Iron Tribe Franchising

Post on 23-Mar-2016

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Learn about this life transcending opportunity to own a business that can make an amazing impact on your community while giving you something to do that you'll be passionate about.

Transcript of Iron Tribe Franchising

YOUR  Business  Solution  For  The  Modern  Economy    I’ve  been  exactly  where  you  are  today,  searching  for  the  right  business  model  to  pair  with  today’s  roller  coaster  economy.  As  we  all  know,  this  can  be  extremely  difficult  due  to  the  natural  reservations  of  an  untested  model  and  of  course,  our  uncertain  future  of  economic  circumstances.    I’ve  seen  countless  “industry  experts”  lead  folks  down  a  path  of  failure  with  strategies  that  have  yet  to  be  proven,  let  alone  tracked  for  that  matter.  They  consult  business  owners  to  take  a  specific  direction  without  ever  testing  that  direction’s  result  for  themself.  It’s  astonishing,  really,  that  people  will  take  these  “industry  experts”  serious  enough  to  pay  them  outlandish  amounts  of  money  for  unproven  advice.    I’ve  raised  capital  and  started  several  innovative  businesses,  only  to  learn  many  of  my  most  valuable  entrepreneurial  lessons  the  hard  [and  sometimes  very  expensive]  way.    For  me,  though,  it  all  came  together  when  I  became  partners  with  an  actual  “industry  expert”  who  had  created  a  series  of  personal  business  habits  for  testing  new  strategies,  proving  them  through  his  diligent  tracking  routines,  and  then  creating  a  repeatable  system  for  other  people  to  execute  each  successfully  tested  strategy.  Finally,  a  guy  who  was  advising  people  to  go  to  a  place  that  he  had  already  been!    His  name  is  Forrest  Walden,  and  he’s  the  Founder  of  Iron  Tribe  Fitness.  It’s  an  incredible  story  that  has  the  “American  Dream”  written  all  over  it.  Much  like  some  of  our  nation’s  most  prosperous  business  tales,  Walden  essentially  started  the  concept  in  his  home  garage  –  the  site  of  his  initial  trial  and  error  testing  grounds.                                


Walden  and  his  friends,  at  the  site  of  his  testing  grounds  –  his  home  garage.    

From  The  Garage  To  The  Marketplace  Some  of  America’s  biggest  impacts  started  in  the  good  ole’  garage!  


Eventually,  the  buzz  he  had  created  in  his  garage,  compelled  him  enough  to  sell  his  current  business,  which  was  a  prosperous  territory  of  personal  training  franchises,  to  jump  in  head  first  to  open  up  what  would  become  the  first-­‐ever  Iron  Tribe  Fitness.    It’s  important  to  take  note  of  the  fact  that  I  am  NOT  talking  about  a  guy  that  most  people  would  expect  to  take  such  life-­‐altering  risk,  especially  not  in  the  middle  of  one  of  the  worst  recessions  in  our  economic  history.    Forrest  is  a  family  man  who  makes  all  of  his  decisions  in  the  best  interest  of  his  wife,  Mendy,  and  their  four  children.  But  during  the  recession  in  2008  and  2009,  he  was  so  moved  by  what  he  was  watching  each  day  in  their  home  garage,  that  he  was  indeed  willing  to  risk  everything  to  start  over  fresh.    And  that’s  just  what  he  did  in  February  2010,  when  the  first  ever  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  gym  opened  its  orange  doors  in  a  free  standing  building  located  at  the  center  of  our  Homewood  community  in  metro  Birmingham,  Alabama.    Please  note  that  Forrest  didn’t  just  start  establishing  those  personal  business  habits  I  mentioned  earlier,  when  he  founded  this  first  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  gym  back  in  January  2010.    He  had  already  mastered  them  well  before  this.    These  habits  were  initially  honed  during  his  early  20’s,  when  he  garnered  experience  in  franchising  on  both  sides  of  the  proverbial  “franchising  fence.”  First  as  a  franchisee,  owning  six  1-­‐on-­‐1  personal  training  gyms  in  Birmingham,  and  then  as  a  master  franchisee  working  hand-­‐in-­‐hand  with  their  franchisor  support  team  to  develop  and  oversee  55  franchisees  in  three  different  states.    This  is  why  I  consider  him  an  “industry  expert”,  and  why  you  should  too.  He’s  gathered  valuable  experience  on  both  sides  of  the  franchising  table  for  almost  an  entire  decade,  before  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  was  ever  even  conceived.  Oh  yeah,  and  the  fact  that  he  grew  up  as  the  step-­‐son  of  a  guy  who  has  now  been  the  CEO  for  a  franchisor  with  200+  units,  for  more  than  two  decades  now  –  that  doesn’t  hurt  either!    So  when  I  walked  in  as  one  of  the  initial  clients  of  that  first  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  gym  back  in  2010,  I  immediately  noticed  all  of  the  subtle  details  of  initial  systemization  in  this  early  startup.  Then,  as  I  got  to  know  Forrest,  those  personal  business  habits  that  I  keep  addressing,  they  just  oozed  out  of  his  pores.  It’s  who  he  is.  Period.    For  me  at  that  time,  an  entrepreneur  who  had  already  established  a  business  built  on  market  innovation,  I  completely  identified  with  Forrest’s  objective  to  do  the  same  thing.  Market  innovators  are  strapped  with  the  difficult  objective  of  either  reinventing  something  that  is  already  out  there  OR  creating  a  whole  new  idea  out  of  thin  air.  Either  one  of  these  scenarios  makes  for  the  difficult  task  of  selling  this  new  concept  to  the  marketplace,  which  is  always  tough,  let  alone  in  a  recessive  economy!    

In  2008,  I  was  on  a  mission  to  raise  capital  in  Silicon  Valley,  to  achieve  my  objective  of  building  a  to  provide  a  new  solution  to  the  marketplace  in  the  form  of  online  technology  geared  toward  high  school  student-­‐athletes.      By  assisting  these  young  athletes  in  promoting  themselves  to  college  coaches,  scholarship  revenue  is  generated  and  college  graduations  are  funded;  it’s  a  beautiful  thing  for  all  parties  involved.  Especially  when  you  consider  the  fact  that  college  athletic  department  recruiting  budgets  are  saving  cash  by  tapping  into  our  database  of  these  high  school  athletes.    Going  “door-­‐to-­‐door,”  visiting  with  high  school  administrators  throughout  the  state  of  Alabama  and  my  home  state  of  New  York,  I  grew  our  user  base  enough  to  not  only  generate  a  solid  first  year  of  revenue  in  2008,  but  also  transitioned  my  technology  provision  from  a  BETA  testing  phase  to  an  upgraded  version  that  is  currently  provided  by  several  states  including  Alabama  and  Louisiana,  as  a  free  service  for  thousands  of  their  student-­‐athletes.    This  is  why  I  had  such  great  respect  for  what  I  was  watching  in  that  first  part  of  2010,  when  I  was  walking  into  the  doors  at  that  first  ever  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  gym  in  Homewood;  I  could  feel  the  market  innovation.  It  drew  me  in  more  and  more,  each  and  every  time  I  showed  up.    I’m  a  self-­‐admitted  connector,  who  is  always  thinking  big,  and  looking  for  solutions  to  bring  everything  and  everyone  together  in  a  manner  that  can  make  a  positive  impact  on  our  world.  In  2010,  I  knew  that  there  was  a  tremendous  opportunity  for  me  to  personally  help  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  grow  fast,  if  I  applied  myself  to  this  fascinating  startup.    Because  of  our  immediate  synergy,  Forrest  and  I  would  end  up  connecting  to  a  point  where  we  would  become  business  partners  and  compliment  one  another  in  working  toward  our  objective  to  solve  that  issue  I  mentioned  earlier  –  you  know,  the  one  about  how  hard  it  is  to  search  and  find  the  right  business  model  to  pair  with  this  roller  coaster  economy  –  we  actually  worked  together  to  create  the  precise  business  model  that  folks  in  this  roller  coaster  economy  are  truly  longing  for!    My  first  contribution  toward  this  objective  was  to  open  up  the  second-­‐ever  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  gym  in  East  Birmingham  on  U.S.  Highway  280  in  January  2011,  just  one  year  after  Forrest  had  opened  the  first.      It  was  here,  that  I  would  mesh  my  unique  ability  for  market  innovation  and  other  skills  that  I  had  harvested  in  past  ventures,  with  Forrest’s  personal  business  habits  that  had  made  him  a  successful  entrepreneur.  It  was  here  that  we  would  begin  formulating  what  we  feel  is  the  solution.  From  day  one,  this  gym  was  a  pure  test  that  would  eventually  become  what  we  refer  to  as  our  “franchise  prototype.”      

The  test  was  a  success  and  by  April  2012,  we  had  announced  that  our  objective  to  provide  the  American  people  with  the  right  business  model  for  today’s  roller  coaster  economy,  was  now  available!    

Introducing  THE  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  Franchise    From  our  ongoing  experiments  at  each  of  the  first  two  gyms,  we  began  building  a  strong  core  of  operations  for  the  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  Franchise  –  something  I  like  to  call  The  Perfect  Athlete  Life  Cycle  (PAL).  It  includes  every  one  of  the  online  and  offline  systems  that  are  needed  to  execute  the  model  for  successful  results  in  this  roller  coaster  economy  and  more  importantly,  delivering  life  transformations  for  our  clients  (a.k.a  athletes).      


The  only  reason  we  even  found  this  solution  is  because  of  our  commitment  to  test  the  model  with  a  “rinse  and  repeat”  formulaic  approach,  over  two  years  and  in  four  of  our  own  gyms,  before  we’d  ever  ask  anyone  to  operate  their  own  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  Franchise.    There  are  several  common  denominators  that  continue  to  live  at  the  source  of  each  and  every  piece  of  innovation  to  this  always-­‐evolving  puzzle.    The  CORE  reason  a  person  should  get  into  business,  along  with  the  THREE  key  drivers  that  can  make  that  business  more  valuable  than  you  could  ever  imagine!    Whether  you  are  buying  a  tested  franchise  model  like  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  or  starting  an  untested  business  model  from  scratch,  the  initial  reasoning  should  be  centered  around  the  objective  of  creating  value  via  equity  NOT  episodic  “big  hit”  income.  When  doing  so,  you  can  actually  build  a  sellable  business.    

Ongoing  experiments  for  systems  in  The  Perfect  Athlete  Life  Cycle,  were  built  at  our  original  400  sq.  ft.  “corporate  office”  [left]  where  Forrest  and  I  worked  ON  the  business,  so  that  we  could  test  new  systems  through  our  management  team,  who  work  IN  the  business.  

 I  want  to  be  clear,  however,  by  stating  that  this  initial  reasoning  must  include  core  values  and  a  mission  that  are  specific  to  who  you  are  and  why  you  decided  to  be  in  business  in  the  first  place.  But  to  sustain  your  core  values  and  mission,  you  must  have  a  vision  for  profitability  that  will  ultimately  create  this  value  via  equity.    Also,  know  that  if  you  are  going  to  start  a  business  to  generate  a  series  of  unpredictable  “big  hits”  or  as  our  mentor  Dan  Kennedy  likes  to  call  it  –  “episodic  income,”  instead  of  building  equity  in  the  form  of  continuity  income,  it  is  not  likely  that  you’ll  ever  be  able  to  create  enough  value  via  equity  to  sell  your  business.    That’s  why  we’ve  built  the  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  Franchise  around  three  key  drivers  that  Mr.  Kennedy  has  continuously  knocked  into  our  heads  as  the  essentials  for  our  franchisee  partners,  to  help  them  build  more  equity  than  they  could  ever  hope.    


Key  Equity  Driver  #1  –  The  List    The  first  of  these  drivers  is  the  list.  There  is  not  a  more  valuable  asset  to  ANY  business  than  The  List,  which  contains  contact  information  for  prospects,  current  clients  and  former  clients.      Not  the  most  valuable  proprietary  technology,  robotic  equipment,  potent  real  estate  or  superstar  staff  member,  can  top  The  List  as  the  chief  asset  that  a  business  possesses.    Think  about  it.      What  value  does  new  tech,  robotic  labor,  land  or  an  all-­‐star  team  member  possess,  if  you  don’t  have  anyone  to  serve  or  sell  something  to?  If  you  ditch  the  technology,  lose  the  robot,  walk  away  from  the  land  and  part  ways  with  your  staff,  you  could  still  start  from  scratch  with  The  List.      Thus,  The  List  is  the  winner  when  it  comes  to  being  the  most  valuable  asset  for  building  an  equitable  business.    I  say  this  from  experience.  Since  the  beginning,  building  a  list  has  been  the  number  one  objective  to  grow  our  business.  We  became  so  good  at  it,  that  our  Infusionsoft  Customer  Relationship  Management  (CRM)  software  provider,  named  Forrest  and  I  their  2012  Ultimate  Marketer  of  the  Year  award  winners.    While  more  than  10,000  businesses  use  Infusionsoft  to  build  their  list,  we  were  the  ones  on  stage  presenting  and  then  receiving  their  prestigious  award.  Why?  Not  only  because  of  our  ability  to  build  The  List,  but  because  we  scaled  our  list  building  power  with  Key  Equity  Driver  #2  –  Process  Power.    

Key  Equity  Driver  #2  –  Process  Power    To  ensure  you’re  consistently  working  toward  building  equity,  you  must  possess  Process  Power  in  the  form  of  systems  for  every  procedure  in  your  business.  Otherwise,  you’re  merely  relying  on  the  initiative  and  talent  of  each  individual  on  your  team,  instead  of  depending  on  a  proven  set  of  steps  to  execute  each  milestone  toward  your  success.      Through  each  phase  of  The  Perfect  Athlete  Life  Cycle  (PAL),  Process  Power  shows  its  true  colors  on  a  consistent  basis,  through  a  series  of  Award  Winning  systems  that  leverage  your  list  through  the  establishment  of  a  proven  conversion  process  that  has  converted  more  than  40%  of  our  incoming  prospects  to  become  active  clients  with  a  Lifetime  Client  Value  (LCV)  exceeding  $8,000!    It  doesn’t  stop  there,  however,  as  there  is  Process  Power  in  place  to  nurture  those  roughly  60%  of  unconverted  prospects  to  the  point  where  another  7%  eventually  decide  they’re  ready  to  sign  their  active  client  agreement.    Knowing  these  numbers  has  been  integral  to  our  success,  because  it  has  allowed  us  to  build  systematized  marketing  campaigns  in  diverse  forms  of  media,  while  knowing  what  we  are  willing  to  spend  to  acquire  a  new  client!    In  addition  to  the  marketing  campaign  aspect  of  our  Process  Power,  has  been  our  on  [and  off]  the  floor  coaching  systems,  which  have  been  established  to  set  the  standards  for  delivering  the  Iron  Tribe  client  experience,  which  is  successfully  reflected  in  our  97%  monthly  active  client  retention  metrics,  with  83%  of  these  folks  referring  their  friends  to  potentially  become  clients  as  well.    You  can’t  just  have  Process  Power,  though.  It  takes  time.  You  have  to  establish  systems  through  failure  until  success,  through  an  obligation  to  testing  and  refinement  –  countless  “rinse  and  repeat”  cycles.  With  now  six  of  our  own  gyms  here  in  Birmingham,  we  have  the  unique  opportunity  to  test  each  and  every  system  first,  before  any  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  franchisee  is  asked  to  implement  it  at  their  gym!    Okay,  there  are  several  moving  parts  when  it  comes  to  this  Process  Power  key  equity  driver.  But  ultimately,  the  objective  is  to  ensure  that  the  business  is  ran  with  processes  instead  depending  on  a  person’s  talent.    


The  List  &  Process  Power  At  Work                                                                                                                                      



Forrest  and  I  had  the  opportunity  to  win  several  awards  because  of  the  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  business  model’s  ability  to  leverage  The  List  and  integrate  Process  Power.    

Key  Equity  Driver  #3  –  Continuity  Income    It  is  in  this  exact  spot,  where  everything  connects  together  like  a  puzzle.  I’ve  explained  why  The  List  is  your  top  asset  and  illustrated  how  you  can  scale  growth  plans  through  Process  Power.    Now  let’s  address  the  necessity  of  sustainability  via  profitability.  This  is  where  my  frustrations  with  “episodic  income”  start  to  come  about.  Read  carefully.  No  matter  how  passionate  you  are  about  a  business  and  its  mission,  you  cannot  accurately  plan  or  forecast  revenue  without  Continuity  Income.    This  is  where  those  “episodic”  or  “big  hit”  income  plays  run  into  the  harsh  realities  of  having  an  unpredictable  business  plan.  This  is  also  where  so  many  businesses  go  to  die,  and  where  few  will  prosper  in  ways  that  have  the  rest  scratching  their  heads.      When  we  made  the  conscious  decision  to  limit  membership  to  300  people,  knowing  that  the  active  client  is  paying  between  $230  and  $310  per  month  on  a  4,  8  or  12  month  agreement,  our  planning  and  forecasting  efforts  became  clear  as  day.    Our  Continuity  Income  is  personified  through  a  metric  we  call  Average  Client  Value  (ACV),  which  takes  your  gross  revenue  and  divides  by  the  number  of  paying  active  clients,  to  establish  a  monthly  dollar  amount  that  each  client  spends  on  their  experience.      

   There  are  several  other  Continuity  Income-­‐based  metrics  that  work  together  to  help  us  make  extremely  profitable  decisions  in  the  realm  of  product  innovation,  staff  recruiting  and  of  course,  marketing.  Because  let’s  face  it,  if  you  know  how  much  you  are  willing  to  invest  to  acquire  new  clients,  hire  the  best  staff  and  evolve  your  client  experience,  then  your  decisions  will  become  much  easier  to  make,  and  your  opportunities  for  brand  ubiquity  will  follow  suit.    

You’re  Just  Like  Me!    Maybe  not  exactly  like  me,  but  enough  where  you  are  reading  this  report  because  something  about  what  Forrest  established  in  his  garage  and  what  we  have  carried  on  with  the  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  Franchise,  has  intrigued  you  enough  to  do  some  research  and  find  out  more  for  yourself.    That  same  intrigue  is  what  ultimately  triggered  my  personal  reinvention  back  in  2010,  when  I  joined  Forrest  to  open  up  our  franchise  prototype.    You  can  now  do  the  same  and  open  up  your  very  own  potentially-­‐equitable  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  Franchises  in  any  of  the  markets  that  still  have  availability,  but  you’ll  actually  be  able  to  benefit  from  something  that  wasn’t  around  back  when  I  partnered  with  Forrest;  SPEED.    OUR  COMMITMENT  –  “Innovate  Faster  Than  They  Can  Copy.”    

–  Ray  Kroc,  McDonald’s  Founder    Through  a  dedication  to  testing  innovation  at  our  own  gyms,  we  have  set  the  foundation  for  you  to  build  a  valuable  business  faster  than  you  could  ever  hope,  while  possessing  a  continuous  structure  of  support  from  our  corporate  headquarters.      We’ve  made  your  expensive  mistakes  for  you  and  plan  on  continuing  to  do  so!      Of  course,  you  will  make  your  own  mistakes  too.  But  you  will  also  have  your  own  breakthroughs.  Your  very  own  market  innovations  in  places  that  we  may  have  overlooked  or  missed  out  on.      We  are  in  this  thing  together.  Not  only  as  a  franchisor  supporting  our  franchisees,  but  as  owners  and  operators,  continuing  to  build  our  own  equity  at  each  of  our  six  Birmingham  gyms,  while  evolving  the  model  to  a  point  where  you  can  do  it  too.      The  best  part?  We  are  all  working  together  to  impact  the  world  in  ways  that  get  us  chomping  at  the  bit  each  morning  we  arise.    OUR  DRIVE  –    “The  ones  who  are  crazy  enough  to  think  they  can  change  the  world,  are  the  ones  who  actually  do.”    

–  Steve  Jobs,  Apple  iCEO    Now  that  you  know  us  better,  let’s  take  the  next  step  and  jump  right  into  the  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  Franchise  model.  I  am  going  to  let  you  in  on  the  secrets  you  need  to  know  so  that  you  can  further  understand  operations,  along  with  relating  each  daily  management  activity  back  to  those  three  key  equity  drivers  we  discussed  earlier.  

You’re  Investment  Is  Only  As  Good  As  Your  Operations  Plan  –  Execution  Is  A  Must.    There  are  three  fundamentals  crucial  to  the  execution  of  your  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  Franchise  business  model,  and  each  correlates  to  the  key  equity  drivers  that  I  addressed  in  part  one  of  this  report.    

1. Site  Selection  –  proper  demographics  where  you  can  build  The  List.  2. Manager  –  the  right  person  to  implement  the  Process  Power  systems.  3. Coaching  Staff  –  the  team  you  will  entrust  with  the  Continuity  Income.  


Fundamental  #1  –  Site  Selection    The  Site  Selection  process  is  lead  by  our  Vice  President  for  Franchise  Development,  Tom  DeLosa,  who  has  more  than  15  years  of  experience  in  developing  franchises.      DeLosa  and  our  development  team  utilize  data  that  we  have  gathered  from  each  of  our  gyms,  to  help  you  select  the  best  site  within  your  territory,  based  on  statistics  like  household  income,  home  value,  age,  reading  material,  etc.    It’s  an  important  first  step  that  we  take  very  seriously,  to  the  point  where  Forrest  recruited  Tom  and  his  family  to  move  to  Birmingham  from  Denver,  where  he  had  a  successful  career  in  executing  the  Franchise  Development  process  for  multiple  franchisors  based  in  that  market.    Tom  not  only  spearheads  the  Site  Selection  efforts,  but  he  and  his  team  are  also  your  resource  to  execute  the  Lease  Negotiation  and  Construction  Management  portions  of  the  Development  Process,  which  will  literally  get  you  from  the  ink  hitting  the  page  on  Join-­‐The-­‐TRIBE  Day  to  the  Certificate  of  Occupancy  (CO)  that  you  receive  just  before  you  open  your  very  own  orange  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  gym  doors.    

Fundamental  #2  –  Manager    Who  will  hold  the  keys  to  your  investment’s  fate?  That’s  the  question  you  must  ask  yourself  when  making  the  crucial  decision  on  whether  you  will  be  an  Owner-­‐Operator  or  if  you  will  choose  to  have  a  Managing  Partner  running  your  business.    While  you  definitely  want  your  business  to  thrive  on  the  Process  Power  that  we  have  created  at  our  gyms  in  Birmingham,  you  don’t  want  to  miss  out  on  the  opportunity  to  pair  it  with  a  talented  Operator  that  can  execute  each  system.    

If  you’ll  be  the  Owner-­‐Operator,  get  ready,  because  we  are  about  to  go  through  a  day  in  the  life  of  a  Manager,  to  paint  a  clear  picture  of  each  daily  activity  and  then  relate  it  back  to  those  three  key  equity  drivers  that  will  build  immense  amounts  of  value  via  equity  into  your  new  business.    However,  if  you  are  looking  for  a  Managing  Partner,  we  have  several  resources  that  can  assist  you  with  this  necessary  acquisition.  First  off,  you  can  request  our  one  page  Managing  Partner  Executive  Summary  that  provides  three  examples  of  relationships  that  our  franchisees  have  established.  This  document  also  includes  some  insightful  commentary  from  each  of  these  three  franchisee  examples.    The  other  resource  is  in  our  good  friends  at  The  Fireseeds  Group,  a  strategic  partnership  that  provides  due  diligence  in  this  category,  at  a  level  that  is  unparalleled.    The  Fireseeds  Group  has  been  thorough  in  their  efforts  to  understand  our  business  at  a  high  enough  level  to  utilize  their  world-­‐class  vetting  process  to  qualify  potential  Managing  Partner  as  well  as  Coaching  candidates  for  you  to  choose  from.    Regardless  of  the  operations  route  you’ve  chosen,  there  is  a  plan  mapped  out  to  train  as  the  manager  for  your  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  Franchise,  in  a  simultaneous  manner  that  correlates  directly  with  the  timeline  of  your  Development  Process.    

Fundamental  #3  –  Coaching  Staff    What  are  we  selling..?          Commodity                                  Good                                          Service                          Experience                          Transformation                                    Coffee  Bean                                Folgers                          Waffle  House                Starbucks                      Iron  Tribe  Fitness            4¢/cup 15¢/cup $1.20/cup $4/cup Pricele$$    How  can  you  scale  such  a  progression?      First-­‐Class,  World-­‐Class  Coaching.    Coaching  that  starts  and  ends  with  priceless  relationships  that  produce  life-­‐changing  results  on  a  consistent  basis.    These  relationships  are  initiated  with  the  Iron  Tribe  101  classes  that  make  up  a  clients’  first  four  weeks,  setting  the  foundation  for  the  transformation  that  they  signed  up  to  experience.  

 At  the  core  of  this  Iron  Tribe  experience,  is  an  over-­‐delivery  of  happiness  that  results  with  a  client  that  is  willing  to  pay  even  two  or  three  times  as  much,  to  make  sure  they  continue  experiencing  their  personal  transformation  at  your  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  franchise  gym!    Who  can  ensure  the  over-­‐deliverance  of  such  a  transformational  experience  -­‐  one  that  will  ensure  a  low  Attrition  Rate  [less  than  3%  monthly]  and  Continuity  Income  [$250+  Average  Client  Value  monthly]  that  you  can  build  upon  each  month?      Your  Coaches!    Much  like  the  resources  we’ve  prepared  for  you  to  find  the  right  person  to  manage  your  new  business,  we  have  also  arranged  several  tools  that  can  help  you  recruit,  interview  and  hire  the  right  Coaching  Staff;  a  true  group  of  “A  Players”  that  you  can  grow  from  an  entry  level  co-­‐coach  position  to  a  head  coach  and  eventually  place  into  a  management  role.    We’ve  even  created  a  Coaches’  Certification  program,  where  you  can  send  your  Coaching  Staff  to  our  Birmingham  Headquarters  for  a  two  day  training  event  with  our  Director  of  Training,  Luan  Nguyen.    Not  to  mention  the  fact  that  you  can  request  The  Fireseeds  Group’s  services  to  help  you  in  finding  the  right  people  to  achieve  this  absolutely  invaluable  accomplishment.    

Are  YOU  Holding  The  Keys  To  The  Fastest  Growing  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  Franchise  To  Date?    I  have  absolutely  NO  DOUBT  that  you  could  definitely  be  opening  what  could  be  our  most  successful  franchise(s)  yet!      It’s  in  the  following  progressions  where  your  operations  foundation  is  built.  This  is  truly  where  your  projected  run  rate  and  overall  ramp  up  will  be  produced.      

1. ITFU  Online  Learning  2. ITF  Birmingham  Management  Practicum  Program  3. TRIBE  Academy  4. Pre-­‐Opening  Assignments  

 MY  RULE:  “He  who  takes  what  I  am  about  to  share,  the  most  seriously,  will  be  the  most  successful.”      This  is  ONLY  for  the  above  average  initiative-­‐taker.  For  the  self-­‐starter,  the  world-­‐changer,  and  ultimately  the  guy  or  gal  who  has  truly  set  out  to  be  a  die  hard  gym  operator  ready  to  make  a  BIG  impact.  

 Is  that  you?    We’ve  prepared  for  you  road  map  that  we  like  to  call  the  Daily  Growth  Checklist  (DGC),  complete  with  every  piece  of  Process  Power  that  you’ll  need  to  execute  effectively  enough  to  efficiently  grow  your  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  gym  faster  than  you  ever  thought  possible!    Will  you  set  the  records?  Will  you  exceed  each  goal  for  each  of  our  set  Key  Performance  Indicator  (KPI)  metrics?  Will  you  grow  your  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  gym  faster  than  anyone  else  has  ever  seen  or  at  least  than  your  pro  forma  forecasts?    I’ve  compiled  this  information  based  on  my  personal  experiences,  running  our  2nd-­‐ever  location  in  2011  and  then  overseeing  as  many  as  four  of  our  own  locations  in  2012,  before  transitioning  to  drive  our  entire  brand  as  Chief  Operating  Officer  (COO)    When  I  ran  my  gym,  I  would  organize  my  daily  tasks  into  three  categories;  Acquisition,  Retention  and  Administration.  When  I  stepped  out  of  gym  management,  I  built  a  one-­‐page  document  that  could  guide  our  managers  in  their  daily  workflow,  to  help  them  exceed  the  monthly  goal  for  each  of  the  KPI  metrics  that  I  would  discuss  with  them  in  our  weekly  meetings  –  The  Daily  Growth  Checklist  (DGC).    What  I  am  about  to  share  with  you  is  the  daily  gym  operations  guidance  that  has  produced  individual  staff  growth,  member  athlete  transformations,  and  ultimately,  true  equity  value  at  our  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  gyms.    

Pre-­‐Requisite:  SET  YOUR  1st  YEAR  KPI  GOALS    Before  we  address  any  daily  management  activities,  it’s  important  to  know  exactly  where  we  want  that  strategy  to  take  us.  Where  exactly  do  you  want  to  be  as  a  franchise  owner,  after  your  first  twelve  months  of  operations?    A  wise  man  once  told  me  that  “setting  goals  is  the  first  step  in  turning  the  invisible  into  the  visible.”  This  is  so  true!    Personal  Development  and  goal  setting  has  been  at  the  forefront  for  both  Forrest  and  I,  since  the  very  beginning  of  our  relationship.  In  fact,  it’s  really  what  triggered  my  interest  in  pursuing  him  about  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  –  Forrest  saw  me  at  a  coffee  shop  and  gave  me  a  Harvard  Business  Review  article  about  purpose,  vision,  values  and  goals,  that  really  got  me  thinking  about  those  topics  in  my  own  life!    In  Darren  Hardy’s  book  The  Compound  Effect,  he  emphasizes  the  significance  of  both  goal  setting  AND  the  power  implementing  a  series  of  daily  habits  to  produce  growth  toward  your  goals  and  in  turn,  massive  success.  

Darren  defines  the  Compound  Effect  this  way:    

It’s  the  principle  of  reaping  huge  rewards  from  a  series  of  small,  smart  choices.  Success  is  earned  in  the  moment-­‐to-­‐moment  decisions  that  in  themselves  make  no  visible  difference  whatsoever,  but  the  accumulated  compounding  effect  is  profound.”  

For  example,  if  you  want  to  save  money  so  you  can  enjoy  your  retirement,  consider  the  compounding  effect  of  spending  $4  a  day  on  coffee.  If  you  choose  to  invest  $4  a  day  at  8%  interest  rather  than  spending  it  on  a  cup  of  coffee  it  would  result  in  $51,833.79  in  20  years.    The  same  result  could  also  be  reached  by  making  your  own  lunches  rather  than  eating  out.    Do  both  and  you  will  have  saved  an  extra  $100,000.  

Some  of  our  best  intentions  fail  because  we  don’t  have  a  system  of  execution.  When  it  comes  down  to  it,  your  new  attitudes  and  behaviors  must  be  incorporated  into  your  monthly,  weekly,  and  daily  routines  to  affect  any  real,  positive  change.  A  routine  is  something  you  do  every  day  without  fail,  so  that  eventually,  like  brushing  your  teeth  or  putting  on  your  seatbelt,  you  do  it  without  conscious  thought.    Success  is  NOT  doing  5,000  things  really  well!  Success  is  doing  a  half  dozen  things  really  well,  more  than  5,000  times!  

 Before  I  establish  what  is  basically  your  daily  “half  dozen,”  I  need  you  to  put  something  important  IN  PRINT  –  your  1st  Year  KPI  goals!  How  can  we  support  you  from  our  corporate  offices  without  having  a  road  map  to  hold  you  accountable  to?    In  the  KPI  Template  that  I  have  provided  for  you,  you’ll  notice  that  I  have  suggested  monthly  and  annual  goals  for  each  KPI  metric.    These  are  real  examples  from  the  first  year  at  our  slowest  growing  gym,  which  still  had  great  first  year  of  success  before  becoming  an  even  more  profitable  location  for  us  in  year  number  two.    Utilize  these  examples  to  guide  you  in  establishing  your  own  monthly  and  annual  goals  for  each  of  the  following  metrics,  so  that  we  can  take  the  next  step  and  begin  working  through  how  you  will  get  there!    




Gross  Revenue  Gross  Expenses*  Net  Profit*  Net  Profit  %*  Payroll*  Payroll  %  Food  Revenue  Product  Revenue  Avg.  Client  Value  (ACV)  Total  Active  Clients    

Leads  Consults  Lead/Consult  %  New  Clients  Close  Rate  %  New  Client  Rev.  Avg.  New  Ticket  Marketing  Budget  Marketing  ROI  %    

Renewals  Non-­‐Renewals  Monthly  Attrition  %  On  Hold/Injured  %  Renewal  Upgrade  %  Avg.  Renewal  Ticket  Total  Renewal  Rev  Class  Capacity  %    

Acquisition   Retention  

KPI  Metric  Pathways    



To  assist  you  in  creating  your  first  year  monthly  goals  for  each  of  the  KPI  metrics,  I  have  provided  an  explanation  for  each  metric,  along  with  a  suggested  goal  from  our  experience  at  first  year  gyms  that  we  own  here  in  Birmingham.    

Driver  KPI  Metrics    Gross  Revenue  is  the  total  top  line  revenue  that  you  generate  on  a  monthly  basis.  

Goal  Suggestion:  >$29,000  per  month  and  >$350,000  in  year  #1    

Payroll  %  of  Revenue  is  the  total  percentage  of  payroll  versus  your  gross  revenue.     Goal  Suggestion:  <50%  per  month  in  year  #1  and  then  25%  each  year  after    Food  Revenue  is  the  itemized  revenue  that  is  a  result  of  active  clients  who  have  subscribed  to  the  weekly  food  program  that  your  gym  should  be  offering.  

Goal  Suggestion:  >$4,500  monthly  average    Product  Revenue  is  the  itemized  revenue  that  is  a  result  of  active  clients  who  have  purchased  supplements,  snacks,  merchandise  and/or  any  other  APPROVED  product  offerings  at  your  gym.  

Goal  Suggestion:  >$1,500  monthly  average  (Food  &  Product  =  20%  of  Gross)    Active  Client  Value  (ACV)  is  the  average  spend  per  month  from  each  active  member,  based  on  their  monthly  membership  dues  and  point-­‐of-­‐sale  food  and  product  purchases.  

Goal  Suggestion:  >$250  monthly  and  annual  average      Total  Active  Clients  is  the  number  of  people  who  are  actively  paying  a  monthly  membership  fee  within  their  4,  8  or  12  month  agreement.  

Goal  Suggestion:  >125  monthly  average  and  >216  by  the  end  of  year  #1    

Retention  KPI  Metrics    Renewals  are  the  active  clients  (athletes)  that  have  chosen  to  renew  their  agreement  [which  auto-­‐renews  unless  they  proactively  contact  you  to  make  a  change].  

Goal  Suggestion:  >5  renewals  per  month  (your  1st  5  months  will  be  0)    On  Hold/Injured  %  is  the  percentage  of  current  active  clients  who  have  provided  medical  documentation  to  put  a  hold  on  their  monthly  payment  due  to  injury.  

Goal  Suggestion:  <5%  monthly  and  year  #1  average      Monthly  Attrition  %  is  percentage  of  those  non-­‐renewals  versus  the  total  active  client  number  at  your  gym.  

Goal  Suggestion:  <2%  monthly  and  year  #1  avg  (your  1st  5  months  will  be  0)  

 Non-­‐Renewals  are  the  number  of  active  clients  who  proactively  contact  you  to  disable  their  auto-­‐renewal.  

Goal  Suggestion:  <3.5  lost  clients  per  month    

Renewal  Upgrade  %  is  the  conversion  rate  for  those  renewal  candidates  who  are  currently  on  a  4  or  8  month  agreement  and  are  eligible  to  upgrade  to  a  8  or  12  month  agreement.  

Goal  Suggestion:  >75%  of  renewal  candidates  should  upgrade  each  month    Average  Renewal  Ticket  is  the  average  value  of  each  renewal  in  a  given  month.  

Goal  Suggestion:  >$2,000  monthly  average  (your  1st  5  months  will  be  0)    Total  Renewal  Revenue  is  the  total  amount  of  revenue  generated  by  each  of  the  renewals  in  a  given  month.  

Goal  Suggestion:  >$15,000  monthly  average  (your  1st  5  months  will  be  0)    Class  Capacity  %  is  the  percentage  of  active  clients  who  attend  your  daily  class  offerings  for  the  month  versus  the  20  spots  you  have  available  for  each  class  offering.  

Goal  Suggestion:  >50%  monthly  and  year  #1  average    *Gross  Expenses,  Net  Profit,  Net  Profit  %  and  Payroll  are  also  in  the  Drivers  category,  but  are  based  on  mathematics  that  you,  as  an  owner  will  ultimately  make  decisions  on,  as  you  grow  your  gym.  


Acquisition  KPI  Metrics    Leads  are  the  number  of  people  who  “raised  their  hand”  and  showed  interest  in  learning  more  about  your  gym.    

Goal  Suggestion:  >48  new  leads  per  month  (>12  new  leads  per  week)    Consults  are  the  leads  who  qualified  for  a  personal  visit  to  your  gym,  to  get  a  free  tour  and  sit  down  to  see  if  it’s  a  good  fit  for  them  to  become  a  new  client.  

Goal  Suggestion:  >20  new  consults  per  month  (>5  consults  per  week)    

Lead/Consult  %  is  the  conversion  rate  for  leads  who  sit  down  for  a  consult.  Goal  Suggestion:  >40%  lead-­‐to-­‐consult  %    

New  Clients  (athletes)  are  the  consults  who  sign  a  4,  8  or  12  month  agreement  to  transform  their  life  at  your  gym.  

Goal  Suggestion:  >18  new  clients  monthly  (>4.5  new  clients  per  week)    Close  Rate  %  is  the  conversion  rate  for  consults  who  become  new  clients.  

Goal  Suggestion:  >90%  close  rate  monthly  average  %  

 New  Client  Revenue  is  the  total  amount  of  revenue  generated  by  each  of  the  new  active  client  agreements  that  you  have  signed.  

Goal  Suggestion:  >$35,000  monthly  average      

 Average  New  Ticket  is  the  average  ticket  per  agreement  signed.  This  doesn’t  include  their  initial  payment  for  their  Iron  Tribe  101  class,  but  is  essentially  the  total  amount  of  continuity  income  generated  from  each  month’s  new  active  clients.  

Goal  Suggestion:  >$1700  monthly  and  year  #1  average    

Marketing  Budget  is  the  amount  of  money  spent  in  a  given  month,  on  any  marketing  or  advertising  to  generate  new  leads.  

Goal  Suggestion:  $4,000  monthly  marketing  spending  budget    

Marketing  ROI  %  is  return  on  your  monthly  marketing  budget  investment.  Goal  Suggestion:  >200%  monthly  and  year  #1  average  


Transforming  Into  The  Ultimate  Operator    As  fun  as  it  can  be,  running  your  Iron  Tribe  gym  is  still  running  a  business  in  the  new  economy.  The  good  news  is  the  fact  that  we’ve  prepared  you  with  the  Process  Power  systems  to  crush  your  first  year  KPI  goals!    My  Operations  Support  Team  takes  the  “Michael  Jordan  mindset”  to  heart,  in  all  they  do.  It  was  Jordan  that  said  it  perfect  when  he  boasted;  “I've  missed  more  than  9,000  shots  in  my  career.  I've  lost  almost  300  games.  26  times,  I've  been  trusted  to  take  the  game  winning  shot  and  missed.  I've  failed  over  and  over  and  over  again  in  my  life.  And  that  is  why  I  succeed.”    Well  we’ve  missed  most  of  those  9,000  shots  for  you,  lost  most  of  those  300  games  for  you,  and  missed  most  of  those  26  game  winning  shot  attempts  for  you  –  so  that  you  would  be  able  to  come  in  and  start  stronger  through  our  experiences  with  failure.  That’s  where  these  Process  Power  systems  were  born,  have  been  developed  and  are  continuously  being  refined.    You’re  going  to  have  to  thrive  on  the  motivation  to  crush  each  big  hairy  audacious  goal  (a.k.a.  BHAG)  that  you  and  your  team  have  set,  along  with  taking  slight  setbacks  in  stride  knowing  that  you  will  ultimately  succeed  in  the  end,  as  long  as  you  stay  within  the  lines  of  the  model  we’ve  built  for  you.    So  I  ask  you  again  –  are  you  holding  the  keys  to  the  fastest  growing  Iron  Tribe?    To  get  there,  you’ll  need  to  work  through  the  Acquisition,  Retention  and  Administration  tasks  and  strategies  that  we  have  mapped  out  in  your  Daily  Growth  

Checklist  (DGC).  If  you  want  to  think  back  to  Darren  Hardy’s  tutelage  from  his  book  The  Compound  Effect,  this  checklist  is  essentially  your  “daily  half  dozen”  group  of  habits  that  you  will  master  to  become  the  top  operator  in  the  Iron  Tribe  Franchising  system!    To  learn  how  to  execute  in  each  category,  along  with  how  these  Process  Power  systems  each  connect  to  your  KPI,  I’ve  created  four  progressions  of  learning,  training  and  testing  for  you  to  follow  and  take  massive  action  in  preparation  toward  creating  the  most  successful  Iron  Tribe  Fitness  gym  ever!    Each  progression  comes  as  its  own  section  to  add  to  this  report,  as  a  workbook  to  ensure  you  are  staying  on  the  correct  path  toward  your  success.    1. ITFU  Online  Learning  –  

 For  each  group  of  action  items  on  your  Daily  Growth  Checklist  (DGC),  there  are  videos  with  several  different  team  members  joining  me  for  strategy  sessions  per  topic.      The  ITFU  Online  Learning  menu  option  allows  you  to  interact  with  the  DGC  in  a  clickable  format  that  not  only  contains  educational  videos  per  action  item  topic,  but  it  also  triggers  your  completion  of  specific  preliminary  actions  that  prepare  you  to  open  your  gym  at  full  force.    You’ll  also  enjoy  the  ability  for  you  and  your  team  to  continually  utilize  ITFU  as  an  online  resource  reference  for  every  operations  topic  within  your  business,  for  new  hire  training  you  have  to  do  or  even  just  a  current  staff  refreshment  program  to  keep  everyone  at  the  top  of  their  game!            


2. Management  Practicum  Program  (MPP)  –  ITF  BHM    We’ve  established  a  series  of  Management  Practicum  Program  (MPP)  milestones  for  each  category  of  action  items  within  the  DGC,  and  you  can  actually  participate  in  these  milestones  at  one  of  our  gyms  in  Birmingham!    It  is  strongly  preferred  that  you  come  to  Birmingham  to  participate  in  our  six  week  MPP,  where  you  will  have  the  opportunity  to  work  through  a  detailed  on  site  training  program  for  each  of  these  DGC  milestones  at  one  of  our  ITF  corporately  owned  gyms.    The  MPP  workbook  will  plug  directly  into  this  report  as  an  add-­‐on  that  allows  you  to  continue  running  your  own  MPP  at  your  gyms  whenever  you  add  or  develop  staff.    3. TRIBE  Academy  

 In  the  Iron  Tribe  Franchising  version  of  what  most  franchisor’s  call  “Franchise  School,”  each  of  the  key  players  on  our  Operations  Support  Team  will  review  the  key  items  you  have  learned  and  put  to  work  in  both  the  ITFU  and  MPP  experiences.      You’ll  go  through  a  scenario-­‐based  testing  program  through  our  TRIBE  Academy  workbook,  which  once  again  is  an  added  plug-­‐in  to  this  report.                                      What  might  be  the  neatest  part  of  TRIBE  Academy,  is  the  fact  that  it  takes  place  approximately  one  month  before  you  open  up  your  new  gym  –  READY  TO  TAKE  MASSIVE  ACTION  AND  CRUSH  YOUR  YEAR  #1  BHAG’S!      

4. Pre-­‐Opening  Assignments    The  final  progression  is  one  of  the  most  exciting.    Picture  this  –  your  construction  process  is  coming  together.  You  are  just  weeks  away  from  your  first  class!    There’s  a  lot  of  prep  work,  including  a  strong  push  toward  your  pre-­‐opening  sales.  We’ve  compiled  a  large  list  of  initial  action  items  in  several  of  the  areas  you  have  been  learning  and  practicing  for  months  now.      When  you  leave  TRIBE  Academy,  you’ll  receive  your  final  Pre-­‐Opening  workbook  to  plug  into  this  report.  This  is  everything  from  your  pre-­‐opening  marketing  action  items  to  your  first  90  days  of  suggested  marketing  and  event  plans.    

The  Last  Word.    Granted  –  I’m  a  young  businessman  who  is  still  seeing  lots  of  things  for  the  first  time.  But  one  consistent  thing  that  I  have  picked  up  on  throughout  my  first  few  years  in  business,  is  the  fact  that  there  is  a  lot  of  “hot  air”  out  there.      But,  like  everything  else,  actions  consistently  speak  louder  than  the  words  of  the  best  of  the  best  talkers  out  there.      With  top  line  revenue  numbers  getting  thrown  around  as  if  it’s  the  EBITDA  going  into  reserves,  and  our  economy  flailing  more  each  day,  it  is  becoming  rarer  to  see  a  business  sustain  to  the  point  where  it’s  profits  help  it  grow  to  more  locations  so  that  it  can  serve  more  people.    But  not  for  you.  That’s  your  vision.  It’s  why  you’re  reading  this  report.    Not  to  mention  the  fact  that  it’s  even  more  unusual  to  see  a  business  give  back  in  both  non-­‐profit  and  profiteering  agendas  that  touch  so  many  lives.    You  get  to  engage  your  community  as  one  that  will  support  non-­‐profit  causes  like  Neverthirst  and  Team  Red,  White  &  Blue,  while  you  simultaneously  get  the  chance  to  change  the  lives  of  this  same  community  with  the  Iron  Tribe  experience!    So  as  you  work  toward  your  goals,  note  that  there  is  something  bigger  going  on  than  just  achieving  them.  There  is  a  purpose  being  worked  toward.  One  so  large  that  no  individual  can  even  fathom  its  significance.      Keep  this  in  mind.  It  will  motivate  you,  as  it  has  us,  to  build  something  bigger  than  yourself.      Your  gym(s)  and  its  community  await.