is [xt~lllation. - · of muf1c are...

Post on 29-Jan-2021

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Transcript of is [xt~lllation. - · of muf1c are...

  • William Smith. EaS-'' Instructor. .. Part If.

    Thts copy is possibly incomplete (64. pp.J and definitely mcorporates at least two intrusive fragments from other songbooks. The engraved title page is_ printed on tht· same laid paper af~ pp.[l ]-6-+. Between tht:· t.p. and page 1 are two leaves of wove paper bearing an obliterated name inscribed on lr \Vith engraved "Lessons in the Eight ?\otes" on 1 Y. 2r bears a typeset index of tunes that does correspond to the actual contents of the book and indicates no page number higher than Ci4. 2'.< bears an iHhertisement to the reader. dated at Hope\vell near Trenton. 1803. Page 1-J

  • 254575

  • .• .. -. iiiJii,. . . ..,. .. .... _ ...

    THIS t·s to r·ertif..t~rtlwtihau~~q r~tJ Jed tofi£.r -WzU~ 'Little and to }.f' 1 Vi'llwm Smzth/tlie sule and ex·rlusive rz(;ILL lo }. IJhlish tl~t, /t',f!r uu·ll.fJ clwractns to design ate Sol Q, j !a 9, :All ,Fa . T.lft.on r>onrlitiun that the .books

    l • I / I • l by tllf:m made, should b1 so ld m the most etsy terms for t!tt ' be lt~jit ~f the p u;(. ' .

    Gz/.4{fl 1.nult r lru;lta ,f. at Blu'lrul lpltia thz's tenth day if Aiarrlt,/ 1 . .D. 1/,?

    ..Atte. I, N.}oms


    ,~o I ~ I o I o I h I 0 I 0 I 0 I . ~ I ··. ~ . I 0 I 0 I ~ I 4 I o I o I ~ . II' ;4\a I n 1, 4 I n I ti 14 t 19 1]4 1 I b & liS • liFi I 0 ~ I 0 4 14 " 11 ° I 1 o I L R1 821 b. £l b. L I r, In i l, I r, I C! It 114"11 t· 1 11·, In I r 1 HEffh. t I Ul ,

    . { ...

  • INDEX. TuN'I:s: P.AcEs.' TuNEs. ' 1'uNts: ~

    'Amanda. '; 22 Gre_enwich. 1- Plymouth.:

    Archdale. sr Golphinton. Repentance.' :Bangor. 4 Huntington.

    :I St. Martins. ' Brifl:ol. ~s Judgmen\• Sinai .. t

    :Benham: ~~ LiibonJ Saint's Repofe.

    Gharlemont. ~- Livonia. 44 Stratfield. 33 Con-trition. ~9 Lubintia.

    .. 6o Symphony. 46

    Denmark. ;. 12 Montville. 17 Sheffield. , 47 Dominion. l~ x6 Mol'tality. 22 Suffering Saviour. - so Dooms-day.

    l 21 M;endbam. ·28 ' Submiffion. -~ 52

    D epravity- ~~ 27 Mortality. 36 Sutten. ... s6

    Dauphin. 'J

    29 ~ajefly. 40 Springvalley. 58 Dover. i 43

    orpheus. ' 48 Ulfler. ,_ 64 Eafl:ford .. 8 Macedonia. 55 Victory.

    t, • 55

    Ed om. 26 Morgan. 6r Whitellown. I 1 Exhortation.

    ~i Newburgh. 15 vVe!tmin!ter.

    Floril!a. f, I Naples. ,41 W ethersfiel_d; . -F riendfhip. Old zooth. 5 Waterford. Fairfield. h ,_ 89th. 6 vVefl:-End. ,.. Funeral Hym!i. 1- 119th. 53 Windham.

    · Fne11d01ip. 57 -40th. s 61 vVil~e 1 ham. Garden. 7 I Oak-Creek. 4 5 ~ ~ ~/ I G't~fto.n ' ·'·u 'lO Olivet. ss -


  • ('


    The G cliff lo l-'lared on the {econJ line In trehle,o urL tee, aPd tenor; which gives it

    .-the n11n•e uf G . . I he C clift, when ufed, is

    placed on the third line in co•mter; h gi ves i• the name G

    T t e F cliff is f::l11c~d , n the •ourth line in bafs; and gives it the name of F.

    The feven firft letters d t he al phabet are called the mufical lette rs .1hey reprefent t he lines and {paces whereon m11fi.c is written; aJ ,J indicate fo many

    A • a -Jaw-_ diftinct founds, one_ above ano __ 1 -G-bhff~t ~ ~--fe-1- ther : and are •I fed Hl finJir•.~ rrn1

    : j ~C fay.r the maiter note, by be ;5inni1.g at , c Bart ~R---fiH· the firft line,namm~ both " ~ --" :_,_, - ga- ~- hw and fpaces, by' the letters upward. 1

    ::.>: F £J;fr. J.~F &~ Ihe fcale fhows how t be four 1 p!Ht~>. of muf1c are conne,ted. · t . G,t he fou rth fp11ce in bafs, fe _

    - b (onJ line in tenor, and firrt fpace i Cl'llnter, unite 111 C tt the nc ht hand: conl'equently they are one foc Jlld; & .e a11 eightt. abo ,e G t ne firft"'l ine in b ·ifs . t; the lecond I me in treble,and t: !Jfth In ..co11nter,ar a nniion,and area fifteenth above G t hefirft line in fs ~-- V\len t 1:e G cliff i' uf~ in cc)Uitter, its conr>ection with the other rts '~ the hiT'e ilS the teno r.


    When neither flat nor fharp is fet at the beginning of at mi is in B, which iscalled It~ natural place. B t, If one flat be fet ,mi is in ',F . If one fharp he fet, mi is in If two, rri is in A. If two, mi is ~r1 lf three, m1 IS m D. If three, mi is in If four, m1 ~~ m G. If four, mi is in lf five, m1 1~ m C. If fi ve, m1 Is 10 If fix , mi Is m F. If fix , m1 ISm

    Order of the tinging fy llal:les. Above mi j~ fav~,ful, law, f: fbl, law; and below mi,_law, {ol,faw, law, fol, fa:"; then comes "gCiin , either way .

    but in this book,the names of the notes may be khQwn. 'a fi5ht, by thei? different form~: _ thu~, . · ·''\ :.

    Law, c

    Notes are marks of found. ( )ne lemibreve is equal in tim~ two minims, four C'r.otchets, eight quavers, fixteen · femiquavets1 <

  • 4 8 · thrty-two d.emifemiquavcrs. ;t:' Refts are marks of hlence, equal iu time t ~ the notes aher .which . ·~ they are c

  • t'fkiF Lc I M E MOODS.

    .contain < one pointed fen.ibeve, or it:; q11ant ity, .. ctweer. each fiM le ba r, and three be;:~t s, two rluwn and 0ne up, ::.':i:;::;:t=;:::;=::-;:R lthree fee on ~ ot tiu,e.

    e i ii~ ore p c intPd minim,· and th "ee bea t ~, t.v o · f,c onch.

    , , r t ~in< c11e poir tc-! c rvtdwt, and thref' heat~, or,P letLll:l. and a half.


    co ntain< fi}< crotchet~ in each bar, and twu ·b ·•at ~· ,on f'

  • C; M.

  • · ,L. M. ·

  • Jhcr t _

  • L. M.

    The grove_

    - -


  • 8 EASTFORD. . . L. M .

    -~~ff"jJib& l,j1 ° I"1Nt1fl~ii 'ffln, loJI.)@Ift1JITtt§~1= ' I~?J I • 'f 1• 41 ,l


  • Sofl: .


    Wf~'ll cruud th~ 9ates with thankful fongs }High as the

  • L. M.

  • C. M.

    Scarce -

    . Scarce-

  • - - . 21

    ·' --~LIJ 1 t±ltE1~,-trlli.r 1- r1 lrt-1 ~.I &I j1 ~d~ ' ~~ ~mortal-~~ m •·

    · -~~hl-~- E ~~==1t 9 . 1 !mrGi clll 1 ({ TO--_ .:. _ _ _ ll, How fweet&c _ A mortal palenefsmmycheektglorym~fo~&glory&c.

    ·- . ~ ,. :-.... . ., . -. ., .. . .... .... '"'\ -J ± . ~ r- .... _, i-=1--1--1 H: -1-=t-1 .... ... • • • -1

    ~) .

  • 22 . AMANDA.

  • blefsirtgs down To chearlpl~s helov.;He makes fgrafsfmountains crO\\Tn & corn in va]Jpys grow. He makes &c.


  • :s: .., 1..,

    -lit- -a-~ ~, -d . :s: - - - 0 . m;J . a ·H - •: J ike

    I ""i . --..

    O may

    • 61.., ---------- . •• L..j

    l~~mgo~r ta~l~&~c·~~~~O~m~~~m~y~h~e~art~I~·n~tu~~~eb~e~fl§ou~n~d,~L~ik§~B~aiv~id~~h~a~rp~oif ~G~le~mn~f

  • ~ . . . . 30 E X H 0 R T A T I 0 N • · . C . M •

    ~~ l~£ij=td~ff1 , IT tt$11 , I ffJ , l l F I • 1-~~ ,' vr- ~ ~ . . . ~ . ·s· , His -~- 9 .;p ~ 11 1j1]4. ! !lTl ~ ji 1! 4· 1jH l 1 1 =T .fF . ~J= ~~=t ·.

    II ;!'= . Yo Irl· nd• of the northe

  • ~54575

  • WATERFOR -D P . M. :_~



    ~3:3 -~ k

    -Y~s, with a cheerful zeal, We hafte to Zion's


    w~ -

  • :s: 33

    . :s:

    lr------Through ev'ry age,eternal God, Thou art our reft, our .fa£e a-bude.

    I E ~

  • Awakeourfouls,away our fPars,Let ev'ry trPmbling thought be gone, Awake & run the heav'nly race, And . t'ut a cheerful courage on. ·

    · --=a~~ l~~~~~- ~~· I ~dfrd 111 1 ; 1 b!r~tf14t=E=

  • 36 :s:

    ( • NJ •

  • 38 r(---_

    The lofty piL _ .::-lars

    proclaim . TPunwPariH _

    . :c;:

    - -

  • 40 MAJESTY.

  • -a • D Vf:R.


    Save me 0 Goct, the fwelling-floods Break ;n upon my foul, I Gnk,& farrows o'er my .head , Like mighty Wdters roll .

    . ~~4£¥n=1Lal2£Ui)o·ll, b ~iF I, I a~ (I . o_.,_ \


  • ·ARCHDALE. C. }.1. · =:--t-.-,--

  • .. -52

    ~- '1 +- ... • '"1

    . . ___ =L-~±-~ - .... -. "

    ' ' -. v p 1 u ~ ~. 1 Q p 'rt.=o 1 u a 1 b. t 1 u F u 1 w 0 1 v: v 1 u o 1 u .- o ' u ~ Htk¥--t=tfi¥ .

    ~ '

    • J,

    ,, ,~~·· ____________ AJ /

  • . t::E=.· -

    (} I

    1---· ~ 1 -Joff thefe ~ 0 ) _.._


    Tl,9 ~h



    -1-1-eyes of mine, Turn off_

    -r---;-- '

    From _

    C. M. 53

    -- r--/1• ..II ..II . ..ot. ..II A •

    From _

    From vain def~res_ Turn off_

    From vain delire~ &.c .

    -· •

  • /I

    54 L_

    .. :s • i

    -J UDGME T. P. M .

    IV' . The. God of glory fends . his fu~Jmo ns . forth, Call~ the fo~th rid t ions and aw~s the north, From edft to weit t he fov'reign urded

    !%7 3 ·1 o l·r r 11 gl b t~11E¥~~-~~,: ~- .,_ T · ~ ~- ~c (! - 1

    - .. ........ .... ..... ~ '-1 LJ II f--Er ---L ~. __, .....

    r6'T ·4- -~ ...oil· '!I


    -1- 1111 '1 "'l'ltl /'o. 1.-.. --+-- --t -l ~ ~

    ' .._, -

    • lo>

  • MACEDONIA. C . M .

  • 59 40t.h :s: . c.,...M. I I Ill_..; ---

    r'L -- ,..,, ,. ~~ ~. {I :s:

    - j -_ I " 'I' I

    ~· I waited patient for thP Lord,He bow~ to hear my cry, ~ - ,..,

    H~ faw me refting on his word,And br~ht falvation nigh. /"""; • • .. ...... ~1\· .... .. ••


    SUTTON. He fa w ,nc rd ting _

    C . M. _1.=6 , ....., + 1-


  • , FRIENDSHIP~ • L. M. 57

    friend. '

    1{1 '"' ' ...

    g~ ±t 1 1 I 3, · 1 11 , 1 ff I 1 T k Ji b I 1 1 r 1 11fl 1 1 I 'I 0 l-I

  • •• ••• 111 1!11 • ..

    drops did ~.c~ their pafsage out,Throu gh ev'ry cp'ned pore. fj i -~ .-. ••



    .~... ~ II ··

    SPRING- VALL E Y . ...


    • I'll praife my maker with my breath,


    P.M ..

    Praife fhal) empl147 l • a

    • • _!!! _ _I~;~ _l . ' "'A nd when my voice 1• loft m death, _ 1 ~ =~· . '""' I

    .. I

  • 6o LUBENTIA. -· :s: p. M. - -~· -~

    ll _.., .... . r-_

    Haft thou nut~givh thy word, Ahd_l_ can t~~ my Lor? To keep my mortal brf}a th.

    To fave my fuul from death, .--... :s: ~ . • -~

    1'11 ~0-

    -•· --~ ~ ,. ......

    . ~~.It-~~-- ~ • • - ----- "'~ __.. .. • -t--"1 •• •. --

    from on hign Thoucall mehome;Ibou_ I'll go- _*fill fwm on -r- • ..~~ .•

    . I

    4-1- ""' I'll go & come ~> • a

    ~ .

    I' ..

    ...., 1

    T hou

    2 P t

    · ..--. •"" :~--· 1 ·~ high_: Th-ou c~ll me hornf.'!~·· . -. .


  • MORGAN. 'I .. /'- .. ~ ··..... C. M . 61 --

    With fangs & honors founding loud, Addrefs1 the Lord o~~igl1; Ov~ tht heav'ns he fpreads his cloud,And waters veil the fky. : ... ~,~ -~,. ... ...

    .n ·~- · -

    ..!: • '


    --"'- --I I.

    He _.:_ · "' a a a A '-

    ~ -'l._ l/

    .. ..... ~. . ~-

    ... ....... ...,.. ---- A a c) ::0.• ·~

  • I .


    - '• ~Hark! from the tombs a doleful fo~My ears attend the cry;

    C. ·M.

    . F-----

    Ye living -. - ----


    1--1--.--+ J·~

    Yc living

    -r- ~F--Ye Jiving men,~ome viAw /ground,Wherp you muft fh ortly 1~:: , . o' t . . . ~=w~

    Ye living- 'I • Y c__: _. _ A IE\ - ~ • :-ei~ \

    1-r--i--- ~ T I . ~ .,--1-f.. • If/ m II

    Ye living~ Ye _



    W e muft _ ULS TE R .

    :s: His life_

    Bis life a ~ddow,light & vain,.Stil

  • . JUDGMENT ANTHEM • By Mor an . 6s

    . Hark! :R:

  • fiL ~.: 7 1-r-1 ' ... -

    . _, -1-

    4&.J:i-a .... --a- -ro _ - ;JL..~ .... · ~• -- 14-1--+ ,, f-1""'

    - - u. ,_ . · r~Hear f sound of Christ vict~rious,Lo he breaks thro'yondercloud, -I;;-.!."

    • -. Slow.

    Midst ten thaaand, :1~ ~~ ~~ saints &«. angels, See y crucified shine .

  • JO - .&. .. :--:: -· .tc

    ,>, .. _,. ·i-·


    ~ ---J----:.:~ ·I· -~ - -- :'A : ... . ~ --- .: .... '--- - ...... ~ ....... ~_ fJJ' . . -

    ;:;. All who Jur:te hlm must ashamed H~r ,Y'tr11DlP' proclaiy cfay.CometoJuJgmeitt.~•t• -·rH- - - -1-•-f' - -

    EVi,fli~~.,&aiountain,HcM\~eiflh shall flee away.;. • -.-.-:~~....,,:'r .Jt ~~4------ l ,1 1 .t" I _.__ - 1:- ~ ~ ~~~~.b >!:""~:' - I-

    ... --- I . ,- . v _,

  • ,Breaks up old marble I re_po~~e of )'iliflceJ~, See the graves open and yf! bones arising Flame~ all arOtm

  • i ,jj r. 1{;7

    i '

    ¥ r-

    ,I .

    " 7

    F~ -. T

    ~--... . ;;::,

    1!1 ' · ~

    -u· •

    """ ... I -- : _'-' -..


    / ..... .. ·· - I_ • . - :- : "'f ·wp7 '"" T - .. : -· D ' • • ... '

    -... T ~ =:r


    - ....... ..

  • -,. , _

    Extollation Continued .. Pia. For.

    "" ,...,.

    I ~v,nly strains, And speak how fi~rce his tertbrs be, A.nd-1' ~ • - I '


    ··- l

    ,. ...... ~_ -""' -~- _-. .. : . ...... .. -T

    ,. 'lit '

    Death like an over flow ing

    ~. -r:;.--._. . ~· ' T Uil -- '



    ratn· Sweep,s us away ; our life's a droam ; An rate ; . a

  • =!o~ . IM~ · c'fi;:,i _. ~
