Iron Values Trailer Park Challenge Chapter 13.5

Post on 05-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Iron Values Trailer Park Challenge Chapter 13.5


Trailer Park ChallengeSpare Update the Second

Welcome back to Iron Values!

Jill the Landlord: “What does she see in him?”

Yes, I am starting off with these two. Bear with me.

As evidenced by the previous picture, Denene Thomason and Gordon Fleig eventually tied the knot.

They had twin boys named *checks notes* Steve and Harvey.

Dominique Chen and Chuck Ng also got married.

Yes, married, not joined union. I have a mod for that.

They had twin girls named Monica and Anita, born by Chuck.

Now, the reason for this introduction:

Chuck and Dominique were hosting a building party…

…when this happened.

I had plans for something like this, but ACR got ahead of me.

Now, without further ado…

… the highly eventful life of Noodle and Moonshine.


Whoops. Sorry ‘bout that.

(Note to self: check existing downloads before installing new default meshes)

Pras: “I’m head over heels for him, but I don’t want to wreck their family. And sneaking behind their backs is even worse!”

Ilo: “... I don’t see the problem.”

“Let’s commence operation ‘Enslave the humans’!”

“After naptime.”

“After naptime!”

What has two arms, two legs and a Landlord token, but can’t get out of the neighboring apartment without assistance from yours truly?

“Have a nice evening, y’all!”

“You hussy! Coming to my home dressed like that in the middle of the night! Don’t you dare try to seduce my husband again!”

Who’s seducing who exactly?


“Keeping a ruckus in the middle of the night, then blaming me for waking up and wanting to investigate…! And Gordon isn’t helping much either… What should I do?”

The following morning

“I hope Pras isn’t mad at me... Breaking in and cleaning her pet bowl will surely help!”

“So, Pras… is there a chance for us after all?”

“I’m sorry Gordon. You have two beautiful sons, and I couldn’t bear breaking their hearts, even if it means I don’t get to be with you. Please understand.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. But if you change your mind…”

“I’m really going to miss you Gordon. You’re my best friend.”

“… I’ll miss you too.”

“The way the light falls on this wall is really fascinating.”

♫ Have you ever seen a llama kiss a llama on the llama… ♫

The Llama Song by Burton Earny. It is hilarious and will most certainly get stuck in your brain.

“I’ve finally learned all about couples counseling!”

“I think I broke your computer.”

“*sigh* Zack…”

Pras had another try at giving people makeovers.

Why oh why did I not let Kennedy walk out the door like that?

“Ah yes, this is a fine specimen.”

“Excuse me?”

Kaylynn Spitzig has officially become Praseodymium’s new best friend/booty call.

As much as I dislike building parties, this one served as a chance to try out Pras’s newfound skill.

“I don’t think so.”

The domestic violence is strong in this one.

“Oh hi Cal! I haven’t seen you in ages!”

“My husband isn’t enough for you, is he?”


Some of you might say it served her right, but I actually sympathize with Denene.

“Why doesn’t the red head human acquire one of these?”


Farewell Noodles. You were an amusing cat, and not just because of your name.

Now, to acknowledge a want that’s been lodged for a long time in Pras’s panel…

“Would you mind coming over? Okay, see you then!”

“You look really handsome in that suit.”

“Thanks! The llama costume was starting to get a little sweaty. Now, what was it that you wanted to ask me?”

“Zack Reamon, the llama of my life…”

Things are starting to get a little sappy here.

Let’s fix that by switching to a completely different Reamon.

“I can’t get to the crib because the murphy bed is in the way, but I can’t fold up the bed because the crib is in the way.”

Whoops. Moveobjects can be a bit tricky.

That place was too small for you guys anyway. Say hi to your new home!

“The neighboring yellow trailer.”

What? It has a better layout!

“Don’t worry folks, if I just keep spraying the roots the fire will be out in no time!”


“{Cleaning the toilet is funsies!}”


I think my heart just melted into a spongy dough-like thing.

Uranium wanted to throw another sports party, which kind of just ended up being a bonding session between these two.

The party score actually ended up on the plus side this time.

Ura: “I’ve been thinking, and honestly, law practice doesn’t really seem like my type of job. I want something simpler.”

Juan: “You have my full support. Though two salaries might not even be necessary, seeing as how I keep getting promoted.”

“Let me get this straight: you work in the Slacker career, but you also have your own health centre.”

“That is correct.”

“And you want to hire ms Rauta as a nurse?”

Look who grew up as cute as ever!

*turns to camera without instruction*

She’ll be the death of me >.<

“How do you even play this thing?”

Neither Uranium nor Juan had Sunday as a day off, meaning that I had to hire the *dramatic gasp* NANNY.

Who of course did nothing particularly useful.

Karen Gast (in an elderly loud voice): “Have you heard about this thing called recycling? I think it’s really nifty!”

“Lady, I’m trying to read about physiology here. Go set the stove on fire or something.”

“MOMMY! Thank plumbbob you’re home. I don’t want to spend another minute with that woman.”

“Aw, honey, I’m glad to be back too. But we might have to hire her again next weekend.”

Uranium has kept rolling the want to buy one of these ever since Mari was still a baby, so I obliged. Let’s just hope that strangers won’t barge in to the backyard.

“Sul sul!”

The twinbun-twins have assembled!

Ilo is smustling, in case you thought something else.

“Woo! Come join me, Ma!”

“No thanks honey. I’ll just sit here and enjoy not having to change a diaper every five minutes.”

“Wow. First time trying this out and I’ve already discovered a star that hasn’t been marked in the official charts.”

Huh, would ya look at that. Alright, week’s up!

Last time we checked in with the pink trailer, an engagement was made. The big day was plastered with rain clouds, and we can’t have that, now can we?

It would have been fun to invite the whole Rauta family for a reunion, but I don’t think there would’ve been enough seats for such a crowd.

Jeez, tone down on the excitement, Andrea.

I hereby declare you Mr and Mrs Newson.

“Wait, when did we decide that I’d take your last name?”

“Last night, in bed. Don’t you remember?”

“Look Cal, no hands!”

“Yeah, that’s great. Did you bring any juice with you? I’m sensing this is going to be a long day.”

“You can’t possibly ask us to cut the cake when there are chairs somehow blocking the arm space.”

“My back is killing me!”

Gah. Sims.

There we go. Wait, Cal isn’t a cake smoosher?

“My bride doesn’t like getting her make-up ruined.”

“I’m a knowledge sim, AND I have three simultaneous loves. Try and top that, squirt.”

“Wow! Though I’m more envious about the fact that Voice let you go to college.”

The weather: a topic that always hits home.

Also, isn’t Sam adorable shuffling cake in that little suit of his?

Even with the groom leaving for work and the bride falling asleep in her cake slice, this party ended up being a roof raiser.

Great wedding party + no prebooked vacation = four-dimensional limo.

At last, the Ginger snaps!

A pion ( ) is a type of meson (see 11.5). Pions are the lightest ♀mesons because they are composed of the lightest quarks, the up and down quarks. Pions are not produced in radioactive decay, but are produced commonly in high energy accelerators in collisions between hadrons.

IMMEDIATELY after Cal got home, ACR threw them in.

Ginger does want to graduate three children from college, but the age differences don’t have to be the smallest possible -.-

“I think I want to become a doctor when I grow up.”

“Great choice kid! And I’m not just saying that because your mom is the scariest thing I’ve seen in my entire life.”

“I already know how to perform CPR in case someone chokes on the bus!”

“Huh. That’s actually impressive.”

“Though it’s not like I actually care about those snotwads. I learned it in case a teacher would give me a better grade for saving someone’s life.”

“… you are your mother’s child.”

Speaking of similarities between parents and children…

“Who learned to walk seemingly without smart milk? You did!”

I am bothered by that custom hair becoming a maternity default, but I’m not bothered enough to try and fix it.Laziness > annoyance

“Uh oh. My water broke.”

I’m more worried about you and Cal running off to the bedroom after the baby’s out.

A hadron ( ) is a composite particle made of quarks held ♂together by the strong force. Hadrons are categorized into two families: baryons, made of three quarks, and mesons, made of one quark and one antiquark.

I really named the kids in the wrong order, didn’t I.

“We pillage plunder, we rifle and loot.Drink up me 'earties, yo ho ”♫

Already a getaway driver. Might as well change his LTW.

“{If I gnaw on this piece it will fit better in the triangle hole.}”

“{Or I can just put it in the square one!}”

This kid is going places. Maybe not college, but places.

Unfortunately, the spare update has come to an end.

Happy simming!