Issue 2 of the first batumi schol session

Post on 21-Mar-2016

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Issue 2 of the first batumi school session

Transcript of Issue 2 of the first batumi schol session


The most extraor-dinary and active committee is my beloved LIBE. Lovers of both academic and fun activities, the members of the committee are ab-solutely unique and outstanding

The most LIBErtarian Committee


Nodar Kuntselidze describes himself as an extremely progressive,

open-minded and creative person. However what kind of a biased

journalist should have I been had I not checked these statements.

Guess what? It’s all true! He is a big advocate of freedom and personal

and national independence are absolutely crucial to him. Thus, he is

open-minded. He also anticipates the inevitability of the process of

globalization and embraces it, this proves his progressiveness. His

creativity has been shown all through the committee work and GA.

So, considered all these points, he is unbiased at self-assessment. Girls,

grasp t this chance!

One of the most intelligent members of the commit-

tee is the amazing Temo Paghava . Actually, he and

his friends have outdone many leading teams in in-

tellectual games. Not only is he intellectual, but also

a vigorous fan of football. But he is not a mere fan, he

has made it his aim and wish to finally improve the

quality of the national football team so that they

shall prevail over all the other teams of the world.

He would do anything to achieve this, which we

readily believe, given how persevering and diligent

he is in his committee.

Elene Partenadze is not only very diligent during the session but

also at school and because she is so very well educated, she wants

to study abroad. We really hope she manages that! She’s an advo-

cate of both peoples’ and animals’ rights. She wants to study law

to successfully reach her dreams and maybe see Utopia once. She

also wants to study government management so maybe we’ll be

seeing her in quite high positions in the future.

Let’s congratulate Soso Jorjoliani on matriculating to

an outstanding university in the USA! Swell isn’t it? He’s

extremely determined and has fought his way up to suc-

cessfully passing extremely complex exams. It is his 9th

EYP Session! One more and we’ll be celebrating a round

number here! He’s our future businessman and politi-

cian and with his savvy he will definitely be very suc-

cessful in these. We really hope that will not forget us

here as he leaves, though. Once an EYPer, always an


Stella Mirzoeva is a big philanthro-

pist and you should not be surprised

if you would see her as a volunteer

in South Africa and later an owner

of a big charity organization and

maybe once poverty in that region

will be out rooted. What’s equally

interesting about her is that she

plans o become a journalist (Press

Team is extremely happy, btw).

She’s tired with the biased media

and wants to become an attorney of

truth and truth only.


Mamuka Tavdgiridze is the future diplomat of ours. He’s pretty good at foreign lan-

guages which in his opinion would ensure his success in the career. Hope it will be so!

What is staggering about him is that he is one of the few Georgians who actually admit

that they good are unpunctual, really good job, Mamuka! we admire you for that. He is

a prospective warrior for the welfare of the world. Villains beware! He will not let you


Already locally renowned football player, Saba

Inasaridze is an extremely motivated dele-

gate. He’s really multi-talented; he has al-

ready won one football competition, taken a

second place in a writing competition and is

definitely one of the most active delegates of

my beloved LIBE. He also views time as a

rather relative concept and believes that it

would be useful if past and present would

connect (though it’s a bit unclear exactly

what he means). Sounds a bit mystic hah!

No wonder that one of his dreams is ability

to teleport. I guess he’s pragmatic as well,

imagine how much time it would save!

Izik Kikava is the strictest and harshest delegate of LIBE. Imag-

ine it! He believes in and advocates death penalty. Quite coura-

geous a deed it is to admit that, right? (we really hope, though,

that, given a chance, he would not bring it back). Being a native

Batumi dweller, it is of no surprise that his attention and sight

have been drown to the implacable sea with all its mysteries,

thus nor is it astounding that the wishes to become a seaman. As

diligent and sociable as he is in his committee, he will definitely

be good at his chosen path.

Another delegate, Natia Bajelidze, was only able to attend the

first day of the session, but I want to mention that she was ex-

tremely active and enthusiastic delegate and we really hope that

she will have will and possibility to attend another session of

EYP and she will be as in love with it as the rest of the dele-



By Tamri Matiashvili

NINO BIDZINASHVILI - she is also newcomer ,but one of the

active person in the committee. She dreams to find most handsome

guy in the world and kissed him the last day at her life. I suppose

this guy will be minimum Prince Charley.

IRAKLI GORGILADZE - he is newcomer and he get ready for unforgettable

days. When I asked him about most creative, active, serious, original, cute persons

in the committee his answer was “ME”. I agree with him because this committee has

most crazy guys in the world.

4 4

When I arrived in Batumi I found myself in Droi,

I am extremely happy that i got allocated here.

Majority of them are newcomers ( 10 delegates)

and just one is experienced. against it if you open

door in Batumi maritime academy with note

Droi, you will realize that they are just energy

vampires ,full of EYP spirit. In this article let me

introduce the committee which had the most im-

portant case to discuss and solve it, they found

the way what can be the police of Georgia gov-

ernment and private sector to decrease the child

poverty in the country to be in accordance with

EU standards.

un , deux, DROI, quatre, cinq......

NINO BIDZINASHVILI - she is also newcomer ,but one of the

active person in the committee. She dreams to find most handsome

guy in the world and kissed him the last day at her life. I suppose

this guy will be minimum Prince Charley.

SANDRO KAVTARADZE- He is always involved in hot ,really hot debates and always gets

result. Some people want to live in France, others in Italy, but this guy wishes to live in Austra-

lia. He is future diplomat and best option is working in Australia. Living in Australia for him

means feel Nirvana and happiness every day.


TAMRI MACHARASHVILI - she is newcomer too and from the first view she is calm

and solid person, never talks lot but what she talks really ROCKS. Her dream is to has a

ticket for Linking Park concert and fell free with their music. She swims a lot , she among

the top ten swimmers in Caucasus.

ALEKSANDRE KALANDADZE - another newcomer with cute smile and original ideas. His favorite coun-

try for traveling is Ukraine ( yeah we all agree that Ukrainian girls really have best feet in the world) .His fa-

vorite words is " ochen " . He is "ochenochen " talented and smart guy with strong personality.

MARI KOCHALIDZE - again newcomer...... But as active as possible, She likes de-

bating and sharing different ideas with others. She dreams about Amsterdam ,so wish

you with all my heart to be the most luckiest person and be participant of Amsterdam

international session.

QETI ARVELADZE - she is of course newcomer , but fully involved in Writing

resolution. She is in love with EYP and her favorite EYP game is HIHAHU. Don't take in the

account that her voice is as peaceful as possible.

NINO BALADZE - if you see her eyes you will sim-ply fall in love, it looks like deep blue ocean. Her

voice is touching and full of emotion. When I first heard her voice I just open my mouth

and this is still like this.


SOPHO KHARAZI - she is natural - lover. her main goal in life is to be successful person and useful for

Georgia , according to her work during CW, I believe she will be. When you need something to know just

ask her, she is a real source of education.

NIKA EVGENIDZE - " one day I will jump from parachute and I will feel what means to be free. "

this is a guy with curious case and there is no enough words to describe him. For me he is unlimited per-

son with different personality.


MARY PAGAVA- girl with huge heart, if you are in trouble you can call and ask for help anytime ,

she is available 24/24 . Her kindness and sweetheart will enter in your heart and all what you have to

do is just Love her.

This is just words, but written with all my heart. I really really

appreciate all of you, especially brilliant girl called

SOPHIE SAMKHARADZE, girl with cheerful personality. I really

feel happy be with you these two days and fell free. Thank you

for every warm word you told me, thank you for fruitful work-

ing and the way you consider me as the best Journo…. By Tako Sutidze


Interested in who were the guys having a time of their life in

The Navy Academy and The Shota Rustaveli Batumi University

during these three days? They were the delegates, chairpersons

and the journo of the committee on culture and education.

Within the high academic success, solving the problem of immi-

grants in the aspect of educational equality, CULT was the

committee example to express the entertainment below the cul-

tural limits.


By Giorgi Metskhvarishvili


The committee united 9 delegates. All of them except the one are newcomers, her name is Nini Gochitashvili. She was one of the cutest persons in CULT. Needing any volunteer? Nini is always ready to express her wish. It was also her desire to lead the euro concert on the second day of the session. Ani Potelidze didn’t fall back in activeness from Nini. Despite her low age, she had answers on every questions asked and I think she will be selected for the 7th Selection Conference. Dear Ani, hope that we will meet once again on the conference and you will take your respectable place there. Now I’m going to talk about my delegates in plural.

I think these two delegates, Lana Motskobili and Nino Khimshiashvili, won’t like if they find any differences be-

tween each other. They are like sisters, together with the acting and moving their appearance also promotes their similarities. As the most of the communicative youth, they both like chatting in facebook most, although I can say that the only thing that you should be afraid from them is to separate them.

Zura Kochadze is only 16 and has managed to originate a creative lifetime that everyone may be envious of. He writes

electric music and the gift that I like the most is his talent of painting. Maybe I’m not qualified enough to judge a painter, but the fact stays the same: Zuras cultural masterpieces should be appraised.

Misha Bejhanidze, also known as Mike, gives me the impression, that he is having a regulated life. He has a typical

medic character and he plans his future as a being a doctor. Nowadays Mike is presented as a colletioner that he is very proud of. Also the thing that should be said, Misha is very calm and counterpoised and it would be interesting to elucidate more about

him. The next person I’m going to talk about is Khatia Zukhubaia. Differed from Misha, Her future goal is to become a

professional journalist. She is as highly motivated for that as for this session, so Khatia will definitely reach that goal. On the other hand her hobby is the one that I would call weird. The thing that he loves the most is looking at the photos of David Gil-mour.

Megi Chitanava – girl that is super duper emotions. When she is trying to decide anything even over unimportant she

gets very nervous and the hesitation factor rises to the top. She says that she doesn’t love eating, but smiles at the same t ime, which is the point, she doesn’t obey her wishes. The committee got it very hard to find someone who could play instruments on the evening ceremony, although it happened various when we wanted to play on someone’s nerves. It appeared that

Anri Sirabidze ikes to play on nerves although he restrained when it was connected to his committee members. Anri is 16

and as the casual Georgian boy he likes football, especially club Barcelona and of course Messi is his idol footballer.



Lasha Galogle

Lasha Penguin Galogle, his purpose of life is the most

bizarre, he wants to save all the penguins from being

eaten by sharks. I don’t know what’s the point of this

aim, but anyway RESPECT! Actually, he is very lazy and

sleepy. According to this, he wishes to stop the time and

sleep as long as he likes without fear of being late in



Nestan Mamukashvili

Super addicted fan of Batman. You should see her in the committee, active, involved and the ambitious delegate. As I

observed, she helps people secretly. Her dream is really bizarre, because she wants everybody to be a vegetarian. Why? I

don’t really know, but I guess she’s sorry for the poor animals. Bruce Nestan Wayne : “I think that Mariam Chubabria

should be Aristotle after being on so much sessions.”


Shorena Kontselidze

Shorena is the first time delegate, so I was wondering how did she like the session. The answer was really acceptable. EYP

activities helped her to know some more information about problems that the world faces. After Shorena says something she

thinks and analysis everything, then makes a really good point for the team. Her purpose is to express her opportunity, to gain

experience by travelling.

Zura Giorgobiani

In fact it’s a bit hard to write and not to talk about this

person. He brings unlimited energy and positivity to his

team. I know Zura since my first session, together we

were journalists on the previous one. Everyone admits his

“ultra-sexy” fashion and unfamiliar appearance. By the

way there are no videos without Zura inside. During tak-

ing an Evening Activity photo he was a dog and believe

me every dog would be envious to his talent.

Albert Markaryan

He is the smallest one in

his team. Committee calls

him Albert Einstein. He

has something like a radio,

in which he has music and

this music cheers the team

up. Albert dreams of sail-

ing, he wants to be a sailor.

Who knows, maybe some-

day he becomes an awe-

some pirate.


Tamar Kartsivadze Mm... Tamar is so sweet and generous. She gives a priority to teamwork and she found the best place for that kind of work, I

know you will agree with me. Her dream is to be a successful person in her profession and to be a superman to help people.

So cute!

Tamta Goradze She is the eldest one in the committee, when I asked her for the

age I thought she was about 17-18, but after revealing the truth

it appeared her age was 21. I was astonished! Tamta wants to

dominate in her field, she said: “After the first day I felt that I

was better than I was before.” She felt the change in one day

and imagine, there are two days and so much sessions left!

Tornike Toria

This guy has talent to be awesome. His contribution in

team is too high, that’s why he was selected for the up-

coming session. Tornike has a super debating skills and I

think his defense speech fascinated many girls. He

wants to become a fine diplomat in the field of interna-

tional affairs. I’m sure he will. NO! He definitely will be

the great diplomat.


Davit Sharashidze Hey, David! Don’t tell it to anyone, but your team members think you are too handsome and gentleman. Also, I can add that you are smart and very useful for your committee. David is astonished by the ways how people try to motivate each-others while doing work. When I asked him what he was dreaming about, he an-swered: “My dream is to sleep with dreams.”

Lela Makharadze I don’t know how to praise her, but I should say some-thing about her fabulousness. Warm, cute, sweetheart and devoted to her job. She sang a song on the Euro Concert and her voice made boys cry. Her thoughts about EYP is definitely true: “After taking place in EYP activities I can say for sure that EYP is the warmest or-ganization that’s ever existed!”

By Rezo Chanishvili


Frankly speaking, my committee overcame my expectations. I thought that as it

was the first session for most of the delegates, they won’t be active and maybe

some of them will fear to express their opinions, but fortunately, everything

went vice versa...They caught the EYP spirit from the very first minutes of the

session and kept it till the end, discussed a lot and always reached consesus.

They were so good at everything they did, that I was pleasantly surprised and

amazed. So, meet the very friendly, easy-going, active, intelligent, funny and mu-

sical delegates of the committee on women’s rights and gender equality




Nini resulidze and Nini Doborjginidze are like

siamese twins, they were always together, wore

clothes of one style and colors, are approximately

of one height and weight and even have one com-

mon dream-to become journalists. Ani also wants

to open a cozy and cute cafe with delicious menu

and good service. As for Nini, she wants to have her

own TV company and broadcast good movies, chat

shows (but not only with famous people) and car-

toons, especially Disney ones.

Talking about Mariam Morchadze, it’s impossible not to underline her wonderful voice. It’s as beautiful and tender as she is. Mariam’s dream is to travel around the world and not only travel, but also to know culture and short history of every country she visits. She also told me that is going to learn to play as many musi-cal instruments as possible (she al-ready plays the piano and the guitar) and dreams about creating her group someday. I really hope that Mariam will turn all her dreams into reality. <3


Vano Lebanidze was one of the most active guys in our committee. He always had something to say

and his opinion was always very useful. Vano likes playing and watching basketball, but doesn’t like

football at all (what really surprised me). He believes that the Earth is not the only planet where life

exists and would be very happy if someday he’ll have a chance to travel in Space and prove it. I guess

it’s very interesting, so let’s wait and see, who knows, maybe he’s right : )

Mari Malakmadze is a girl with a very cute smile and interesting ideas. Her dream is to go to America

by FLEX program and I wish her good luck with this. The funny thing about Mari is that her favorite

film star is Ashton Kutcher and a favourite book character- Data Tutashxia. So boys, if you’re trying

conquer Mari’s heart, remember, that her “prince charming” is the mixture of Ashton Kutcher and

Data Tutashxia: )));)

When I first saw Giorgi Mgeladze, I thought I was looking at Bruce Lee and imagine

how delighted I was when he told me that does karate lessons:))) Giorgi is very

funny, easy-going and sporty. Besides karate, he enjoys playing and watching

football, as it turned out he supports an English club-Manchester United. So, guys,

now you’ll have a topic to discuss with Giorgi :D

Ruska Ninidze is in 11th grade and has already decided what she wants to do in fu-

ture. She sais that likes teaching others, but doesn’t want to become a teacher. In

fact, she’s planning to study international relations in Caucasus University (in Tbilisi)

and if she won’t be able to enroll there (but I’m sure she will) ,then in Black Sea

University. Ruska describes herself as a stubborn person, but to be honest, during

the committee works she was a quiet and cute girl who never opposed anyone.

Ani Mumladze is a typical example of a FEMM delegate. Active, determined ,intelligent and a

very beautiful girl who’s always defending women’s rights. Despite of not feeling well and

missing the 2nd day of the committee works, Ani is very active at GA and has a very impor-

tant role-the sum up speech. She told me that she’s not sure about her profession yet, but

I’m sure that no matter which field she chooses, she’ll be very successful everywhere.

Tatia Turmanidze is a very cheerful and communicative person. She likes reading very much,

but unfortunately has no time for it, during the year. She enjoys watching comedies and her

favorite comedy movie is “the Hangover”. Her dream is “to wake up in a city that never

sleeps” (New York) and live there for a while. The thing Tatia can’t stand about her is that

she delays everything for the very last day. Tatia, trust me, I understand you, because I feel

exactly the same about this quality of mine. Let’s hope that someday we’ll learn to do every-

thing in advance : ))))

Tornike Darchia is the first person I got to know in my committee. What amazed me about him is that

he is good at everything. Tornike believes that education is very important and is concentrated on

school subjects, especially loves mathematics, but besides this everything, he’s very good at

Georgian folk dances and songs. He had even been to Poland and Turkey on cultural tours. To say in a

nutshell, Tornike is a very interesting person and I really advise you to keep in touch with him:))<3

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By Elene Eristavi

Diagnoses: PED (Post EYP Depression)

Symptoms: feeling of

hollowness in the area

of the stomach, con-

stant bad mood and

intense nostalgia

Effects: dangerous to

health, eternal

Prescription: apply-

ing to all the EYP Ses-



By Tamri Matiashvili

I guess you can relate. This is what’s happening to you and virtually all the dele-

gates and officials right now. The session is at an end and the question arises: what

comes tomorrow? We’ll have to get up early and go to school/university/work... just

the same routine, the same people, the same everything. But there’s just one thing

that will not be same, and that’s us. We have changed forever.

Some of us realized that they could work even after spending 8 hours at night in a

train with max 2 hours’ sleep, or even none. We have learned to work in extreme

situations, with 8 laptops at hand and no plug-ins at all. We have learned to write so-

lutions to the problems which the world’s leaders face. We’ve learned how to direct

people’s thoughts in the correct way, we’ve learned to deal with complex organiza-

tional issues without any real experience whatsoever. This session changed us… it

changed us forever… and we’ll never be the same again. And this metamorphosis

we’ve experienced is the one we’ll be the most thankful for. We can brace EYP, for

EYP is long ready to brace us.

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Bum! Bum! Bum! The session is over and the depression is right in our souls. So the EYP is planning sessions to heal our mystic feeling, don’t knowing how to calm our-selves without the full activeness as a being huge part of EYP.

The nearest session that is waiting for you, is going to be hosted by the historical region of our coun-try, Kakheti. The 1st Telavi Regional Session is planed to be held in 18-20 may. Mariam Maisuradze, the head organizer of the session, one of the most experienced organizer, has already completed her team and promises us to gift three most EYPing days ever. With the financial help of Telavi City Hall Mariam and the board of the session, which will be selected in several days, will select 80 delegates from all regions of Georgia, so, my dear readers, don’t hesitate and apply for it!

Do you know the similarities of Batumi School Session and Telavi Regional one? The distinguished delegates from both of them will be selected for the 7th National Selection Conference of EYP Geor-gia. It is going to be held in 6-9 June, in the territory of International Black Sea University with the support of several Georgian Universities. Except the selected delegates in advance, the session will host 14 foreign delegates within the Georgian ones. The HOs, Keso Antelidze and Veriko Devidze, are working very hard to insure the attendance of foreign president and editor. On regional and school sessions delegates are selected for the national conferences. Itself the na-tional conference is significant for its ‘’PREsessionment’’ of IS (International Session). The three CH, Mariam CHikhladze, Tatuli CHubabria and Ani CHkhvikadze took high responsibility and with 33 per-son in orga team and cohabitation between the board of EYP, the first international session held by Georgian representatives, 74th International Session-Tbilisi 2013, will be introduced to the whole EYP Society and not only to it. The Session will host about 330 delegates from all over the world, so be ready that in October this year will be a large influx of foreigners in Georgia. P.S. Don’t miss any of the following sessions! It’s an order and it should be fulfilled.

What’s Next ??

Upcoming Sessions !!!

By Giorgi Metskhvarishvili

,,And We Danced, And We Cried

And We Laughed And Had A Really Really Really Good Time,,...

Presented by our Lovely Press Team

Editors : Mate Dvalishvili & Ani Meskhidze

Journalists: Tako sutidze, Giorgi Metskhvarishvili, Tamri Matiashvili, Rezo Chanishvili, Elene Eristavi