Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?

Post on 01-Mar-2018

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  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?





    , , 2447.


    . .


    , .. .




    . ...




    . , .

    ; , , , , ,

    * , , , visglfgnsDbilicis.`r psgr92p`994Dunp.`r
  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?



    96 2491, ,


    , (, 2491).



    (, ) , -



    , Jirtgo Qahulz,



    Pgll Briomt Hfljut Qahjgmt, Mf @ispfrg Jgttfrriom

    Fmwirm Hfith

    , ,


    , .(IumgnvgsuilQfrvgafs, o.m.).

    , 2491,

    Furn`rnup 2491, Kfio Aliumf Kuoaefr,

    Mfr Qpgf`fl,

    , . ,

    , .

    2491, 944

    .(QTGF@FL Gotfrvgfw wgth Luxfjbnur` Trgjf Jgogstfr Kuoaefr, 2491).

    9779, 94 ....

    , ,


    I E B -O,

    , ,

    , , . , ,

  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?




    .( . ; , o.m.).

    . ,

    , 2494,


    , , (Qji`hg, 2491).


    . ,

    , Aijfrno

    2490 ..(@rgccgths, 2491).


    (Knsfph iom Bu`ikseg, 249=). Qahulz

    Kuoaefr .





    Bur`fss, Kfio Jnooft Iltgfrn Qpgofllg

    , ,

    , (Bur`fss, 2444; 19). Qpgofllg


    (Bur`fss, 2444; 1912). Qpgofllg ,

    Jnooft, Qahujio,

    (, 9773; 6734), .

    vno mfr @rnfbfo, Jnooft

    (@rnfbfo iom Anjjgssgno nc thf Furnpfio Anjjuogtgfs, 9780; 269262).



  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?


    976= Vogno crioigsf mfs cmrilgstfs ,

    9804-09, 979=-98 9717-=6(Anjjuoiut Furnpfoof mf Mcfosf> (976=),










    , ,

    . UZ

    , , ,

    , .(Pilliaf, 9777; 629).

    Pilliaf 9774,


    (Bur`fss, 9773; 9=).


    , ,


    , , .

    , ,




    , .(, 2444; 90).



  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?





    (Jfrefl Hgts Pill Pgth Furnpf Cgx - PQK.anj, o.m.).




    , ,


    , ,


    (Fanonjgst, o.m.).

    (Kfccrgfs, 2491).


    9776 (, 2492) ;

    . , ,

    . ,

    , .

    , ,

    .( - 9776 , 9776).

    , Pfrofr,

    . Pfrofr,

    9701 0=,

  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?



    (, 9773; 64).



    (, 9773; 69).



    (Billibrg`i ft il., 9777; 264269).



    (Mflwigmf, 2499; 0409).



    . ..



    , .


    , , , .


    (Jgaelfthwigt iom Pnnlmrgm`f, 249=; 70


  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?


    1. ,

    (FVRNTI - Hnw thf FV wnres, o.m.). 9784



    2444 Vogtfm go mgvfrsgty -

    (FVRNTI - ]hf FV jnttn, o.m.)

    , . 2444 96, ..

    28 2491.

    6 , 1

    (FVRNTI - Anuotrgfs, o.m.).



    . 9739,

    , ..

    . ,


    (Ou`fot, 2492; 70).


    Hfoogo`(Hfoogo`, 9778; 6=6),



    (Jnrivasge, 2494; 71).

    0 % ,

    26 % , 64 %

    (Bfr``rufo iom @irmfls, 2491). ..

    , ,




  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?



    (Erntz, 2447; 663667).

    ... ]nurigof,


    (]nurigof, 249=; 979242).

    96 2448,


    ( - ..., o.m.),


    Furnstit, 78 % ,

    . , ..


    , 2440

    (ft il., 2492; 242276).

    (Jirto, 2449; 2120).

    2491 Qwirup Tfregos ]gll Mfbt

    Vs Mn Tirt Lnjbirm Qtrfft Rfsfirah.

    9724 9714 .

    (Qwirup iom Tfregos,

    2491; 16). Kuoaefr 2491

    . ,

    (Qwirup iom Tfregos, 2491; 13).

    , .. ,

    , ,

    , ,


    , ..,


    (]nurigof, 249=; 0781).

  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?



    , (Livmis iom

    Jfomrgonu, 2491).


    2447 2494

    (Iotnogimfs, 2491).

    , ,

    (Entgns iom Rnueiois, 2491).

    , 2494 (GJC, FAB, FA)


    (Ithfos ft il., 2494). ,


    (, 2499; 936). ,

    , , ,

    (Joahiu, 2447),

    (Pnlc, 2499).


    ( ;

    - , 2491).


    (Eujir, o.m.)., ,


    (Tffl iom Ahiccgo, 2492).

    .. ... ,

    , , .. ( 9) ;

  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?


    9 - @MT (aurrfot VQ$) / ;`

    , , 2491,


    2 - , , 2491 / ; , 7/99/2491,.97308

    1 - (244=-2492), / ; Furnstit

    = - 2443 ~2491, /; Furnstit, , , 2491, .81

    2491 27 ,

    =11.844 , 3=.144 ,

    , =3.309 ( / ),

    944.444 8 , 1 3 683 , 918.238

    , , ( , 2491;


    Furnpfio Anjjgssgno,

    2= % 2496(FVRNTI - TRFQQ RFLFIQFQ - Trfss rflfisf - Iutujo 2491

    fanonjga cnrfaist; @rimuil rfanvfry, fxtfroil rgses, o.m.).

  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?


    2491. ,


    1,3% ( 7,8 .)

    2492. ( - , 2491; 93). , 2448


    8=,8% .( - , 2491; =6).

    (.2), ( .1),

    ( .=),

    27 ,


    , .




    (]hnusioms jirah go Tirgs, Rnjf i`igost iustfrgty,

    fanonjga rfcnrjs, 249=). , ,




    .. ,

    (Tipimgjgtrgnu, 2491).







    (Tsilgmnpnulns ft il., 2492).

  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?



    Gostgtut mfr mfutsahfo Pgrtsahict Elo, 2491,

    (Qahrmfr, 2491; 9=).

    .. GJC(Sfogfrgs, 2491; 1018).

    .. ,

    (Eflfjfo, 2491). TG@Q, ,




    (, 2491).

    , 2492

    , (Cflmstfgo, 2499).




    (Furnpfs rfluatiot hf`fjno, o.m.).

    Bfr``rufo @irmfls(Bfr``rufo iom

    @irmfls, 2491).


    , .

    2491, Pgssjioo, SMI air gomustry issnagitgno,

    (Bryiot, 2491). Hios-Pfrofr

    Qgoo , Jirgn


    (Pi`styl, 2491).

  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?



    (Nvfrtvflmt, 249=; 264261).


    , ,


    (Anilgtgno mfil sg`oils anotgouitgno nc

    Jfrefls FV pnlgay, o.m.).



    , ,

    (, 9773; 29021=).


    Jirsh ]hf Furn; ]hf Tnlgtgas nc thf Ofw @lnbil Aurrfoay(Jirsh, 2499; 220271).


    (Kfccrgfs, 2491).

    (]nnzf, 2494).


    ..(Snlefry, 2447).




    (, 2444; 19) ..



  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?







    . , Pfrofr




    , .

    . , ,

    , ...





    GJC, .

    , ..

    , ,


    Kuoaefr Qahulz


  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?


    Vogtfm go mgvfrsgty.

    , ,



    ... ,

    . ..



    , ,



  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?


    Iotnogimfs I (2491) It thf Fyf nc thf Ayalnof; ]hf @rffe Argsgs go @lnbil Jfmgi. Go; Qelgis T iom ]zgciegs

    O (fms), @rffafs Hnrgznos, ]hf Enostiotgons Eirijiolgs Gostgtutf cnr Mfjnariay Qfrgfs no

    Furnpfio iom Gotfroitgnoil Iccigrs, Qprgo fr Bfrlgo Hfgmflbfr`, pp. 9926, Ivigliblf crnj;

    http;//lgoe.sprgo`fr.anj/ahiptfr/94.9440/708-1-3=2-1=61=-4^2 (iaafssfm 27 Kuof 249=).

    Ithfos EH go, Mivns ]B go iom Lnomno @] go (2494) @rffaf wnulm mriw blnnm cnr arfmgbglgty. Cgoioagil

    ]gjfs, 27th Kiouiry, Ivigliblf crnj; http;//www.ct.anj/gotl/ajs/s/4/fb6i7=b4-4aam-99mc-b8fb-

    449==cfibma4.htjl#ixzz2g37KtRmP (iaafssfm 98 Natnbfr 2491).

    Iumgnvgsuil Qfrvgafs (o.m.) Ivigliblf crnj; http;//fa.furnpi.fu/ivsfrvgafs/vgmfn/shntlgst.acj>rfc:7=362

    (iaafssfm 93 Natnbfr 2491).

    Billibrg`i C, Qfbistgo J iom Sills K (9777) Furnpfio isyjjftrgfs. Knuroil nc Gotfroitgnoil Fanonjgas,

    =8(2), 211261.

    Bfr``rufo O iom @irmfls O (2491) ]hf Ofxt Furnpf. Cnrfg`o Iccigrs, Ivigliblf crnj;http;//www.cnrfg`oiccigrs.anj/irtgalfs/917=39/oganlis-bfr``rufo-iom-oithio-`irmfls/thf-ofxt-

    furnpf (iaafssfm 20 Kuof 249=).

    Bryiot A (2491) @frjioys fxpnrt surplus hgts rfanrm hg`h. Cgoioagil ]gjfs, 8th Onvfjbfr, Ivigliblf

    crnj; http;//www.ct.anj/gotl/ajs/s/4/bc=7b614-=862-99f1-8210-

    449==cfibma4.htjl>sgtffmgtgno:gotl#ixzz2e62A3h]V (iaafssfm 8 Onvfjbfr 2491).

    Bur`fss J (9773) Gotrnmuatgno; Cfmfrilgsj iom Buglmgo` thf Furnpfio Vogno. Tublgus; ]hf Knuroil nc

    Cfmfrilgsj, 23(=), 993.

    Bur`fss J (2444) Cfmfrilgsj iom thf Furnpfio Vogno thf Buglmgo` nc Furnpf, 9764-2444.Lnomno;


    Anilgtgno mfil sg`oils anotgouitgno nc Jfrefls FV pnlgay (o.m.) FurIatgv.anj, Ivigliblf crnj;

    http;//www.furiatgv.anj/flfatgnos/anilgtgno-mfil-sg`oils-anotgouit-ofws-619770 (iaafssfm 28

    Onvfjbfr 2491).

    Anjjuoiut Furnpfoof mf Mcfosf> (976=) (o.m.) LVogno Crioigsf mfs Cmrilgstfs. Anjjuoiut

    Furnpfoof mf Mcfosf.>, Hgstnrgail Irahgvfs nc thf Furnpfio Vogno 2491, Sglli Qilvgitg vgi

    Bnln`ofsf 963, G-64917 Cgrfozf Gtily, IM 4444=6, 976=.
    Furnpfio Rfvgfw, 97(49), 3779.

    Fanonjgst (o.m.) ]iego` Furnpfs pulsf. ]hf Fanonjgst, Ivigliblf crnj;

    http;//www.fanonjgst.anj/bln`s/`riphgamftigl/2491/99/furnpfio-fanonjy-`ugmf (iaafssfm 90

    Onvfjbfr 2491).

    FVRNTI - Anuotrgfs (o.m.) Ivigliblf crnj; http;//furnpi.fu/ibnut-fu/anuotrgfs/ (iaafssfm 93 Natnbfr


    FVRNTI - Hnw thf FV wnres (o.m.) Ivigliblf crnj; http;//furnpi.fu/ibnut-fu/gomfx^fo.htj (iaafssfm 20

    Kuof 249=).

    FVRNTI - TRFQQ RFLFIQFQ - Trfss rflfisf - Iutujo 2491 fanonjga cnrfaist; @rimuil rfanvfry,fxtfroil rgses (o.m.) Ivigliblf crnj; http;//furnpi.fu/ripgm/prfss-rflfisf^GT-91-9426^fo.htj

    (iaafssfm 9 Mfafjbfr 2491).

  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?


    FVRNTI - ]hf FV jnttn (o.m.) Ivigliblf crnj; http;//furnpi.fu/ibnut-fu/bisga-

    gocnrjitgno/syjbnls/jnttn/gomfx^fo.htj (iaafssfm 93 Natnbfr 2491).

    Furnpfs rfluatiot hf`fjno (o.m.) ]hf Fanonjgst, Ivigliblf crnj;


    offms-rfthgoe-wiy-gt-sffs-gtsflc-iom (iaafssfm 1 Kuly 249=).

    Cflmstfgo J (2499) ]hf Ciglurf nc thf Furn. Cnrfg`o Iccigrs, Ivigliblf crnj;http;//www.cnrfg`oiccigrs.anj/irtgalfs/913062/jirtgo-cflmstfgo/thf-ciglurf-nc-thf-furn (iaafssfm 1

    Kuly 249=).

    @rgccgths T (2491) Brgtigos TJ Aijfrno wgos syjbnlga vntf no FV rfcfrfomuj. Rfutfrs, Lnomno, 6th Kuly,

    Ivigliblf crnj; http;//www.rfutfrs.anj/irtgalf/2491/40/46/us-brgtigo-furnpf-

    gmVQBRF73=4H[24914046 (iaafssfm 93 Natnbfr 2491).

    @rnfbfo H vno mfr iom Anjjgssgno nc thf Furnpfio Anjjuogtgfs (9780) ]hf Furnpfio Anjjuogty; thf

    cnrjitgvf yfirs ; thf stru``lf tn fstiblgsh thf Anjjno Jireft iom thf pnlgtgail uogno (9768-33).

    Luxfjbnur`; Nccgaf cnr Nccgagil Tublgaitgnos nc thf Furnpfio Anjjuogtgfs.

    Hfoogo` AR (9778) Qystfjga Anoclgat iom Rf`gnoil Jnoftiry Gotf`ritgno; ]hf Aisf nc Furnpf.Gotfroitgnoil Nr`iogzitgno, 62(41), 610601.

    Kfccrgfs Q (2491) Gs @frjioy tnn pnwfrcul cnr Furnpf> ]hf @uirmgio, 19st Jirah, Ivigliblf crnj;

    http;//www.thf`uirmgio.anj/wnrlm/2491/jir/19/gs-`frjioy-tnn-pnwfrcul-cnr-furnpf (iaafssfm 26

    Kuof 249=).

    Knsfph FT iom Bu`ikseg K (249=) Lno` Jirah tn Brussfls. Cnrfg`o Iccigrs, Ivigliblf crnj;


    brussfls (iaafssfm 1 Kuly 249=).

    Eflfjfo RM (2491) Qivgo` thf Furn, Mgvgmgo` thf Vogno. Cnrfg`o Iccigrs, Ivigliblf crnj;


    (iaafssfm 1 Kuly 249=).

    Entgns I iom Rnueiois Q (2491) ]hf @rffe Argsgs iom thf Argsgs go Furnznofs @nvfroioaf. Go; Qelgis T iom

    ]zgciegs O (fms), @rffafs Hnrgznos, ]hf Enostiotgons Eirijiolgs Gostgtutf cnr Mfjnariay Qfrgfs

    no Furnpfio iom Gotfroitgnoil Iccigrs, Qprgo`fr Bfrlgo Hfgmflbfr`, pp. 79946, Ivigliblf crnj;

    http;//lgoe.sprgo`fr.anj/ahiptfr/94.9440/708-1-3=2-1=61=-4^8 (iaafssfm 27 Kuof 249=).

    Erntz V (2447) Jnjfotuj iom Gjpfmgjfots; Phy Furnpf Pnot Fjfr`f is i Cull Tnlgtgail Iatnr no thf

    Pnrlm Qti`f Qnno*. KAJQ; Knuroil nc Anjjno Jireft Qtumgfs, =0(1), 666608.

    Eujir EQ (o.m.) GJC @rffe ipnln`y shnws offm cnr bioeruptay anmf. Cgoioagil ]gjfs, Ivigliblf crnj;


    (iaafssfm 98 Natnbfr 2491).

    Livmis EI iom Jfomrgonu JJ (2491) Anotfotgnus Furnpfiogsitgno iom thf Tublga Jgom; @rffaf go

    Anjpiritgvf Tfrspfatgvf. Go; Qelgis T iom ]zgciegs O (fms), @rffafs Hnrgznos, ]hf Enostiotgons

    Eirijiolgs Gostgtutf cnr Mfjnariay Qfrgfs no Furnpfio iom Gotfroitgnoil Iccigrs, Qprgo`fr Bfrlgo

    Hfgmflbfr`, pp. =96=, Ivigliblf crnj; http;//lgoe.sprgo`fr.anj/ahiptfr/94.9440/708-1-3=2-1=61=-

    4^= (iaafssfm 27 Kuof 249=).

    Jirsh M (2499) ]hf furn; thf bittlf cnr thf ofw `lnbil aurrfoay. Ofw Hivfo, Anoo. 5 Lnomno; Wilf

    Vogvfrsgty Trfss.

    Jirto A (2449) Furnpfio gotf`ritgno iom goanjf anovfr`foaf; lfssnos cnr Afotril iom Fistfro Furnpfio

    anuotrgfs. Pnrlm Bioe tfahogail pipfr, Pishgo`tno, MA; Pnrlm Bioe.

  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?


    Jfrefl Hgts Pill Pgth Furnpf Cgx - PQK.anj (o.m.) Ivigliblf crnj;


    m4.3994=339=0726976 (iaafssfm 28 Mfafjbfr 2491).

    Jgaelfthwigt K iom Pnnlmrgm`f I (249=) . Cnrfg`o Iccigrs ]hf Hfllfoga Fmgtgno,

    (28), 983.

    Jnrivasge I (2494) Furnpf, thf Qfanom Qupfrpnwfr. Aurrfot Hgstnry, 947(026).

    Joahiu P (2447) @rffaf aio fxpfat on `gcts crnj Furnpf. Cgoioagil ]gjfs, 27th Onvfjbfr, Ivigliblf

    crnj; http;//www.ct.anj/gotl/ajs/s/4/mf93012i-mm9=-99mf-im34-

    449==cfibma4.htjl#ixzz2g37KtRmP (iaafssfm 98 Natnbfr 2491).

    Ou`fot O (2492) . 1 . (fm.), ;


    Nvfrtvflmt S (249=) ; . 9 . ;


    Tipimgjgtrgnu T (2491) ]hf Furnznof Rfbilioago` Ahillfo`f; Lfssnos crnj thf Tist iom Mglfjjis cnr thfCuturf. Go; Qelgis T iom ]zgciegs O (fms), @rffafs Hnrgznos, ]hf Enostiotgons Eirijiolgs Gostgtutf

    cnr Mfjnariay Qfrgfs no Furnpfio iom Gotfroitgnoil Iccigrs, Qprgo`fr Bfrlgo Hfgmflbfr`, pp. 940

    990, Ivigliblf crnj; http;//lgoe.sprgo`fr.anj/ahiptfr/94.9440/708-1-3=2-1=61=-4^7 (iaafssfm 1

    Kuly 249=).

    Tffl Y iom Ahiccgo K (2492) @rffe argsgs; Mgvgmfm by i anjjno aurrfoay. Cgoioagil ]gjfs, 92th Natnbfr,

    Ivigliblf crnj; http;//www.ct.anj/gotl/ajs/s/4/813bc884-9==i-99f2-8fc2-

    449==cfibma4.htjl#ixzz2g37KtRmP (iaafssfm 98 Natnbfr 2491).

    Tsilgmnpnulns J, Clftahfr Qahnnl nc Liw iom Mgplnjiay, Anostiotgof Eirijiolgs Ahigr go Hfllfogoa iom

    Furnpfio Qtumgfs, ft il. (2492) I wnrlm nc argsgs iom shgctgo` `fnpnlgtgas; @rffaf, thf fistfro

    Jfmgtfrriofio iom Furnpf ; i anocfrfoaf rfpnrt / Jgahilgs Tsilgmnpnulns, fmgtnr. Go; G. Qgmfrgs.

    Qahrmfr A (2491) Irjut go Furnpi | Gostgtut mfr mfutsahfo Pgrtsahict Elo (GP). Ivigliblf crnj;


    (iaafssfm 1 Kuly 249=).

    Qji`hg LB (2491) Iustfrgty iom stupgmgty.`, Ivigliblf crnj;

    http;//`/irtgalf/iustfrgty-iom-stupgmgty (iaafssfm 0 Onvfjbfr 2491).

    QTGF@FL Gotfrvgfw wgth Luxfjbnur` Trgjf Jgogstfr Kuoaefr (2491) Qpgf`fl Nolgof, 1rm Onvfjbfr,

    Ivigliblf crnj; http;//www.spgf``fl-gotfrvgfw-wgth-luxfjbnur`-

    prgjf-jgogstfr-kuoaefr-i-888429.htjl (iaafssfm 93 Natnbfr 2491).

    Qwirup B iom Tfregos M (2491) ]gll mfbt us mn pirt. Qpfagil Rfpnrt, Lnomno; Lnjbirm Qtrfft Rfsfirah.

    ]hnusioms jirah go Tirgs, Rnjf i`igost iustfrgty, fanonjga rfcnrjs (249=) Rfutfrs, Tirgs/Rnjf, 92th Iprgl,

    Ivigliblf crnj; http;//www.rfutfrs.anj/irtgalf/249=/4=/92/us-crioaf-iustfrgty-

    gmVQBRFI1B4CI249=4=92 (iaafssfm 1 Kuly 249=).

    ]nnzf I (2494) ]hf jfssi`f crnj Bfrlgo thit Furnpf ciglfm tn `risp. Cgoioagil ]gjfs, =th Jiy, Ivigliblf

    crnj; http;//www.ct.anj/gotl/ajs/s/4/ma41308i-60ic-99mc-866b-

    449==cfib=7i.htjl#ixzz2g37KtRmP (iaafssfm 98 Natnbfr 2491).

    ]nurigof I (249=) ; . 9 .

    ; ..

  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?


    Sfogfrgs M (2491) Argsgs snagil pnlgay iom snagil kustgaf; thf aisf cnr @rffaf. Jnon`riph, Ivigliblf crnj;

    http;//www2.lsf.ia.ue/furnpfioGostgtutf/rfsfirah/hfllfogaNbsfrvitnry/pubs/@rffQF.ispx (iaafssfm

    9= Kuly 2491).

    Snlefry A (2447) ]hf Grno Limys Sgfws no @frjio Rfuogcgaitgno; ]hf @frjios Irf Biae!. Qpgf`fl

    Nolgof, 7th Onvfjbfr, Ivigliblf crnj; http;//www.spgf`

    vgfws-no-`frjio-rfuogcgaitgno-thf-`frjios-irf-biae-i-3=813=.htjl (iaafssfm 26 Kuof 249=).

    Pi`styl Q (2491) Jirgn Mri`hg hgts it oitgnoilgstga ittiaes nc FAB ritf aut. Cgoioagil ]gjfs, 29st

    Onvfjbfr, Ivigliblf crnj; http;//www.ct.anj/gotl/ajs/s/4/9879a=03-62b3-99f1-8683-

    449==cfibma4.htjl#ixzz13T[LtBQx (iaafssfm 1 Kuly 249=).

    Pilliaf P (9777) ]hf Qhirgo` nc Qnvfrfg`oty; thf Furnpfio Tirimnx. Tnlgtgail Qtumgfs, =0(1), 641629.

    Pnlc J (2499) ]gjf cnr anjjno sfosf no @rffaf. Cgoioagil ]gjfs, 29st Kuof, Ivigliblf crnj;


    (iaafssfm 98 Natnbfr 2491).

    - 9776 (9776) Aioofs, Ivigliblf crnj;

    http;//www.ynutubf.anj/witah>v:^R7xwXayXne (iaafssfm 20 Kuof 249=).

    (2491) - , (.6=8).

    . ; (o.m.) Ivigliblf crnj;

    http;//vbilicis.bln`spnt.`r/2492/46/bln`-pnst^9=.htjl (iaafssfm 93 Natnbfr 2491).

    ; - (2491)

    olgof, Ivigliblf crnj; http;//www.tiofi.`r/ofws/fanonjy/irtgalf/646=374/`egotfr-ftgo`efr-ng-

    mgfthofgs-fpfomytfs-thflnyo-gsxyrh-nof-eig-fllimi-stn-fyrw/ (iaafssfm 97 Onvfjbfr 2491).

    - ... (o.m.) Ivigliblf crnj;

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  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?


    6 - @MT (aurrfot VQ$) / ;`

  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?


    3 - , , 2491 / ; , 7/99/2491,.97308

  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?


    0 - (244=-2492), / ; Furnstit

  • 7/25/2019 Is Greece the biggest EU's problem ?


    8 - 2443 ~2491, /

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