Is HAARP causing earthquakes

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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  • 8/4/2019 Is HAARP causing earthquakes



    Is HAARP causing earthquakes?

    This is a study I made to expose HAARP as a possible culprit for the recent devastating earthquakes. To make this report

    easier to read, I divided it in five parts: I) The gathered data, II) The analysis, III) Their next move, IV) Warnings, V)Solutions. I tried as much as possible to include pertinent documentation and links to original documents.


    First of all, I'm not a geologist and I have no experience in this field of expertise. I'm a simple computer programmer gathering

    data and trying to connect the dots. I read many articles about HAARP and I listened to experts like Nick Begich, Brooks

    Agnew and Leuren Moret.

    For those who don't know yet, HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is an array of antennas capable of

    broadcasting a wide range of frequencies in a focused beam with a phenomenal amount of energy. HAARP can heat the

    ionosphere producing aurora borealis (northern lights) in the process. There are many HAARP facilities around the world

    (Alaska being the most famous).

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    Now let's analyze a few graphs I pulled from the Gakona Induction Magnetometer located in Alaska. I included the links to

    HAARP's official web site.

    HAARP's official web site:

    Gakona's Induction Magnetometer:

    So here is what I collected:

    The 2008 China earthquake: The 8.0 magnitude quake occurred on May 12 2008 at 14:28h China Standard Time (6:28h UTC)

    in the Sichuan province. The epicenter's focal depth was 19km.

    Table 1 is a combination of the graphs from May 7 to 14. The times are in UTC. I put a mark to signal when the earthquake

    occurred. Table 2 contains the original untouched graphs pulled from the site. They are available if you click on the

    corresponding picture.

    Table 1

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    Table 2

    May 7 May 8 May 9 May 10 May 11 May 12 May 13 May 14

    The 2010 Haiti earthquake: The 7.0 magnitude quake occurred on Jan 12 2010 at 16:53h Haiti local time (21:53h UTC) near

    the capital Port-au-Prince. The epicenter's focal depth was 12km.

    Table 3 is a combination of the graphs from Jan 9 to 13. The times are in UTC. I put a mark to signal when the earthquake

    occurred. Table 4 contains the original untouched graphs pulled from the site. They are available if you click on the

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    corresponding picture.

    Table 3

    Table 4

    Jan 9 Jan 10 Jan 11 Jan 12 Jan 13

    The 2011 Japan earthquake: The 9.0 magnitude quake occurred on March 11 2011 at 14:46h Japan Standard Time (5:46h

    UTC) east of the Oshika Peninsula of Thoku. The epicenter's focal depth was 32km. There was a foreshock of 7.2 magnitude

    on March 9 2:45h UTC. The epicenter's focal depth of the foreshock was 32km deep.

    Table 5 is a combination of the graphs from March 7 to 12. The times are in UTC. I put marks to signal when the foreshock

    and the earthquake occurred. Table 6 contains the original untouched graphs pulled from the site. They are available if youclick on the corresponding picture.

    Table 5

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    Table 6

    March 7 March 8 March 9 March 10 March 11 March 12


    Examining those 3 earthquakes, can we find similarities?

    Fact #1: On all 3 quakes, HAARP was broadcasting at similar frequencies 1.7 Hz, 2.1 Hz and 2.5 Hz.

    Most earthquakes' resonant frequencies vary from 1 to 10 Hz. For example the San Francisco earthquake in 1989 was

    vibrating, in some places, at a 2.5 Hz frequency (coincidence?). It was the main reason for the collapse of the Nimitz Freeway

    in Oakland. The resonant frequency of the overpass was 2.5 Hz. You can see the collapsed freeway in the pictures. I included alink to the original article and a Pdf version of the same article:

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    precious metals. HAARP is using billions of Watts, can you imagine what they can do with all that power? The total energy

    released by Japan's earthquake is equivalent to 9,320 gigatons of TNT, or approximately 600 million times the energy of the

    Hiroshima bomb.

    In this video Bruce Agnew and Benjamin Fulford explain how HAARP can trigger an earthquake and control the weather.

    If you do your own research, you will also find several documents, videos and Web sites about HAARP and its ability tocontrol the weather; like the case of hurricane Katrina.

    In this video, scientist Leuren Moret talks about the Japan nuclear crisis, HAARP and hurricane Katrina. Her mentor is none

    other than Marion Fulk, the scientist who solved the final problems preventing the US hydrogen bomb from working.


    Now I will try to call their next move with HAARP. Maybe if it is exposed they will alter their plans.

    I think one of HAARP's likely target could be the New Madrid fault. There are 15 nuclear power plants in the New Madrid

    fault zone. A series of severe quakes would probably mean a meltdown of one or more reactors. This would cripple the US and

    send deadly radiations to much of the East Coast.

    Looking for HAARP's typical signature in the region, I found that they are probably already at work weakening the fault's soft

    spots. This will enable them to trigger the disaster when they see fit. Recently there's been an earthquake swarm in the New

    Madrid fault in and around Arkansas. They are probably probing the region to find weak spots. By studying the dead birds and

    dead fish phenomenon, we can see that they died near HAARP's likely target. They could also have been caught in the line of

    fire originating from one of HAARP's facilities. The so called scientists could not come with a credible explanation for the

    death of all those birds and fish. The way the birds died seems to indicate they were impacted by something with high energy.

    Hmmm, I wonder what it could be?

    Some even linked the BP oil spill to the weakening of the New Madrid fault. By tapping into this oil volcano they could have

    created additional tension in the fault.

    Having said that, it does not mean they will pull the HAARP trigger and create the New Madrid fault cataclysm. If it is

    exposed enough, it would be foolish from their part to go along with their plans. It would no longer be a secret and people

    would wake up in mass.

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    HAARP is the perfect weapon. It leaves no traces behind. Nobody can have absolute proof it was used (Unless the complete

    records are released). Nature is blamed in the end. And people move on to the next crisis.

    If my analysis is right then the situation is critical. Most crisis are artificial and can be dealt with by preparation.

    - You can be ready for the collapse of the economy by storing food, water, seeds, guns, gold and silver. You can still barter

    and live.

    - You can be ready for a pandemic outbreak by isolating, avoiding vaccines and having powerful home remedies.

    - You can be ready for Martial Law by uniting together and standing your ground with guns and ammo.

    I encourage you to prepare and take essential precautions, but how are you going to prepare against HAARP? If the earth is

    constantly rattled by earthquakes, how will you deal with it? Nuclear power plants can be destroyed and leak radiations.

    HAARP can manipulate the weather by creating droughts or floods. Will your seeds produce a crop in those conditions?

    HAARP can even influence how your body functions. Can you use guns to defend yourself against the harmful effect of

    HAARP on your organs? Now imagine all of these calamities being unleashed at the same time in an orchestrated manner!

    Let's face it, HAARP is a BIG problem. What's even worse is the fact that it is well hidden behind a veil of secrecy. Those

    operating HAARP are hiding in darkness and are protected by the industrial military complex. They are part of the occult. In

    occult's definition it says: Available only to the initiate; secret. Hidden from view; concealed.

    If you think environment modification warfare does not exist, then you may be interested to know that the UN ratified a

    convention in 1976 to prevent the use of nature as a weapon. If it doesn't exist, then why do we need a convention to protect

    us? You can consult the ENMOD Convention (ENvironment MODification Convention) by clicking on the following links. I

    included a Pdf version of the documents in case the links become unavailable.

    Introduction (Pdf) text (Pdf)

    State parties (Pdf)

    State signatories (Pdf)

    You can also consult a statement made by European parliament on HAARP.

    Statement (pdf)

    Here is an excerpt of the ENMOD Convention:


    1. The provisions of this Convention shall not hinder the use of environmental modification techniques forpeaceful purposes

    and shall be without prejudice to the generally recognized principles and applicable rules of international law concerning

    such use.

    2. The States Parties to this Convention undertake to facilitate, and have the right to participate in, the fullest possible

    exchange of scientific and technological information on the use of environmental modification techniques for peaceful

    purposes. States Parties in a position to do so shall contribute, alone or together with other States or international

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    organizations, to international economic and scientific co-operation in the preservation, improvement and peaceful utilization

    of the environment, with due consideration for the needs of the developing areas of the world.

    According to this Article III point number 2, we should have an easy access to data generated by the HAARP program. Tell

    that to Jesse Ventura! When he was filming for his show Conspiracy Theory, he tried to visit the HAARP facility in Alaska.

    He was stonewalled at the gate and could not enter under any considerations. HAARP is a military facility, we could talk about

    the "peaceful purposes" they will find for its use. Remember the United States signed the convention in 1977. But who is

    enforcing it and who is monitoring HAARP?

    Watch Jesse Ventura getting stonewalled at the HAARP facility:


    So how can we deal with HAARP?

    To all those in position of power who have access to information able to expose and stop the HAARP program. If you are in

    the military or if you are a politician, a scientific, a technician or a decision maker; remember you have a body too, you have a

    family and you certainly want to keep them alive and safe. You could become an insider and leak the HAARP documents or

    call for an investigation. Don't think that those ordering you to do those evil things care about you. They will get rid of you as

    soon as they have what they want. So please consider turning against those tyrants; you could be a hero and save countless

    lives. Remember that there are several HAARP facilities so we need to neutralize all of them if possible.

    If you are not a decision maker, then you could try to wake up one by giving them information related to HAARP and by

    putting pressure on the system for answers.

    If you want to find out who are behind all this and their motivations, I suggest you watch the film "ENDGAME" by Alex

    Jones. And for a daily breakdown of the news, you can consult the following web sites: and

    You can watch Alex Jones' ENDGAME by clicking this link:

    Finally, I'm asking: Where is the scientific community? We need equipments: magnetometers, Geiger counters and mass

    spectrometers to probe our environment. If we don't monitor our planet they will "soft" kill us too easily. I shouldn't be the one

    having to write this article. I'm calling out to Nick Begich, Brooks Agnew and Leuren Moret to tell us what HAARP IS

    ACTUALLY DOING TO US not just what it can do!

    This is a call to the awakened scientific community: HELP US WE ARE DYING!

    My name is Eric Bolduc and I'm a Bible believing born again Christian. I'm constantly studying Bible prophecies and I wrote

    several documents concerning the time we live in right now. I also wrote a book (only in French right now) about prophecies.I'm currently translating all my documents in English.

    You can go to my web site and consult all my material at:

    Please pray that God delivers us from this dire situation. Maybe God will directly cause HAARP to malfunction or He could

    use some men to put an end to this madness.