iScala®: The No-Compromise Business · PDF fileEven if you have simpler requirements, ......

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Transcript of iScala®: The No-Compromise Business · PDF fileEven if you have simpler requirements, ......

making global business simple

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iScala®: The No-CompromiseBusiness Solution

The only way is UPUpgrade to iScala software

�We chose iScala because we wanted tostandardize business processes across theregion. As our head offices use SAP, welooked for a collaborative solution that couldautomatically link into a larger ERP systemwhen needed. The fact that iScala supportsthe local statutory requirements in all thecountries we do business in was extremelyimportant. Another key factor in ourdecision to go with Scala instead of SAP isthat although our subsidiaries in the regionare smaller in scale, they still have complexbusiness processes. After a vendorfeasibility study, we concluded that Scalacould cater for all our needs in terms offunctionality, offer us a rapid implemen-tation program and a significantly lowertotal cost of ownership compared to SAP."

Daniel Nauer, IT Manager for AgieCharmilles, Asia Pacific

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See for yourself what it can do for you and your company.

Get to the top - get the iScala® system today.

Find out more at contact your local Scala office.

making global business simple


iScala is designed to be collaborative. Businesses today are

already connected � their customers and suppliers need to

communicate with each other quickly and automatically. iScala

eliminates time-consuming and costly labor-intensive

processes by automating the processes of buying and selling,

manufacturing and supplying, being part of a supply chain and

dealing with companies in different countries or on different


Additionally, iScala is equally capable when it comes to

integrating the divisions of major companies, assisting them in

acting as a single global entity, with each division and

business unit connected to each other and with the


iScala integrates easily to other business software, extending

supply chain management into a company�s entire Product

Lifecycle Management process, making customer relationship

management into Customer Lifecycle Management or

providing the total visibility of service costs, effectiveness and

availability into a Service Lifecycle Management process.

Even if you have simpler requirements, iScala is designed in

such a way that you can start quickly and simply with the core

business management functionality you need, such as:

� Financials

� Sales

� Logistics

� Business intelligence

As your business or needs grow, so can iScala grow and

provide advanced capabilities and collaborative solutions that

drive up your sales and profits, such as:

� Customer relationship management

� Service management

� Contract management

� Human Resource management

� XML-based EDI solutions

� Supply chain management and integration

� Enterprise data integration

iScala is the no-compromise solution designed to solve your

problems � the one software foundation your company needs

for driving up your sales and profits. Wherever you do business.

At the core of the iScala Collaborative ERP system is rock-

solid, proven Scala back-office ERP functionality, relied upon

by businesses � especially the subsidiaries, divisions and

suppliers of global companies � in over 140 countries around

the world.

iScala � The No-CompromiseSolution For Business Everywhere

First introduced in 2002, the iScala Collaborative ERP system

is designed from the ground up to provide complete business

management capability for companies anywhere in the world.

Whether you do business in established or emerging markets,

or even in some of the world�s most difficult-to-get-to places,

iScala provides you with a complete, integrated ERP, CRM

and SCM solution tailored for your local language, tax and

legislative requirements.

iScala delivers -

� An overall view of your business as it happens

� Standard software that provides a foundation for the

advanced e-business processes critical to your future


� Innovations like service management, integrated CRM and

SCM capability, global payroll, business intelligence, and

integration with the latest Microsoft® Office applications

iScala is for growing your profits.

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Asset Management

The integrated Asset Management solution supports your asset life cycle in

purchase, enhancement, transfer, capitalization, sale and disposal while seamlessly

recording the accounting aspect �behind the scenes�.

Support for complex component-based structured assets and multiple reporting

levels, combined with stock integration, gives you the flexibility to capitalize and

manage your assets effectively. The integrity of the solution minimizes double entry,

reconciliation and the need for software integration, giving you a secure single point

of information for all asset-related data.

Customer Management

You need a system that actively helps you attract and retain your customers. You

need to know � and your field sales need to know � what your customers bought

from you in the past, how and when they paid, what pricing discounts they normally

get and, ideally, information about the customers themselves. You need iScala to

help you keep the promises you make to your customers.

With iScala, you know exactly what you have available-to-promise and when you can

deliver it, across the hallway or across the globe � and you know it instantly.

Management Information

No matter how good your ERP solution is, it stands or falls on its ability to

successfully access and understand the key business information in it. Your

accounts, stock, manufacturing processes and customer behavior are all things you

need to see, when you want and how you want. iScala easily and instantly generates

the reports you need, in the format you want to see them, delivered via the web or

on paper. With such information from iScala, you can run your business, drive your

sales and push your profits up.

Financial Management

For most companies, ERP starts with managing the financial position of the company

� the basics, such as creating and issuing purchase orders, handling invoices,

paying your staff, building and managing a budget, and knowing what and where

your assets are. From simple accounting to the most complex project-based

accounting, you need to know that your software supports your business with a level

of security you can trust.

All this information needs to be consolidated and, if you�re part of a large enterprise,

the information needs to be consolidated at a regional/global level either periodically

or continuously. Couple this with working with divisions, clients and suppliers from

various countries with different currencies, you�ll need iScala to know that you can

work in your local currency but still report in dollars, euros, pounds, yen or whichever

other currency you choose.

And, iScala looks after your staff�s salaries and payroll management, regardless of

currency, to keep your business running into the future. It will give you complete

confidence that your iScala solution will support these operations across systems,

working collaboratively.

�Dealing with many different legislations across global offices can get complicated,which is why it was particularly important for us to go with Scala for thisimplementation. Scala's localization in many different regions makes their ERPsolution vital to us. We can speedily and easily install it in our offices knowing that thelegislative variations are taken into account and it is ready to support our business.�

�Gerald Dehn-Jensen, Group ERP Program Manager for Hempel Paints, Brazil


Service Management

After-sales support is a profit center with iScala. Dealing with service successfully

while deriving additional revenue from your customers, and controlling your costs,

can mean the difference between profit and loss. So it�s critical to understand, in real

time, what contracts apply to what customers, which products have been returned

and whether those products correspond to a maintenance agreement or are covered

by warranty support, and if not they should be invoiced to the client. If a repair is

needed, when will it be done, how long will it take and do the allocated resources

have the right skills to make the repairs needed?

Whether your need is for preventative maintenance of your own machines or assets

or you are running a fully-equipped onsite/offsite service center, the need for control,

efficiency and profit are the same.

Supply Management

iScala reassures you that your goods are where they need to be in order to plan just

enough stock to meet your demands. iScala assists you in finding the right supplier

to meet your stock requirements. iScala helps you avoid holding excess stock, by

using drop shipment, and then automating payments to suppliers to streamline your

business processes.

This can add to your bottom line and free up working capital. You also need to know

which suppliers to select for the best terms, the quickest delivery or whatever your

criteria may be.

Getting the materials is only part of the equation; making sure that you have

sufficient raw materials, reducing your cash requirements and ensuring a higher level

of quality, is just as important. iScala�s quality control can mean the difference

between satisfied customers and heaps of written-off goods.

Inventory Management

It�s vital to know what goods you have, where they are, their age and expiration, regard-

less of whether they are held in one central warehouse or across your enterprise.

iScala can track multiple components and ingredients in your products and can

immediately identify which batches of goods are potentially faulty or unsatisfactory, and

let you identify downstream products and determine if specific actions are required.

iScala provides real-time bill of material to give you the flexibility to plan production

and purchase of material and the day-to-day last-minute requirements demanded by

customers. If you are manufacturing products you need to know exactly what they

contain in order to plan production and purchase of material. Knowing their structure

and having this available in real time gives your company true flexibility.

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�We first considered Scala's experience in the distribution sector, its good customerreferences and our expectations on the system flexibility. We chose Scala becausethey are a professional, trusted and customer-oriented advisor, whose softwareensures an easy information flow between the Polish subsidiary and our Germanheadquarters. iScala provides us with rapid access to all the information that isnecessary to run the business."

�Grzegorz Rêkawek, Managing Director for Biesterfeld, Poland

Manufacturing Management

iScala Manufacturing lets you focus on making the right things

at the right time. You can easily plan production, schedule

your resources, configure your products, understand potential

bottlenecks and get the right reports showing you what�s

happening, at any time.

From forecasts to planning next month�s production, from

costing the production to understanding how your products

are configured, iScala�s specialized Material Production and

Control (MPC) reporting can keep you on top of your

manufacturing processes. And this is done using the MRPII

(Manufacturing Resource Planning) standard definitions your

employees are used to.

Business Intelligence

iScala Business Intelligence (BI) Server products give you and

your coworkers access to the information you need when you

need it, to make the right decisions quickly.

Today, all businesses know their data is valuable; the smarter

ones are investing in BI tools to make better-informed

decisions throughout the entire business organization.

iScala BI Server applications quickly extract, store, analyze

and provide to-the-second access to data to make enterprise

users more effective in their work.

iScala BI Server applications include the activities of:

� Decision support systems

� Snap data

� Query and reporting

� Online analytical processing (OLAP)

� Statistical analysis

� Forecasting

� Data mining

Human Resource Management

iScala Human Resource Management gives you an

integrated, flexible payroll solution. This solution is localized

to meet regional employer needs, helping to improve your

personnel management in any country, regardless how

complex the legislative requirements are.

iScala Human Resource Management is fully integrated to the

centralized Resource Management suite, providing resource

planning (whether human or machine, internal or external),

across projects, service centers and the manufacturing shop

floor, enhancing your ability to resolve resource scheduling

conflicts using our resource planning board. Management of

training and maintenance of skill sets provides you with both a

quantitative and qualitative view of who is available,

supporting the decision-making process in resource allocation.


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�We chose to continue working with Scala because it's a good fit for our business andiScala® especially will suit our way of working together. Our vision is to act as onecompany with connected business processes across countries and departments.iScala's new collaborative functionality will help us achieve that goal.�

�Olle Ludvigsson, Chief Information Officer for Arca Systems, Europe

iScala Business Intelligence Server

Providing a complete set of business intelligence capabilities, the products comprising the iScala Business

Intelligence server are:

� iScala Web Reporter: Integrates enterprise reporting from Crystal Decisions into iScala, giving users a consistent

and easy-to-use approach to presenting powerful and informative reports from anywhere in your iScala system.

� iScala Query Designer: Provides you with a wizard-based approach to create queries which are relevant to

your company�s management and which can be shared among other users. iScala Query Designer takes the

effort out of finding relevant information in iScala and can be used by casual users, power users and even

developers. iScala Query Designer makes it possible for you to work with improvised reporting without seeking

expert technical report designer help.

� iScala BI Web Parts: Gives you the ability to present key performance indicators from iScala in a quick and

easy way. It�s tailored for anyone in the company, from finance through sales and marketing. iScala BI Web

Parts uses an OLAP source to build forms viewable in �dashboards� suitable for your senior management. The

information available is only limited by the imagination of the users.

� iScala OLAP Server: Makes it easier to create OLAP cubes and the scheduling for updating cube data.

It�s a tool where you select what you want to create an OLAP cube for, including company and financial year.

� iScala Crystal Report Designer: Popular Windows-based report writer that allows an experienced user to

create reports from a variety of data sources with a minimum of written code.

� iScala Crystal Analysis Designer: Crystal Analysis is part of the Crystal DecisionsTM suite of products - a

complete, integrated solution for reporting, analysis, and information delivery.

iScala Collaborative ERP System Overview

iScala Business Server

Designed to provide a complete collaborative ERP package for the medium-size independent business needing

full ERP functionality, and as a first step towards automating business processes across applications and with

customers� or suppliers� systems.

iScala Enterprise Server

Designed to provide a scalable ERP package for business centralization and support for working across multiple

sites and subsidiaries, the iScala Enterprise Server includes all the functionality of the entry-level product.

It�s designed as a complete collaborative ERP package for medium-size multinational companies or for the

subsidiaries and divisions of large enterprises.

Both iScala servers give you full support for a broad set of ERP and business management processes,

in multiple languages and localizations, including:

iScala Collaborative ERP SystemOverview


� Sales order management processes

� Purchase order management processes

� Manufacturing processes to MRPII standards

� Inventory processes including multiple

distributed warehouses

� Contract management

� Service management

� Project management

� Asset management processes

� Resource management processes

� Customer relationship management processes

iScala�s connectivity solutions cover:

� XML-EDI integration

· XML-EDI for sales

· XML-EDI for purchases

� Sales application integration

� Supply chain integration

· Core data

· Purchase Application Integration

� Enterprise application integration

· Master data

· Transaction data

� Bar code integration

· Bar code for distribution

� Financial application integration

· Financial ledgers in

� XML-EDI for service orders

� iScala Adapter for Microsoft



iScala CRM

Accessible from Microsoft Outlook® and the web, iScala CRM is easy to use, customize, and maintain, integrates

with iScala ERP and other business systems, and scales to grow along with your business.

With iScala CRM, you can:

� Increase your sales success: Shorten the sales cycle and improve close rates with lead and opportunity

management, automated sales processes, quote creation, and order management

� Deliver efficient, consistent customer service: A shared knowledge base and automated routing and

queuing make it easy to serve customers efficiently

� Make informed, agile decisions: Comprehensive reports let you forecast sales, measure business activity

and performance, evaluate sales and service success, and identify trends, problems and opportunities

� Work from any place � in the office, on the plane, in the field: Access full sales functionality online or

offline through Microsoft Outlook, or work online from any location using a web browser

� Share information: Tightly-integrated sales and customer service functionality makes it easy to view, update,

and share information across teams and departments

� Use easily: Designed for ease of use, iScala CRM ensures that sales teams get started fast with a familiar

and intuitive interface

� Customize and scale easily: Configure user interfaces and workflow processes, customize the solution to fit

your business, and scale the installation to meet changing needs

� Integrate powerfully: You can use iScala CRM as a standalone product, or integrate with iScala ERP and

with other business systems

iScala SCM

iScala SCM helps you manage your supply chain that begins with a customer order, encompasses

manufacturing, procurement, sell from stock, and ends when a satisfied customer has paid for the purchase.

iScala SCM is packaged to address these typical business needs, and includes:

� Material management: The core SCM features needed for managing inventory and purchase-related activities

� Warehouse management: Add value to warehouse tasks such as quality control and batch management

� Supply chain tools: The tools that provide control over and visibility into the supply chain including lead-time

management and available-to-promise

� Manufacturing: From forecasting and Master Production Scheduling through to production and shop-floor

control, this package adds MRPII-compliant support to iScala

� Supply chain integration: The power to share core data and work efficiently with suppliers within the

connected supply chain

� Bar code integration: If the inventory information is wrong then sales opportunities can be missed, excessive

stock retained and costs become excessive. Bar code solutions can substantially reduce error rates, and let

warehouse staff focus on their core tasks without the need to constantly return to base to get instructions

iScala Developer

iScala Developer is an entire development solution for creating unique company-specific processes inside and

outside the iScala system. iScala Developer consists of four components:

1. Workflow Designer: The heart of iScala�s process development environment, using a graphical tool with which

users or developers can create workflows using iScala�s components (�managers�) to create process or com-

pany-specific business logic which can then interact with other iScala managers, iScala users or external systems

2. User Interface Designer: Customizable screens for specific users or job functions are now available in iScala.

Deployable either through Windows, web, mobile or portal interfaces, these custom screens can be simple for

easy presentation of iScala information to occasional users, or highly complex for power users

3. VBA Developer: Provides a flexible, controlled development environment to customize the business behaviour

of any iScala solution that embeds Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications by using application, user interface and

print events as well as access to system variables and services. It allows you to make changes to simple

processes, and generally make detailed changes to the iScala software without the risk of changing fundamental

business logic. VBA projects developed by VBA Developer can be published and deployed though

e-Repository and run by Automation Manager and by Document Deployment Server runtime engines for end-

users. While Automation Manager focuses on generic business logic customization requirements, Document

Deployment Server provides additional customization, formatting and routing capabilities for printing purposes.

With the combination of the user- and developer-level tools in iScala Developer, you can be sure that the unique

business logic you need to reflect the business processes which give you a competitive edge can be reflected in

iScala. At the same time, iScala�s powerful field/user-level security model means you can also be sure that none

of the development tools will compromise access to sensitive company information.

iScala Collaborative ERP System Overview (continued)


The iScala Collaborative ERP system delivers cost-

effective solutions tailored to the specific challenges

and needs of industries such as industrial and elec-

tronic goods, engineering-to-order, industrial

machinery, light engineering, automotive, electronics,

consumer packaged goods and not-for-profit


But while iScala provides significant support for

complex business processes, there are times when an

industry has a requirement for a combined set of

processes that are unique. As well as supporting

processes for the industries mentioned, there are also

two specialized versions of iScala software:

iScala for Pharma

The vertical business application for the pharma-

ceutical, chemical and cosmetic industries is

specifically designed to help support companies that

face strict legislative and regulatory restrictions and

requirements. iScala for Pharma handles:

� Bin management

� Batch template and traceability

� Quality control

� First expiry first out (FEFO)

� Supplier / Customer control

� Improved security

� Audit trails

Today there are over 500 pharmaceutical sites using

our solutions, from one-user financial systems to

50-user full systems including full pharma functionality

and manufacturing. Our major customers in this

industry include Merck, Schering, Novartis, Sanofi-

Synthélabo and Syngenta.

Scala Hospitality

Scala Business Solutions provides integrated

management information solutions (IMIS) developed

to meet the unique needs of the hospitality industry.

IMIS is a fully-integrated solution for financial

management, material management, reporting and


Scala Hospitality enables interfaces with all major

property management and point-of-sale systems.

Installed in over 300 locations in 46 countries around

the world, major customers include Starwood, Marriott,

Sheraton, Hyatt, Nikko, Four Seasons, and

Independent Hotels.

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Industry Solutions

�Scala's references and its experience onthe chemical market were factors that had asubstantial impact on our decision. Scala'ssolution is flexible so it can meet ourrequirements even when the company isdeveloping. The promised speed of deployment wasone further criteria to choose Scala,enabling us to implement solutions quicklyat various sites. We will also be able todistribute licenses within the group, thus thenumber of users in each country will satisfyour actual business needs in each localmarket. Thanks to Scala's presence ineach country where the implementationsare done, we can expect full support fromScala during the project and after goinglive.�

Kai Finke, Director of Information Techno-logy North Europe, for Cognis


Buying iScala

Our salespeople sell solutions, often working in teams with

our pre-sales experts. First, we work to understand your

current business needs. Then, we offer you a solution to them

with a path to solving your future business needs, as well as

making your business operations and processes as

streamlined as our technology and know-how allow.

It�s made all the more simple because iScala itself is designed

to help with this. We operate a license key system for our

products. This means that you can add functionality as you

require it � you simply �switch on� the functionality after the

purchase of the relevant license. There�s no complex re-

installation of the software just for a new module or process.

iScala is designed for all sizes and types of business, from

large international companies to fast-growing, fast-changing

small- and medium-size businesses. All our customers rely on

us to keep them running through all the changes in their

dynamic business space.

Implementing iScala

iScala is straightforward to implement, with many customers

going live in as little as four weeks from the date they receive

their iScala software. We provide certified consultants all

around the world, both our own employees as well as highly

skilled partner employees, who have been trained extensively

and certified in their respective specialties to use our proven

Signature implementation methodology.

Time and time again, Signature enables iScala consultants to

keep implementations on track matching your requirements,

whether the implementation is a single site running financial

and logistics processes, or a multi-site international

deployment running all processes and requiring integration

and connectivity solutions. Signature provides you with the

assurance that your iScala implementation will be delivered on

time, on or below budget and at the agreed specifications. No


Once the product implementation is underway, we can provide

you with a wide range of training courses on using, managing

and improving your iScala system either through the Scala

University in our Budapest offices or through specially-tailored

training courses held at our offices throughout the world or at

your own sites.

Maintaining iScala

iScala systems are sold with maintenance support services.

These provide you with support, fixes and upgrades to the

iScala product. We have a long-standing tradition of releasing

new functionality as well as performance improvements in

each new software version. And because we understand that

a free upgrade still has costs involved in implementing it, we

make the upgrade process as easy as possible with tools and

certified consultants who can make a version change a minor

change, not a major upheaval.

Supporting iScala

No product as capable as iScala with its 25 years of develop-

ment behind it can be completely understood by a single

individual, nor can any training cover every situation

imaginable. For those occasions where you need help or

support, we offer a multi-language telephone hotline support

service with fully-certified support staff who are available

during your business hours � even 24 hours a day if

previously arranged � to answer your queries and begin to

provide solutions to any problems you may have with your

iScala software.

Our customers tell us that the support services we provide are

among the best available in the software industry. Our support

services are fully-accredited by the UK Institute of IT Training.

More Information about iScala

For the latest information, product demonstrations and

additional information about iScala, visit

It�s not enough to just have a great product, you also need a great team behind it. You need to know that choosing the iScala

Collaborative ERP system as the software foundation for your business makes sense, so we�ve made sure that the entire

experience of dealing with Scala is as easy and rewarding as possible.

Buying, Implementing, Maintaining and Supporting iScala

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�At the end of our evaluation period wefound that Scala's solutions are efficientand complete. We made certain thatScala's capabilities exceeded our currentneeds, so that it would be able to cope withfuture production growth and corporatechanges. Another reason why we choseScala was because the Russian softwarecompanies we visited unfortunatelydemonstrated limited knowledge,qualification and practical experience,which in turn affected the quality of theirproducts and support. Scala's highprofessionalism and experience is visiblethroughout its products, which are beingsold all over the world.�

Alexander Pozov, IT Director atSouzBaltKomplekt , Russia

�Implementing a collaborative ERP system is part of our company's development strategy. iScala will facilitate the introduction ofcertain procedures and provide access to up-to-date and trustworthy data. It will enable us to react instantly to our clients' needs,thus building a competitive advantage. We were looking for a solution which would support the company development process andprovide a stable software platform for the strategic areas of the company. The solutions we have had so far have proven to be abarrier, limiting our expansion plans.�

�Oleg Szczerbak, Financial Director for Fujifilm Polska Distribution, Poland






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Contact your local Scala Business Solutions office.

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