Irving pol

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Irving pol

Non-achiever to a creative student

By: Irving Diaz POL G2 student 2011

Inquiry A question you ask to support the answer.

A question I always asked myself was what if I could do more than just help out so then I kept thinking about it and then I became a creative student as days past and projects.

Significance Significance - Why was the project valuable, whether to the world or to your own life? Provide an example from a project.

when we did our game board when we finished it didn’t come out to good sp we tried to modify it but I t came out a little better so it was valuable because we did it with our own hands.


The projects we done teaches us that recycling and making moving robots with used thing is pretty fun and creative and saves the earth.

Evidence When we were doing research on what our them was going to be for our cell phone project.

For the most part we had to do a lot of research and thinking and agreeing to what our theme was going to be

Connection On the game board project connected us to science and math at the same time in a fun and creative way.


A prediction for the future is that I will work harder that before and try to get at least a A in every class even the one I don’t like the most.


Three things I see in me as a learner 1: I usually don’t pay attention to what teachers say

2:After a couple of help from teachers and teammates I finished a lot of work on projects.

3:G2 is fun with all the creative and hand made things.