Is there a God? Can I know Him? Alpha Course. 1.Cause: Why is there anything?

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Is there a God? Can I know Him? Alpha Course. 1.Cause: Why is there anything?

Is there a God? Can I know Him?

Alpha Course

1. Cause: Why is there anything?

Nothing madeSomething out of Nothing

ORSomething made

Something out of Nothing

2. Creation: Why is there life?

3. Conscience: Why is there morality and meaning?

“There is at bottom no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pointless indifference. We are machines for propagating DNA.”

Richard Dawkins

“I find in myself a desire which nothing in this world seems to satisfy. The most likely explanation is that I was made for something beyond this world.”

C.S. Lewis

4. Christ: Who was Jesus?

v.1 ‘You believe in God; believe also in me.’

v.7 ‘From now on, you do know him and have seen him.’

John 14 NIV

“So what you are left with is either Christ was who he said he was – the Messiah – or a complete nutcase. The idea that the entire course of civilization has been turned upside down by a nutcase, now for me that’s too far fetched.”

Bono (U2)

5. Christianity: Why does it exist?

“As a historian, I cannot explain the rise of early Christianity unless Jesus rose again, leaving an empty tomb behind him!”

NT Wright

“…it is 97% certain that Jesus Christ did rise from the dead!”

Richard Swinburne (Prof Emeritus in Philosophy at Oxford)

“How often have I said to you, Watson, that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?”

Sherlock Holmes


What was the most interesting thing about this evening's talk?

Discuss this statement: Nothing made Something out of Nothing or Something made Something out of Nothing

What was your knowledge of Jesus before this evening?