Is the World Dumping Data on you? Case Study [Computer 103.]

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Transcript of Is the World Dumping Data on you? Case Study [Computer 103.]

Is the World Dumping
Data on You?

Presented By:

Cristele M. Castronuevo

Is the World Dumping
Data on You?

Presented By:

Cristele M. Castronuevo

Is the World Dumping
Data on You?

It is indeed great to live in the information age with a plethora or large amount of digital technologies at your fingertips giving you access almost instantly tomassive amounts of information.

Here are some revelations on an accenture study of 1,009 managers at U.S. and U.K. Companies which are contradictory to the notion of being an information-literate knowledge worker:

IT managers spend 30 percent of their time trying to find information relevant to their jobs.

Information-literate knowledge workerCan define what information is needed

Knows how and where to obtain information

39 percent cant figure out which information is current.

Information-literate knowledge worker

must be able to define the information that is accurate and current,so that the database provides the greatest advantage to the organization.

21 percent dont understand the value of the information once they receive it.

Information-literate knowledge workerUnderstands the information once it is received.

84 percent say they store information on hard drives or

e-mail, and dont share data that might be relevant to others.

44 percent complain that other departments

dont share data.

Only 16 percent state that they use collaborative

tools essential tools for sharing information

Information-literate knowledge worker

Must share and be able to explain the information that has been compiled so that the end-users of the database can employ it effectively.

Business Must Drive Technology

Why is it important?

If you dont understand the competitive nature of your industry, you cant determine business strategies that ensure success. If you dont then identify the most important business processes to support those business strategies, you will undoubted implement the wrong technologies and doom your organization to failure.

What it describes

First, you need to understand the industry in which your business operates (internal-objective) and the competitive forces affecting that industry(external and objective information). Decisions regarding business strategies, business processes, and finally, technology (internal-objective information) follow.

Is withholding information unethical?

This behavior is not just annoying and counter-productive, its also unethical. Bywithholding informationneeded for the success of a project, a leader is working against the goals of the organization, against the goals of the project, against the success ofemployees, against the success of colleagues and againsta successful customer experience.

When is it ethical?

Not everything is to be made in public.It is private and confidential if it is an information relating to an employee's personal characteristics or family matters. Information relating to an employee should be released only on a need-to-know basis, or if a law or court requires the release of the information. All information requests concerning employees should go through a central information release office within your organization.

What can organizations do to encourage their employees to share information?

Offer employee workshops.The manager can lead the first session, just to make sure everyone is on the same page. Explain the purpose, and ask for suggestions. Make sure employees understand that the goal is to help them work more effectively, not to highlight their deficiencies. Also, include a discussion on what the company is trying to do, how its doing, where its headed and what it stands for.

What can organizations do to encourage their employees to share information?

Plan accordingly.Workshops can be scheduled at a regular time or as needed. If you can afford to provide lunch, try a noon-time group. Food is a great ice-breaker. Keep the meetings to a reasonable length.

Recruit your top performers to share their expertise.Its not hard to identify who excels at customer service or managing data or sales.

What can organizations do to encourage their employees to share information?

Encourage team-teaching.People from different departments need to collaborate on projects, so it makes sense to have those teams explain how theyve been successful working together.

Aim for quality.Make sure the presentations contain useful information and that the presenter is prepared. Be specific about the kind of information you want when you ask an employee to lead a workshop.

What can organizations do to encourage their employees to share information?

Provide incentives.In a climate of tight budgets, reduced work forces and stiff competition, internal training can be a great substitute for costly offsite workshops. Reward presenters, perhaps with extra pay or comp time.

Say thank you not just to the presenters, but also to those who attend.Employees need to know their efforts are appreciated.

Course Description

Scheduling time with an adviser

A list of classes you need to take to complete your degree.

The requirements you must meet to qualify for various types of government-supported loan programs.

The process you go through to apply for


signing up for a class.