her students in many different ways, but always for the better.

“Many of the students would say that Joanne had an impact on their lives whether it was because she helped them navigate the challenges of work and home with school, engaged them in the joy of learning, or went the extra mile to support their success in class,” Volkers said.

Zakrzewski initially taught in the childhood pro-gram and later began teach-ing in the alternative teacher licensure program, she said.

Zakrzewski had a piv-otal role in developing essential programs and was an incredible teacher who was supportive and loved working with the diverse students at CNM, she said.

“I would say her legacy to CNM was the social work program in which we now

have over 500 students pursu-ing this degree/career path-way. I think her greatest gift to CNM was her role in the classroom as a teacher. I know she touched the lives of many students at CNM. Her evalu-ations were always filled with comments about how wonder-ful she was as an instructor,” she said.

Volkers said that Zakrzewski had six younger siblings who she was very close to and she was also regarded as the

“mother hen” because she kept the family close and connected, also pushing her siblings to pursue their own educations.

Volkers also said that Zakrzewski always gathered her immediate family of her husband and three children aged 3, twelve, and nine-teen around the kitchen table at least a couple times a week, she said.

The CNMChronicleVolume 19 | Issue 30 January 28, 2014/cnmchronicle thecnmchronicle.wordpress.comT h e s t u d e n t v o i c e o f C e n t r a l n e w M e x i c o c o m m u n i t y c o l l e g e

CNM goes greenPages 4-5


The old book store that has been transformed into a comfortable new space for student services.


Joanne Zakrzewski was a beloved instructor, mother and friend.

School mourns loss of instructor

Old bookstore transformed into student services center

see LOss on page 7

see seRVICe on page 7

2 | The CNM Chronicle January 28, 2014NEWSOPINIONBulletins2| The CNM Chronicle January 28, 2014

To submit items for Campus Bulletins, please email news item with a maximum of 150 words to: or call 224-4755.

student organizations cnm

ECOS Accepting New Members

The Executive Council of Students is accepting new members.ECOS meets every Friday at 4 p.m. in ST 12-A.For more information,email

Come check out M.E.Ch.A.

CNM’s chapter of el Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano/a de Aztlan meets every other Thursday search for “M.E.Ch.A de CNM” on Facebook, or email at for meeting locations and times.

Free Bus and Parking Passes

Current students qualify for a free general parking pass and AbqRide bus pass. The passes can be obtained at the Main campus Student Activities Office. Name, schedule, and student ID number are required. For a general parking pass vehicle and drivers license information must be provided. To register the online parking system for the free general parking sticker log-in to myCNM and follow links from the “transportation” section.

Employability Workshops

Job Connection Services invites CNM students and graduates to attend free Workshops at Main (SSC-207) and Montoya (TW-105) campuses. Workshops focus on resume writing and offer tips for answering interview questions.For more information, call 224-3060 or go to

CNM to UNM Transfer Workshops Coming in February

If you are planning to transfer to the University of New Mexico, then attend an upcoming

“CNM to UNM Transfer Workshop” and learn how to make a smooth transition.

The workshops will inform you on how to exit CNM and apply to UNM. Workshops will also teach you how your courses transfer to UNM and your degree program, how to be successful at UNM.

For more information contact Sharon Gurule at 224-2624 or email

Cash, Check or Credit Card

MC, Visa, Amex, and Discover

12 p.m. Thursday prior to publication

FREE to CNM stu-dents, faculty, and staff

up to 15 words and $0.40 per word after. Regular Rates $0.40 per word. $3.00 per

week for bold header.

Daniel JohnsonPhone: 505.224.3255

CNM Chronicle525 Buena Vista SE, STE. 12BAlbuquerque, NM 87106

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CNM Chronicle Classified

CorrectionsSee an error in the newspaper?

Let us know!Email errors or concerns to

Rene Thompson or

call 224-4755.






Join physics league

The CNM Physics League is a chartered student organization with a goal of supporting physics students. We meet every Saturday in JS 303 at Main Campus for a study session from 10 AM to 2 PM with the CNM Math League. We also hold an official meeting once a month, location TBA. Please contact our president, Jenny Smith, at or our secretary, Joseph Denison, at for more information.”

Veterans For Educational Success Student Club

Bringing together Veterans in an effort to assist each other in being successful in college.Come join us at the meetings for coffee, chat and ideas to benefit Veteran studentsand find volunteer opportunities in the local community. Where: Rio Rancho Campus. Meetings: Bi-weekly every second Friday at 1 p.m and forth Friday 9 a.m If interested email advisor at for specific dates and times.

Skinny Puppy & DJMREX

will be @ the Sunshine Theater, located at 120 Central Ave. SW on Tuesday, Jan 28.Doors open at 7 p.m., All Ages event. For tickets or more information go to

music events

Acquire a better bang for your buck at the new

“Campus Bookstore”

Get the best price for used books or get a great deal for textbooks at the Campus Bookstore located @2720 Central SE, Suite F, across from UNM. For more information call 255-1114 or go to

student deals

New Mexico FIRST LEGO League youth robotics event, CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS:

Volunteers are needed for the fourth annual New Mexico FIRST® LEGO® League Championship Tournament and Junior FIRST LEGO League Expo, Saturday, Feb. 1, 2014 8 a.m.-5 p.m., at the Albuquerque Academy, 6400 Wyoming NE, in Albuquerque. Volunteers may be adults or high-school students. We have slots open for judges, referees, and reviewers. We are especially in need of general tournament volunteers. All volunteers must fill out information forms, complete a background check, and attend a training session. For questions or to volunteer, email

Staff ReporterApplicants must:

• Have passed ENG 1101• Have at least two terms remaining at CNM• Be work-study qualified• Expository Writing ( ENG 2200) a plus

Ad SalesApplicants must:

• Be work study qualified• Produce 2 ad sales per month• Produce 10 ad inquires per week• Are able to do canvasing

around CNM campuses

Please send resume to Rene Thompson

Put your business or personal

classified here!

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Want to sell something?

For more information contact Daniel Johnson at

January 28, 2014 The CNM Chronicle | 3

525 Buena Vista SE, ST 12b Albuquerque, NM 87106 Ph. 224.4755Copyright © 2013 The CNM Chronicle | This newspaper, its design and its contents are copyrighted.

editorial | 224.4755

Rene Thompson editor-in-chief

Nick Stern managing editor

Jonathan Baca copy editor

newsroom | 224.4758

Daniel Chavez staff reporter

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Angelica Manzanares layout designer

business | 224.3255

Daniel Johnson business manager

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Jack Ehn faculty adviser

editorial board

Rene ThompsonMarie BishopDaniel JohnsonNick Stern


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The CNM Chronicle strives to publish only accurate and truthful information. If you believe you have found an error, please email at or call 224.4755.


The CNM Chronicle is printed by Vanguard Publishing Co. and circulated free of charge to all CNM campuses and the surrounding community.

ChronicleThe CNM


Students who would like their poetry or short stories (no longer than 500 words) featured in The Chronicle,

please send your writings to for consideration. Know that any writing submit-ted to the Chronicle is subject to editing for space.

by the Chronicle Editorial Board

It is so great to see CNM taking the initiative to get stu-dents educated in recycling, and helping students take these habits with them to maybe start recy-cling in their own homes.

New recycle bins will be placed throughout CNM cam-puses that do not require separa-tion of recyclable items.

Recycling helps keep disposal costs down while preserving nat-ural resources and protecting the air, soil, and groundwater. Much of the more than 1,800 tons of trash generated by the city each day can be recycled, and just think how much CNM can con-tribute to making Albuquerque a top recycling city.

If materials are reused or recycled instead of being dis-posed of at landfills, less energy will be used, such as the produc-tion of an aluminum can from recycled metal uses 95 percent less energy than a can produced from raw aluminum.

Also, recyclables are now finally being collected with curb-side service receptacles through-out the city, so if you have not gotten a recyclables container in your home, you can always call Waste Management at 761-8100 and request a recyclables container.

Using the 3 R’s of reducing, reusing and recycling at home, in school or at work can greatly help to change our great city for the better, and will show that Albuquerque residents have come along from the days of illegal Westside dumping sites.

Recycle this newspaper


4 | The CNM Chronicle January 28, 2014


By Dan ChavezStaff Reporter

CNM students, staff, and faculty have organized an event called Mount Trashmore to demonstrate how much recyclable materials are being sent to landfills every day and to generate awareness of the importance of recycling.

The event will take place on Feb. 26 in one of the main campus park-ing lots yet to be deter-mined, in which Waste Management, a CNM branch that handles recy-cling and trash collec-tion will collect one day’s worth of trash from Main Campus and pile it all in one massive trash mound.

Luis Campos, Executive Director of the Physical Plant, said service learn-ing students and faculty will then sort through the heap in protective clothing, separating recyclables from waste, to demonstrate the amount of recyclables that end up going to a landfill instead of recycling plants.

“What we’re not doing very well is getting the stu-dent engaged in the idea of recycling, so we’re trying to figure out how do we do that, and that’s exactly what Mount Trashmore is.” Campos said.

Students looking for more information, or have any suggestions to improve campus recycling should email Luis Campos at, or Director of Maintenance Anthony Rael at

Campos said that improving CNM recycling and sustainability may be a daunting task, but it is also a very exciting undertaking and that the school looks forward to succeeding in this challenge.

E n g l i s h I n s t r u c t o r, Carson

Bennett said CNM currently recycles about 42 percent of the trash that is thrown in campus dumpsters, so there is a lot of work to be done in order to significantly raise that number.

“If we were a zero-waste campus, that would be won-derful,” Bennett said.

Mount Trashmore is an event that is part of RecycleMania, a two month competition against colleges from around the country, according to CNM Media and Communications office.

Each week, the amount of recycled mate-rial will be weighed by Waste and then reported to RecycleMania officials.

Campos said that cus-todians and other staff are being trained to identify recyclable waste and place it into the appropriate dumpsters so that Waste Management will recycle these materials, but there is more work to be done with getting CNM stu-dents involved.

Campos said that during the RecycleMania competition, Waste Management will be plac-ing temporary recycling bins around campus so that they can get a better idea if they should install more recycling bins and where they should be placed.

These bins are meant for all recyclable items and Waste Management will sort them appropriately, and will also rely on student input to determine where extra bins should be located, he said.

“Having a different perspective from students a n d

faculty is going to help us to be really good at what we do,” Campos said.

Sharon Gordon-Moffett, Director of Service Learning, said that volunteers would work with Service Learning students, who will be participating in events like Mount Trashmore for some hands-on learning and class credit.

“My side is making it an educational opportunity, making it a Service Learning component directly con-nected to course content,” she said.

A goal of the event is to incorporate RecycleMania and Mount Trashmore as an academic component and having instructors offer this event as a service learning opportunity in which stu-dents gain real-world expe-rience and apply their les-sons to this event, recycling in the community and to the other Service Learning or community activities they work on in the future, she said.

Gordon-Moffett said that Service Learning is comprised of four com-ponents in which students learn academically, serve in the community, reflect on what they accomplished, and become engaged in their communities.

Service Learning stu-dents are given oppor-tunities to earn credit hours working with sev-eral approved non-profits outside of CNM, but the Recyclemania event pres-

ents the first time t h e y

can get their hours on campus, she said.

RecycleMania is only one of the many events that Service Learning students are involved in, she said.

Gordon-Moffett said she would emphasize the fact that events like Mount Trashmore and the larger Recyclemania competition work to form significant partnerships between facilities, Service Learning, and faculty.

Psychology Instructor, Asa Stone said Mount Trashmore is one of many RecycleMania events being held for a nationwide competition against other schools and institutions, and is also a demonstration of how far CNM has come with recycling and how far the school has to go.

“We want to make recycling a normative behavior,” she said.

Stone said that she would like to see Mount Trashmore organized in a way that students and com-munity members can vol-unteer and participate in the event in order to make it as inclusive as possible.

It is a great way to establish a coherent identity as a member of the CNM community, as well as a member of the larger com-munity, and to be respon-sible to the surrounding areas, Stone said.

Bennett said he had been involved in an annual Mount Trashmore Earth Day event while he was a faculty member at University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, and he suggested holding a similar event at CNM.

Bennett said he is gathering logistical information from past events held at UCCS,

such as security and safety, and using

it toward the event at CNM.

“Student involvement is key; students need to be the ones sorting through this stuff because it’s much more relevant to the student population, and because there are so many more students here than anyone else,” Bennett said.

Bennett said that if they can get a fraction of the CNM student popula-tion to participate, that would go a long way to getting the college on track to sustainability.

He is hoping to recruit a couple dozen people from Westside to come to Main Campus and partici-pate in Mount Trashmore, Bennett said.

Campos said he uses the analogy of seat belt use to think about how recy-cling can be ingrained in social culture and every-day behavior.

There was a time when people did not

wear seat belts, and when it became a law, some people resisted, but now it is almost automatic to buckle up, he said.

“Recycling should be that seat belt, and we’re not there yet, but we will get there,” he said.



Non-recyclable items like construction materials, cassette tapes, plastic and wax lined cups, any type of food, automotive equipment, plastic bags, shredded paper, and spray paint cans.


Mountain of trash meant to teach the value of recycling

January 28, 2014 The CNM Chronicle | 5

By Jonathan BacaCopy Editor

Sustainability has become the new standard for CNM’s building and renovation proj-ects, and those goals were achieved and even surpassed in the renovations to the school’s Advanced Technology Center, which just received the

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Gold Certification, said Executive Director of the Physical Plant Luis Campos.

The certification, which is given out by the U.S. Green Building Council, was awarded based on a checklist of efficiency and sustainabil-ity standards, and the renova-tion scored even higher than the team thought it would, Campos said.

“We signed the President’s climate commitment in 2008, and in that we made the com-mitment that CNM would reduce its carbon footprint. And as part of that goal, we have to build more efficient buildings, and that’s why we are going after these certifica-tions to really demonstrate our commitment to sustainability,” Campos said.

As part of this larger commitment, every new building or renovation will be planned out using the same checklist, which includes

lower water and power con-sumption, less dangerous waste, and recycled building materials, Campos said.

The project cost $4.5 mil-lion, but Campos said that the green initiatives did not cost much extra to implement, and will actually save the school money in the long run.

“It doesn’t really cost us any more to do this. What it really means is that we have to prioritize things a little differ-ently, but the end results are that you build a more efficient building. So over the long haul, we end up saving money,” Campos said.

Using low-flow toi-lets, motion sensing faucets, drought tolerant landscaping and smart irrigation should help the building use 38 per-cent less water than a tradi-tional building, and over 85 percent of construction waste materials were able to be recy-cled or re-purposed, which totaled over 1000 tons of material that would normally be sent to landfills, he said.

Most of the new equip-ment is Energy Star quali-fied, and many efforts were implemented to save power,

by using efficient light bulbs, timers, and large windows to take advantage of natural light-ing, he said.

The building also has a two-year contract to get much of its electricity from renew-able energy sources, he said.

These and other efforts are already saving the school money, through rebates from PNM and the New Mexico Gas Company for using effi-cient equipment, he said.

The Advanced Technology Center, which used to be a Motorola factory, originally opened in 2011, and the new space is home to class-rooms and labs for many trade programs, including Aviation Maintenance, Construction, as well as Film Studio and Editing classes.

There are more plans to make every building on every campus as sustainable as pos-sible, including adding solar panels to the roofs of four buildings, Campos said.

The panels will be installed at Rio Rancho and West Side campuses, at the Workforce Training Center, and Ken Chappy Hall at Main campus, he said.

Estimates are that in nine years, the panels will pay for themselves, and then begin generating free electricity for these buildings, he said.

Campos and his team are still gathering and calculating data on the larger savings of all of the other efficiency addi-tions, he said.

Campos said that all of these efforts are part of a bigger plan for the school that puts sustainability in the forefront.

“When you talk about sustainability, you don’t really just talk about buildings and recycling. You need to talk about sustainability in the big, general picture of how you educate students on those practices,” Campos said.

Campos is working with other faculty and staff to implement new curricu-lum to many classes that will include educating students on the importance of sus-tainability at school and in their everyday lives.

Campos said he hopes to help create a culture at CNM where everything done, from the classroom to the build-ings to students’ daily lives,

has sustainability at its core, where the principles of sus-tainable living have become a natural, automatic part of the way the school does business.

“Students have the great-est ability to make change in this world. When you think about community colleges and universities, with all the stu-dent populations that we have, we really have the ability to make a great impact on society. And what better way to do that than teaching a sustainable approach,” Campos said.

Campos said that the biggest challenge in creating this culture is increasing the awareness of sustainability issues among students, and he feels that the collaboration with instructors will help to teach students these values, and get them engaged and involved in making it happen.

“Students are our future workforce, so by educating them now you actually have the opportunity to change the world. They are going to own the planet at some point, so why not teach them now?” Campos said.



Recyclable items like newspapers, glass bottles and jars, aluminum foil and cans, collapsible cardboard boxes and liquid containers, office paper and envelopes, tin or steel cans, and plastics (#1-#7) bottles and containers.


Remodeled building receives sustainability award


The Advanced Technology Center just received the LEED Gold Award for sustainability.

6 | The CNM Chronicle January 28, 2014

By Dan ChavezStaff Reporter

Construction manage-ment major, John Whitney emigrated from Ireland, has lived in various places within the United States, and now oversees a handy-man and home improve-ment business while com-pleting his degree at CNM, he said.

Whitney said he owns and operates “Mr. Fix It Irish Handyman, LLC,” a business where he does nearly any type of job, from adding a deck to a

home or complete res-toration of a kitchen, to roof repair and even landscaping.

“There’s not much we don’t do,” he said.

Whitney said he works 80 hours a week at his busi-ness while attending classes at CNM and working toward a degree in construction man-agement, so that he can be a more efficient and productive manager at his business.

Whitney began his busi-ness after enrolling at CNM, when a few neighbors admired some improvements he did on his own home, he said.

Whitney said CNM courses in English, math, estimating, project man-agement, scheduling, and business law have helped him to become better at his business.

Whitney said he has enjoyed nearly all classes he has attended and the instruc-tors he worked with at CNM have been very good teach-ers who not only gave him knowledge, but also inspired him in many subjects.

“I can’t think of a class I didn’t like,” he said.

He will be graduat-ing in May, but he intends

to take further courses occasion-ally to stay up to date for his busi-ness, he said.

“I’ll prob-ably keep chipping away at something, even if it’s online,” he said.

While he immensely enjoys construction and working with his hands, Whitney finds himself spend-ing more time work-ing with the manage-ment side of his busi-ness, he said.

Whitney said these neighbors

asked him if he would com-plete some home improve-ment projects on their houses and he accepted.

“I just had some basic tools, and I kind of just went from there. I enjoyed it, meeting people,” Whitney said.

Whitney said he met a website designer and they made a deal in which Whitney completed a few projects and his friend built the website, which has been the company’s main marketing tool.

“He’s worked won-ders for me and he’s a good friend of mine too. Really, if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have much of a business,” he said.

He said he understands that he must manage the operations side of his busi-ness now, and leave all the labor to his employees for now at least, in which he has anywhere from two to four temporary employees depending on the amount of work available.

“I take on students and the most I have ever had working for me was five or six guys,” he said.

Whitney’s hometown is located in Leitrim, Ireland’s least populated county,

where there is much open land and relatively low crime rates, he said.

“It was a great place to grow up, no major crime,” he said.

Whitney helped con-struct a three-mile long tunnel under Dublin City, Ireland’s longest traffic tunnel, he said.

When Whitney was 17-years-old, his uncle, who was a roofer in Massachusetts, invited Whitney to come to America and work for him, so he made his way to the East Coast, he said.

Whitney then decided on a move to California and lived and worked there for five years, but he began to long for a more rural environment, he said.

In 2009 he decided on a drive to New Mexico, and as he entered the state, one thing he noticed was that people would wave as he drove by, which he had seldom seen since leaving his hometown, he said.

He worked for several months on a large ranch, roping animals, riding horses, and helping with cattle drives, which was an absolutely amaz-ing experience, he said.

Whitney said he met his now wife and because she

worked as a teacher in Rio Rancho, he moved to the area and he took this oppor-tunity to attend CNM.

“If it weren’t for that, for her, I would probably still be out there looking at cows,” he said.

Whitney has also dab-bled as an estimator for a paving company and spent two to three months as an extra during the filming of “The Lone Ranger” in a town that was built specifi-cally for the movie, he said.

Whitney said that estab-lishing his company was something of a lucky acci-dent, and now he is deter-mined to take this oppor-tunity that he has made for himself as far as possible.

Whitney said he hopes that he can expand his business to the point where he could hire man-agers and others to run the operations side of the busi-ness, which would allow him the freedom to do what he loves, which is to get back to the job site and work with his hands while overseeing his company.


CNM Chronicle Photo Contest

The Chronicle is looking for unique photos that represent going to CNM or living in the Albuquerque area from stu-dent photographers that want to have their photo published on the front page of the student paper.

Students can submit up to 10 photos for consideration and entries will be accepted until March 10 to be published in the March 21 Issue of the Chronicle.

All photos submitted will be put up on the Chronicle Facebook page to be voted on the amount of likes accumulated from March 10 to March 17.

Photo Requirements: High resolution (200-300 dpi or

more) TIFF, or JPEG files are accept-able. Images may NOT be submitted in Microsoft word files. All images are converted to and printed in CMYK, 200 dpi (Resolution).

Send all entries


Handyman John Whitney builds a fence.

Handyman brings classroom knowledge to his business

January 28, 2014 The CNM Chronicle | 7

BLACKBOARDContinued from Page 1

CONTINUEDLOSSContinued from Page 1

Now accepting applications for:

Start your career with

ChronicleThe CNM


Deadline to apply is

April 1, 2014

Email your resumé to Jack Ehn at

• Be work study qualified• Have passed ENG 1102 with B or higher• Have at least three terms remaining at CNM• Be flexible with schedule• Must have adequate leadership and communcation skills

She was a very approachable and warm person who was very easy to talk to, she said.

“Joanne had an incred-ible smile that lit up her face and commanded joy and warmth to those she inter-acted with,” Volkers said.

Before working for CNM Zakrzewski was a student in Olguin’s class, and said that she had cre-ated a pivotal moment in the development of Olguin as a teacher, she said.

Zakrzewski was at the forefront of a small group of students who went up to Olguin and questioned her teaching methods, and explained how to improve

those methods in a way that would benefit the students she taught, she said.

“It was at that moment that I truly changed my whole teaching philosophy and implemented a lot more proj-ects and hands-on activities, and learning in the classroom. She was one of the bravest and most courageous people. She did not hesitate to ques-tion something and to change

things that were clearly not working,” Olguin said.

Olguin said that she is battling cancer and believes that Zakrzewski’s passing is also the last lesson she passed along to others, she said.

After Zakrzewski’s life being cut so short like that, Olguin realized that she had no right to be angry or upset about her own situation because nothing in life is ever

guaranteed, especially not life itself, she said.

Olguin said she also realized that tomorrow is never a guarantee for anyone, and Zakrzewski left her with the knowl-edge of just how precious life can really be in the whole scheme of things.

“I was devastated when I heard the news and I realized I have no right to complain

about my situation. I have today and tomorrow is never guaranteed and I think that last lesson she gave me has really struck a very personal chord,” she said.

Olguin said Zakrzewski’s passing was very sudden and unexpected by everyone, and that she will be missed immensely.

Achievement Coach Chioma Heim said achieve-ment coaches can help stu-dents with a variety of issues, including life skills and finan-cial literacy, scholarships, and access to resources in and out of the classroom.

“I think it is going to allow more students to come in here and be able to just have a place where they can feel comfortable, where they feel like this is their space. They can use the computers, or just talk to someone who actually cares about their success all around, not just with edu-cation, but with life success as well,” Heim said.

Padilla said students can also be screened for benefits like SNAP food stamps, housing benefits, and child care help.

Director of Adult Basic Education, Carol Culver said SAGE’s new Adult Basic Education office is around the corner, where GED and English second language students can get help with registration, Achievement Coaches, and help when they want to make the transition to col-lege level courses.

Culver said the new space is a big upgrade from their old office in Ken Chappy Hall, not only because of the bigger space and closer proximity to the other service offices, but

because it makes it easier on their students.

“The main thing that’s important about this move for us is that our students who are ESL and GED stu-dents are now entering the campus in the same build-ing that all the other stu-dents are. They don’t have to be told to go to this other place, and then they get lost. We’re thrilled about that,” Culver said.

The new Student Activities office is in the back of the new space, where stu-dents can go to get their IDs and bus passes, and the new Call Center also has a new, high-tech office in the space, Padilla said

Another major ben-efit for staff and students

is the greater ease that all the offices will have col-laborating with each other, now that they are all under the same roof, Hall said.

“I always think that when people are closer to one another, it’s easier for them to collaborate, but even more than that, I think it’s easier for stu-dents, and that’s what it’s about. How do we make things f low in a way that makes sense for students?” Hall said.

Culver said that the col-laborating has already begun, and now what used to be hard to coordinate, through phone calls and emails from across the campus, can be done simply by walking down the hall.

Students should also be able to save time because they can get everything done in the same place, and can use the new computer lab instead of having to walk all the way to the SRC, Hall said.

The other major goal of the space is to be an area where students feel welcome to just hang out, sit down and relax, Padilla said.

“One of the things we know about student suc-cess is that students look for gathering spaces, places where they can kind of sit back, relax, read a book or even do homework, and this provides them with that,” Padilla said.

Couches will be com-plete with outlets for

laptops, and there will even be a collaborative learning area where stu-dents can get together to do work on group projects, Hall said.

By creating an inviting space where students feel comfortable, Padilla said he hopes more students will be encouraged to take advan-tage of CNM Connect, and all the services that have been gathered under the same roof.

“Part of the CNM Connect initiative is to provide integrative sup-port services, and provide a welcoming and nurtur-ing environment in which students feel comfortable when they come to school,” Padilla said.

8 | The CNM Chronicle January 28, 2014

By Nick SternManaging Editor

Not only has the city of Albuquerque commissioned Art Instructor, Larry Bob Phillips and his 1125 Art Practices class to create an original mural to capture the history of Albuquerque displayed right in the heart of Downtown, the class’s mural will also be featured in the “Heart of the City” art exhibit starting in February, Phillips said.

The Heart of the City exhibition’s opening recep-tion will take place Feb. 1 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and will be located at 516 Central Ave. at 516 ARTS.

This show will feature lead artists, student appren-tices, public art projects and public programs focused on envisioning the future of Downtown Albuquerque, and partnered with thirteen Albuquerque organizations to examine the strengths, weaknesses and needs of the city’s urban core for this exhibition, according to

For the project, the class decided to tackle a depiction of the Route 66 era “neon sunset,” which is near Century 14 Downtown, at the corner of First Street and Central Avenue, he said.

“For our location at First and Central we felt like it made a lot of sense to recog-nize and address this history of the neon sunset, western landscape, American Dream, car culture from the 50’s through the end of the cen-tury,” Phillips said.

The mural is called “Signs of the Times” and is a set of imagery that was devel-oped to pertain to the legacy of signage in Albuquerque, he said.

Students picked out dif-ferent signs from all around town that they thought were interesting and told some kind of story about Albuquerque, Phillips said.

Following that step they were tasked with creating a black and white line drawing of those signs which Local Designer, Jesse Philips col-laborated with the class to come up with a dynamic composition, in which all of the signs were conformed into a collaged landscape of Albuquerque’s most famous signage, Phillips said.

Signs are from well-known Albuquerque hot spots such as the Dog House, Octopus Car Wash, as well as many old hotel signs sprawled throughout Central Avenue.

Phillips said he was very interested in the art of sign

and mural painting but he knew that lettering by hand involved techniques that were not normally taught by fine arts instructors, he said.

“There is a whole craft there that is almost like secret knowledge and is learned as a trade by profes-sionals, and it is not really what is in the purview of fine art instructors,” Phillips said.

When the class was commissioned by the city of Albuquerque to paint the mural, Phillips decided that quality instructions on how to do proper lettering was the greatest and most impor-tant thing that funds could go to, he said.

He got in touch with a sign instructor named Curtis Mott, who proved to be an invaluable asset to towards the project, Phillips said.

Mott taught them things that they never knew and they had quality instruc-tions in areas that they did not even know existed, Phillips said.

As teaching goes, Phillips said doing the mural was an incredible opportu-nity and even though there was a lot of responsibility as far as the quality expecta-tions went, there was no strict structure set around how they would get it done, Phillips said.

“As far as teaching, it was a dream come true because we had an expanded timeline. There was a lot of responsibility in terms of the quality of the final product, but there was no rigid struc-ture around how we would get there,” Phillips said.

Studio Arts Major and IT 1010 Instructor, Karina Guzzi said that she helped with the painting of the mural, and painted many of the different aspects seen in the mural such as some of the letter outlining, she said.

Guzzi said she had lots of fun working with her class on the project and is incred-ibly proud of the fine work that she got to be a part of in this project.

“It was a blast. It is really cool to drive or walk by and see that there is something that is public and visible that I helped create and that I was a part of,” Guzzi said.

Guzzi believes she was very privileged to be a part of Phillip’s Art Practices class and has gotten more out of it than she could have hoped for including the mural and an art exhibit that the class is preparing for, she said.

Mural ArtistsKimmy CrawfordMajor, Fine Arts

Patricia Del Rio JaenMajor, Fine Arts

Karina GuzziMajor, Fine Arts

John LeijaMajor, Computer Information Systems

Jacob PereaMajor, Fine Arts

Rylea KarcherMajor, Fine Arts

Larry Bob PhillipsFine Arts Instructor

Curtis MottSign Liaison


“Signs of the times” mural by students at the corner of First and Central.

Neon sunsetClass shines light on Duke City history