Issue 2 2017 2018 - MaChT · De schaal waarop ASF aan chemie doet is echt enorm en zelfs vandaag...

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Transcript of Issue 2 2017 2018 - MaChT · De schaal waarop ASF aan chemie doet is echt enorm en zelfs vandaag...

  • Issue 2


  • Introduction Dearest MaChTazine reader

    There are two issues we’d like to address right off the bat (in issue 2 of the MaChTazine—how

    appropriate). First of all, we want to sincerely thank everyone in this little community of ours for making

    the start of our year so amazing and memorable; especially all of our contributors. It was only thanks to

    your help in the preparation, operation and clean-up stages of the pasta night that it was such a success!

    Point two we have to make is more of a warning, about the “Dutchness” of this MaChTazine. You see,

    while we slave away trying to keep all of our communication in English, we occasionally forget and put

    Dutch words on the cover of our MaChTazine (this may or may not be a subtle remark towards the rest of

    the board. Don’t sweat it). Perhaps that even influences the companies, as they’ve decided to write their

    adverts in Dutch too! If you don’t understand, though, let me assure you: they’re looking for someone

    just like you!

    The “Dutchness” isn’t even limited to language: Sinterklaas (a Dutch holiday of

    sorts) is coming up soon, which means it’s time to shine those shoes and fire up

    the oven! “The oven?” you ask. Yes, and break out your oven mitts too, because

    it’s time for a bake-off! Try out our recipe for speculoos biscuits and compare

    your creation to the free cake and drinks we’ll provide for you on cake day

    towards the end of the semester!

    You don’t have to wait forever until cake day to have fun with us though: join us

    in the infamous Overpoortstraat for a night of bowling and a chance to socialise

    with PhD. Students!

    Back to reality for a minute: it’s week 7 of the semester already! I know,

    everything is happening much too quickly but as they say: time flies when

    you’re having fun (or in the case of frogs: time’s fun when you’re having

    flies). Even if you feel like there is no curse in Elvish, Entish or the tongues of

    Men for this treachery and have to start studying in earnest, there is hope!

    You may have to spend more time in Zwijnaarde than you would like, but for

    that reason we’ve compiled a short list of places to go nearby. Originally, we

    wanted to include diverse activities, but in the end we noticed that the list

    just consisted of places to eat. We may be slightly addicted to food (or

    annoyed at building 904’s cafeteria), but the good news is that you now have

    ample choice when deciding where to go for lunch!

    Your (obviously hungry) internal relations team,

    Brecht & Laura

    Bowling 29 November 2017

    Cake Day Week 11 (exact date to

    be determined later)


  • Upcoming event

  • Photos BBQ

    Photos Game Night


  • 4

    Photos Pasta Night

  • Recipe: Speculaas We all know and love speculaas, or speculoos as some call it (*Editor’s note: “some”, as in 95% of

    Flanders*), the gingerbread-ish biscuit traditionally related to Sinterklaas. Do you want to impress the Big

    Man this year? Do it with this recipe!

    P.S. It also works to impress others ;)

    P.P.S. Seriously. Invite others. This recipe makes approximately a kajillion biscuits. Give or take a few.


    - 1 egg

    - 400g brown sugar

    - 175g butter

    - 675g self-rising flour

    - ½ tea spoon cinnamon

    - ½ tea spoon speculaas spice

    - 125ml water


    1. Mix all the ingredients together and knead the dough into a ball with your hands .

    2. Wrap the dough ball in plastic foil. Leave it overnight in the fridge.

    3. [Next day:] Sprinkle some flour onto your table, to prevent the dough from sticking to it, and roll

    out the dough until a thickness of about 3mm is reached.

    4. Shape the biscuits as preferred and put them on a silicon mat or on some parchment paper.

    5. Bake the biscuits in the oven for 10-12 minutes at 180°C.

    MaChT results:


  • IKEA

    Maaltekouter 2, Gent

    For those who like to go the extra mile (literally, it’s exactly 2 miles from the Tech Lane), IKEA is

    the perfect venue to have lunch or even dinner. On the menu are Swedish meatballs with

    cream sauce and cranberries for €5, a deal you just can’t refuse. More a fan of quiche,

    pumpkin or tomato soup, turkey steak, salmon or salads? Not a problem! Every dish is served for less than €8,

    definitely making the trip worth it. If this has not yet convinced you, their awesome desserts will. They serve

    cookies, apple pie, cheese cake and cinnamon cake, all for less than €2. This may already sound amazing, but trust

    me: they all fade away when the Swedish chocolate cake arrives. For €2, you get a slice of cake based on Daim, a

    Swedish chocolate bar made from crunchy almond caramel covered in milk chocolate. DAMN!

    P.S. Upon deciding the time to leave, take the obligatory trip through the entire store into account, which will take

    you at least 5 minutes. #Köttbollar #Food #Dessert #Duh


    Technologiepark 19, Zwijnaarde

    You didn’t hear this from us, but the UGent does not have a monopoly on restaurants in our

    Tech Lane: there is a restaurant in the AA Tower in Zwijnaarde as well. For years, its existence

    has been kept a secret! [*Editor’s note: Queue suspense-building music*] We can already hear

    some of you utter: “The what tower?” Yes, that’s how big of a secret it is. The restaurant is on the first floor of the

    building with the tree on top of it, next to the IGent tower and has exactly 19 check-ins on Foursquare at this

    moment. The legend says not a single student has ever set foot there. This is exactly why we, as your MaChT board,

    challenge you to go. Brave the entrance, go to the first floor and enjoy a delicious meal! If you take a picture of

    yourself eating there, you may just be our next MaChTazine’s hero! #Whut? #Explore #DoYouDare?


    Kortrijksesteenweg 1023 B, Gent

    On a beautiful autumn day you can exchange building 904’s stuffy cafeteria for the relaxing

    sights of the Maaltbruggepark. Just 7 minutes away from the Tech Lane, this little paradise

    awaits. Hop on your bike, cross the road and cycle towards the top of the bridge in the

    wrong direction [*Editor’s note: Should we really be telling people to do “illegal” things? Insert generic ‘we are not

    responsible for anything you do’ clause here*]. Right before you reach the top, take a left turn onto the bike path

    alongside the R4. A bit farther, you’ll find a side entrance to the park, once again to your left. Enjoy your lunch with

    friends, in complete peace and harmony, surrounded by autumn colours. By the way, did you know that the castle

    next door is where MaChT’s New Year Reception is held in February? #Cosy #PicnicTime


    Grotesteenweg-Noord 83, Zwijnaarde

    This one’s a classic, and probably the most visited venue on our list (you know, when not

    shopping for furniture), but for good reason: this is a sandwich bar where they serve… good

    sandwiches! Whaaat? Yes, yes, we were surprised too, after years of the 904’s lunch options

    and their switch to terrible bread (let’s call it what it is). It’s small inside, and can get very crowded at peak lunch

    hours, but their service is amazingly quick, so even if the queue seems huge you’ll never have to wait long. They

    also always have a sandwich of the week, which comes with a free drink when you order it. Talk about value for

    money! The only thing stopping you from these heavenly sandwiches every lunch time is a single roundabout! Why

    did the student cross the road? Well, now you know! #Crunchy #Fast #SandwichOfTheWeek #Nomnomnom

    Macht Explores #Zwijnaarde


  • Company of the Month:



  • Puzzle: ArcelorMittal


    Name: ________________________________________________________________

    Email: _________________________________________________________________

    Hey there, we need your help! We’re missing a certain chemical element in our production chain, but we’re not

    sure which one. The logistics report has just spit out a number of 1s and 0s.

    Solve this report by filling in a one or a zero in each square. No more than two adjacent squares in the same row or

    column can have the same number inside them, and each row and column should contain an equal amount of ones

    and zeroes. Note that each row must be unique, and the same applies to the columns!

    Once you solve the puzzle, write down the numbers in the burgundy, highlighted squares, from left to right, then

    top to bottom. These will form a binary number, which our computer forgot to translate. But luckily you know

    ASCII! Right? Perhaps an example will jog your memory:

    8 bits form a byte, which represents a letter. These two bytes: 01000010 01110010 correspond to upper case

    0*20+1*21+0*22+0*23+0*24 = 2 and lower case 0*20+1*21+0*22+0*23+1*24 = 18. The second and eighteenth letters

    of the alphabet are b and r, which means this translates into Br, or bromine.

    Deposit your solution (this page) in one of the “MaChT-boxes” in Zwijnaarde, in building 903, 907 or 914 before the

    24th of November, for a chance to win a powerbank or a Bluetooth speaker, donated by ArcelorMittal!

    Binary number: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ translates into: ____

  • Company of the Month: BASF


    Hey medeburgies!

    Op 1 september begon ik als junior process manager bij BASF. De voorbije jaren aan de unief werden na 5 jaar toch

    wat voorspelbaar, dus keek ik er wel naar uit om een nieuwe uitdaging aan te gaan! In de zomer ben ik eerst nog

    een aantal keer op reis gegaan en tenslotte heb ik alles verhuisd naar Antwerpen, klaar voor de ‘nieuwe start’!

    BASF leerde ik in de bachelor onder andere kennen via de korte tekstjes in het VTK/MaChT boekje. Ik herinner me

    ook de eerste keer dat we met de richting Chemische Technologie naar BASF gingen op bedrijfsbezoek. We kregen

    toen een rondleiding met de bus en konden een van de plants bezoeken. Hoewel deze tour interessant was, heb ik

    er voornamelijk van onthouden hoe gigantisch groot alles was. De schaal waarop BASF aan chemie doet is echt

    enorm en zelfs vandaag laat mijn oriëntatiegevoel op de site me nog vaak in de steek. Na verschillende

    kennismakingen en mijn stage bij BASF vorig jaar wist ik dat dit voor mij de ideale plek zou zijn om te starten,

    omdat hier zo veel bij te leren valt.

    Fast forward naar de eerste dag in september bij BASF. ’s Ochtends nam ik de busdienst van BASF om op tijd op de

    eerste onthaaldag te komen. Op die dag kregen we verschillende presentaties over BASF zelf en over werken bij

    BASF. In totaal waren we met ongeveer 50 starters met verschillende functies, dus ik voelde me zeker niet alleen!

    Tijdens de lunch leer je je peter of meter kennen. Deze peter of meter is iemand van het bedrijf (de BASF-site is

    opgebouwd uit verschillende fabrieken die elk hun eigen bedrijf vormen) waar je terecht komt en die veel kennis

    heeft! Hij/zij helpt je alles te leren kennen en zorgt ervoor dat je je meer op je gemak voelt tijdens die eerste dagen

    als nieuweling op onbekend terrein. De peter/meter stelt je aan iedereen voor, neemt je overal mee naartoe en

    helpt mee in je opleiding en cursussen die je best volgt. Je staat er dus niet alleen voor!

    Die eerste dagen ben je vooral bezig met alles in orde te brengen, zoals je laptop. Ik ben vervolgens al vrij snel

    gestart met meelopen met de ploegen in shift. Dit is de ideale manier om de mensen, de verschillende processen

    en de praktische kant van het bedrijf te leren kennen. Bovendien, kom je zo ook in contact met de job van

    operators binnen en buiten de controlekamer en het shiftleven. Het is erg interessant en een echte aanrader!

    Ik ben nog steeds even enthousiast en blij dat ik aan dit avontuur bij BASF ben begonnen en ik kijk al vol spanning

    uit naar wat er nog allemaal komt! Als jullie ook geïnteresseerd zijn in werken bij BASF of je wil ontdekken

    waarmee BASF bezig is, dan is de eerste stap je inschrijven voor de Meet & Greet van BASF in Gent! Weet je nog

    niet zeker of het iets voor jou is, dan kom je toch ook best naar die Meet & Greet om te ontdekken waarom BASF

    de perfecte werkgever is voor jou! Je leert er BASF beter kennen en het is de ideale plaats om in contact te komen

    met verschillende mensen: zowel ingenieurs in verschillende domeinen als mensen van HR, die je graag verder

    helpen met al je vragen! Het is een plezante en luchtige avond met eten en drinken, dus geen excuus om er niet te


    Indien je vragen hebt die niet tot dan kunnen wachten, dan probeer ik je graag te helpen:!

    Meet & Greet:

    30 november vanaf 19u

    Red Loft Gent

  • 10

    Name: ________________________________________________________________

    Email: _________________________________________________________________

    Puzzle: BASF Have you ever heard tell of Engineers being narrow-minded specialists, oblivious to the world outside? Well,

    prove everyone wrong! Show them your mixed skill set of hard sciences and linguistics by decoding the

    exclamation below, according to the classic rebus rules: find the (English) word that each picture represents and

    add, subtract or substitute letters from it as described by the operations under the picture in question.

    We’re most definitely interested in your solution, so please tear out this page and deposit it in one of the

    “MaChT boxes” found in buildings 903, 907 and 914 in Zwijnaarde. One lucky contestant with the right answer

    will win a prize provided by BASF. We don’t yet know what kind of prize it will be, so get ready for a surprise!

    *Editor’s note: these are little plastic pellets. Apparently my choice of image was weighed, measured and found wanting :(*

    Solution: __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

    __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

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