Islanders respond to threat of 'Hurricane Dennis' · 1981-08-18 · ",pl lor unavoidable road...

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Transcript of Islanders respond to threat of 'Hurricane Dennis' · 1981-08-18 · ",pl lor unavoidable road...

iIslanders respond to threat of 'Hurricane Dennis'

By Barbara BrandtfeAt Tropkal Storm Dennis packing 55-

mph winds and lorremMl rains drifted•lowly north toward Southwell FLorkJaSunday Island residents slocked up onsupplies Ihcy would need to batten downtheir homes from hurricane force wiudaand to survive the aftermath of ti windborne disaster

Shoppera crowded Bailey • GeneralStarr BD day stocking up on masking tapecandle* flashlight! and batteries bottled-water, canoed goods cnsreoaJ end St«nwnova

as concerned about the

pocsibitityoraburricaiK but there was pouaiUckJng akhJird Cordon manager ofBai'cy * Hardware Departmitiit saidEveryone was realistic alttiough we did

have a run on flashlights and butteriesMini ga& lUUon spofed long lines with

drivers topping oft thetr tanks in caw or arevacualton order

Wtlb *I1 of Ssuth J i d d a from For-Myers and West Palm Beach ecuththrough the Florida Key* under •humcurse watch tourist* began t, m mexodus from taMod moteU and hoists

Only 22 guesls remained at LH. Kamadabin Sunday Bight where 9$ vacationers

hid ilept Che night before ruervaKonsmanager Gleoda Sturp «afd

Cancelletiona wen still MKIUIK InMnnday morning el toe SwidlaJ Rewrt

One W»t Rulf beach motel thai was'itifd tc caparity Sunday had only one loneoccupant Monday morning

Wmm the National Hurricane Center It.Miami lifted th* hurricane watch forsouthwest Florida at S i j jun Monday theUltnd appcai'cd-deserted

We re home free Dr Robert SimpsonSanfbel» conaultaqt for the <Aiy •Hurricane Warning *nd EvacuatloR atud«told ActingClty Manager CUry Pttee a few

minutes before th* wa>ch wat UtedSunpson had roonltared Dennis since

Sunday morning when in* tropical stormvat a definite threat to the Island AfterUndfall on the Florid* Keys howeverDennis no longer had the capability ofreaching predicted hurricane strengthSimpson sold

The storm will move eait of SanfbetthrouKh the cente* o( th« sUtc and thenbreak out into the Atlantic to the northe»at he uld

It was a wlerd ctorm " Price said in'

continued page 12

Petition calls

for changes

in build-back law

Ky Cindy Cbtimer*Island residents who are concerned about

build back after a storm or oUier diiuutter*J4rted A petition urging the City

Council to revise the Comprehensive LandUwflun

The petition asks that homeowners beMowed to rebuild their frames os they i

before any disaster tf the destruction is 90percent or Ins

Under current CLUP provisionsrebuilding of any home that is mere than SO

•fit destroyed nust conform to presentdevelopment regulations many of which

not In effect when the Klantf* older# were tmllte Cumn iltcc uf Neighborhood

Associations last week endorsed the peiilund urged It* members to *oi cit signatu

thin their indiv dual neigt borhoodiWe need la light a fire under our tity

ilhcs and get them to oddrers this crilmcern CO\A tnembir Gordon Kiddooaid We are In the midst or hurr<lawn 2nd can t afford to RC.1 just lip

If a dci 11 slating I urHLam were to strike11 Isl-I <f indaj Kldltw sad nu i jS jn tx i

iTinlK at ElruKKle lorcs.lore ihf r holm's (oheir or g nal mate

M in^ of us would hnve 1u j£o I 4t in handlirough Ibc B[»ec f c flmtndiTicnl process

*hi<.h nonnollj lakes thrw months forscrmlsalon to rebuld ou' nines Kiddoo•lid Thc-lnewould^tretthfromoneend if(TlwlnKle lo the otl ITTh majwitv of tht 16 CUNAintmbt-rs Jit

icn e* innsaidt! L> Eupported thr petition

continued page 8

y JK >nd itjle on Saturday b- winrilnR the 1'rerident Mac Krnnrd^ aiv SU \T' realerl^el uunty YMCA tount) Lrmgue loarhr* June Mucnth and I>kk Noo

City Manager Murphy offered position

<l Murpln. hjs nof J P | J t t i tod \i duv r Ui) quolct' Iht IjojMurp.i> Sjt l u l s lop id Mui pl-v & u> n l utcipl Hi po<;

f J b H t h lli iV H u p*i i f- d fficulty f nd n^ iuf u h i r t Sdnibcl nlv \HA\ ^(Hln4sd«i} for n ihrc*t ik i k <i(^ ii4inj£<r.My Manager Bcrnarl h*urpn> Jr Is vucutior i NBM- E ijiljn i W *. n t ) . b , t k i ofrtn & has Th i l a d in c t k i t ti l d b k h 11 l j

oinj.h i d

31 hi« n-crclurj mid Tlw oohusl/cn/ !icd«

ntfirned I-Yiday Owl Murpln h3» U t i Uuurd uf Srtcc m m +tm piikrd Miirph t us n«dilK t l> munjievr a jrlt ir \ i d %rr t r lltrw i lhw uppUanl* hJ« iM I k . n

a suuurhdti i ly "Pi p a !»(»» jd di«dl lit for nim In r. «ch u dctisioiiK Luwrence ^ i ui llvulh. sail! it «ecM> rwwnpa&rr in

b> And >t 1 ft - n i

continued page 7

Duanr While f i l m hl« •riitvora | n crlebrallon allrr cilllng Ihr ribbon to of! 1 elm It)

Sanibel swimmers christen new pool

with third straight league championshipThe ban ln.1 swunmirs W 4

punts to lop the r niaresi comptlllorSoutl V m M>frs I j «> i po nls and soa*f \ t other l*e County teams

V. lining fur lit Ihrd >PJ I J rtwallows the Sun bd Wjler Attack Tern, lonlire the ldgui troph> al (he ncv. pool

»as u <l£iy of celf-irationihc comma... tic* of SJn!!». lid <apjntl the members of the Snnilx-t WAlWilTiiin SWATi

hfttm the opening tvent to tin. clorelays Sanibel swimii e« showwil-am slroifclh that '.as won Ihc GLee County *MCA CLCHChairpwnship for three >ears in

InthetlnU agcBrouptoawim in the poolUie six and ander boys fre-alyle wasin s unique tic by Sanibel s Chad Hatcherand Andy Muench

H the final relays David BuntroOi i-ndPeter Evans put on an exciting display ofspeed ana can e from behind in theiranchor roles to win

in goinK to en nsc the lroph> Inrete blockt *ilh pwpholes BO il,

cioesn I KO anywhere a pn ud Coach UirttNuon said utxiui the trophy

The open.nk at the twimmi ig pool,nipp-U off months of IlreJess work by LheSanibel Police Recreation Club whictfp the drive for the pool an* the,

many community organisations dpnvalt ciUten* who herded the recreationcluli s csll for funds

See meet scores page 26

Amendment designed to protect, preserve open space

By U.rbar. Br^iaK*Proiecilmj and pre«rvi»J IV" »«="«•

ta.ited .nd v . l u a * . « « » » * "rne goal ol n gene «1 a>BS1.uY.*nt .o theComprehenaive t*ri We fl.n 9-M


rtiods acceptable lo theBelore devtlopment of any open

H.Be c «M.< er Plan u the c ly

unce ol a bu ding pitm t » "nrr »*1 .!«. be suta.lle" »•»

l ^ r e ere » halLiana H niaj Ki-allly ' « the

w II B've_ hority lo iKrtase density

he r n r l i lor development In the tone are met » wen s. J

But Bowen .aid i either he nor Bosselmicould I nd any inherent da gtr inpropped ordinance •».! would lead U

v. 11 be presented

Inr a recom-nendul on to the ( i 'Uow#n Eirpbas7«t the urdina

d'all ai d not in tin Ima' lortn

two U S Supreme Court ruling in Uwtlly oT.Uun.. CM B m U.W TH«I ™ltogteld lh.1 il k • le,,Ume o , l to drvetop loc.1 p i . " » d iww' l* •!«• «nr«ceu.r, conver«l«. ol

S a l i M ine i re.Wml>[rom lhe HI ellecu o[ urtanlulior.

>lr i,o««iH»««l»l1ul'™ o.cenlc beam di.turbonce .1 lhe « * » >,=<! environi.eot h.iaro. relatrd to

IWanOIlood Itjmcane. ana lJ5e,«n.r cor^eo oldevelopmeil or tragje barrier ••^"'^

TiJTorfimoee «IU « l "V an Open SpaceZ^Tcalegory (or ol unde-eloped l.n.l

° 11 pi«l«le» 'or re»*»i«ble o-ielopoient OlU,"icreM« « U «on.a«i. »ol k » thar-10 per

I Tr,vi! JCita ol Kinltlve land and mil

S ' Wg""

ROGO amendment reading scheduled

Ssupmr.^l.l.ran^& l u » y Froperlle. . 1 ~ .mrmed ttal

prdecllon «' envlromnenUlly " " • " "areai » lhe l«Ui-n«le concern wllhm IteJol t , peer o[ u u u d 1«"1 «°»«"rnmti Bowen «Urf

Boll, he ««) Bo»«am.n «ere .nvolved toU,e tome ol the»rlc. .Jit in whichrnlllion.lre Robert Troulm.n » « h t™el",™l o. 1 ~ County, denl.l or „»y building i»rm I to develop . « MO.ere .long tslero Bay wuth ol lhe

Seiullive and I. delUxl to lhe ordinanceJ t o d in the Cull Beach Blind Pa..Lowland .nd Upland « e U « * " " * ™ Ttornl or Baj Beach «one» Gull BeachH S C MldUl«« l"dge »r Altered Und« i m « * W higher land

Drasityolnolle..than 2orniorethanr««dwelling unit per gro» »cre will be per

" w e lamlly Home, o! nol more than two, . „ " „ s n j „„ , story accc»ry bu ldmg«Z ? l Su.ll on the h Kher land while lhe™ L l . e land would reman undisturbed" , p l lor unavoidable road access through

Bt lUrhar. &run<UKeThe Cily Council today will near on lirst

reading an ordinance amendl, t the Rale »Growth ordinance IT . nmeodnientprovide, thai .llocatlon. lor bU,ld,n« imlUwill be terminated B aU reuul-ement. lormuance of a building permit ha«e not beennu l l ed by lhe end ol lhe lour month periodin which lhe .llocallon »a . made

The amendment I rsl proposed byPlannnc Director U-u e Rogers a.t weekto thi Planning Commtoon a* , pro »~that an allocation lor . bous nK unll wi I bete-mlnalcd H lhe bulduR permit wdevclopme it perm I Is allowed to expire Allterminated allocation, will be » . M l . I rallocation In the ncxl ROGO Iricnniumm

This Inllows up on discussions al re"nPlannlnf. Commlolon and Otyneeling. on whal lo do when R

allootions lapse and when tl ey should n»tbe used llogersc«plair-dtolhel'laiinngCumin ssion This amendment makes t

° c " reelly an applicant I- allowed ml 4 . 1 .alter receiv ng an alloealion ot a dwelllrgunit to ob ain a building permit It has alsobeen the c ty s policy lo grant a U -day extension belore urmnat.ig lhe .llocal on

'^Thsaineiitninl willdoawJ' * Ih thaiopl 01 he added

Planning Commission Chairman Ai nWinlcrtolhom agreed that the anindn mltlcarsup tl c whole slluj I on and w II n akit (as r lor e\ersonc

Tut comimssicn voted 3-o w I! -nmmloners Lou sc John on and Don ManChester aosent to recommend approval tthe City Counc



accessThis two bedroom two bath home Is Just a few shortminutes walk from wide white Gulf beach 11nsenclosed porch with sliding glass doors terrazo floorgarage Furnished Including washer dryer stove andrefrigerator $115 000 .



Th* f*L**MH B


'Thanking' Rep. L A. Bafalis1

nted to I*- there at !o<

It *uc

,|M] wl i ol*4)»r>f«ru)i II we had d

ldrflKa.ftivenlap prior"? <o >l

l I »

\ , p i l i h l low nn litter wus H *lh Wai Iti t r puotidl n

a-llUt"Ul Hll lrf'"HHurl Mjirs M«

IJiur t «n«rPK»munMjy I lake th s oppjrlunllv lo thank \<>J

in >uur 10U in support of Prcs iH IKuHJn x uudRtl b II

Mj 92 jcar-old mother thanks you for yourv tie thai w II deprive her of her minim utiSotial becurn> l*nef I

H«> widowed niLce thanks you for youvole Ih-Jl will bhutler her drpam of tendingher two children through college

The elderly and poor of U* County than*you for your vote and your compassion onth-ir behalf

They realise that 2'i nilllw dollar lank,for the Pentagon peril barrel piojec s likeihe Tennessee Tombigbee barge canal MKIthe Umllion dollar la* break for I bedepressed oil industry are ino-e importantthan ihe need for food and shelter

I presume that if >ou wen. called on tovon * tut in >our general federal per flon orv ur Mlar> and fringe benttils you would

i-1 il a' « i t r u t i m s ""*<" nolh nf( lo• No* lh "sad nm s rullon SMUK lienl onin. ntf th, fttleritJ nudkrl »n ll e butka of

tlrnr) J Kh>- «*

To The LlanderOn Aug ! 19BI 1 had a diilurbli g and

unhappy experience on San i be I Island thai Iwould like lo *h»r< with you I would like toregresa briefly so you will have the fullimpact ot the «ituation

1 hove lived in Naples for M years andwver h»d the pleasure of viilt ng Ssn.belMy daughter a friend and ' planned a lovefyday of ahelling picnicking antl relaxing onyour Island We took great palm with themost minute detaiii of our outing

n p pnt ll drffk Ap droit" alontf usKnthalsa.d tta>»d*Park W* pulled*mil unloAlerf our lunrh *<1* elc ondU-)(nn our unikipated day

UUf *e r. urmd to >ur vctieic an I(.wd a ickrt on (he wrdxhirtd Thechains parUnk in a reitrwted a r n <Aewire appalled and vwy upset

When w. arirtfd at that part culor areaour headlights flashed on the Waysidelark sun Wt never mwlnenlgn declaringit a restricted area

We dldn I appeal the rharRe «• we workkm« hard hiurs for our money tor iw fomiiis<«ork dr l« lo Sanibel pay'be lo.l anJJo .o court Just wouldn I be fean.ble Wewould have lost tinaudaliy even before west rived at the courthouse

We are law abiding dtliens and wculoDave never parked (here had tt been daylightand we had seen the restricted parking e&nThere was an extenuating circumstance InIhis particular situation - darkness

tf I were financially able lo lake line offwork ] would be Celling you this in person 1feel thai you tfuukl remo*e the WaysidePark Bift;nandputU>ere*tHcledBkgnmfUpiece This iray help other unsuspectingvisitors from go«n3 through the emotionaland financial discomfort that your ticket

Sanibel 'urbanization'

tupy of the following le lei *ct glvei lof Wltkm

To Sanibd Plnnnlog Cmrmtoaloi)Suhjwl trbanita,ion u w d l n U U P

At the Planring Communnr. meetins onAug 10 an Invitation was eMended iu Uwgewnl pub!.c u> «uggwl « mere j»c=iwdefinilton uf J»e city s plaja.uig g3**s 'hanCLUPs cui-Mst ute of ^»e t u n VflnlsiMlJcnT »«iii» rolhmri llic report ojfitj.

Atlonwy Bow«i awl kcgal cowulwnt FrerfBm»«ta.nn on Hi- U S SUfraiH! Cm»n«Jime 10 MM rnllns In Hit cl'y of Tltarai

In (hil nains II » • • M i m«' II to •ItglUnulr jovCTimmul gt»l to Oevdoplocal plans lo dlecourage premature »nd

continued next page



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Captlva Road £ Andy Rons Lane


OK with us

for airline travel.

2119 Polm I O J J . «o«i472 3117 Mod • Frl 9 5

Evonlw W»k»n<t> 4711BS«

LAKESIDE ViOftS IK TKE DUNES.Two duplexes, eatsi with fwobedrooms, 0/ra baths Yourchoice, $500 monthly <SPANISH CAY. One bedroom,one bath, furnished, $425 permontti Two bedroom, two bath,furnished, $500 per month

IT • W«MlWanftmrtMM»? •

^ Jfi*5Fz~

IslanderDITOR Ondy Chalmers

BUSINESS MANAGER Peter CloudPHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Mark Harn.«lRFPORTERS Dubttr* Brundage Bvbori. Raby MikeFuery Maggie i.rmnbergADVERTISING SALES Bobble CraigPEOPLE WE CAN T DO WITKJUT Betle Uthgnw. PaulHowe Datwtlft Klme, Paula Ac«U

wIvtl) a tor 3* to SOd AttKloMltlaw«ttKrMCftMiunmi

M tor bllllne eoctpt lor eC l n t or ik

n o*«r SO Wtor C D c / f ik Ml irttf found nh. Mail M I to

!) S*n<hM IklMid FMrttla Oti» V aaHvtf » » »kl* W*v tvlfaiCS CvlliMa Ftcu CMw«Hrt dwtillMa*i

frW»v"o«*»Thundav JP m

linlbil^aatlvelilihafllltM*!!^*!!" ,NrwUandProt ^ »«"«Lt. Counlr Sul*crp4lon a^L^T,

Sac end elat* poi)ig* permit p*W |gr *t S«nla*l Itlantf F**11W Pnlmntw »!«•» und l«rm K?? mtd «n*n|n ol •ursiHoPO b««M lanlMliland Fla m i l

from page 4unnecmarj innverwon of open-ipace landlo urban u»w Ihut pr°»«UoB l h c c w n

mrniriy • rearfmu Ir»» l l" "I « ' « " «'urbanliallon

Becall Ihal me >o.e » H h K » « ol&UIM • Clly Chariw dearly e^abllaheaIhal lh- cliy . Btonnini goal »l« pruarra' III

unique atmoaphrn aid unusual naluralenvironment Thai S.ale mandaie i« lo Ibe plannin6 goal lhat IheU ^ . < l»un ra . ».l d.l«i for In. clly of

\ not* of definitions In aathwrita ivedie tonarte Indicate. ««l Uic n>»« "Wanlonyro lor " « • « ™" ' " b

- » that th« w™ " " >


about Causeway

ullv Uw 1S7S X'-S S.atWu»« •urbonUed area as

wiui a !»*i«l o f » * * Itihabllanu or moreugaiier vllii cootl8«>i» M"«tt " l d ' < 1

lerrllory ittrban trrasciWben &»lbel »M teorowalKl aonic

Ihousi, . . . < . . « u. totel»« >' • ^ I U " « 'or l o . r The .uSieAUor »a» Ion in Dieshuffii ThoM appeimtioni lavt uie ml^aluan<lin««sa elty .nd.redefined In>iTsO-Ol a . munldMlui™ t l lh i r of Heaald terms »oold by coano aUor publiclyclailfy our plunnlng goal • lugBest thai aCharier change be consldwed lo use one ofIhem

To T*t UlniMlfWell the hurricane uewon >K here aga

w e hear dickenng aboul ihe bridge eyear aboJllhli lime ' en)oy the whole thingwatching to sef who Is wna-tral - our uiwnroundlmm or the county commiMionen

The county -otnimMioner* offer a 17 year*ld piece o( good, that could be .wept^«aybv 'he right atorn »nd b> badly m need ofrepaltt yet it Is vaJuable

U W the only mean* to the mainland forthousand, of us and II yWda a good rw«,u*ewh year by loIU The comlssiotiera rffer Itwl0i hold, o* Us us* and the revenue.

Will our councllmen bile'1 tepe nol - yet we are partial owner, of a

b Ih U u « ^ a y « W *.ece of pror^rty by Ihe U u ^my lurn Into a parliing lot ana

e we -re paying lo have theta ^ k e r « l for

properly to build a hall We make omi»l»tcs especially with tax money

Jusl rcroenibtr the comnlssioniLrs wo, ,11 keep "onlrol of Ihe bridge a*° *<= *«lake Ihe r »k* ancj heudact cs



as cause

of rare



Uarbara Hafay parasites la Ihe ear an(Snofood«a.[ound;inrare granps. m m»no. dolphin Ihc stomach

" ' '"- Berge, and Ms Candela (.vrefullyJ u«clcd U-c nrimsl In search of anythingie biologists Michael B"rgey jnusiwl The parasites found in ihe ear wer*

- -. . . . . . . . i , , lBilten j M C k to ^ l a m j I o r tdenlitication Tinthe ll ppcrs of the 500 pound

n ulso removed by ihcb olog—1'

n ^ blologiw » r t• raduatestudei lal 0-cUnlvrrslty of M,,id Mie CJI dcln alsr ol the University

Miami P« f"™0 1 1 " "«:l"°l>s> >P°«n>o"

probibly died IThe fcranpjs doiph

inimal not utualK(.UTouiulii g S>unil«-II nikla cnl\ s^*ir

iu d in Kloridi HIKHI MJS prubalilj

blubUt *a"» l l l in


SUNSET CAPTIVAtive in the perieci home in i perfect island ietfine of b'ue waien Imh tiopic-1Ctecncry ana luminous amemiiei at SJruet Csptiva frjf new luting u a delightfulbrdtoom 2 biih luxury home of iutunl **ood The home featurw »lofi dihedralceiling a fu-plicf spaciout Ktnned ponhn and sutnlcck Call *nd »sk about ihc

many c


ind furnuhmg''$275 000

Offered Exclusively by


P O Bo»C1010 Pen* nkle lSin bel Floi J« JIH131 472 JIG1

••REO If/ITEBFRONT- - « . K l / i r i 2 * l i

John Thurston MarshallPaintings

Tins tlytnmu, arm: mirl, m ,ml, He to/eon/- mil.urn.'"™"1'"' "/'"''J'" M<l

Wolr/,™ »/ro/»r. mlorplm «/M'< ""'{>/i<n'<»r! oil r n olinp a n«u<il illimon " /

rtulily dirilriri .'j:ri»iiit rrrMi/iHii'il"*!*'"!1"



The IS1 ANDfc.fl

By Rarbaro Brundoga

Boat davit request refusedTht Planning Commission idiHM lo lt»

Kun* Uil week and for the second timedenied Dulph Prtce s reqjcst lo install a boatdjvii on ihe dock at his Shell Harbor homeimlv six feet from (he adjoining property

C oniprebensive Land Use Flan Adeline*ilipulclr a davit must be 10 teel fromproperty lines

On June 16 the Cily Council continued itshearing of Price s kpecific amendment andremanded il lo thr Planning ( ommisslort Toranother go-round

An Jtlwnej representing Price had «plained lo the i that the f lowly manw>eds the extra room to maneuierhi» 19 foot\<ou\ in Ihe tanal

It s u safel> factor Attorney SlettHeard said He agreed w , i n CouncilmanI-red Valtlns assessment that lack ofwjimunship was Ihe problem

Bei.uusc Ihe Planning Commission did nothave Ihe benefit of Ihis informallon tninukmtf its earlier derision to deny tent the request bad* lo the commusion ror a rehearing

At lasl *eeks re-run commissioner i

\rlhur W^coff and Joe Searing said they»ire noi fatorabl} impressed by a letterI nut I net in which he referred lo Ihe

Ilii lone is arroitanl Wycuif said\S\t If sui.itesUd Ihe decision on en

i ithin«i( npro|>ert> lines by UtalduUUli uld IK J multer for neighborhood

associations (o decideBasically neighbors : the only

..trecled he addedOiairman Ann Wmlerbolham ag-eed lo

ask neighborhood associations lo take •position on Ihe problem for Iheir areas

Commissioner Urry Simon said that Wapprove the rei|uest would be chippinga* ay al the law

I can t see any real problem if II •denied he ndded

Commissioner D>ll Kagerup said he hadreceived no new Snfnrmoiion that wouldchange his position and proposed thecommission sl*nd w th denial

His motion w u approved by a S-0 voleCommissioners Lou toe Johnson *nd DonManchester were absent

Property owners sue city

over zoning changeL » and Margaret H«fi«hwidcr have sued

the city of Sanlbel W get residential toningon their Periwinkle Way property changedtotfie commercial classifValion it held whenthe> purchwd the land io iww

Earlier thtf year ihc Kofschneider*request for re toning « n denied by ihe Ct'yCouncil on the basis that changes in comtnercial recjuiremcnls war expected as theresult of an on-scJng Bludy o f U« d l > *future mmmerct*l rweds

The 8 S-acre tract between Ihe HarborHouse restaurant and an Island sewagetreatment pUr.t polUhlng panda was ottered

'No Smoking' law to be enforcedNo Smoking will be enforced at

MacKende Hall during City Councilmeetings Mayor Duane White has promised» banibei resident wiio became ill during theAug \ meeting

James Irwin who suffers from pulmunarvproblems said h* was forced to leave Ih-meetlntt after 30 minutes In the fout a>mosphcre of smoke that prevailed In (liecouncil chambers that day

Most of the smoke appeared to emanatefrom the area of the council table Irwin

A No Sticking sign hsd been removedfrom the room In recem «eeka and Irwinretfucsted ti be ported again and Iheprtr-tbitlon enforced

tin sure Ihe I-ire Marshall wUI bepW-«J rin« I'm sure wnoklrg creates afire hai»rd In that small poorly ventilatedcrowded ?VM\ he u id

Whi'e Wio Bdmltlnl being, one of Uie••oral offender* said he would doeverything in hU power lo Encourage telhmembeni of coutic1! end the audiwee tocomply with th- ban

to the cily la«4 March a* a »itr for JB- ct#City Hall for WOO.000

The silc waa dimtncted Irom consideralkm by Jte Olv KaU Site &cl«c»aiC<Mr>mi = t;g:r.'.f* taa^ "» "XJ properly 1»tn the WeUaneta ecological lone *I«srr publkUtlldlnnc are rot % pwmllled use

the zoning on the prcp*-ty *a« changedfron commercial la residential with !hcadoption rw ihe city s COTvpre*ien»ive t-<-JUse Plan In 1976

In the sul' Wed by AUimey WHIUmHeverfield Uie Hdlschnditerc charge «wrKUutflcation of tltelr property li

unreasonable nrbllrary «wl void andcoriplrtely ignores eidsiing devdopmentpati-mi. on the parcel* contiguous andImmediately adjacent

Because of Ihe *e«age ponds nearbj Hiepropertv U completeij imsuiUble lorresidential development the Ho(«hnetderahave complained

Hit suit also charges thai (he impropertoning denies (hem their property rights

lUverfidd said his clients who areCaptiva restdenta are only socking a roningdiinge and are not attar-king the land useplan



Included s a nice selection ofShirts Jackets, SwimwoarJogging Suits and Pants


Perwmklo Plac« Shopping Center


Gulf Front Living at the SanddoUarM d ff h f S b l t

Gulf Front Living tThe SantMolur condominiums offers the perfect Sambel tifc

style =* i pcrrnineit home or u your extra special vacation

We h m [f(.cntK listed a superb 3 bedroum 2 bath beautifullyfurnished co icr unit The h me features wide wtccned portheswith ipmaiuiar views ol the Gulf from the mastci bedroom andIrom tlie luing tooni

A men me? include \wimming pool icnm% ihuffltbojrd and

durct Jifcii 10 ihr fabuU us ihclimj, beJdies of Sambcl

CZOh turner unit — Setond lien


Suggestion made to name

new City Hail for Zelda Butler

Murphy offered positionfrom page 1

Alton Roberta Loti *ho helped Sanibel sfounding fathers draw up Ihe city * comp cnenilve U . d U « Plan has suggesledIhe ne v City Hall be named In honor of thelate Zelda Butler Iwmer mayor aw?m-mber ol the ctty cotmcil

In a letter lo Mnyor Duane White MsLott who Is now the director ol Metro D»deHuman Resources Department ofMetropolitan Dade County and the executivedirecto' ol the twvriy created Dade Couulydarter Review Board said ll Is 1mpc1*nl lo recogniie In an appropriatemanner en toe Uland the tremendouscontribution which Zee made

Hw ecntlnuou* and dedicated service aaH member of the Oty Council and as mayorin my opinion helped BubsUntiallv inestablishing the direction the city lookLoU added

Naming \i-c new dly hall 'or Zee would»>e a tangible recognition and remembranceto -Hose persons post present and future

wtm share Ihe ideals »he held a» a personand which .the Wand c llrcnry *iaa continuall; evwUnc«d she concluded

While said fca apprwialwl tl« spirit inuhkhim»sugge*t.c««smade buttddedilsmh ail action JcCTfccontemplaled he wouldgive ihe people the opportunity to exprfM

1 know 'Jiat Zee was adamant in U*be'ief Ihst Uiild-nga should not be oamtd lorD*opl» and hrfore the building ta named toranyone 1 would call for a public hearingWhile Kid

Mrs Butler who served on the UiyCouncil from lu inception in WM rolgncdas mayor two weeks before taw demh laslFebruary

A portraltof the lale Mayor w « presentedlo Ihe clly as « e


pl n e a r U l t l C r e Be

Blolchlnl and LaBelie Gallery and tocurrenUy hanging lr Uie mayor and counciloffice »t Periwinkle Place

Htaih said the board Md announced Ihe»slory lor the Andover post would be MO 0«l» year tfe sumc as Ihe former mtnagtr •

Murphy draws an W on #nnu»l wlao(rwn the city ff Sanlbel and U slatri fw t$3 576mcre*«Oc» 1 when *»lh other cityemploy m He wt I receive e 9 per «nv cowsMivIng raise

Mien the Bosrdot Wevimtn sonoo K«1 IIhad offered tho city manner s jot, [a 1«-nard MurpJiy of Florids no oJwr rformatton was made avattabk la lh< pressHeath said

Ti« Eagle I t l t e w then 6»ked UPJ WireService bureau in Miami to find out whereMwrphj li « d in Florida A onkr to check ouldetails U li!» Uckgrwnd

Heath «a«l the Eagle Trlbuw Had h«Sproblems carlitr wUb J« Board of Sf.Klman a procedure in Mllng Iht cit>manager » Job

bevfiral board tr««Un3s wher the fourapplicants ww« dtarusswi were not open tothe public HeaJi sat* MMMChnetU la*r«juir« that a Job apprinln enl rnu»i bemade at a public meeting

Heath said his newspapei fll«l a «Ui In

t , , v - t court to slop the boa-dfrom makingen arrom'ni*01 urtU the background* ol alllour imididites v w e pjbli^

Bui on'> ihe natnw tnd r e » l ( ^ ^ stales ofOn Liret tonng *pphc*n^ wwe rfceased•whrn Ihe board announced Hernurd Murphytf Hordti MdbeeT o.««ed UR. job

Wuph> btg-n his career in public ad0 nlnrtllnt In 1J66 wh»n he -na appoliiledauiclaticily min'Sf" In Auburn Me

i<i IVT) he »a» nwneo city ma-iagcr in^ubura «nd htM thi.t pos jnt i t i sn

f d been a New M e n d e r all my life «nd1 like eilremea w) I chone Florida MurphyKjlii In an Inlwv cw in Ma> IW0

lie held the poslilon of deputy cityn-iuioger ai CalncfcvUIe ror two year* beforeconing » Sanioel

Sanibel Mtyor Di«ne White said lasl weekhe « u awsre mat Murph" h»d applied IOT^Uie poillion

Bui he lold me ht *iadn t made up his

mind Wh.te aaitlHeaa goad mwi and « « d hal* ">'"«

him Bui you c*n I f*ult Biiyw.t for wantinglc bet!e( himacU ttTilte m»id

Register to vote August 25Kepresenlallveft from Ihe tee Ctnmty 2 30

ill b Sanlbet on Ay Aug 2S lo register tirsLtime sa gor make changes in registration Uiat bi.andern

rgiHraton rn can registr o grecords In lime for the Oci 6regiHrat.on records In l

will be beside special election for the Shell Harbor CaM P*t r i -The voter s registration van will be beside sp

the Island Ctnema In the Islsna Shoeing Maintenance P.*trid froithe Island Ctnem

Center from ID a m until 1 M p




of Captivawill demonstrateTHE LOST WAX


uniquely designedgold jewelry


onSaturdays Sunday

Noon to 4 PMAugust 22 and 23


Chiid care

program continuesPetition calls for build-back changes

minim-. uK'tuf t)i<l tin. «< IJIJ l« rrtuu "Mill li\ ir.siMjmi

!» id ihf dn * lu TMVI ihi build ihi'tiit> urrtDitientniWisun ihcii Uhull

. ... idtiiMf 111 ' I I 1' "• " -»p|Hsr W H I P ,b< U:> !.. bo

ii |>t ) T 1111 mil IH Jt in i l l ! MI 1 ii 1 ir Hit in mid .11 'inn m jiroicvl <>ur Hi*' tounci* of 'tit (.it} uf SUMIIK-I In amendu«.ieJinnii Immi-, siciion n i l i t .ind A> at the Uim

i) (ir. 11 ii iii! l>urdcn on T U m uliz.mpirtiJ 'u otlnrt. .n r

urd u|xr iiuth riques'ed imrnJiiw-


on Swin^ Su.'s • BeochwoorDtnsiCi • Lmgprip • Shoris

20% - 30% OFFf OR THE MEN

OPEN 9 5 30





"AFT Ocean Boutique"

Shells From Sanibd & World Wide

Cora], Gifts, Jewelry & Exonc Sea Life

Shell Craft Supplies & Mirrors

Framed Shell Pictures, Oih & Limited Prints

Apottiecorv CsniwpitC Pat-n R-ape " d

472 1W1





1 I CCMYO <1 Gull V c* 9B 500 3B S00 '0 3*

* Somij owner f inanc ing avai lable NOPOINTS involved* Second mortgago money avai lable 10meel B0"» f inoncinq

The obovo listed ossumo

CASH. olwoy occaptod




36 units are now being completed.

Only a few ore still available.

SALES ASSOCIATES, INC.U O T - d Roa, Estate B,oKe, ^ 4 ? 2 ^ 1 5 1 ^ 3 8 0 8

Exclusive On-Site Sales Agent

t\ \ 1II IHMOMI \NU I' \IN 11 D OKUJINAI K'isi \\ Mtii K o u i l ! Al I'l f'Jt I C OoKDlWlt •

• II HH"t M'DKISVli AKCats'"io Sportswear ond twrosuits

Unqui 1 H i , Bouliqui

SALE RACK 20", to 75".. C W




Our Already

Low Rates

Slashed 15%


FREE Pick-Up And Delivery

Wr.U«c=» onr-l™

812 542-2025


P.O. BOX 291



CONA wants finance committee

r^W no* iti l) oflicielsi hjv-i-aul t lo* i said SamUl had

ciliipn * financial oclvisorvwhin thr cu> first •Kirted ^miiston dictrandKl b-enos*d,iln t understand Uitr^mmmcndations (Th

,xic too wund ' Ho*e *aiallo»e said a numi s conimillr* couldact In there and balance lhi» budget as

y odicMli. who Jw. keepkuintnltting themselves and torgtl about th<accirnuLalion

The budget that has been proposed ior lh<

J&H1-B2 opera'tngproximately 31 percent uvcrbudfiel

could ol'e valuab." i

t u \ A

ould be ty pp

utside audit lor Udfcct procMdirgs

r(crently then lh»"V are today

lthen l h V ar y

doubt w* would haw » • « '



Engoy country club living ond prlvocy ina stunning executive home overlooking

the Dunes Golf Couria Manyextras, including whirlpool spa on

Gumbo LimboLarge Estate Property

your dr.orn home In Gumbo Limbo - odistinctive communny nesnea

omong the tree. All of these lotssd for sale ore «x«mpl trom the

awth OrdinonceChooia your home*it« (rom omong ony

O l ih.-.o . 1 . location, .tortmg .n prlc«I S24 000 Don t v.a.t. lum yo«' dr.omi

' . . - . . U V - T O D A Y M ^ b l .

complete p-ivuey Excellent ter20% down balance ovo


Captiva lilond(313)472 252;

South Saas PlantolCaptive Island Fl 3392d

San.bel(813)^72 5167

1509r"eriw'nWeWoyIsland Fl 33957San.bel Island Fl 33957 R F A L T D R


Hit-lSl AMH-H

By Captain Mike Fuery

uuihoni Inut ruuliid, orii djrn>cr

(hj'.t nWM ( J U

idrtal gi^h's mi

Nut i-vt•Kitl «rr

it. r in .under ul tin I*iiiiuil ul nighl wi'hoJU1.! il!> IlKilsh llUl I11Uiis Mluu'iui uhvn %uover rt-uUy lKi.n ublird uidolhu ngu'ata

il h irt IIIIJK


There w f omer*rMl ly rou ld t ru t rU nt-r otters

iq understand how the 'J Srj attondes .if t lv slate and

uvernmini decide die how i-nd why of runningvessel*n counlmK the vurwuiw» 'tnts Inund on

skiupor hjs trouble luenlUj mil



nations ol confutinjIlie most ReasonetItuat s position a! u

\ivy hw bouts mdd<< odjv lia^e strong 1iphltn(t I j tnireihi hidi r l uiur sluplight »ilh thai of a poit bow lightn the avcruRt huA The boa I Itglil ib prulwtilj Ihfi* Umesmulkr Ihiin tin tur lightir idl ly dun I (.urehu* l>u; the tlglusare 11 R ihcobili!) lo

u k ll.<_<ti uul at b diblanic (hjt itiatlers And in mw1 cue^iiglit from vrt> f j r olf (specially if

ctio <li« wu upk>d wimilim is the wtiitP lif,lrl over lh* renter ol thi.iI Dial man) irshcls arc rruuirvd t<> dispia} That lightj j u r »\>- thi HJUr uddslo viability hut it alsoiles'ro)R

ttu pilot i ni((hl \ talonV>1*H renullaeretieailyp'edicuble many IMWIFTI don t

tvrn u&e lights ut all and if \> i i ate operating *roi.rd pJiscstirur bridii^* or in curving inanpro^e nned ihannels uuhave .» ««>d chance of runninR right up on noneon**

SjltHrflcrtorDslon dcsirovs li&hls and *ir'»it[ verynmikl> and man\ Hk pp«» nr*-r J«Br! around toi-hrckinn(heii nut The only thing you can look lor in ihf white lw**.Khe lln <Joat 's making at nighl tithcrv-iM- you I! prcboclyTwvor sw Ihol other lw«l

It s amazing thai tnnre bnaini aron ( burl Irui *v onlyhear of ihc MU« lhat i*n t t(-l onhv from the soene LxMo-ethe h Inrida Mann« falrot Kelt ihcrv

Tins limp of (tic >ear miiiy TiKhcrmon make wood f"**trap* for krrplng their pin fish Kiid oUicr klndi of Rmitll baitBlivco\crniEhl Thatsfine a»an\ BWIOUS tisherntan kno -bDial trtsh bail is imlly !hc key to calchlnK I sli ui lh any•.arufliency

Thf trap* ort- uflf n Ihri-e or four fwl long * couple of Ii-rlH iilf tint! a Tool «r no dwp And A-hen ihe water £cU into (t ewood a'lcr H time Uie> gel eh heavy as lead

V?n>, fivitiincn kwp ihc (Tups tlwl under Uicir rtoc«s utt'li1 htjiw* ur mo'inn but eiory once in *wtitle vrmt1 oilierfibhcnisfi will htridl ihr icatln red 'ish boi ciinieil^

When Kic owner find* the bait ([on* a' dawn wonln notsuitable for human eurt ollen are delivered High! *ttrrthat the fella wili> the twil trap d « i d » .ic will move th*,(rap ID Kome snfe local ion t» *y from Ihe noUce o( the Icrowd arourd tne marina or ncroii Ihe canal j

The prohlea rfevUopn uh-n Jic (tl-a Tirda a thtniwimarker and dec d n lo tie his bait box on it As the tidfs*tnKf around Uiat large wood \n% could get right out into Jnarrow waterway and if you hit it with a Uwt you ar«'definitely g.o\n% lo do damage

^nahtorlhcsefloalingbAlt boxes As fa rad can tell It >illegal w hang anytlnng on a navigilional irarktr bul payclour attention when you are running near any of Ihesem irkcra

A!uog those lines on* other thing csrrlcss boaters alwaysm Rt upon doing i» lying up UJ markeri or anchoring at Uw

enirance to a shallow narrow channel

Sonieother Iwattri ignore these fools and go zooming padIhc IINJ or anchored boats who ore blocking the channel -Uiioumg them a huge wake or making the boat bump intothe piling

I vi never U-cn ab'e to understand why someone woUd*ut>iect themselves to (hat potential danger It s like fishingon llic double tnhd line of an expressway

Spacious Shell Harborhome with entrancing

canal view

invites you to seetheir furnished model home

g by 1028 Sand Costte Road, AHTho Dunes

(813) 472-2881Monday throucjti Friday 9 to 5Weekends By aopeintmentOr, call os for more information

This three bedroom tvo ball) beauty on 125 x2O0'landscaped lot features a 15 x30 pool birch panciedfamily room double garage with automatic door opener(our celling fans automatic attic fan and four ton al-conditioning unit Walking distance to private beachcasement

Add to these a tarie dock with wattr and elcrtrlc aconcrete boat slip double oven range and Kitchen Aiddishwasher and you have an Irresistible honit Ore ofSantbel s most appealing properties

Unfurnished $247,300.

&• a





ttiftnd Cu<4 s.l it '

<• iidet are lor trte t'ohthouve point <M S«nltxl Only(Ntnh HP ol Captlva) rttd 55 minutes to the limebtreel two mlnutM tor every low tide(j, sjb'rpct JO minutes fur eacn high tide, and subeocn low tide

_ „ - .- inona Sound (B«*) aide adj I nour and leurrs 'or eath high t'tk uno add 51 mlnutM for *ach low tldt

, ... jelween these pclnb suit or bev, gu«jtimsl*-«nd h^ve good fishing or» shelling * * jf*" ^ i ^

l in t* &>g (*a)3 u( AJtliMl «rr prim*' Umt-s for m«-y u^rvhdh p j i tku lar l , Ihc Hoi id* fifth! an conch l-« s talkU i t trust and Ihr faiclnBlinK htlii htrra t crab this wef k

shori t ixc rf^o I! pu)IM ny 'ihhuiK buit up to a tiandjUai.h on Ca)oronUanOputo,i thvdivintf musk to the^K [orm marine tirowlh on the jollotr ul the bou. Thin i» ac<.<.isitr> mwlhly task in Honda watrmMy borru*ttl the nask fw a hit of shallow walrr

xpliTint? »nd ewne back wit) In »tow mlnutrs with *rvrralve colorful Honda (iahtmg conch*'Thrrv n ifthl have been a tkici i wittnn 50 fert at uur JKWI

We left them ull undt»turbMj except tar « (e* she .owedb inio deeper ivalers But the invuane it that the livi

arc coming ciosw to our beacheshave been trying our best lo conserve ihe M-ve thcll _

population and we would urge you to take only one or \*oshould you also find one o' these ipoln where the com h i arcfeeding clotc lo shore

Ttie warm water* ure active times for many shcl's evrnIhough the eggiaying lime is about over (or mott or tlte localshells

tt>u are still very Itkely lo lira vucani or dead fighlltiKjt-cha wnihlng up on thc^uir beaches too Theee shellscidcntly,arc abouuhree inch (or so tall, have a spiralled

shftpeiendhavead^rUlTOMn tinny inlcmii TtcjdoniHkiu hondMiinc display shell

'mchtrmilciabisun.Hhors'orj Ht ndfflntcly Mr. k ndol grouchv HP<i bcs< til 4ll no doeftn'l hdvt *hnt a r >M(V4n.'lureol oUwr srrubs VJ he wim I JH- inking pot nhot» Jt jourln»n vtiu walk bv

Herrrils we rc-ally funny too Tht-y nre smull wucpbhtipexl cr^alurps with very beautiful gtild and lirov,nmarkings with mm* greens thrown in y* a higMighl Tlieiren\Wf emsience i * based on feeding just a i with the nihe-KhellK, with one exception

When ihc hermit pule a little wnght or. aimnd lh« middlehe dovsn t grow hi* siir'i larger to aecoinnwtale ihe He vacates the present shell aid finds a tamer shell

Now that might sound like an easy enough problem Insolve Bui the little lake* It ail very SMTWJJ.1)btcaitf chv i i • prime choice of many crab-ealing fish Whenone chanft« bouse* one has (9 do U in a hurry if one <s tthermit crab

bo besidea feeding Die hermit has the uddrd problem ofOIWB j i •ea'chlng tor a nl i t r pUce to call Inme If he h,clKloo large a shell, l i l t heavy clnws won t be abk ui proltct hisM>fl body from attack Uhe«lo>* intheold ihell ioo long hiuticJts out and could Fall vtclim lo someone who makes a

mug un hfi u ihc hull t-Itul thioagh

• iltk fM\ u»hc ttonn l i iLhd tno niur1! \i a )uun^csler si^rte/cli>rve with him lor « lew irimilts JIIMII>*S arc innt(or (ecjirn, than f i r oUuckifij!

i 43H Ming jroUTid and I ''t no' met rtn^wu. "r-bi, iai) ictut any real i ty fcrhernilts in h* •fhcHingcollw.tuij; triiriiI JC I H H them -tufltrd bacV mto nt.ills in n r««-iiins liut they leuktd more like l.Dle miniature lobNleiihenhrrmitsufler Ac p-otcus of curing th" i*cl! ti

(Ireptrson Ihnow tn« i to lake one hoJTtt iindpul it ml<t •.iwllwtler tank In his livirg room Bui thr-hermit dian 1 luivtry long because he ccutdn I Mem lu find a place lo he

rhfrc are KO mary iriWCTliciR crcj'ur*^ you will mmon your beach walks J.nJ ca-h adust a bi( 'o ih t lio^li)


PARADISETh,s perfect vocation w,S law only a> long f i t . Visit our Inlttvs! Owm-ijliip MoilOas w remember it Come discover how and Information Cenvr at South iw * .you can c™, a bcautiiul g a l l o n home Plantation Or call SU .47? 4435 Orby the week at South Seas Plantation l o r \ writt lo P O Box 21 7 Capnv.l handabout $7000 And rediscover the troplcl XHorlda 3J924

l m l TtrfGSi ASDFR

Beach renourishment crewman injured7i i it »n .in M M i-ii iTiiiTtl I tin I 'nk ^ l . i i i ' . t-jul Mjn lu he umlt i-Mcul M IIJIII/I ' n \ u r t« ( u e |-JII>]MII IIHK him bs

i i. N I I * i n m i i! h o i M - i r o o n w . n i . u i r l > , i .. l u j > m h r u ' l i ^ J ~(*. li.o! , .

I ^pt il nllK Ml < |iliv i A p un IT inte n*d uf h»* pijn ptjiHx -M I M I N I C >tii I ' t ' ^ t i r ^ . f H t i i r ^ i . i i i i h i i (u l4> f pUi i<4jU> 'Ei f i th<pip i r l^^mk4L^<

• in ' isitl b\ i l» Mirr i ' i I t m l ^ ' i i ' < i luillinK Ibc ( j l i l i light

! ' >v> lov, n p i t. jhti MJjHittl Jiulviru k Inw >u U u l labtn unl 1 lli< UriKsuri (he |Uj.s i ill.) lur. lKd il r l> (,t !i]r«.ii[(t jnd t i r e * j

Hi II ti r'"iH*ut~ s'utK r,i *i *Ji Md i *K - " lurmiiiyJiLs yLorktiJ F-*r shon^ 4^ muui**^ i '

Why Buy Plastic when you con buy heavy-duty Aluminum for (ess I


Factory S*rvlc*d ond Factory5yrWocrcnty

• Holli up or down from ln*ld« oroul

• Cut torn mad* lor Horn**condominium! or mobll. homo

• Fr»« •ttlmaUi with No ObligationIPEJCt OF MIND WhEN /MAI)

SECURITY SHUTTER® CORR109 lames Street- Venice, FL 33995 i-*M-Ma4

Arc you getting the most out of yourbusiness telephone system?

Get the right answersfroen your telephone professionals!

To "-uctLtd in business t.xtT\ )x»u must find ways to take Jd \anugc of

tvtr> mmu*eof\(Kirbusiness di \ OntofMHirmosl'mportamrcvjurtcslsMMir

ct)r*irn<jniijtioii.s ^vsit-ni <)ar sali_s torLtultants art trained experts in

iik-phone and %jNK.m appli^Hons and can bhow you tht latt->t in IXICM.

•in •

Our consultants uiil I -MPU yjur s\s4cm and MKK\ •.tm lum t<

most lor i<tur cunmumutduas dollars VCc offer flexible pa\nKnt plans

orpur thax. aixlall spctificall> designed to nHrtjcjurnccdt

It just n u k e HIKXI dollars and sense Your telephone prolevli

\our partners in succevsftil busmcssi (.omniumcauofVi « i re your t

inmpanv I- nitcd Ttlcphort S> I lundj Group


Storm threatfrom page 1 J

priuJtcd I*>i" htf *t>rslThe u lv * fc-irrrnc-ncy P r ^

MuiiMlion t'rliff Team SJ'KKTi m « |II r«t- l imn ni Sunday al l a mjiul dft iin ui B p m to kc**p I'J* tntinbtre fuppruis-<l • ! the situation I'ricr said

Wt were ready I" nuke an evai-iulionif ntc.-wrv I'oliw: SRI ilay Ith.xln ioiLinbor of lh^ team wild




iCPRl Simple technique can save lives._!

»r3 Kab>

The iimjjle u-chniqij* (>' Lurdiupulmontir) rfs

con nuvc lives »nd Uwrriorr -vrrjonf Jiould

CkflM- at LV tiTiie o( un uc^drnl Khu<lt°it dndi p*-ufl

slundint; Around nut dumg an>Uiinit U*CHUM* the) -Jon

know whal to (to

\ id 1ms uul of Ihv hospital rauld t* iiurwiiluilyrrsiucltaied 'I (!>K wrrr applied Itnmrdliltlv Viitt««jlI Pit lht> t^ani r t lo*er lo only 31 i»r*imV

K^rry um? >ou Hurt a pvriun "*liu u not breathinglnrnncully t>fgin uamlnWenn*

tu>**vir >uu tunnoi Hulonrn( PK Ithudti ' Button* Therf n

» lh«

t>r(.b< d m li

«Ll'Kcuut-ic The


c will guldf praplr In *tw

lltwdn ttrn>M« thai bf-fotr «dmtm»ln-,nK CI'U la

person Itie followtriK utrp* olwulrt IH* Ukrn


2 d r c k to mattP »UK ihr jirwoj- pu»nr.K<? U open

4 II not brcaUi'ntt npjily r m u c lirealhmg

e U there l» M> utoc nrim.n.Mi-r CPU

II CI'U )• BMI! rd wilhoul clt^ckinK lh» airway pa»»BSeanil the hrc».hinn »rrl»u> <lumaiti> couid !>r dm.e to thehp«n ' tl could CUOM » hcon jtituck or 'mern*l Weeding

Tliv Pulict Dtpartinent trumi cily and school utfictuls

t'ohctr oHiLlalu at.d hdidi private cla-^es for me public

rtir IH.llM1 ntart ta\irr courw ( m e n pruiknl heart

In nfl mlgnslowaU-hluri.iine pirsuu IV*CIII> oidthc lt%»l

> uu re covtrM UIVJW the Kuod sairaritan law as long as

>ou tc tralnrd, Ilhodc* tayr

T!w Ptlicc * IIBIVIC rewtjr ourseinsorpomiri ihe " hcari

taucr touisi plus twu person rescue

If * uroup 1L Inleresttii they can coll the- baiubel I'ollcc

£X-i>9rUrcn(, Khodmoid VtcUkelf-haveollcasl six and

no wore Uifcc 12 in * ftroup " he added

Tht> numberor deaths i»i»rd by cardiac arr^Uout oflhi

hcspitol wild be rodijrfil figmficanly through thr

• kMtwii^^i: o! CPU

Tho*c iniTmtcd in Cflt clauses should conlaU thramljcl PuIWar Fire d-partmrots or ihc Lee Coumy Heart

j Before giving CPR:Establish

( unresponsiveness12. Check airway

passage3. Listen for breathing4. If not breathing,

apply rescuebreathing

5. Check pulse6. If no pulse,

administer CPR

7m » » "—• <«^m^«^±r^


* . . . ^ . . , , ,lv« rock ™ i b"



* Bring us your KODAK Slide, Movie,and Print Film for prompt, qualityprocessing by Koaak.

• We also offer Kodak Color Reprint,Pnnts-from-Siides, Copypnnt, andEnlargement services.

School board announces new lunch prices, bus schedules

reap benefitsof work program | j ~ ; ,

urfc ago 11 Vieiianese refusers stepped oft ann t trt Myers ard headed fur now Job* and new

it tapl vu UUnd t SouJi Van I Ian tat ionjy a most to refugees h\c and *ork un the plantationif range lent works just oi> well (>r the plantation

i tor ihe refugeesi> been t very successful vcnluii South Seas Per

| s. i m.1 I) rector Itov Col Ion says about the refuge*,the refugees h~Jp nevt our needs for wo'kers

meet the r noods lor jobs anil housingicrrlugpcn I ve incmplojcr donn Myle housing «i:ati n am. work ft jobs n the resort kl chens

I ljundr en and housekeeping departments for the same payher resort <.rnpluyec« in Kirn lat pohllitnk

IT tusk lb put before the )i V.t show ihem how to dohe SJ)S t-roin thin un they do t the same way

VPT> l meip tf the fact that the refugee* speak hardly an}

t-tighsl when lhc> arrive Iho Irnguugc barr er n broken[r»l« t exugirraled mot ons and gesture* and then with

1 classes leuRhl at Lhe plantul an Most learn quickly.._ . u problf m adapt ng to American societyA South Srus vun mahei a trip nlo Edison M*i! every-.tlj% for the refugees who usually spend the dayI p n« i nd tl en see a movie before returrtng to Uwi I tnliu n SB}-.

m 1 timid he says alwul the refugees After\> tti ll rough thc> re sure not going to let •ft renie hold the n bmk

r tuL.e -s are places! al tl plant*lion through theon ltr» u Cimtt tire n Vtushiniilon UC The

,(i si -vi s it rdjjices und plates them In apc i I dtc il m tu nqu Kit. [roi plunlal on ofihu I tre ••. a posit on to lie f liedHI n \ rj slylnji exper end Collom soyn oUtut

n I p M lh tht efuKe s I like to think 1 ve maded und I kruv. I U M nfd dn insight into some ul

thcr nations (ucc

Time ihowi l» the starting Um* of e»chroute StudenU should be at ttap* fiveminiitet In advance

SaallK-t FlcmevUr* School8Urti*KT)M*tSi m

i H i a MurmondStreet & Wiltt SanibelCapUva Road & Tween Waters Inn PineTree Drive VUlfoit Road twa Bell Rowl<Bowman • Beach) Jamaica Drive (pmonly} Gulf Vints. Drive lUbbil Hoad &Bunny Lane Cult Drtv« It East Rock WestRock Btuc Mphji bland Inn ShkllmaiSanibrf CMUget Island Beach Club CawYbei Rd at Children • Center HtghUnds Store iwuih

-Anclw nrlvt Umpll m






Houar nf (Lreaaurpa,Uv gifts *xquislt*<hcQrattvm Vf^.:»»ori«s orilifIc fcwvlry


SUMMER SALEi lh« H*(tr1 of Th* Itlood Shopping C*nt«r


Furnishedisland home

on over-size lot

This lovely three bedroom two bath homefeatures den and family room fireplace and pooland Is only a short walk to Bowman s Beach Bestof alt the house has a separate one bedroomone bath apartment with screened porch Lot is agenerous 200 feet by 210 feet Furnished»160,000.

If yew &e*e o skfjff it Is much easied

Is teaching "satoabla" skills and preparingstudants for entpioyment.

LEARN...CarpantryComm*rctal Cooking 8 Baking

Data ProcessingDfosel MechanicsQttctriccl WiringMarln* MechanicsMasonrylanrftcop* Operation

Monday thru Friday7:45 am. thru 1:15 p.m.

WHERE? LEE TECH3800 Michigan AvenueFort Mysrt. 3 3 4 - 4 0 4 4

» T l


Coil 337-1633 {






Fort Mysrt. 334-4044«Mt» •MPI«»»* »•• Till II I '


rt ntl |Mrsim« fslrir, whhovt r«twwd t» rvm, *fl«, rtHg



^ 694-S83S_,. "~*ft<0 CMDIT NIMU

Factory Traiiyxl Prof«-i»«><«>> S * r v «


' must .moveSALE!OPEN MON.-SAT. 8-5 oil 3 storesOPEN SUNDAY 12-SNorth_°"'» South stores




36" CBUN5 FANi -•- . ~ ™ <laelaii on noo»r "Ho

AT L A U K I S WESBtVICC FAHS « oM l l . Ma no-d loship o*t o l <o»ojor^Cr, AH Lo»iror.Moras hovo Ion a«fvlco.

priees good throTues. Aug. 25

, s Easy-roll =OsclllBlIng


WHITE OR BROWN52" WOOD BLADE CEILING FAN• S Sf>*«d Control • Ught Adojrtdt.1. • 3 Yew WarrantyYou awt (UfMhdabitlry ptui tho *»comt(y» tovch of a r*al«rao<P))Dd« e«1l!r>9 fan .oil art a prtc* you wont findtrftkmn bvt Icurvl * corrrparwl In Whit* or Brown to luftjOMf iscat S«ty» no** at our »ol» pric* and alt y«ar nnriMtfng and «lr conditioning cortt, NM15 Nl 116

SAVE • l O . O O j ^ ,

largo-scalar cooling

ft hromft J »p rot •«»!»• g ° o r

push button *P««trol! C E U * .

Book report from the Sanibel LibraryB) llacrVI 1

The Oly ol Sanlbcl has placed in the,r»ry ua now coo«e» ol Hit IM1 «2 dlyidgrt These V lo U lr**l«l a» books orimphlela an«i m.y U checked oul

B« Hculllck by E V THompaonetalljck is lh« lather ot Joah R*ta!lic- —

...ero ol <T«s. Tie »!»» "W* » "uubliahed in 1ST7

Allhouuh Be« llrullkk la a compHelyaeparale atory !• rrallv .houM have^comlirst HUH romance We love story ol Ba.

I and J«»e Henna bul II » »lao • W * " 1

: oicuire ol Ihe iocJal »ml economy concatlm»lol Ihe early 1WI « «« •""' °" **


and < considerable

. r . » « f J r»l P-« °e reader follo-i Ihem

m«inl ol iymp.jhy

SlcCuHoudi In IW. v.ry Inllmatebioeraphy of Uie y.unB Theodore Boo""1'thTaulhi ha» combed me "alerlal storedIn Harvard • Hou«bt>n library as »ell a»ulkrf v,llh pcesenl de.oendanls or Ihe

Oytter Bay Rocseveltn^i . .m«*.bio,r .ph, . l . latnl ly»o(

«i lnolvldu.1 member ol that tamily 11 la.In a portrait ola w y ol Ille 111 a bytone

ye^Told |he year, while h..m«l!le<l-iU>h» t>e«r lalal .llacta ol .«hma to foullybecon-e ih. robi»l and vujoroui man he w.a

OUier HookaChurehlB a CoJd by Jamea r olletl - ^ » "

aloryotWoildWar IIH«lll ana Endurlni by George Frame -

T^TtatSe I . .ur.W.1 ol Ihe ch«ul,. .ndwild dogs of Uie berengetl

S n n , t h e . l .« » o -eek. ot Au.uaWlr™ may cfc^k oul t»o n m i l »»>»S oe aTn and as many olhera u desired^ n ^ " " " . v o i d .«.ol book. 10 ».shelved tn Ocl 1 pa rons are asked »reiurnbookc Ihroujh Ihe book drop a. Heyfinish wiit them

SAVE "30.00



22' BSNCH SOV REEL TYPES 1 "788!EXIEHSUN CORDS %JJSW)14 Co vrir* 2 r*cwp(id«-10 amp tir





U 2 9 5 0 *naup|I 36 lo 5* d«orollv. |

NORTH POWWOW* «OO1HRt JJ H Ft M\»r» 2216 And»r«on Av Colonial noor 1-75

Qp9* Ofiaa opoti TO STAY S1 w* own our other 2 •

sloros ond will °> A f5 h»r« to fonmyou^^^p


1609 PKiwmkH WaySanibsl Island. Ha 33957



„__ Help youto stop dreamingand start buying...

Looking for a n«w enr that will glv* you b*tWr m Ivag* than that•.grit poMtngtr V-97 )• th» eld K1unk*r on It* last leg? Or mayb* youlusi want to got Into somv-hing >por>y tho. will put <om* pitzaz ir> your

'•jMkat« yMir rwuortt (or thinking about a n«w car moyb* Its Urn*to itop arsoiTlng and •tort buying With th* n*w models coming outthers have -st b« some bargoln> out th«>r«

Wh? not tf&p by Bank cf ih« Island* and 1st u» ihow you how w« caniOJior. on auto loon to wi t your particular r.**ds Our rat*« or» comp«l!tItf* wn con orangw tcrmt to >ult your budgat and most importantif ) M * tMik*s I M M to borrow moniry from p*op1« you know

Clos«r to you In lots of ways

saNkof The isLaNds

MAM OFFICE: 1E99 PiremU" * « •BRANCH flfflCE: Uand Shorn J j J ' ^ ' ^ J ?

T~«U, »•->*«• _ ~ H ^ £ 5 L

j Lynn's Binge

one tft i * rarl mum r-ki Su-ubd * (•* *<*" m t T

IJV 1- Ji">-h<-

Lighthouse Western

i>H" aiTrfk tu\ tl strt~s Marti »iH»«ii SU motRh is vginui^ Jval "tiling aoa•> h Ij j l i i-- n \*-u \orfc r \ncj of ii \ l j ptiot^raphpr friend M*rfc lUrmi u n r IVariv ami John ownrrj &x4] ordered ha> & britght a ( a w u r »tlb ju

UonUcj ip m Kuswil Mart* dnd John s v^uugrMXI n I J» lit v Ui* cwik and I* is n Tlie most mpurlant thins to t*ll abpui ,•v iol l i f t jn* r^fct <*>actl bo»IitLfim th * «mk«« « i s . ^ s a—— n pyjMnt-!< He cookrd and tit- hi« dfT* ii p r ' danf «d bultrr Don < >su just knc bu'UIn ! l r l « %<?,r> Tfcj much praciic- TW omdettr* and >U the egg d sttK t

« great lunch

* •


IK* . « _

CHUCK THOMASCools Down Hot Florida Evenings

With Fresh, Breezy JazzJazz f3ns of Rorida take heartl And tune In toChuck Thomas on WRCC for the finest selec-tions In mainstream jazz six nights a week.Cool down to the sounds of Ellington. Mangl-one. Parker. Davis. Spyro Gyra and Cottrane.Move to t h e music of America weekdays from9 PM and Saturday from 6 PM.




o»ld« on o y « i round bo»l»• ACCOUNTING•TAXES

HOLD DOWN BIG BILLHunhtr CwUlnfl Fw»Now SI68.00

•Whlfe Supp1'** Lost

HmSsyfiiGSlnc"IKVITK. ^JJ CJonJ A..


TAOY ESTSO"Charter Boats


Gulf Star Marina. , Fort Myorj BeachM 463-2224 Evst.«1^581








^asssssffoSsssBffi Prices

This Is ycur last chance 'tcwna slice of this quiet prestigious resortThese spacious luxurious condomlnturns otfer fcvery comfort of homefrom plush linens bedspreads and furnlture washer and dryer to a fullyequipped Ui'chen complete with dtshwasher anct microwave oven! Outsideenjo,~a ^ip in the pool an invljjoraf!r*g plunge In the whirlpool bathor just bask in the sun on a famedSanlbel l>each There are even gasgrIUs and picnic tables exclusively forowners use And a sauna too Nothinghas been spared $r*ett Islarri BeacnClub has been meticulously designedfor your vacation pleasure

Now for the best part All thisluJtyry is available ?t a very seasonableONE TIME cost through the supeisens'ble concept of l-ne^va! OwnershipYou only pay for the weeks you canpleasurabty use and the rest of thecost Is spread out with families just

II e yours And as with any otherdeeded real estate it Is YOURS to userert share with friends give as agift even bequeath in your estateThe plan Is made «sven more desirablebecause if vou so wish you can exchange your vacation through a worldwide network of first class affiliatedresets

Dick Van Patten'An Interval Owner

and Captran Spokesman


[or VisitingCouples...

B r l n s this coupon and tour ourKJz Ond we II Sjve you * "«;«tr Instant Camera by **>*°,"''valid with Informal Inspection"Sir o> " " m o d e l ' " ' " ' " " I " 'f«clllii«ano If married must be0ccomPanl«dbyspou«-NoPWchase necessary L i m i t « « « " ' "any nature per family not validfor owners employees • » « ' « »glf. recipients or students Oilermade for the purpose of promo"Ing sales of Interval Ownershipweeks at this resort


Condom n « " " R**"" ~.

300 Lighthouse RoadSanlbel, Florida 33957



This summer 1 reached the i-onclu&ion thai there is only• Sanlbei ant* 90 million people have alreacy found out

ibout iti decided U vistl our Chamber 01 Commerce to see

there was any (wiual evidence to support this

The short drue lo thr Chamber iiiggested that theren ftht well be more behind tnli theory thsn [he disgruntledmus ngs ol * misanthrope

I pfcHnkled while walling to make a right turn ontoPeriwinkle from Dooax (Cod forbid I should want to turnMi i Then I deep fried while wailing for an unrelentingRow of traffic lo break long enough lo let me make a leftturn into the chnmber

The parking lot w « Inundated with cars stationed atevery conceivable angle liuidc the chamber itself tbesccre was one ot controlled pandemonium

One might expert thai Utoae who work there would appearlo be harassed utterly incoherent Nol al all Theseremarkable receptionist* and their dire tor answer hunCircus o( repetitive questions et rry day most coherentlyknowledgeably and with » smile The) all deserve a Ph D inpatience'

Island GarageAmtnean & Foreign Car Repair


on can own aplace and time

in paradiseforever!

TMfedavJlajt t t lf l^ >,


Tht d amber had ample proof that the number of summerV!EI4KB hat increased tubctuitially

I Last summer the chamber uself handled wwn- MHMOOpeople a day thii summer the dally figure approach** 800

Z. TV Island t hotels rlc a c quite full every weekend"Jiu summer not just on baidaya as in previous Yean

In search of statistics 1 called the toll nation Lsst July131 671 vehicle* crossed the Causeway W Sanibel This Jjly10 WO mure (134 748) came over

As we all know Sanibel in apeclall> popular on summerweekends During the first weekend in August 13 03avehiLl«a arrived »n the bland Where do all Uiesc peoplecome frutti and why a~e to m»ry coming to Sanibd''

It seems that a large number of our wramtr visitors comefrom other paru of tiofdit e»pcclallv the east coaei torreasons best kiuiwci tii theRtiwjvn (hey wem lo prefer wu-

caast lo heirsAs lo why to many people *ri" j^miinu lo ihU Uijind otie

hai only to look at lbs sllurhg brochures put out oy ourresorts hoicla enri mtAtlt They bwarl*bl> desrrllr>Sanibel t i undibcovered unspoJed nwtnl and peacefulMany of the pi iaaeologisl**«ach daiy heights of fantvy

Sanibel Is an Island where rtsiurv ktiows no intrusionThe Gulf s currents daily bring the ocian s treasure of

By Maggie Greeribe?g ? , l vp

shells to your feel Sanibel is one of Florida swonders a great plare for yesr-rounJ fun-in tlVic are the perfect anspoUtd island re real Somemorable vacation discover bantbel IslandUnduco\ercd Island

Who nould possibly resist such lures'1 Perhaps myfavorite Btatemenl is the fallowing contradiction in termsSanibel Is still an undiscovered Kmile resort felandCertainly the Increasing Influx of visliors to Sanitwl is nol

always met with enthusiasm by those of us wlm live hereWe like to cling to the notion that our Island is primarily a

residential community not a year-round resort playgroundOr as my ocloscnanan mother puts It twan ever>one tobe able to enjoy the thmge that ' enjov but not where 1enjo\ them Al 81 one can say almost anything with impuniiy 1 m lure she would suggest that we hand out freecopirt of tondomlbium at the Causeway

But what about our visitors lured here by all thosemellifluous phrases tn all those slick brochures end adj.1"Are they disappointed to discover Uwt we have already txrndiscover ed'To be eonUiwd In iwxt »rek * UUiuler



As tradition demand! this condominium unit includes a wealthloKury features a* one would eKpect in any outstanding So nilCondominium BLIND PASS where vacationing or permanent fivllakes on a whole new dl-nension

We offer this select unit (one of the 107 in the unique building ofPolynesian dec^r) setting the mood far tropical living ot its finest

Inside expansive) dimensions meoi sooclou* gracious comfortThrough Sanibel R*olfy Inc you can view a beautiful two bedroom"we bath condo un t completely furnished with tropical style turnishings All appltancet Include General Electric waiher and aryor tccomplete every convenience possible Excellent first floor locationcloin to the pool and juit a few minutes walk to the Culf ofMexico

difficult to divide the beauty of the interior unti ana thei ties on tl e gioundi both to vital to a vary good investment

Utort end ond your day hare .. Aiteryour da ly walk to the beachreturn to this tastefully Igrnhh'-d i*n t shako the sand from yourfeet ond con inua to en|o) o multitude of pleasant surrounding*Make a special no's of the amenities a giant free form sw mmingpool championship l«nnlt ccurti and a recreation center with cardand game room where you con relax after you are through takingyour SaunaSo lovely so sosy to show $132 000 00 furnlthed

Barrier Island Group for the Artst

The Island Youth Theatrein its production of

THE PRINCESS ANDTHE DWARFA. deligntful Musical Diver-won

byCynthia England uud Munon Chaplin

Thuradnv, Fnday, Saturday - 8 00 p.mSundnv - 2 00 p n

Saatbel f lcnicntooAd<i)t» "3 00

Chudrrn '1 00

cvd, mil he donated «>tbc! KKfvatinn Center Fund

SURFRIDERON SANIBELAstounding Interval Ownership Values!


Captran Resort for low, Sow,pre-construction prices.


ON SANIBEL ISLANDAH the loys ot ownng yout own vacation home by theweek by the sea at an amazingly afiordable one timecost Visit soon and learn about the Surfndpr lifestyle -basking on the beach swimming in the heated poolplaying tennis or enjoying a le'axmg dip in the whirlpool All the things you go va._at omng lor yoursy^ar after year for a lifetime

Dick Van Patten says:"Vacations by the Slice from Captran •

the only way to go'."

Brmn thl> m i x i "* <°"' <""wt lluneyou j P l i i x ' I m l " "KocUk C*<. *"<' « ' ' h 'o'U'n,mm lour of '!>•• modd reiwil

by M«.U» NO junto* T 'oi> 8.11 Ol >n> lulun per ta" '( m|i»>yU" priM

555 East Gulf DriveSambel, Florida 33957

(813/472 5181OPEN MONDAY - SUNDAY

9AM-5PM „ _

PortraitConrad Bailey

Age: 50

Height 5 8%"

Roots: Chicago

| Pleasures: "My children

| and my family, my

[ Newfies and advertising'

I last Book Read: The

| Complete Newfoundland,

; by Margaret Booth Chern

\ Mentor. Irving Penn

| Wish: 'That we could see

i little more creative thinking t '

ere There are certainly enough |

:reative people"

Vords of Wisdom- "Plug it in,

fit works better"

By andy CholnwrePhoto, by Work Horm.1

ni the lights and camera ore on producer-directord Bailey the three-year | resident sells himselfeelively as be sells hi* ideas to advertisers

Kile? • Idas about Kellogg I com flakes Peter PanRut butler Kentucky ¥ned Chicken Miller High Life1 and Baby Tenderfovc earned his Chicago advertisingfcucUcn firm those accunts plus many mor* for eevcrsl

« big city rat race caught up with Bailey howeverw years ago he and bis family headed or Sambel

tre they had vacationed for nirf yean', wasn t seebg my children Bailey says about 3-yearKelly and 6-y w-old Patrick I d go to work early andie home lateThen when some of my cohort* started dropping dead I1 Hey wait a minute - 1hU isn t for me anymore ht

BaileyX'love 'or Newfoundland dogt which are just onesize below a hone he says

Nine yefcrs ago the young family Newfoundland in towheaded to Florida s eatt coast for their summer vacationHotel managers however would not honor the Bailey •reservations once they learned tht big black dog was part ofthe family too

With no place to stay on the eatt coast the HaHty tdecided they had nothing U> loie by driving to the west coastwith hopes of finding an Innkeeper who was sympathetic tobig dofti And they did - on Sanlbd

That vacation Marled a bend that turned permanentthree years ago And the newest Newtie** E > ear-eldCaptain Casey on Sanibd couldn t be happier

Too young for retirement and nut one to sit nlll Buileyhai maintained hi* Chicago firm on smaller scale andslat-ted a new buuiess in Florida

Island Coasl Productions ii the firm behind man} cut)nterdalv tor local restaurants and businesses Bailey and1W1 Jackson arc Iho brainx. behind Island Uust Prodi*

The Thistle Lodge In a relatively smalt lown poses someproblems for a director-producer who Is accustomed to amarket saturated wilt acting talent

We used to work with Lauren liultoiu all the time hesayi It ww a real shock to have to find acting talent

Bfliicy Is not discouraged however and says he hatestablished a -bank of local talent and also travels to theeast coasl tot acton Thtre a not much of a demand forlalenl over here right now he sajs Bui il s coming headds with confidence

The light* and action of a career in television arefcl amorous only to outsider I who don t know the hard workand pressuie Involved in producing a Gu-oecond conmercml Bailey says

Wi h_ boulfiVfesl Horida becoming irore und tiurit£pn s tented Ha ky sees a growing market (oil.1 lx-llcri|ude commercials And he plans to be on the seen*. r | j !v pi

Interval Owner and Captran Spokesman

Ml inlarmali-Mi in liir lolluwlnn rrpoci*. Uken dlrecll* from Kanibrl P«lke

Tht Amcrkun flag ut Un. "Ntnlbe) t apUv*Humbcr of Cwnmrrce was tloien (rum UJP

•poltHiOu> Aug " Iberian was valued

AprroMtntldy n o w worth o! itereoiniipttrni and jcwUr> was taken irom aunic ut tV< Capita U y Way shortly aflerudnigh SelurtJuj Aug B Police Isler>IB d ail the tloien items undn a tree

Al^ainesulc Ha rMidenl uia>int, at iheWest Vund Inn reported the thefl of the t in

u<! lirt from hm IE31 a!dunobu> Cutlass

\ lur^f sioi t was ust-d lo support the car1HT ihe wlit'l »os rt meted Tin ownerId ponte Ihi curs right (runI ftnder wasnwn-d »hin he oHtmplPd lo move iher IK ore hi u allied the u.tiw.1 had been

V ilurd ol tl t and ire WMB estimated

v Nishviili lenn re*i>lml rrporttd at>< ut 1 " at the banibcl B^ach Club

•wlurday night Aug 8 Police reported *.check of the ore* failed to I urn up anysuspicious person

Utvuf equipment /jlued at 11 WO w uuken Iiwn a unll at J>« Sundial resortMMICUIU b r t * e « i D p i Saturday Aug 8and e a r n Sunday Aug 9APalohUU III Sue*t at the resort reportedthe thrtl

Hita Gron ol 102rj White Ibis DriveeporlwJ a nve rout alligator was trapped in

Ihe courtyard of the Or oh home earlyMonday mort-lng Aug 10 Police contacted(.eorge w-ymouJi to remove the alligaior

A Sjn be! woman reported a man exposedhimsdfloherMondavtnov-nlngAug lOnearihe Lighthoiae beach

A camera valued at (300 was taken frwnIhe beach n front of the FUmada Uin caningTuesday morning Aug II AMlamiresldemtold police he had left the camera on thebench

A Sanibel woman complalneo U>SwliceTuesday afternoon Aug 11 Uiat she waslired of being called names and run off Weroad by other drivers Tor obeying the

luusjcway speed limit

A BMX dirt bike vatned a, I7S wat takenfrom Uie Sundial nesorl someitrKt betweenmidnight Traday Aug II and Si ajnWednesday Au« 12

A PffevUle Ky resident itsyin* ai theSundml resort reported * SSOO ladies watchwaa taken from (he Sundial uml twmHimebetween Sa'urday Aus a and W«tawd*ymorning Aug 17- The watch was reportedmis-ing Wednesday Aug '2. Poitce foundno signs Q[ [orced entry into the unit

The fire extinguisher box al the ShellIsland Beach Cub on Lighthouse Road wasvandalized sometime between 8 p mYtednearlay Ajg II and B a m ThursdayAug 13

The fire nttnguishcr box was broken fount! the fire extinguisher on thebench near Ih" complex

A pair of jet ualer skii and stereoeqivpmeni valued«l H »30 were laken froma home ut 1824 Woodrlng Hud WallaceLHmbar reported the theft Thursday atternoou Aug 13

Hober* Urrmbce of 33» F4mor W»y

rnwried the theft of a BMX dirt bike valuedat S2W Thursday afternoon Aug 13

Three signs pertaining to roadside parkingMlqng Csuseway Itoad were sprayed withpaint Friria) Aug H A police officerdiscovered the vandallkm earl Ins Priumorning

An emergency call bos on the usy Hid*the Lighthouse ***v«KUli»d Friday Aug

early t-riday morning ami notified thetelephone company thai the emergencyphone '"Ire* had been rearrangedreceiver broken and the fign on the boiremoved

A Sanibel resident Was taken lo toriMyers Community Hospital following a 'arbicycle accident Monday afternoon Aug !'

Chria Celbvrg of IIO5 Sandc»sUc Roadrod* into the path of a car driven by WilliaO Ktal of C«spcr Wy at thf IntersectionDlile Beach Boulevard and Albatross Hoad

Poiic* estimated damage to the btcycle al**0 and damage to Ihe car al I1S0 Oelber(w.31 tr*nHport«i U> the hospital vis allambulance

No charges vere filed In the Incident

Island ABWA woman

Oscar Wild* wice teid To do good In mailers


cand dale *

public relations expert

lh« Univc-bity til %ew word ot ittuu i Bd\rrtlsm|{


art director named

A pleaAccording U Catherine ballista local

| freelance business writer Thv IUAWJ- ofE iecret do gooding is no\ one o( Ihe noticeablet lier^fits of managing a business Industry orI an organisation

M* Bcltista offered procllcal advice for| those you are tired ot talking about public

ret* Ions and want to see some Immediateresults

LJkc the weather she 3*Id publicI rclatkns geu taJkeo about a lot but fewI assodatioos ev«r lewn to do much about U

- of Ihe greatest obktaclea to imI plementlng an eltectlve public rtjalions1 program ia coming lo grips with what publicI relation* really nwana she exp-aincd

Fvery auociatioti has a puUic r*lat,w*9 program whether the aisoctellon1 recognizes it as such or not she aald It *I ihe total communication efforts you are now

mailingYour SModetion a ready has an image

1 she said U comes from everythngjouareI doing - or not doing

Therefore the inoel practical spp-oachou can take .a public rdatiora l i '3 ttiae the

i fact that you are in the bustneu o( publici'-dationf every day with every contact you

make The challenge Is lo build on whatyou ve got

Ms Baltista formerly a resident of Newltdven Conn I* well qualified lo offei P Radv^e She received her B 5 degree from

K Southern Connectkul Stale Collfge v/hcreJ shemajnred in poiiUcal science and mlnored

in Brt design a.Ad EnglishShe later tittended the University of

I Connecticut School efLaw ami It currently a

AmntimtrilionDuring <ht n«tt 10 >cart she was a

itrgiitered lobbyist with the CunneciiculteKisUture For a period of five years sb*w»» the astblam ezecutlv* director with theronne^ticul Nines Association and later*»I appointed sc the ewcutlve dxeclor lorUie Ucohol Council of Grstter New Haven

Mot recently she served as the PublicAffel-a Oirector for the Health System sAgency of South CcnliaJ Connecticut afederally funded plonnuig agencyaervirg & 20-lown regton

According to Ms Battltta there are tenspKiftc ways «i association can build Intotheir activities A conLroUcd public relationsprograrr

1 r.MMl Public Itrtathm Starti With aKU-oog Idmtlly Public relations it Imagemaking Every day you tire making nundredt of first tinpreskioni Just by writingletters aod sending out printed malvialt AMrunK vltusl Identity with * good logo i* theti»it elemctil In any kind of recognition

lpf<3grom Ann appropriate name is equallyllmportant but people remember symbolsIbetler th>>n words2 Identify* cur Public Messages should betargeted to specific publics Set prior I tie*jnd develop an overMtl creative strategy3 Have a Planned Progrtm Ulth Concrete(•eaU To do a good job you should have awritten plar which Hays what you will do andwhin ll also says what you won I do

4 Hemember* our Mint Important Public It\ nur Own Mcmbenhlp Ke«p your membcrs happy and informed If they don 1believe in Jw association no one else willThe most powerful form of advertising is

should be practiced throughout th«orgitiiutton - [rom the reci-ptiofi M to theefftctrs of th* board

6 II ^«u Dmi Lave Motwj for HjbllrlUlallvai - ^ MI DOB 1 Brllirvr In U So manyBHsoclatlcnt dun I time numcy (or publicrdatioM unlil they get a urniitvsl imagtthen the tnoncy ttirts to How Tltcjr oftmspend 100 llmeit more mopey restoring aumished inrn^s ai they would havr lo keep* good image polished

7 ln ,L-U«th*n I n P R you hove to makethings happM Act not react Anlicipairevent* and prepare your puMJc uccordinglyEv*ry major decision should be **»glwi for>U pMi'ive and ntga'He Irnjuct

« CvHAt Yiw BlMslagi Kemembtv LhalP R jit doing Rood «nd telling about It asoften as you can orally and in printt IVopllie Your Orgsnleatloe Av^d aninstitutional Image People care aboulpeople And Human ctrcumslfinces10 DIM t l-el the \ncal Minor lly UnuenrrUi cUlon* Ir most associations the vocalminority are not typical of Ire en» retremlteriihlp A good P R program startswith hov Ihe pi&lic views a rtluation and nothow the voLai minority views I

MB Batliita recently nc-eptt^l thechairmanship of the Public RationsCornmlltce lor thf American BusinessWomen s Association SambFl-CaptivuChapter ABWA-SCC

Lfithur Klaxhik of Marcu Island r\** Ix-i nnamed urt director for (.uifohwr I ilrmagat ne publisher ljinn> Sheruin ha»announced

Kluchik has had an exlentive backgroundin art design graphic and advertising HeMudicd art and design in Gnu anv *orkvd(or a. leading advrrliitng ugency in Chicagoand ran his own art studios l i IndianapolisInd and Vail Colo before moving lo MnrcoUland He is the reclpiert of more than ISOdfl ant) design awards both nationally andiul£" nationally

Island Almanac



(As a Matter of Fact We Did!)


Any soalood severer worth his salt knows thatfresh is Iho secret word Simply trot next door to

Scotty s brand new Seafood Shopp*) select from Ihewldo variety o* ABSOLUTELY Fftt5ri Scot-ty s Seafood Shoppo is open 10 the public, too youknow So if your© feeling ant) social select yourown fresh scallops salmon, flounder grouperoysters lob&tsr or whatever and cook it up in Ihoprivacy of your premises No hard feelings I

When it comes to fresh seafood - Scotty's is hereto serve you - coming or going!


Famous on Sanibel"For All The Shrimp

And Crab You Care To Eat"

EARLY BIRD SPECIALSbetween 5 and 6 every day

to the first 100 people

Prime Rib DinnerShrimp DinnerBar-B-Q RibsCrab Platter


1233 Pniwinklr WaySanibel Island, Florida


5.95*************Children's Dinners $1.50






Voskan King Crob Meat prepared with mln«d garlic, chopped onion, choppedo'lvec, chopped almonds, mlncetTporsley, lemon juice, freshly ground pepper, salt,basil, oregano, olive oil and Ramano cheese. This delightful array Is sauteed andcovers a bed of our famous el dente* spaghetttnl

Dinner Includes our Neapolitan style Mlod, French bread and butter.




5 JO ° M 9 30 P f —CLOSED Oh SUNDAYS3 West Gull Drive—Beautiful San tiel Island—Oft t lu Gulf

Tkc ISLANDER TS»d»y rVuiwt ll iMi


Weekend swimming meet scores Island golf 1 |Today at Gty Council

K t

b I MlMlh-mannr bunta naria 11 f5 r KAmy teanos * 25 rR UCiraru 6 Z5 H I /DKAnd> Murnch J zst-K 6BK Bl-K He)ayOud Ha'cher l IS h H 1 8K * H i R«lryTuny Ullucct U S h H 10 BKdcrrv imtlh 4 25 Ml II UK Bl-K RelayJ J Marium T 21 BK

it ISUVHSHeulher Murtvh I 25 t ll 115 BK i 25 )-L J Fr IteUyKurcn Kuench H J5 H I • & M, 4 H I KelayTarj t-Yiedlund 1025 I-1. 7 25 BK s 2S * L 4 FR RelayJean U C3ce-o 2 33 BrJCMICU LoCictro 83SFH 123 Br 2 2SH. 4 FR Belay(tundra P(*,iler 6fc.Hl 2 25 Bk 5 25 H . I Kr ReUyChristine Rogers B 75 Br 8 I T RelayJori Crvner IZ 2b FR 5 2S Bk s 35 *H 4 FR RelayMall Ramsey 5 !3 J-'r 4 25 BK 7 » Fl 1 f r HaleyJaaonYsnHwemsl 4 25 Kr 8 2JBk a2£Br 2 Fr KelayKji> Lerone 1* » I T 6 25 Br

Laura l-ralco IS SO I-It tf SO BK »aH 7 Ht HeluvI tM renlon 6 bO M l 2 50 BK 7 25 H ; PR Kr>«yj.ihe Sjnlarnarta 11 5UERA-nber Noon l i l t A 5 M BK l i s h l 3 J-R ReUyKjlhy M a ^ >J '** Bh.Tonyj Leo-iardi B 5L BRKim Magnuson 4 SO Fit i "io BK 3 25 V L 3 I- R RelayDdwdMuemh ISOl-H 4 50 BK 4 25 FL af-BReU}Jason Lcar-ot. u S U t R tlbuBK 10 50 UB 7 t R Relay

John 0 50 Bit 5 M FL 7 HI RelayU*v»d Joyce 7 » r H I VI BR 3 rB Rd«y

Carlyn R*rniey 11 50 BRHeather NichoU 8MFB-7MfiK » » F L 1 t R RelayUephank Ke'ly 10 50 FR B M Bk 6 PR RrlayShannon Canlreil 6 SO BR I M f X B FR 1I50FR 10MBK I3MFL 6 FR H«liyDavid Buntrock 1MFR 1 » BK l » B R I FR RelayTy Bowtt V 50 FH 10 50 BR 6 FR Relay&radJUm»*y lDUFtt I0SOBK 1I»OR iFSBtiayJohn Hea'y • 90 FR 5 50 BK 3 50 FL. I FH ReUyU * SUlr » Su BK. 5 50 BR 8 FR RelayTMW Noon 7 W BK 7 50 M. B FR ReUyScotch Pajoso « SO FR 3 10 BK S FR RelayGerry Bowie 3 » F R « S 0 B K . 2 M F t J FR RelayCarolyn Mafid I250Bk «50BR 7 SO Fl. S FR RelayAegghe Noon 7 W FR 6 £0 BK 5 SO FL 5 FH *telayLolly VaruS*! 4WFR 5 50 3R SPR KelayLt* U v t r u 5 FH 1 50 H I 1 50 BK J M H I F!l RelaySnawnCole 6WKH 4 SO BK 4« t>L 1 1-R RelayHJadV Cole 5 W r R 4 50 B H I TO RelayMalt Nichols 4 W F R . 3 M BK S 50 FL 1 FR KelayJim Bell » 50 FR 7 5C BK

\«« Ottlf Cvait qoallfylng Time*

Jean LcCnero 3S BRJoel Cramir Z5hK 2S BK Z>YLKaren Muench 25 FR 25 F1.

Playing on * lougn cuune Tuetday mornin* two leatnatird wilh an even wore in the Reach view MeniAaxx^ion * bi-weekly tpumanent

One of the flr«t pUce letnu wa» compoaed ol BotKobCTtion B* l Burgoee BUI Ealep and Ted llarubarcThe other team conai^ed ol Bob Rofceriaon Mac MrClinlock and Roy Hull

Bill Estep and Hank Groh Ued for hifth Individual baaonnl plus four

On Saturday two teams again lied for ihe lop apat Tb*tounome of John Fomer Ray MartwelU Bill E«ep andBuhl Burtoynt anil the ihreeaorat of Arnold Goodman Sot)Roberuon and Ray McKornon splK IM winner I print

Kay McKernon and Ken Praton «ach ihootlng x pitaIhrec won Uw high individual award

it Court Mrl ordinancM

uiM tor tr>t

Tennis tournamentSouth Sea* Plantation wUI ho«t a tniaMytnit round orth*

Horlda Federal Opportunlt) Open tranla toumement lhiaFriday Saturday and Sunday August : t 13

ThU will be B cha-we or Ulanden to enler a majorlouTAtmnet enlry fee »• BIO call Soulh Sens al 472-5111 cxi4151 or aimply watch fine lennli compelttion

Entrants In Uili yesr • Utumftment already include AreyHollow last year • winner and the MUoa » lop rankedwoman in the IB and under class U»t year s «ml flnallatKathv Hollon and Pam Caule who went three rounds inthe trench Open and two rouoda at Wlmbeldon wUI BIKcompete

Opening rounds begin Frida> t uiali will be plcyed onSunday Tlie public is welcome


Tin.«Irt wUvs tuli. t i tK n*s ihui MMIWK! is brM'n fo-i<l So £-1ri' Join i f f >r t ur -^niniimiH-s Fritia\ Night Scafbixl tuftct

d f Unatural flwSku|i \our i luu with u m k r Oulf Slirimp Fcusi im raw

«r tiu. <ius

nlishL- Kit*. fruit umtli m. hukul lrwo% Ojr dese r t sart. tin, in.rfi.ti <.ynij>lhii<-nt in tin. Imfllt Cli »isc iru:ii FrciH^

Uniimlicil M.ninits1

?16 9 5 per pcrsoi8 9 00 for children under 1




The PUTTING ^EltCAN Restaurant and Lounge is servingup your luncheon favorites Polled salads, Jumbo burgershomemade soups and daily specials

Also featuring Birdbath Margaritas Best Bloody Marysen ihe Islands' along with your other favorila cocktails

Gyntlnontat Breakfast 9 11 Lunch I r-3Cocktails til 6

1TC-3 Pcmlow B r l v * ••adivtow Coll CEvb






l cX W U K M m * « l n a i

ii » »M u. urn• Wennftg Commltfon m«j<xi1 Clly Krtrtr+y t R««n Ctty1 MjnMM^Otporl1 («r Prmnttivn tn tarMri3 H*rn*k Atwcllt* PlannM' wttn

B O r t w u l o< Uw*» Rang*

I fiaimlno La* Cuuntv r* I H1 County •level* FaclHtlta Pltn.9 wtiic* i i W ft* P*n of L n County1 C n W * L 0 U * Pl

iOtnoi Ifi M AJM. Puaika • • " vaiawa

•perovMg * put (rt • ratub-mvlthm n/ part at U t *1 liocitSi Lott 3 thrti«#on 11 fttefc CJ

Lotl BUjrtO all H Una Caitl*Court *O4 pan d i«na CMtlc

(tt*d, T M DWTM *t SanltalIWand and namM

Vll nO

amvnamg Kacdon HalOraininca >y-<0 (•• (xav

•mtnaad By Or« u n a i

by trt *na o i mv rovr-moniitMTlM m wMcti ttit tIMcatlon ItItiutd and in ttt* ev>ml ot tar

l t m 1ll PH ill

I Uf Plan,laclten 1 j 3 R«tuwitl*l YardBwuiramanli to parmit futuraeenttfucttofl of boat eweu onL«t A mrougn Q In lanitxri

M muff »,»ne* n E»«< at

I M PJM l uDllc DHfng »rd



I D O P « O V I I N

mas M)ns Lot 1) giocR *.

mlnaMi m# 4w»1l« j n H wiba available tnr r«al«c«t1on

wttan t M Planning Commlulon

( t ailiKain o>nii>ng unit*

C«mprMv>ntlv«Stcllon 31J

a( E n n o t a f wMandama) «a*ilop^i«nt «l

l«ctlng ma Say B*acfi Zona andAction U I RnldtmiM Yard

naqulramantk to parmtt m*RtmtrvctHnotJiretlMntlaluntl

on Lotci II IS, 11 and U Ipt) In

proourt m n*o* r j t t

Mc*r««t»ndt*t*aiiptaca «t **ilch « pubt

will M natd t« m

propM*! m llagataniativa btfOgtt for

alauraiiti ta Dli

.. ._ „ Mcataa infiov<rnm*M Lot •>, Koctlon I ITmmanlp «* Soutn, Kanga »CaM « • •uBmrnrt t y joAn n

Koutaoml i d PJ*. public Marlng andP l MIng «t an ordlntttca

tiy ammamg tnt

„ tvurantuxatoO at l iM Partarinkla WarMCtlen IS, Township M loutti• •no* U Sao aa Mtttmlttad by


Rtwlutlon calling a «t>*clM*4«ctisn lar t*a purpoM ofM«hlna approval or d l u p c w * !

t fh t c r n t M ^ h a i M l t

a B u t M o » * * *7 5 mill* lortnalniod valoremtan f**ri pnividlng tor fenm «t

hallot bolllnu piata anarcquottlng tn* Lai OwntySupwvlMr o" Cltctlon* 1o

conovct Mid Mtf.-tlon

Pfcii C

t«lr« i«*»o" ( ot Sanlbai Mrvlc* w

MftDrmlnfl HMIvldval .

MtKn ar« net p»rt al an ovaralt

~ ' i M « x t n t contraO sMIl ba


tar icnadwla nr ma particular

comp«i«n of i t tn

gu*H parkirifl lot at Nutmag

ViHaga C«ndomlnlurn lor^tad«t i m W M = Gulf Prlva SactlCHi

M Townwilp « Sowti Mangc3I

e»B; aa luemlnM by Ray RMartonlll *or Nutmio Vlllaq*Coridamlnlum Auoclatlm

1 M PJ*. PuWlc Marlng andFlnf raiding ot an orslnanca


Urn* Zonk, l»i Conraga, and

C41 Qaaranca to pannlt conMr vet Ion oi a •wimming ped on

Lot a . m tna watar Shadow*luOdlvlclon Oovtrrnant Lot 1.laclion I I Townanip « SoulB.Rang* Xt Cut at tuBmttiad bv

Wl llam J Mlraa*I iM rj*. Public Marlng andFin! PMQIng ot -

liWPJA fpaclal ma«nnfl <* tnu•hall Harbar Caasl M*lnlaaaac* DUlrlcl Basr< a*Oavamart al MvcKaaul* MaM.


tnan * * iHat *


r>a tfCf wimrn*It«r ewt-MMtias «r

o41 nttr4 al»mi Mr «*tft

parptia M m»r aaalMM a varbaHiu no

ElegantGulf Front Diningin The Bahama Room


Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner


(Served 5 pm to 7 p m )


Soup rfu JourChoic* ot

Prim. Rib of BailCMckin KI«v

Sol* Froncali*V»al Pormigltma wtlh served with HouseSalad Fotalo orVegetable du Jour

CoHoo or T*a





Phone 472-5276


Thr IM AMtt II



sund ng n ihp order

*or $7 OC which include*sh pp r g

r 5HIHT S ZlCCKOR tlGHT BLUfc YEtLO V TANPltASE MAKE CHfcCICS FOR %7 00 PAVBLt TOSUFFtt T 5MIRI5 AND MAIL TOMDA6313 Corpora's Couf>Fl Myers t>o< da 33907

Kiwanis speakers

Mill l>unit ( tut i I url


ill tn SormJin Jones 0 recior of ihr U*i?u<U\ Si rr>H and tomrr hosl of the bouthmi Unrlda S>n phony profirarn on V INKidi)"""hi nut-si * (H»UT» far S*pt » will I *

Maria a-iiJ Corey Shields to hosts o)ihr lucal H lion of PM Magorinc which•ipjx-ars al 7 30 every wwk n Rhf on 4 INK

Th« ISLAND* rl August IS, IMI

Tv Choi ,U 1Tht Sanlbel-Cuplivd K u a r U Clul mreta

«i f 3i) a m ever) Wednesday at Scirtly t>ttcstuurunl on IV iw i r k l e Way Vj»HtnKKiwamans «re most *<'l-on>c



362 PcnwmHc Way



W« \k» b

FindjrQyR_plOc«0t T U B E - L I T E

,,„. PVC FURNITUREloiufocturor of tablet

chairs swing tel» pic-ilc tablvi lounfle*rocl(nor* glldar* cw vol rn'her* bar stoolsand ban Com* and fake a LOOK al our new

cachot vent orm with a touch of dai«t>nd a LIFETIME GUARANTEE.

THIS WEEK PRICES SLASHEDO p a n M o n d a y t h r u S a t u r d a y 1 0 - 5

S U N D A Y 1 2 - 4

7UBB LITE SHOWCASE8600 So Cleveland Ave Suite I S ( w o n f

Pe.Wni ftnotaurmt lorg* Airnr^on Hog)Fort M v « ' i Flo 33907

VILLAS PLAZA 939 4 5 ! 1


SW r SIILIXfcU ( R \HS/ T I! i j Itl I .





WE REPAIR• Car Starao i «

• Homo Stereo * •• R-idiot • TVS •

ocfcB i g l d t l bQr anM•.tool* fov* »o>i or>d


SS Cottages& Marina

On the wrest tip of Sanib«l at Captlvo BridgeA Boot with every CoHag» — No Chgrge

Full KHchen. Totklo Shop, Live Bait, Soft Drinks

COTTAGES 472-1020 MARINA 472-1334

it<! > (tlui iu i tiinnutt in sin \ i n u m Itningt- Sip a (LlMons dunk

I I K U H I A ill*. mu-.ii.ul ».xp*.rils of LI Q l i R P T f r c n n ' l

In S«u<iu% uip vour k t i te I IK IMXK ljimi Qiurtct whilenl Mi'k "«"• *^«n lu\ f limnputtui I miivh 1 1 a m to 3 p m

l ul!47-> i l l l litrlnfiinmnf i »


The Florida Craftsmt'n announce! the 3uiApnual Florid* Cr*tUm«n TirlblKon to beheld Oct 31 to Nov 27 ai ihe Boci RatonC"r.t*r for the Arts 8Q1 West Palmetto Parklit ad Boca lUlon

Entries will be timlied to Florida craftsmen Entry form* and iHitri muni berccclvrtf by AUK Z I tor more informationana an entry form send a self adJrutedBtimped envelope to Morida CraftstrcnHittie «2lO Hyacinth Circle North PalmHwcr Gardent FL3M10

l w V) I tit

A lit tblf)ii*1ft p*>Jir»rn »nd 'iih In t ieinminmrr »atn-wurlui *Tir *»nif (lit fnr*

lampsTra rKhlbn u ill run through An/ 31

iluring regular gallery hours (rum 10 9 in to5 |> m Monday through Saturday

\ JllnllM-1f rlntfn»klnK

munily O»n«gthro-i^h Sepi

The rxl (billrai l* MuscuiTexas andWoBiern Asw.cI- ranclsoi

The collectperbpccliv*riioicnietils (ccnlurles ItHudson Kitlmpre»<.m.t

of Amrricin A-l Throughan exhibition Comprised of 54

f Gallery of rinc Art AUK H

^ uriKmaled from the Wichitaand Art Center Wichita

a being circulaled iiy thestion of Ar' Mu^eumH in S^TI

on niHiniains n hisioc cM

encompaislnR ma]or anam the IRlh l»1h flnfi 20lhincludes wurks from the•r School the AmericanAbstract h upretsionis1 and

Unxut n i l mlagloArtiDis int'jdrti » lie txhiltion

leirKtcir anrt othersThr t*xh bit Ion tins txrn puriiallj lu

bv II e \uti(Ki»l Ln(tuv,-mcnt for the AM

t> uut ' f-pdcral Saving t aid

Galleryr fit Uie college »ill snow ihrhnuT FTifumakcrsr-

/he Tmy (louse Gift Sliu[> and Cuptiv(>allcr> on l,aplivH 'stand annouius t r i c of (trmunKtralicni b \ Iwii «dirmg the stirniK-f und Id!! stason

Ijn S&lurdat AUK 22 and aunday23 from noon lo 4 p m Linda HitchtiLarry I! )ff or Captivn will dcmnnbtmi

i r e




a ArtPh aUnto



lost wax lechnioue of uniquely designed goldJewelry

Hiture dftnodstaltons *i 1 l*p lulrt on

j f l n a urd i-tr

nt m on '-iipliwurs are Iti a nurch



^ o r t ^ r « e * „ , - »,,

tiittin* >r nor) 1 t |)dv J

b ihl&nd It nui ir j!»llt r>n to S p ti n u n dass J


: ^ 1D1OJ ti«>£*T»

ISLAND PIZZAOor di»ugh It modo Irosh doily



BEER 8 WINE TO C OEAT IN OR TAKE OUT472-158! or 472-1582



1 i l l 175BMON SAT 10 5


Serving 11-10Mon Sat


U S Choice or U S Prime Heavy Western Steer

Friday Evening

Gourmet Greek CuisineSaturday Evening

Roast Sirloin SpecialTRY OUR NEW


Full MenuFine Children s MenuReservations accepted


Please present this adwith lunch or dinner1 gift per couple

Cocktail LoungeHors dOeuvres 4-6~ 472 1366

0 ££* * * * Highly Recommended by 1981 Mobil Travel Guide

Restaurant & LoungeServing line food since 1957


Red SnapperSharkGrouper

PompanoDolphin TroutMackerel

We Serve It Fresh —

Or We Don't Serve It At All

Full Liquor License975Rabbi lRd 472 3 n s O P E N 7 D A V S 5 10SORRY RESERVATIONSNOTACCEPTEO



\lill 'NWKe-llil W|H Illllf: Ol hl» flllltw 1 offlU .1)

PfcLM AN I'l.ACK2t-Wl'.iliuRi(Isi R«u<l

Ilo-pital adimttiii;; priMlrgrx at Cape CoralHospital and \AT Gmnt> Memorial Hospital

ComingAuditions for

'Kiss Me Kate'

Opera rehearsals

24 Hour Telephone



NORTH YACHTSMAN PORTEmv ll tnciudef tpoc ou< kill t*nnli coufi qnd

Siifloo•UtHlor A«K>d*1

THE DUNES O N SECLUDED LAKEth l i dabghriuf groi^id lav*1 hom* v. ih m u n i and flu**! bedroom •uit*> faatu at on

tvcftMcnt floor plan baoullfui *oty I D rnointoln lonataiptaa; and Immaculol* eond liorfi

itirouahout Siiuotttd by o tadudad noiural lak* and lurrotmdad with abundont wild


i»o<f«rt* Attartteu" 473 3111

DE PLACEmoit pr*ittgout oddrau Ncafry 7 000 to, ft of putt lu *vy I i t h * IWDTwo boih plui dan tut * Aimoit 2 TOO tu tt of *lv ne tpac* In th« thrcvIh • • bath plu« dm plan Sp.O ocular Gu 1 v I W I poo" I ght*d tannlt Co of



bath luxur«ut &"l f



v*b 1<r land Ifom your pfIvotv Qrouid I t w l bvocnfont v

and (Kail ng Two bad room Iwo both plut dan Fully lur

nlualtor AiMiin. Ah *r Ho ml 471 » t ]

GRACIOUS BAYFRONT ESTATEG ox oui bayUoni r n ( j m • Conv*ni*ni prlvai* local on off*r« n>o>Oniftt*nt unob-ti ut »d vl*w wl-t ISO of (aawallacl ihoral n« tnclud Pg <"o u p o n l i bool »>lpl with

4 rvcf bay accttk Clavi coll/ dm% gnvd w kh l^th mctur* Iqnduap ng Th« hom* ha*

5 000 »a I' of I v i g 5pac» wth I « • b*Jro«mi ond fsu' boihil Hug* mailer m i l *

w th od|Oc*rit Qv«li b*d oom Fom 1/ room *v Ih Ilrvploc* ovflooklnq icr*vnvd

htottd pool AAotiy rnonw lu*u"Oul sxtTot StiovAi bv oppolnin^oni oftivS4TSOOOE*oHor AiMdota AH*r Houri 471 1300

SHELL HARBORD '«< lOlboO otc»t» and walk lo pr vals Cult «(• )> w Ih lhr*« bwjr.laeulal* cond

AhM Houri 471 SHI

GULFSIDE PLACETh* jlimtji. In oflo'dabl* luiurv Two i p n a u i tull.i ova labl* on* b«oul fully fur

untu'n >h*d SbO 000 down on *och wit* ond gwnai will f »•>» telanioIh* jlin lUd

Q v*ry ot

t Sel*

n on #och tult* anr 30 yvori En|9y


On* btdroom two both BAYSIDE VILLA Ov*r1ooki P n* lilond Sound Boot botU ad

,actm H«ai*rf pool enlario nm*nt or*a X ipa T*nnli aoll gourmat tatiauront "™^

Twa lapcrot" v llak Irom whuk lo thosta oflarad turn ih*d al t l JO 000


Aud iton- (or Ihe Broadway MtwicaJ Ki»Mr K.I* will be held •( the Lee Cotinly ArtsCenter on rtidky Au« 2B from 7 until 10p m and on Saturday Aug » iron) I until 4

The Lee Count) Aru Centrr la located atSill McGregor Mvd Fort Myeri Themuaic»l will be given [or the bmeM ofIMPACT and will aid children with .pedalneeds For more information plane callMarty Friedman at K6-C7M

The Ciul( C^aH Opera Company will holdrehcan&ls on Sunday Au# M from 3 9pm al the I^e County Arts Center SillMcGregor Blvd fort Myers Any inlercittd perions should contact &cv Wateraat 019-5038

Feature film course at ECC

Opening night

for children's play

Seabec Veteran*

SeafaodjiiShoppelSeabce Veteran, of Florid* Island X-B

Lee County will have (hctc monthly dinnermeeting on Saturday 32, at the AnchorInn Cupt Coral Hcppy hour £ Ip 6 p mdinner 6 lo 7 p as

All Se*txe> und fioneybocs are wxlecmeJ-or mot* info-romUon contact Harold orBarbara Ingiahsn- da/s »1 4S1 3114evenings at 5«-i7T9 or Ed Dev'nney at M23231

Thursday ii opming night for thr Island •first rhildrwi. musical p-oducllon ThePrinccu and Uie Dwarf The Barrier UlandGro(.p (or the Art. U .ponsoring the playwiiicti v/ill be prwented August 20-23 al theEantbeL Elemcptary School

Admission to the Island Youth Theatreprodiatlon i* *i for children and » forndulu Froc«ed« will b« donated lo thebanlbel Recreation Coiiplex

Tickets are available on Sanibel alMa-ln.osh Book Store The B Hive and theArt J at Gallery and on Cuptiva at the TreeHouse Gallery

Curtain l>me is. B p m Tnursday throughSaturday and 2pm on Sunday

A study of the evolution of the Ica'ure filmis offered thit> fall in * course at EdisoiCommunity Cdlege Aicurding lo GeorgeBOUWIDMI itwtruclor Cw the fil-n "las*

Films will lange frwn thr lurn-of-Uiecentury two-minute nickering mcv ea shownin store front* lo tne lale»i trends ir. comedyand apccial effects

Twdve feature films will bt shown inhiittnrical context during ihe courseIncluded will be Birth o( a N»U*n DrntrfIs KIU M u •! Aral. I Ulw» «,«•«• TheBfcycto Thlet and W1W 8tr.*berrlr«

Ifte study will *'tn include short aubJectK•uih as Charlie Chaplin Busier Ke*lon andexamples ol primitive American andEuropean film* Discuualon will be held onlilms shown locally during the cwirw

Bouwman u correnUy film critlr Jor thel-orl Myers N*w« Press He recentlypresented a film wries at the Lee CountyLibrary he has produced a number ofaward winning documentaries and shortfilms and served a* chairman of the FilmDepartment! at New York University andPenn State University He has a master sdegree of Fine Aril from ColumbiaUnivertitj in thealrr and film and haiwritten numeral!* articles and book revle*"*

The Art of Th* Hlw claw will be heldThu. sdayi from I 4pm in Roorr F95 atthe college Cost of the Ihree credit hourelective ii »« tor further information calltly«eftis'ration'JIficeat«] 2121 eitensioo319


The Shadow Box'

The Shadow B»« winner of the 11T77 TonyAward and Pulilwr Pnie will be pi e-enledSept II and 13 at the Cape Coral HighSchoo! and Sept 18 and 29 at the PoriCharlotte Cullurpl Center

Curtain Is at B p in TicneUi n-- wld al thedoor and group rsleu arc available FarUUet information call»Ii27S An EdisonPlayers production

Dr El sabeth Kubler ROM »*y» lt>ere wefive stage, of djing dwUil snge'tjorgaintiig dep.ession ani acceptance but

hope persist* throughout Come and seeThe Shadow Bo*

"THE FRESH LINE"472-3707

Monday thru Saturday10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

1223 Perwinkle Way, N«xt to Scottys Pub




DO W E H A V E SEAFOOD!* Baked Red Snapper * Looster Toils Alia Neapolitan

Alia Noapolitnn " Alaskan King Crab Log:.* Baked Red Snapper * Scallops Alia Letizia

En Popillote * Scampi Alia Neapolitan* Stock and Tails

Sorry No Ro*ervatlons472-2177

5 30 P M - 9 30 P M CLOSED SUNDAYSJ13GWest Gulf Drive

Beautiful Sambel Island - On the Gulf


A unlg*'*"1 •

f io lur . i o lo

d.(k Mony t

J37S 000


3 13-ocr* tacludad * f

a otiri ndudai o hug* t-aaiad pool

plut t«firti courii boyi da boot dockog* ond privata traa

briih luxury Koma n tacludud Suntat Copl va

S , L VE R K 1 NO G A S P A R I L L A'SLAN6 '0- on lo'pon frr iiiai away 1 rm your tioma or Haco C onoa Pan Bom i l pi ot you*

(813) 472-3165






RESTAURANTIn Tohltlon Garden Danny Morgan's Back

and the Thistle Lodge Has Got Hime eittcrtAJier retun the Thlntlced ens(»fletiient Danny Murgui tn aMtfr hho hsa toured wuh nuthhe Beach Bovn D u n ManlKm and


tcikm of »p*i.lo]pcrtcnvtf the

E pcrformlnfl n!g.itl9 00 PM

Thistle LodgeCasa Ybel Resort

. ,; TUndiK. •.ULW.I IM I»HI ThrlM-AMJIrK


HOMESSHELL HARBOR Cgttom built pool hom* 3bedroomv 2 baths lam ly roorn formal diningnom offico fully equipped kitchen 6 poddle

% sauna central vacuum lush Idndscopmg,h underground iprinklsr palio dock on deep-tor co no I with direct eailbaut access to bay

S3M) 000 Owner will financeBEACHVIEW COUNTRY CLUB Model Homenow open Financing a ./a I obi A ol 12V.% for

ctocuiar viewsSHELL HARBOR Aloxondr a model on conol 3bedrooms 2 baths exquisitely furntvhed

$125 000ROCKS PHASE S Piling home on waterway3 bedroom 2 bath screened deck Preconstruct en pnte *U9 500

CONDOMINIUMSStAWIND TOWNHOUSE 2 bedroom 1 / , bathwith dock or <anal with Gulf QCCOJS*125 000 turn shedSANIBEL ARMS 2 bedroom 1 bath ground floorin Beach Complex Nicely furnshed largosaeened porch Small ossumoble mortageSI22 000ONE BLOCK TO GOIF COURSE SO feet to beachNicely furnished 2 bedroom 7 both condo withGulf vlow frorr living roorn ond bedroomsOriojnol owner never rentedSANIBEL SIESTA 2 bedroom 2 bath end unitwith Gulf view ElevaiorS162 5O0 furnished

OCEANS RtACH One bedroom aired GulfSK3O 000W n° r n o n e m 9 u y WnishedLIGHTHOUSE POINT 2 bedrooms 2 baths First

wlld'ifo refuge S175 ODDSANIBEL SIESTA Gulf view 2 bodi

tshed ' irbuildingSI39 500

LOTSSANIBCL ESTATES 2 large lots on River Southexposure $43 500 cash $45 500 TermsBEACHVIEW COUNTRY CLUB On golf course$42 000 to 569 000GUMBO LIMBO 100 x 125 on sanctuaryS21 500 with termsSANIBEL SHORES Large double lot S30 000SHELL HARBOR Extra large canal lot (appro*205 x U O ) Southern exposure $145 0C0

ROCKS SD Lot* oi $30 000 ond $45 000Some w th termsSHELL HARBOR Canal lot dose 1o beach

8 APARTMENTSDUFLCX 2 bodroom 1 bath on on© side 1bedroom 1 bath on other tide Close to Bayond Beoch $120 000 furnishedGRANADA VILLAS a A piex consisting of fc-iownhcuses completely furnished on the ShellHarbor canal waterway Close to Gulf of Mexicoend including the od|ocent 100 x 1 50 1o' Pricedat $475 000




THE TREEHOUSEOn* ol ih* mnil unqu* H o n »on th* liland Oflsri to "»n.v. and proud o - n t ' l u «irytOKi-otnq v.or or I I * Lovelyoorche. oil the llvlnB room ondrna»*r b*dru»ir two b*droomaond^ two bath. ^Jop^n. -^

*JlZe oiod ond totally prlvju

yep' round and enioy Ih* l'n"rway ot 1 ' *

GUMBO LIMBO\ I h t Deout ful 1h<*e bedroomI l -o both cuiiom deilgned

horn* ti compel* ond reodytor your nto*(1 on o d Im

o large wood*d lok*» d* lot



bSoit't Cwoy bnd ichool bul a

liom Sanibal Rata ol Crowd0 djnonce ond r*ody for you tibu Id on N O A I S*s Ih > todoy



472-4195 or 472-3133Main Office Branch Office

455 Perrwinkte Way 2427 Periwinkle Way

FcrmorwInformofloneoM 1-400 23 7-600?

EXECUTIVE SERVICES, INC.The Pro/essionnJs mSan bel Island Florida





GULF3IDE PLACE UNIT 3D3Th* ultimata « TOTAL LUXURY 1* -tow dvallab.* m ih tomtondmg PCNTHOUSfwo t»droom two boih « ri*<CUUF ftfDNT condotron urn Thli u " ! hot all 1ha Ir m

OCXD < . l u t . i IF YOU MUST HAVE THE «EST I M S IS ITOwner I none 119 ova ijfaU luuti for only J310 000

KINGS CROWN UNIT 116G U U FRONT SPtEMCOR It you t n in . t«o b.dioom two

0rBtllv* Gulf Front vl*w SKOATI by oppc-nrment onlyPr red oi S310 000 fu n >h«l

SANIBEL SURFSIDEARE *OU IOOKING fOR LOT? OF ROOM' Ih * P.-mhoui*« (JO* of thii lorgvti on tK# liond w ih ih

i dr ng I**'ond holt balhi cobano a 71 v?2 lo8-11 ua'og* m*oi ond mut'o»»omoble m-irtgciB* or i w n i iJ 3 / 1 000 turn thvd


* bed D

GULF VIEW, TWO BEDROOM A-2A fully 'urnHhod Condominium totleluity oe<o'ot»d tn»</t blow ond gitent with o taoiivotlrg v l n . of tn*Quit ol and <h* pool. Juit «epi awoy fromSon bal> lln**< iheJIlng b-*och Sptnd on* mgM Old

S25O0OO f u r m i w l

GULF FRONT. TWO BEDROOM E-45Iwo boih p*n(hou« compile

Kb 'O •n|oy Son bni • lormjutHod ond oil your, for 5390 <XX.

GULF FRONT,THREE BEDROOM E-4ONt Of A K1NU GULF fftOTJT IHREE BEDfiOOW TWOBATH "FNIHCySt WITH PR VAIE ROOMOP SUNDfCKOver 140" tovare la*1 nf pur. lu»j--y Shown by oppommer-ionly


^lao i * Iron flva cholc. on *3S 000 135 MX) Coll foristo 1>

OLD ROCKSt«ody to bblidl All parmlni and hau>* plant approvedrhli Int It lull of v«aatoi)or> for Drlvucy ond only ' """rom Gulf occat* Sailer highly motlvolvd

BELLE*.t lol on Oimrnkk SIS 000 «•«•' I flrun™

GUMBO LIMBOW « * E lol SI Fronti on loaocn J « K K v*e*lotlon Lotli Biimpl trwn rat* of afowiF (wcl iwc* Wqtnr hook u»pnld * *0 000 Modi I lot f*. F f m u <n loaoon d«-rav«a«to1lon Lol I t vxvmpl I on ralu ol grovfih QvdS3S500

tx.mpl I n sirdlnqi*

SANIBEL HIGHLANDSNo 13 S 14 S t3 SID SOS Block No 12 Lot 17 t19 f)7&C0


MOST POPULAR RESTAURANTSGolden opportunity to pureho* on* ol Sonibel = f«»»1ratlai rontt Excellent locution lot* of room tor • •ponixO I L FOR MOKE DETAILS Hurry II won I lail long


P O tV»3IO»2.<02»*Rd •Son bel Ittond flcodo 339XDavid L Schuldenfr^ Realtor

472-5021out of s.ate (800)237-5146

The ISLANDER Tundat Auptctlt. 1MI

6STBLLA t IKOfPd h a r t i•ulttant managv managtiIXimantnt fullt mapnltlen Inrnort taihion iopar*l i*l*a

wnolna r buying rvtall sa in

lanlfr L IMP (I-JJ)

AMY anJ JENNY t OOOWALKINO ft OOO SlTTlNOSERVICiiFor p*opla living on looking lor wmaant to hand I •or near tn* Gulf Only U tor "j mwryatloni ft ttmck ina on

' " ' " wc*K*nfli Mutt enloy worklnBwltn tn«public Ci I S M I U »iiMi 7

W>LL HAULNo JoO Too SrilallNlghtt 472 a m


r tn mti (Hi)



Now occaoOng opplico' on*for ih* foUf>w ng

fullt ne por-iry p*fton

En*li*nl working condition!l l t l

t ( l B l m l n u m l d d

microwan* S-wi EverytnnQIn tucvUont cond lion Catfi &


'trttitr Ca" tnwi^rtiir'i

FOR 1ALE IS P«ar»an Y a * l

l l t i S

VACAN- LOT A SpadwKl 10010 l l lb llot l i a v t t b l * <n

ial area of South Forttit^CO Col Cultild*lie Raallor 11111 171

n S


1V71 Enc*ll«>t ndtai l , i r draft Cull (•7i3orI«04U«iM«l 11FN}


mo»tr ana Me reawoori tao tanit umBrt la li mm prolfrtor•lid >cr<cn 0l1«r ptt cl ppjnS »-i!m»l ctgtt * tn <looriI M et J«P»«1 Oleyd* wtitDtou'wno'd H.m|m473nB17 "(6HI7 ) u t POSTAL JC1 P CXKl

S?T" *"'"""""£«M O n Coiivctori Itrm Had

loam iwlmmlng pool on.

dock tttr»a ""|n^«_.)o I


MytT 6*»Ci> *na Innpplng

... . KENBRE wmlni'iWaTM""" iWii

""<•?'« DOG GROOMING ^ V £ 2 .«!?' ST.".1.* *,\

Svenlngi nt-tnl


We Buy Old Gold and SilverBuy and Sell Coins and Stamps

Gulf Paints Square481-1956


p etn froOctoocr 1Occt" M.-Jfom 1360

C M c a o o ^

1 t I

e ^ i l a

r 133S 1

J |L"a0





EPTIONIST n**aea 1artaltyof'lca Reaieili

iitOoe helpful but 1reo Contaei Mr P«r

E N N C E fRI lor lull and pan time

on SanlMI >nd FortBttch Mu»r nav*

QuallllM and-or txptrltnct

O1I473QS1 lM!l

a t l * at Twven Wa

On Captlvi N« *»p*rl«n«»rwemury Call 47] JUI 1*-1!>

FULL-TIMI COOK: f)*lla!>[*


4J1 U4]"b

Exp.rl«ic«t. H.IIO8.I.Babnm»r«AvolloH»2i-Hour Nolle.

Urge vyourtw


evenlno u«etnnJ bty Cari


and lui Una ol asi Amtnltln Includepsol and to* Pliatn :

l*ai« Call O1J) « 1 IWl (HI)

I-OR RCNTl Furnllhed 1



d portli pool

leSeot Oct ar

ir Ca iMl l lM ' l :

FOR R I N T Yaarlcfurnlihad dupirx 2 b«2 b»tr.o Krt tntd pool


id MOV




lor.ib.1 Slotta 2 Cvlr v

B«wV "nd* i' o o ?e ^

v*r be

Uintaf Captlia Lara* A imt>ed'-oom 2 t bnlh un t that hWeitico ond p Woi. bool

lond^RoMor "cJlf fronta IQTQ4< lioor plan 0


3tort ad r Bh j , ^

ot occ.t, in the


Gull ol

a lies000i tdoan 2 bnlh


un t w .I .• |t>r»d

KInsr Crown Call Uj^oJp^^n^Ma^it ng i.otoi*H o

S2"S 000


1 on canal i m nui*. Irom

ADDITIONAL LOTSCiMiba Ui K> Loro* lot locoied on o loke OnlyI3J SCO Owner will oon*lde<- termiUppar Gap! vo Shor*i lol $41 000T e r m on 10 acre*- 10 ocr» on Son b.l molmr no! va' l o iH '^oToy J9S*000On p™""" ° "* " a c y

Twm* ot> lot No BD on Golf Court* tn B*a(h . w Courttry Club Ovn*r aniiloiA $45 000Gumbo Limbo Lorg* wot.d*d lot ova tobl. in t h ,beaut ful creo IJ( 500OH C o u Tt*l Rood 160 <t on laQoun wolsr meteroiready In 152 000Bavihdr* Vlllese- Beoul f My vegeiaied lot acro» Ihgllr>*t I'om goU court* BOO It from GuH Coll fa.dwalU Ml

HOMESdh to I O M I W I B*och —A 3 bud c

W K I I Cult Ofiv. ft.mod.lfdbed M m , 3 , bath, wloims Only SU0 009

DUNES Nfiw 3 brd r>om 2 bo h p I ng ham* w th

I la I a h J ,. «-j S( S 000

COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT PROPERTYJ J * t r w M rt**r> Zcnsc r u > toff , 147 un 1 Si 600 0003 U 3 M T M I On« m.lo eait of iP'po 1 U 428 7 »Thr*« M*rin*« K00 000 - J | 500 000 - f 1 500 000Small uperrmettt complen Fcfl Mye>t Beoch W , ™ r

1335 030Apartment corA>l*it 90 )' G It frail Ji COO 000Cammnlal Iwid loto *d t> Pi » ^ g (W5 00C Twm

«, nc-«> m y add 1 o^_ arid da o





7 000 Ott1c«i to t*rvo you



3353 P«rlwinlcl» Waya) Palm Ridge RoadIN GULFSIDE PLAZA

Sanibel Florida 33957



Things to do and see

m OMBRVATIOM TOW •1 M ««llfnr Tnct ••

Csptiva -Wm OafMa *a«ctitary* onatcuth

,rpon Bar RoM aflar •

Open TuaMav-lundayJO p JT. OMwr noun

i Mi Gulf P-1v%ODan M o M n Saturda

JO » m to S D fl Featuringplorlria artliti ande*rtu»Naiy Amwlun madal0W4*»argl-t»and painting.

SM ParlwInWaWay I4TJ STTMOp«n Tuatday Saturday tram

OiJT tcSpm extiJOItln* flrwpnotograptn tot M public

Qpm MOndar SiliTOay (ramo c m lo 3 s m Exhibitingriulnal an, photograph* and


SiTliy Road BaschS>n«l Oonax

utg*r !tr»«t Yumtrert proparty * r o

rahoantlal parklRfi i l l 'kwiparr on Wtit Gull Drj

varyona al Bowman • Bnach PlantationIf Sanlbal C«*lva Road al ttla tTATB LAW PROHIBITS

LIcMhOUM and F KM rig HUDB tUNBATHINO ON ALL'i*r Bt tha aattam tip of tha FLORIDA " *Hand •tthaGulfandotTarpon VIOLATOR!

and at th* Trott PXQIICUTIO. lickl«-«a*r Tackl*lor rant Mat rcntalt - 15 Ut>

open *klff»

Wtille ««1 C«p! Ilihino th«tllno «nd H q viining ihvlilnc and ou<ai» Chantr ullboal wi

D P W k avallabl

i l l t a c > pointment U

r rent Boat rantali - r t n t a l i p o . i r Bsslai

tM<« ik l l f i . Frvih whalari Sailboat rantali plul

l fhorotal l lngtcnool

hopplno nltholoolcil lount fhrouah thrlm»t*ly refuM anflw«tneKI»- morntng

Slrd-WMIa l lUni l t l ) Capt Oldt Frlwn»n(«nll1iOittrlng *"**

River * ' n » WO tovirlpi on tht Samlhrcuonif*3WMdllfe Hftuek Kay Trlp» Iaproxtniately 2 1

a varwy of IMand

3% loin ii^cat tip &?afcant f enaction of Periwinkle Way

ton win ey*ryt*lne ana1 and Tarpon Bay ROM Aonaffwanything ana vsc*»Wr» Wtospar way ihopplna certer* *uch a*

MiMrVfvtvr ttia Heirl el tna ulenda

Al JM LlaHtbaftt l l u H n l Pafwtnkic Plan M "Minlan

t*i al Hw suaati, Puflla VMI Gardonaian m* 3»a HOTM Shocra «aHgf>*l

^ . ..J* H i t M f M X r n t n w i Pain RMa*•fwAWHh^ B i w W K i v e r M r ParMnWa way tvm-oft

, praducn t**t can cvra yo r Cactlv* altar* • * • « • ! Mtopf••at tocCTi cr lh*Jt your UMI contart laatvrlng avaryililngntMtt loncy Mwl a gowd tnm Importi la alft Wiopa tar• M M t r c«Wwol y«ucnn*at IM lUtoiw-Jnaikng *Mopar At t»« tniar»*cliau _. _

in atttwr tt inna tMujDrw slant* art tnalli, * undwich PartwtalttaKay «MTar»aaBav B"H ftr Oranama M Cak*•>K«ri I M P . l<a craam #ar*out> piua RaaJ, ywj may QI»OM InttaaJ to to Intu hiMo*r btn^nMati 3«an a^ W »a,rt«ur. Mwflqu* «t«P and tna turnrteM andtMlowt)

t a a l * W p i i . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . _ . .

• ~ H U M M M At t M Tawaa B«r PerhaMIU you will ftnda OMtar o*«U*Mt

,,„„ , . . , , W M t a w n e d M . I M IMand aMoa ovortao*^ I M bad My maraly brgwclns. Island

•vwilnot OurUm I M « M i f Shopping Canttr taduna I M l a m * anflQM*. tMito ane Mfar a turp<-l*lng varlvty tram

I r i w u ttiand-* «ntr auparmarkn, dry ahallcralts wti»-not* and om«««-unB cvtiadlblK for itw

" IMIIMIMIMMW) cMvarclatMtconMlounahar*, oUuarnbq tnoppar to poMcardt, . _ _ _ Mft an Taraoi Aay Waad aa wall a* a srvat MaMo# tor tha almpla aowvanlr hvntartravatt ormt oloni t»l» main takM *M vWtor pact Sanibali MMwiChandianrtriMa AM <* co>.r*a tar VI »n*ii» -

rPughfart Tula idrattfi of orHjtnat KnoolhouM imkttpwi TKa ipadacular ride t * B)MII lawatrt. MHI lanpa, iwMM« la Irutv a *nnpBs"» M M C T W M * ttlautt «atar G*ali«* wltnltaluahfu»*M*nd plain tnalt* ttitmMbaatuflfuiratflMl i f l all)iar«-tM>aW nlortandwortcuti anchaiKlng vlaw of tM Cult, *» ahMlalntMwoiidtrDmtlwmoitd not'ao-ln*) Mine ap«ti, 'nu>> °" *° V n N > *••** Drtoa wtll wonh a day'* outing Mautlful *Mllmg bN iM* In tna

_tucl and « ! « * » bovtttwM, • * * wcttward ta an (ntartatmg Talantad arum dliplay Itialr worldiand wrowoM i««alry, ETWI lUtta*rtlMri>hop«nuea(ianr wor

Courts and Courses

H & — :^:4»z—- W-M.-S.BS•vAllaola from club

Mnlbai Captlvai Road 411(public court) t

Listitad r^tnlng* until IB P

4rt aOOp«n l a m until I p m Full

tannl* facllllln with 1J •(laykold and nar-trulrnacnlna

Llgntad •vrnkioi tv«(l»l>ltCall for ra*anratlon* Lnton*

TfccUtLAKDZR Tweaday Aiitwll l m i

Fishing, shelling,

sightseeing and

charter trips

iss r s ™ <~m K""«"£r" "*""


r Tarpon Bay and ,71 B«ioadi Ope1 T i m to i 30 p

dayt. Rtntali and r-

SoutHSaa*Plantallcin Cap! v,ei 3111 cut 3 )uOpen I JO a m to S 30 o

BlkaB»nPBrlwInklSI.M4 Sj

1 AVmday Clot«d Sundairt

undlr Marina* o




iahnCaltuccI 0 OItlind Midlcal ClinicItWPmmRMttPlau*n %v*


Hoowl aBiyWInt»07Paln


Harry CI A M P P H

LtSagt O 0



K«lr OC P


maflity calling « 1 47**

Open Monday Ihroupn Frld4

from » a m until

a for Stanley P Wwryn M D I

I emergency Open ?J houri

whloi trantporti


RtfdDavid E Osd«a M.A

OraanlM chalrmeitarPtrtwinkia Way

lanlM Community Cfvr

""SI"WorWIp S«vl

SanlM CaniragiChurch at C

Onat OrthodM clareh it Itabal aCatfiolli R n Fr Arttmr Kwitinoi FattiarOaranaBai

CypmiLakaOrlv* Piffsr

47) MM (Anne.) " ""church «Vchrlii

W.dn««J*y Ho!yeuCh*rlM t ^ ^ ^ w o r t h l p Id * • m

SilJrony Evmlna M a n I 10

•ally Mau I 33a m and 9 JO

Vigil Man prwM ng Holy

Tampla Bath El CcmteHlon* bdorinabm SMomon Aftln and at 3 30 pm Situ

II M Prada Baotward cap*ra' CnrlMlan Scitnca Sanricai

ft* ISLANDER TMndsy ATar*!. , A.K-C.M.IWI The IM-MvDt-K

on SanibelmtvnKtWn of R»c*ii «Md andSan 0*1 Capt » » "toad 147J 11MI+ M C H I OC

n< tl»h

Diniagon the Islands

on Captiva

''r-rSrsrwOpan TvaMcyttirowatr tunOav s e w * triad clamt tolh.

front t l a-m t o l n m Cawal •paU*Mandh«mam*aap>aa.i t a j n «« I a jn bmaor * n

•«JrttwnM»W«y(*+ MC AE DC VISA

"?pan T^daVthrough SundaytrsmJJOtor- 30pm

Approprlata eirati ax pact ad

Brcakfaii »nd lunc(mm ) i D i m W I ptcrvad I'om i 10 tC5HIftTiMild*S<te*i* pamburg»

n AS Am«rtcaAHnprMi|DC fMmft Ctual

MC Ma.larChajjj

Breakfast,^v **n o' ttia L SHttioiii* Rmiauf»m

w trt I Ciurw pencak«i on t M I « KP

S»nibaf&CMC V l |

now»lBla>pom F MantraM,ndmurtft ,tw»

Qptn Yitftana ?MWnoey 1

SonatKInCapllvn \Capt va 't Macro*

Pwtuttr,•no ta la

tp)!v>i A

Itlar.t*r ti




fJSSloaa(.l l lein

Road (475 M51)

id hWMviav oftorn tn« baatanatnuvwly tr*%h•h*i <*+*****•

and * *u* f vt ma.

'Through. Sunday10 p j n CMtad


Suuor* Sanltjtlffl W J i )

I (JOUida prirra-W

rmat *4>rHM<lcnai




faf)M*ICapMY<*. MCVt»

tirwKtkat ant1 39 r m Ox*let »pm

Faat ur ing fmaa» Rbiiiaon tna pr*m>M

Prim* rib Wnignu TraebruiKti sarvM

Monday tMVwt M)o*pm

Coili'sd Krtqulred


lunch • »-m lo

> aid trxri cutne pmirM bakaC

« Friday nlonti>ti b»tt S4rturnayllflontl Captlv*I Svnday» from 10

on Satundcv from

i r t i and Uackt

Take-out Only

H 1013)

0 termt

Eo?i Ecncdlclilangcr


Sundaytromfa m to.

Apot n»eary C»nt wRldo«f>0»d t i l l *OJJ)

Opan 11 JO a m Iitven dayiT»TMHI Bar Marina


i p m

on r . -"

o i pm

Op«n frpm 7 a m to • p mtawn day a Fra&h aaafood andianewfetm

1 S tc *







•h and tUfotntu inc.

to 6a Ivy ft &erw-*i jiwt

Oav from IP JO

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••n» topplnpa

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0*MC VliA *FFaiturlr^ lml> thrlrrp antf


Kt t 1 C m Fr a " '

an^aka t r t Omtist

anltlan caretn otl P«< winklt

• m to J p m TuevMy th,uugh

JJmtoIB-mNtw oriura

cr«»>. owehR «tarv»' l»ni sS T ' ISA?AE :o Crtim «nd S«*ot Shop Sfora

A1 IMt •mranc* If 5outa t Mn Clown plan) mIon Cap'rva (itand n*x>

tDCtwdwkkslin S>11)You n find cold n-acl»

l l l » « a l M i '

ilood culslr>a (*»!•

u«M ttr»K. ainli

i Shopping Cani»r at tnatctlc-i of Portwlnki* Waytryon Day ROid <*" !>«•>

471-4M17 3S to 11 » aTuMdi

* pancake*


f «c*pt


v.(TaWaOpen »ev»n « v i from *' • m

Is 10 p m Sunday from rwon l

Duncan» Rcttaurant *

104«'parlw^kleW«v('7}11'Dr ipur^'tnTmomant" fcuttvt orOp*n 11 a^n to s p n %twn picnic AirldaMkxllonDf v/tnt

dayft Stndwlct'vft and tofi lev cnampagtiu Hq^ori and corcr^am CnarorollodUurgart diala \w alac avallaola

Eat in or take-out

10a m to lpm SundiFrrihtakW paltrl*

iniermtdlatt pricn


I t o l i a m •^ • r ¥ t ) " ) * , l l

piltrlt* Fra^aooi wiNO Iwmal drn» codaporch

-Si>rv«f Ompwlon 3 P i l k l

Yb« naacnandlX211G rif Orlva (*73

MCVISA. DC.AEnjoy Cull tr

I (p*cl>ltt«i. LuhchMn larvadfrom 11 M a m to 2 p m pinnaf

i i Oent*rt»|nmant niBhtly l"i

loungo*rpml Wpjn to la nCo(larad<hirtir*qulrtd

TM CMd« Poit OHlca Ocl|Corner of Tarpon Bay Road and

OulfiloaPlaia " " " -1 " * "473 SiOO

Santbd * only qu cfc ttrvifinally ra$1aurant otfarlng i

chtckirn' "wafood itoma-mad« dawarti eav*raea>alialr«uda<iill and Gulttlde enowdar AIM parrlar^ppla |uk« baar endlea wld twar and trath mad* lea wm> Taka-out Baach DoxatcrMtm dally available

Opan evtry day for lunch and Monday tnrown Saturday

. i~7 i ™ 5 . »^a« Diua and »paenattia «na oasHni Homnnad* traad* Plnadouon

Clubs and Organizations

ila Way'or Inforrnatlon call thaofflc*

__nday iwoufl*. frWay, 471I l i i l romiaa jn unHirnon

lM.«w*-C.|itl.» Cftaaa Ctok

SablM*-Ca«tl«a UaM O NMwtlnga hatd on t M lint aM

third WMhtadayt at narymanthatt JOpJTi atthttanlMICantmunltv Aiaoclatlan

erican Union f o i lSanlbal Captlv* Read, avaryThursdty at I pjn cash priaM

*M( l t l taa i , IK CCOKA)M t l n n *•*< M TM Means

W* loum Tbunaay of Menmonffi, H 9 m , « I C KmsaCream Oiva

for toor* Mof-iKatM call 471

tewlart Wptna Owabar afCawnaiafta

ioartf o« Arvchtr* matt* to*

nh4Mr« KortW O«Ka«Mai* twit* wraaKly

ThmMyi and Ttiuradayt trom7 W t o l i i m Anyvtaintaraatadcall Brian Houatonal *71 »

Com marc a building ar

Ca**l«a CMc Aaaatla iaa

J » "fiimittltf I* Ml wTuaMay* from l l f f l until tIJK Hp t r laawn Irtwntmyt M i t o l U O l * )

«n th« f IrsT and Ihlrd Tuatdcy or•aoi monn H U t m a" maCaptlv* Community Cantar

( BIB AMDAn ornanliatlan foundad to

thatalantfrn ****U mamMrc and aroapactlv*

T JO PJTI At ttw - ._' Cant«ronSaniM<*pltvakBH

Tnc putllc »Invtiod to attandFor turthar MermatMn contacl

, 'MMvJ*CMut*al4»t*4r

Monday 0* aactt nvnth at J' Xp i r atmaSMUMIUbrsrr

For mora Informallan contactM w ImWi at *«.4QW.

aacrlMf CcimtryCWB.ClltaOath Hunt w r * t O »

chdrman 473 1U7 « • *Dcyntar fwwlicllty cnalrrn«n.4711P1

Mam iho tttlrd AMndayC*t* l« Community Canlar at1 vWMrianiMlnmataatfendand Bring or«hldi for quMtlont

CHnad dlKunlon mrvtlng atpm Tl*»d«yi at I t Mlchaatand All Angali CplKopalChurdi on P*rl«*lnk.a way

No imokinc orouamtetlngatapm (wndaytattMefiurcti

For mora Informal Ion cell 473.

i h d d All Ana i i

Hauling and

Ihc San Otl Library

* Tlmbari Ra«taurant at ftiar qf RaObll Ro*d andiM-Captlva Road

SaalbakCaptlve Mali Cl«»MMtlng* hald al I p -n Hi*

third Monday of avary month atttm SaMtMt Community Cantar

Dwidill ClatiMOymnaillc <

e a d endEpitcoptl Cf.urctiWay

For mora nformallon4417 4JlWW.M-.i7J W3*

mdl Com

munlty Ctnlff SnlLirdayt «»o* a m bally dancing * to ID• m« twolnnJno oalin ao*»*io4iieto1iam.b*alnnlngballttaoM 7 to JJi 11 am lo n«nE"For"rnoro Informaflon callLau al McAlaar JW-IBI

SanlMI Captiva Boy tcautiTnMpal

Maattavary Tuwdayaf 7 p mat Hia Sanbal ElamantarySchool Vlilllns Seoul* vwaicam* Call Ron Sibald ~~4UI dayi

Post Offices

Governmenti l»«ld on tna MCWM ttw Mcond Tua _. _.« AWnday d a>/*ry month at * 30» «> at t(»a Mra

« MMKwtl* MOUM on Captlwa Road andMall W «»« I * a r Ofowry Wlffhfnwn Lana SWcomjil** at ttw InHrtailkn at

I—I—I i 1

IntanaetlOR of Tarpon Bay andPa'm Rldga roadi (473 1UCJ

Opan Monday Ihrouch Friday7 a m lo J P rn Saturday andSunday t a m t o T p m Dlaia)fual avallaw*

IWtParlwHnkla Way (4JJ-43II)Optn Monday Ihraug

Saturday I » m tosp m 34-roorwracHar Hfvlc* Amarlcan andforalsn car rvpalr AAA

Service with a smile(unlbal Tun<-Up aItland Kxxon Mnlbtl StAAdard

3435 Pa'lwlnklaWay(4'n 7013) 1015 Parlwlnkla (472 l l . . .Opan 7 a m to t p m Monday Opan l a m to 1 p m Monday loli parlwinklo

through Saturday i t rv lc* throush Friday ' ' " ~«arag> opan l a m m * pm Saturday and Sunday

gutrd atatidn, Capflwa i•Kt 3U4)

Opan tawn dayi from 1 30

Local tarvtcv avallabtt from *i to I I P-m * » dlahn a n' ct ttw airport S>acl4l

errungamant* lor Iran•>«rtat*on to and from ttw

liland Apothacary ApathNaryCenter Palm Rldg* Road. 1

jpn-lt l - i tarCroary 4T1 l i l t IOpan Monaay throuon Frlo,

JJ Tonday AU|M«1 l» !»*• T)ie IS! A.*vPER

Good things to know

}»J4M oo«y«o .

I M*na A*o*h«t»ry

tor ln|WMJ Uiantf w1-"


1 AI »f-yooriav«h»Oyoufe*»tn UnOtf t= of da law b cy4t vOUtt VALUA»L«J H O . V - . b ^ . . nparir It i i rrammtralM Irial Hdtri hjyt ma Mm* rlOMsam) In oraar to pretact your C#tnm»ft«you tHums in* fBponiBlllly rtwoni ts 11 t» asmptoryaolclt vikabl*powation*(ram imfl Juit OH ilta Cau«aw4y on(or cttaing up any diQrli or Orl««ri n it rKOnmiMM tnal you tafca CMt»aw*y DMa: 14111010)I tier n your a I B Ciim taitiyi H»OI ta • bankar koW tautl lar Op«n Monday thrauoh

H M « » M Os MOT ***** Saturday from 10 • m Ulp ,m-- - .-._....„_„,.„ ju*»*av»from Mnm 1ojp,m 5r^^:Si

Jugging ShociibvManlh nf r Si, & H n


472 2993




lOJSParlwInkleWavsanlMI ItHnO F « » » '

IS11) iTl 3108

- - - - - _ ^- " ^

-Award winning in-depth reporting-

Name: .

Address .

Local J7 per year U S A *10 per year Foreign *12 f«r year 'M to- TM sTnlbd Captiva Islander. »O Sox 5& Sanlbel .sland. Fta 339S7


Jtdd 1 , 9 p p cFt*. nOOrnU *% tax)

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every year*forever*

A grand idea — sensibly priced. ForS6,OOO?you and your loved one may

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You are invited to learn moreabout interval ownership atCasa Ybel.. .to visit ourfurnished models, and perhapsmeet some of the owners. Oursales center is open every day...see us soon.

•Prices r»ubject lo change without notice

For the colorful details and hard facts about Interval Ownership at Casa Ybel Resort,write: Casa Ybel Resort &> Club • P. O. Box 333

Sanibel Island • Florida • 33957 or phone (813) 472-iS31


have a chancebuild your home in auntouched paradise,

1 he turp or islands has been magical for centuries ofrecorded history All types of people in all kina3 ofcultures ha c been captivated by the siren song ofisland living the Greeks steadfastly protectedtheir several island civilizations painters and writcrs have traditionally sought thei' inspiration onSOTIC tropical island Bankers and poets fishermen and docto s ill of us in fact arc touchedin wme <*a> by the nusic of the islandsU iforiunatcU as with so many things ofbeautv there always seems lo bt a demandfar mt-ding the supply This simple fact oin.onomi(.s seems i 1" irih mlrub on in a distussion of the cHarrns of islands dreaming inspict but harsh as it seems moil ptoplcha\c com*, to<. it*> intvtiabilili is for this reason (hit Vital ionand In\tsim-m Propel ts is prouu SAFETY


or Hsu o L\ri LSI\I n n\

<o announce the availability of Safety Harbor Club— a beautifully planned residential community on

North Captiva !=landSalety Harbor Club is comprised of 53 liotneei eson a 32 acre sue tlut spans the island from theGulf of Mexico to Pine hi and Sound AH of thelets haie watei Cremate on the Gulf the Soundor on the lar^c lake in the canter of the propertyMinv luxury amenities include tennii courts

suimmint. pool and a clubhouseOf course lit best p in of Safet> Harbor' lub is tht privacy and seclusion affordedb\ an island ai.icv.iblc onl\ b> boat oprivate plant

S iftU Harbor Club offers you a uniqueopporlun iv to niakt \t/ur island dream

come true io I w at h ! in attulv untoutbed raradist

(813/ 472 5187 • J509 Periwinkle Woy • Sonibel Island Fla 33957