Islamic art-TEST

Post on 23-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Islamic art-TEST

ISLAMIC ARTIntro to Islam Mohammed The Five Pillars of Islam The Kaaba The Mosque

Early Period (c. 640-900 C.E.) • From the rightfully guided caliphs who succeeded

Muhammad, through the Umayyads' Dome of the Rock and Great Mosque of Damascus, to the decline of Abbasids rule.

Medieval Period (c. 900-1517 C.E.) • The Fatimids (909-1171) ruled north Africa, and parts of Syria

and the Seljuqs contolled eastern Islamic lands and eventually Iran, Iraq and much of Anatolia.

Later Period (c. 1517 –1924 C.E.) • The Ottomans, a small Turkic state in Anatolia, emerged as a

major military and political force and conquered Constantinople, the Balkans, the Near East, and North Africa.