ISLAMIC MEDICAL ETHICS اخلاقيات الطب الاسلامي

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Transcript of ISLAMIC MEDICAL ETHICS اخلاقيات الطب الاسلامي

اخالقيات الطب االسالمي

Dr. Mohamad Al-Gailani FRCS

Consultant Surgeon

Medical Education & Training Director

RIYADH الرياض




• Could a woman give consent by herself to an operation?

• Is it ethical to inform a patient of his/her diagnosis of cancer?

• Should an arrest in a terminally ill cancer patient receive resuscitation ?

• Is it ethical for a doctor to initiate interventions in incurable patients when they are futile with no expected benefit?

• Is abortion ethical?

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Hammurabi Code 1750 BCشريعة حمورابي

• The Code of Hammurabi (King of Babylon) is the First Ever recorded Legislation or rules governing the practice of medicine

• The code highlights the fact that physicians perform a service to the society treating ailments & sickness

• In return physicians are paid money but also were punished if the results of the surgery / treatment ended up killing the patient!

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Hippocratic Oath 450 BCقسم ابقراط

• “ I will use treatments for the benefit of the ill in accordance with my ability and my judgment, but from what is to their harm and injustice I will keep them”

• "First do no harm"

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ISLAMIC SCHOLARSعلماء المسلمين

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Ishaq ibn Ali al-Ruhawi )9th Century)الروحاويإسحاق بن علي

“Adab al-Tabib” أدب الطبيب ”Ethics of a Physician”The First ever Book dedicated to Medical Ethics

• Great importance of a physician’s faith in God & personal health & hygiene as well as his manner with his colleagues nurses and patients.

• Fees charged for rich patients should be enough to cover the expenses of poor patients

• Doctors should keep records of the patient's symptoms, treatments and progress so that it may be reviewed by peers should the patient die under his care

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Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Raziمحمد بن زكريا الرازي (854 – 925)

• "The doctor's aim is to do good even to our enemies so much more to our friends

• My profession forbids us to do harm to our kindred

• God imposed on physicians the oath not to compose mortiferous remedies."

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Medical Ethics اخالقيات الطب

• A system of moral principles that apply values and judgments to the practice of medicine

• مجموعة من القيم المتعارف عليها على مدار تاريخ ي الطب استنادا لقيم دينية وفلسفية وأخالقية والت

تدعمها غالبا مجموعة من القوانين واللوائح المنظمة .للعمل الطبي

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“As long as the physician is a knowledgeable and skillful clinician, ethics doesn’t matter.”

“Ethics is learned in the family, not in medical school.”

“Medical ethics is learned by observing how senior physicians act, not from books or lectures.”

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•Physicians should be prepared to justify their decision to themselves, to the patient and to a third party if appropriate (Negligence or Court)

•Competent patients have the right to refusetreatment, even when the refusal will result in disability or death.

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The Principles of MEDICAL ETHICS مبادئ اخالقيات الطب

1. Autonomy استقالل: the Patient has the right to Refuse or Choose their treatment.

2. Beneficence احسان : a practitioner should act in the Best Interest of the patient.

3. Non-maleficence عدم إيذاء : not to cause Harm.

4.Justice عدل : distribution of scarce health resources, and the decision of who gets what treatment (Fairness & Equality).

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The Hospital Ethics Committee (HEC)

• Composed primarily of healthcare professionals, but may also include lay people and clergy

•Discuses difficult ethical issues in the hospital and suggests solutions

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• Not necessarily, however…

• The fundamental values of medical ethics (compassion, competence and autonomy) along with…

• Physicians’ experience and skills in all aspects of medicine and healthcare…

• Provide a sound basis for analysing ethical issues and arriving at solutions that are in the best interests of patients

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اخالقيات الطبالمملكة العربية السعودية


الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية

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•"Many of the issues that healthcare practitioners face in their practice will be seen, analysed and resolved from the Islamic Perspectives"

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Woman’s Consent

• “The conscious adult woman has the right to give consent to any medical interventions that is related to her, including surgical operations”

• “Except for what is related to reproduction”

• “In such procedures, the acceptance of the husband must be obtained too”

• “In emergency and life-threatening conditions, the woman’s consent is sufficient”

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Breaking Bad News

• “There is no contradiction between reassuring the patient and telling him/her about his/her condition, even if it is serious and fatal”

• “It is the right of the patient to know his/her health condition, illness, symptoms, and prognosis in general terms”

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Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

• “It may not be useful to do CPR in cases of incurable late-stage disease, thus it has no purpose”

• “The decision should be made by three consultants, whose specialties are the most relevant to the case of the patient”

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Could Medical Treatment be Stopped?

• In incurable conditions it is permissible not to initiate the use of equipment from the beginning or to stop using them in treatment if they are found to be of no use

• The decision should be made by three consultants whose specialties are the most relevant to the case of the patient

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Is Abortion Ethical?

• Abortion is allowed only if the pregnancy is less than 4 months

• And if allowing the pregnancy to continue threatens the mother’s health with grave harm

• This must be proven by a medical committee in accordance with the regulations in place for this matter

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MEDICAL ETHICSاخالقيات الطب


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Dr. Mohamad Al-Gailani FRCSConsultant Surgeon

Medical Education & Training Director

Tel: +966 11 4250000