IRCOW Final Brochure

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final report of project IRCOW in demolition wastes recycling

Transcript of IRCOW Final Brochure

innovative strategies for high-gradematerialrecovery




This project has received funding from the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities under grant agreement No 265212

Final Summary Brochure


Project title:Innovative Strategies for High-Grade Material Recovery from Construction and Demolition Waste

Acronym: IRCOW

Project Co-funded under the EU FP7 Framework Programme

Grant Agreement No.: 265212Project start date: 17 January 2011Project end date: 17 January 2014

Project Consortium:

Coordinating Unit:Tecnalia Research & Innovation - Construction Unit

Coordinator details:Dr. Iñigo VegasTecnalia Research & Innovation - Construction UnitGeldo Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia Ed.700 48160 Derio-Bizkaia, Spaintel.: +34-94 607 33 00fax: +34-94 607 33 49e-mail:


• VITO, Belgium• IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Sweden• Institute for Ecology of Industrial Are- as, Poland• Acciona Infraestructuras, S.A., Spain• D’Appolonia S.p.A., Italy• TOMRA Sorting GmbH, Germany• Derribos Petralanda, S.L., Spain• Ingenieurbüro Trinius GmbH, Germany• Conenor Ltd, Finland• ATON-HT S.A., Poland• Brijsse Minerals & Recycling, Belgium• Jacobs NV, Belgium











Raw material with recycled cellular concrete for subfloors 16

Concrete mixtures with recycled granulates of the concrete type 17

Concrete with coarse mixed recycled aggregates and recycled ceramic sand 17

Ternary mixture with recycled crushed sand 18

Insulating mortar with recycled expanded polystyrene (EPS) 18

Gypsum plasterboard with recycled gypsum 19

Multilayer composite decking board 20

Ceramic aggregates for bricks 21

Multilayer panel for building envelope 22


New software for NIR sorting equipment 23

On-site microwave energy thermal treatment for inorganic fibrous materials 24

Multilayer composite extrusion technology 25

5.3 TOOLS 26

Stock- Exchange tool facilitating reuse of C&DW recovered construction items 26

Expert tool: Human health and Environmental Risk Indicator (HERI) 28



Services based on Eco-Design Recommendations 29

Integrated service aimed at the recycling of C&DW into high-grade applications (referring to ACCIONA’s business model) 29

















1. Executive summary

The “Innovative Strategies for High Grade Material Recovery from Construction and Demolition Waste” (IRCOW) project has come out with some interesting results of technical and non-technical nature related to managing Construction and Demolition Waste (C&DW) as a resource of valuable materials which can be recovered for high-grade applications back in the construction sector. C&DW represents one of the European Union’s largest waste streams, by weight and volume. Although many EU Member States demonstrate a strong increase in C&DW managing awareness and infrastructure, in line with the claims of the European Directive on Waste, the overall material recovery performance from C&DW in the European Union reveals that further improvement in the reuse and recycling is needed to move towards a high level of resource efficiency.

In this scenario, the main goal of the IRCOW project (2011-2014) was to develop and validate upgraded solutions by considering a life cycle perspective, ranging from innovative approaches to cutting-edge technologies and products. IRCOW also suggests introducing some changes in the European policy to make C&DW reuse and recycling happen more often and more effectively. By the end of the project, the most promising IRCOW solutions are on a short track towards market uptake. Deep involvement of industrial stakeholders and national and regional authorities in the project ensured the relevance and applicability of the project results.

One of the work lines of IRCOW has consisted in a comprehensive study of the reuse of C&D materials, with the aim to formulate improved strategies. The study revealed that the current reuse markets are limited to components of cultural or aesthetic value and small scale businesses aimed at private con sumers and smaller companies. Important barriers hampering the reuse of C&D materials are related to costs (material is cheap compared with labo ur), quality (quality assurance of reused material is complicated but an absolute requirement in many applications) and weak market structure (the supply of reused C&D material is limited and varying). Initiatives and incentive to stimula-te the reuse market are ne eded, e.g. to inc lude a reuse perspective in public green procurement together with in-creased knowledge and informa tion on possible applications for reused materials in order to overcome current lack of confidence.

Furthermore, a demo e-platform for the reuse of elements and materials recovered from C&DW, serving as an example of how such an e-platform embracing several functions could operate, has been developed under IRCOW. The overall objective for the C&DW reuse platform is to facilitate and promote the reuse in practice. A dedicated demo stock-exchange tool is its central element. This is complemented by a wiki-area in which e.g. good practices that already exist in some countries are described. Moreover, as the e-platform has an ambition to help share knowledge and build networks of stakeholders involved in these processes, a database of agents involved in C&DW reuse is also available.

Innovative recycling technologies for C&DW recycling systems, not only for a stony fraction but also for other fractions where there is currently a strong knowledge gap,

▪ C&DW is one of the largest waste streams in the EU - about 380 million tonnes generated in the EU per year (31% of the total waste generation)

▪ The Directive 2008/98/EC on Waste states that, by 2020, the material recovery of non-hazardous C&DW shall be increased to a minimum of 70% by weight

▪ More than 50% of all materials extracted from earth are transformed into construction materials and products

C&DW represents the waste stream of high potential for material recovery

IRCOW challenges


were examined in IRCOW. Advanced automated sorting techniques by color (artificial vision) or chemical composition (spectrometers, lasers, X-Ray, Near Infrared, etc.) were successfully researched and developed for high quality sorting of plastics, gypsum and red-grey stony fraction. Also the treatment of C&DW containing fibrous materials like asbestos, mineral and glass wool and other fibrous materials, based on Microwave Thermal Treatment (MTT) technology was developed and validated. Moreover, a multilayer composite extrusion technology (WPC) has been applied for recycling C&D mineral wool, gypsum plasterboard and mixed wooded materials with recycled plastics.

Additionally, a series of high-grade construction materials and components from recycled C&DW was developed within IRCOW. Cellular concrete C&DW was recycled into raw material for subfloors. A number of cement/chalk based mixtures (such as concrete, ternary mixture and insulating mortars) were produced using recycled (concrete, mixed, EPS) aggregates. Moreover, C&D gypsum waste was recycled into gypsum plasterboards and recycled ceramic aggregates were used for recycled bricks. Multilayer composite decking boards and multilayer panels for façade were also developed. An expert recycling tool assessing environmental and human health risks associated with recycling alternatives is openly available on the IRCOW webpage.

One of the most precious values of the project is a series of observations coming out from five case studies at real construction or demolition sites which were carried out in different parts of Europe. Each of them was focused on different practical aspects of C&DW management towards material reuse, recovery and application for high-grade construction materials and components production. The case studies provided a unique opportunity to validate which of the solutions proposed by IRCOW are technically feasible, economically viable, environmentally more appropriate (based on Life Cycle Assessment studies) and realistically applicable in market conditions.

Finally, IRCOW delivered a set of policy modifications which are deemed necessary. They refer to: ▪ standardization of recycled concretes based on the definition of a series of recycled aggregate categories linked

to their composition and purity; ▪ promotion of selective demolition processes i.e. separation at source, for which compulsory demolition inventory

towards reuse and recycling prior to demolition is implemented; ▪ regulation of demolition as waste management activity by considering the building-to-be-demolished in the

„waste” list of the corresponding Directive; ▪ initiating regional pilot projects demonstrating feasibility of reuse activities related to C&DW recovered materials; ▪ application of green public procurement favouring end-of-life design to improve reusability in the future; ▪ developing and adapting a new system of differentiated gate fees at C&DW recycling plants based on the purity

of the incomming material. Low , if any fees for clean stony waste could effectively result in an increase of such material flow while compensating the additional effort required in the production of recycled aggregares from dirty mixed waste.

IRCOW’s key objective behind the scientific and technological goals was threefold: • to ensure that the project outcomes are relevant for end-user needs especially industry and SMEs and other

stakeholders involved in the reuse and recycling of C&DW;• raise awareness especially in the area of reuse of building elements recovered from C&DW and their

applications• to communicate the contributions made to the European knowledge and scientific excellence, to higher

education and university students as well as the European citizens in general.Therefore all main outputs including training materials and presentations, video coverages related to the IRCOW project in general and the case studies as well as information on the developed products, access to tools and services followed by a summary of best practices is available on our project web site:

2. Project context

Construction and demolition waste (C&DW) represents one of the European Union’s largest waste streams, in quantitative terms by weight and volume. Directive 2008/98/EC4 on waste stresses the need to improve the material recovery efficiency of this waste stream. Although many EU Member States have undergone a strong increase in C&DW recycling awareness and infrastructure, the overall material recovery performance in the European Union reveals that further improvements must be undertaken to move towards a high level of resource efficiency.

C&DW Stony fractionSome EU countries have attained high recycling rates for stony fraction, but most of the derived recycled products (recycled aggregates and sands) are used in low-grade applications in civil engineering unbound applications. This market for recycled aggregates, however, is getting more and more saturated. Therefore, a shift towards more structural concrete applications is currently being investigated and promoted.The main bottleneck for incorporating recycled aggregates in higher grade uses is the lack of confidence in such products, due to variable properties, potentially lower strength of the aggregates, lack of purity (lightweight particles such as wood or plastics) or presence of potentially harmful components like sulphates associated with gypsum. To obtain higher quality levels for recycled aggregates, current approaches for C&DW recycling technology are focusing on the development and incorporation of more advanced sorting systems compared to traditional treatment schemes. Complementarily, a shift in the demolition execution procedures, towards increasing on-site sorting, would also significantly contribute to the generation of recycled aggregates of higher quality.

Other C&DW fractionsIn general, recovery rates for other C&DW fractions (except for metals) in the EU remain well below the 2020 target of 70% (by weight) established by the aforementioned Waste Directive for non-hazardous C&DW (note that excavation material is excluded from both the Directive and IRCOW project). Large amounts are still being incinerated or landfilled. The rates of reuse of construction components and materials are also low and consequently, there is a need for developing efficient strategies to favour the reuse as a preferable management option.

ReuseWhen creating a hierarchy among the end-of-life alternatives, according to environmental impact, a direct reuse of a product comes highest in the rank, followed by recycling. Moving towards the reuse of products is an ideal solution for the product end-of-life approach in order to minimize environmental impact. Unfortunatelly, this is not a common practice in Europe due to more complex


construction techniques that the ones traditionally applied. In that sense, some reports state that it will take many years to move towards a confident, skillful and marketable industry that invests and reaps returns from the practicable and cost-effective reuse of C&DW recovered components and materials.

Traditional recycling systemsThe traditional recycling systems do not guarantee sufficient quality to use the derived recycled products in high grade applications when dealing with mixed C&DW. For such applications, the content of contaminants such as organic matter e.g. wood, plastics, etc. and gypsum in the recycled fractions must be minimized. In the case of very heterogeneous waste streams, more rigorous separation and cleaning techniques are needed to achieve the required levels of purity. Thus, the challenge for obtaining upgraded C&D recycled materials lies in finding the right combination of inexpensive traditional separation techniques with further advanced automated sorting techniques easily adaptable to diverse generation scenarios, together with adjusting the waste generation process itself towards selective demolitions, when feasable from the viewpoint of safety, economy, time limits, etc.

Advanced automated sorting techniquesAdvanced automated sorting techniques by color (artificial vision) or chemical composition (spectrometers, lasers, X-Ray, Near Infrared, etc.) are successfully researched and developed for high quality sorting of plastics arising from municipal waste, in glass recycling or for non-destructive analysis of quality of horticultural products. In the field of C&DW recycling, preliminary tests have been recently carried out at lab scale, with automatic techniques based on “Color Sorting” and sorting based on “Dual-Energy X-Ray Transmission”. However, further research is needed to optimize the separation of heterogeneous C&DW streams. This should result in a guaranteed supply of pure recycled materials that can be used in high-grade construction applications. In addition, these innovative separation technologies must be fine-tuned and adapted for new emerging waste such as foamed polymers, rock and glass wool and composite materials.

Plastic foamsThe use of plastic foams for thermal insulation of house walls will contribute even more to it in the next decade. In addition, plastics occupy large volumes. In this context, it is urgent to find feasible on-site sorting and recycling solutions for C&D plastic waste. To date, there is little experience with selective collection schemes for plastic packaging from construction works. There are, however, a number of selective collection schemes for rigid plastics from construction, renovation and demolition.

Inorganic fibrous insulating materialsInorganic fibrous insulating materials (glass wool and stone wool) account for 60% of the current market. The use of such fibrous waste materials is expected to grow in the 2010-2020 decade in line with the European objectives on energy efficiency. The potential hazardousness for human health of these synthetic fibres is still under investigation. It has already been the cause of concern for some categories of fibres with specific chemical composition. As a consequence

of the EC directives, the materials containing synthetic fibres, which are classified as potentially carcinogenic/pathogenic, should be properly managed similarly to asbestos-containing materials (ACM). The problems associated with the management and disposal of ACM applies also to other synthetic fibres wastes. Although there are diverse management options for fibrous waste materials, the use of microwave thermal treatments (MTT) seems to be a promising technology to transform fibrous structures into inert compounds potentially usable in other construction applications. In terms of cost savings, it is quoted that the cost of asbestos and other fibrous materials microwave thermal treatment is at the level of landfill deposition costs and even 10 times cheaper than plasma treatment while yielding an inert product that can be reused. Comparing to other management options, the MTT technology reveals a large number of advantages: ▪ on-site treatment since the reactor can be installed on a mobile platform; ▪ the derived by-products are inert; ▪ possibility to treat other hazardous substances.

On-site recyclingFurthermore, on-site recycling is a preferable option to off -site recycling if the reduction of C&DW transportation costs and environmental impacts compensates the machinery transportation and on-site installation. Currently, mobile recycling systems are mainly used to reduce the stony debris into smaller pieces and eventually separate it into different grain size fractions. However, this equipment is normally unfit to produce recycled materials with sufficient quality to be used in high-grade construction applications mainly due to the impurity level in the generated waste. In this sense, the challenge is to increase the technological level for C&DW on-site processing, as well as balancing the option of increasing the on-site separation (i.e. performing a selective demolition).

In line with the current European waste legislation, local, regional or national public authorities pay more and more attention to the efficient reuse and recycling of construction and demolition waste (C&DW). The reasons underlying this are: - C&DW is one of the largest waste streams in the EU; - a very large proportion of C&DW can be easily reused or recycled within the construction sector; - reusing or recycling of C&DW contributes to saving natural resources and energy; - recycled C&DW can be cheaper than using natural materials.


To achieve the goal, the following scientific and technological as well as non-technological objectives were addressed:

Scientific & technological objectives ▪ To create innovative strategies promoting the reuse of building components/products and preparing new building

solutions for reuse activities; ▪ To create high quality recycling systems by means of advanced solutions for C&DW sorting and processing; ▪ To design, develop and test high grade construction products (concrete, gypsum boards, wood-polymer composites

and multilayer panels) elaborated with C&DW recycled materials: inorganic and organic ones; ▪ To validate new solutions developed at lab scale on real construction sites; ▪ To evaluate the technical, economic, environmental and human health performance of these solutions.

Non-technical objectives ▪ To ensure the relevance and applicability of the project results via strong interactions with stakeholders and end-

users (e.g. architects, real estate developers, C&DW processors); ▪ To raise awareness and build up a strong interest in C&DW mitigation among the key European level stakeholders,

as an implementation potential for the IRCOW results; ▪ To ensure effective dissemination of the project results in order to efficiently use and share technical information

among end-users and maintain strong collaborative arrangements between all the project beneficiaries of the participating countries;

▪ To communicate the contributions made to the European knowledge and scientific excellence, the value of collaboration between EU Member States, and the benefits arising from IRCOW to European citizens in general;

▪ To formulate recommendations for changes in policies, where such are called for; ▪ To remove obstacles and enforce opportunities for the innovative solutions; ▪ To spread results towards higher education bodies.

3. Project objectives

The main goal of the IRCOW project was to develop and validate upgraded technological solutions to achieve an efficient material recovery from C&DW by considering a life cycle perspective.












To acknowledge the natural, cultural and legal diversity in Europe, and to involve regional SME and local stakeholders, 5 case studies were carried out

in 4 different countries (Sweden, Belgium, Poland and Spain) to cover the diverse construction culture, typologies, reuse and recycling

experience all over Europe (technological work package WP5). These case studies encompassed demolition and building

works to cover the complete supply chain where C&DW could arise.

Technological work package WP1 focused on generating knowledge that will enable an increase in the reuse and consumption of building components, largely arising in demolition activities. For that purpose, an analysis of supply chain for reused components and materials was accomplished, identifying the perception of clients towards reused building products.

Benefiting from the outputs of WP3, the technological work package WP4 addressed the design, development and optimization of high-grade construction materials and products made from recycled C&DW fractions. The main targeted products were as follows: new types of concrete elaborated with the recycled stony fraction; acoustic insulation boards manufactured with recycled gypsum; wood-polymer composites and multilayer panels composed of recycled aggregates and thermal insulations.

Technological work package WP3 addressed scientific and technological breakthroughs in C&DW recycling techniques. The aim was to establish the technological basis for new solutions in C&DW recycling. For that purpose, advanced technologies based on NIR spectroscopy and visual spectroscopy were researched. Also, new crushing and sieving routes were tested for on-site recycling of stony fraction. Finally, sorting and processing technologies were studied for C&DW plastic, wood and fibrous fractions.

The outcomes of WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5 were assessed and validated from an economic and environmental point of view, by using Life Cycle Assessment tools (work package WP6). Close interaction between WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP6 allowed to optimize the technical, environmental and economic dimensions of the new applications.All results were combined in order to formulate C&DW management strategies that take into account new development, eco-design and diversity of the C&DW market within the EU. To reach this goal, close interaction with key market stakeholders was established. The involvement of industrial stakeholders as well as national and regional authorities ensured the relevance and applicability of the project results. Moreover, the stakeholders were involved in deriving recommendations for changes in policies aiming to remove obstacles and enforce opportunities for the innovative solutions (work package WP7).



4. IRCOW studies about reuse and recycling


Presently, only a small fraction of items and materials recovered from C&DW is reused. The current reuse markets are limited to components with cultural or aesthetic value and small scale businesses aimed at private consumers and smaller companies. Large scale activities for commercial construction projects are extremely rare. Efficient reuse will only be realised through joined-up thinking, working together with clients, planners and designers, and demonstrating through best practice, innovative structures and paradigms where components and materials are reclaimed.

In this context, a study was conducted within the IRCOW-project six European countries from Sweden in the north to Spain in the south with the aim to better understand the key agents within the supply chain for reused C&D materials and to formulate improved strategies which could increase the reuse. The study was conducted using interviews and workshop sessions with stakeholders representing the construction and waste management sector including designers, construction companies, demolition enterprises, waste management companies and authorities etc. The goal was to identify the critical factors acting as barriers or opportunities in the reuse of C&DW recovered materials.The study revealed that: ▪ Important barriers hampering the reuse of C&D materials are related to costs;

material is cheap compared to labour, quality; quality assurance of reused material is complicated but an absolute requirement in many applications, the market structure for C&D recovered elements is weak; the supply of reused C&D material is limited and varying. Initiatives are needed to stimulate the reuse of C&DW recovered elements from both: the demand and the supply side.

▪ An important challenge is to create an efficient system for quality assurance of C&DW recovered items and materials for reuse. Practices for virgin materials exist but need to be adapted for C&DW recovered elements. Challenges related to the quality assurance are emphasized in all studied countries and there is thus a basis to work on these issues at EU level through industry associations, standardisations bodies and authorities.

In the Policy Recommendations section two action lines for stimulating the reuse of C&DW recovered items now and in the future have been proposed by the IRCOW project. More in detail, the first action line is activation of the present reuse market, by carrying out regional pilot project of demonstration. The second suggests public procurement favouring end-of-life design in the projects developed today, facilitating the reuse in the future. ▪ Even in an ideal reuse supply situation, where other prerequisites like quality

assurance, supply availability, etc. have been fulfilled, a negative perception of reused material, either by construction professionals or the final costumers, would constitute a major drawback that must be overcome. Moreover, it was concluded that, in order to avoid missing the reuse opportunities, the awarness of both public and professionals on reuse needs to be improved. In this line, collaborations and

agreements within the supply chain, such as the one signed in connection with cellular concrete (see section 7), would serve as a win-win basis for achieving a better reality regarding material recovery from C&DW in Europe. Moreover, it is expected that the administration may drive this innovation even further by means of green public procurement, as well as fine-tunning policies.


A part of the IRCOW project activities concentrated on the establishment of a technological basis for new solutions in C&DW recycling. The new developments elaborated during the project aimed to: ▪ maximize the volume and quality of the materials recovered from C&DW, ▪ improve the efficiency of techniques to separate complex C&DW streams in useful fractions, ▪ optimize the recycling costs by lowering the process costs and increasing the value of the separated fractions, ▪ investigate the feasibility to redesign innovative off-site separation techniques for on-site application.

Those objectives were common for three main fractions of materials within the C&DW: stony fraction; plastics and wood fraction; and fibrous materials.Nonetheless, the study at C&D sites referring to plastics revealed that only LDPE-film from packaging was found in meaningful quantities at C&DW. Other plastic fractions occured in general in low quantities and in fragmented plastic types and grades. Moreover, IRCOW concluded that the amounts of C&DW plastics did not justify on-site sorting by means of advanced technologies and on-site recycling processes like composites extrusion. The recycling processes for such fractions require stable environmental conditions, as well as high amounts and continuous availability of input materials which in the case of plastics cannot be provided on-site. Those materials must be treated off-site in order to guarantee industrial, economic and environmental feasibility. Therefore, it must be taken into account that the on-site valorization of the plastic from C&DW into high grade applications might not make any practical sense.The source separation and storage/compacting of selected plastic or wood fractions, providing that there is available space, could be a solution to recover high quality fractions from C&DW on-site that might be used for an off-site recycling process. This is in line with the policy recommendation from IRCOW regarding selective demolition. An increased recovery of both stony and other organic fractions could be achieved by presorting of these fractions already on-site. This on-site presorting established already in some EU Member States has been influenced by stricter regulations regarding the landfilling of organic waste and by changes in the gate-fees for waste services for different waste qualities. It means that the higher the purity (the mineral fraction content) of the C&DW, the lower the disposal charges are. The gate fees for higher contaminated C&DW in some EU Member States like Germany are usually by a factor ten to twenty higher than for low contaminated, mineral waste. By presorting of mineral and organic fractions already on-site, both material flows might be treated afterwards in suitable material recovery facilities designed to achieve the highest practicable recycling quality for the respective material inputs. Likewise, a preconcentration of similar recyclable material fractions will also have a positive impact on the economy of waste recovery facilities, as revenues can be increased and operational costs can be reduced.Alternatively, a recovery of recyclable material (stony fractions, wood, paper, plastics etc.) from mixed C&DW could be performed in an off-site material recovery facility by using combinations of advanced sorting technologies and traditional processing technologies. Tests performed within the framework of IRCOW, based on automated sorting technologies, have shown that an efficient recovery of recyclable fractions can be achieved in such processes.In the following chapter specific sections are devoted to a detailed description of the “New Software for NIR Sorting Equipment”, “On-site Microwave Energy Thermal Treatment for Inorganic Fibrous Materials” and “Multilayer Composite Extrusion Technology”, presenting the performance of those solutions.


5. The main S&T results

In order to be marketable, these products in principle must demonstrate a comparable performance with products derived from virgin raw materials. Only then they will have the same market perspectives of products derived from virgin raw materials.


▪ Raw material with recycled cellular concrete for subfloors

▪ Concrete mixtures with recycled granulates of the concrete type

▪ Concretes with coarse mixed recycled aggregates and recycled ceramic sand

▪ Ternary mixture with recycled crushed sand ▪ Insulating mortar with recycled expanded polystyrene ▪ Gypsum plasterboard with recycled gypsum ▪ Multilayer composite decking board (WPC) ▪ Multilayer panel for building envelope ▪ Ceramic aggregates for bricks


▪ New software for NIR (Near Infrared) Sorting Equipment providing improved recycling processes for C&DW recycling plants, with the main objective of achieving high-grading recycled aggregates and facilitating their use

▪ On-site microwave energy thermal treatment, which allows disintegration of asbestos and other mineral fibres

▪ Multilayer composite extrusion technology


▪ An integrated service aimed at recycling of C&DW into high-grade applications

▪ Eco-design as an established approach to design new products applying secondary resources


▪ Stock-Exchange tool: a demo of a dedicated e-commerce portal for sale and purchase of C&DW recovered materials and elements

▪ The Human Health and Environmental Risk Indicator (HERI): a computer based tool which can be used by the building or recycling industry to indicate the potential risks due to the use of recycled C&DW materials or products based on such materials

The main scientific and technical results of IRCOW, include 4 categories of outputs:


IRCOW has explored recycling technologies regarding not only the stony fraction of the C&DW but also gypsum, mineral wool, etc. Moreover, these products were validated in real case studies and assessed from the environmental and economic point of view. All in all, the introduction of these solutions in the European level could noticeably improve current material recovery rates.In the case of the C&DW stony fraction which accounts for ca. 80% of the total C&DW stream, efforts have been made both to improve recycling processes as well as develop a number of recycled concretes. More in detail, concretes including coarse (> 5 mm) recycled aggregates of the concrete type and of a mixed composition (based on concrete and ceramics) have been studied. IRCOW has provided recommendations regarding the use of those recycled coarse aggregates in concrete, based on: ▪ compositional requirements of the recycled coarse

aggregates; ▪ limitations on the use in different exposure conditions; ▪ definition of the maximum strength of concrete class.

Moreover, three aggregate types have been defined for the use in recycled concretes. In the case of a stringent “high-grade concrete aggregate”, which would stimulate the confidence of consumers/users, all exposure classes would be allowed, in various substitution percentages (up to 50% by weight), depending on the exposure. In the case of (low impurity content) coarse mixed recycled aggregates of a determined composition (maximum ceramic content of 30% by weight), 100% of substitution is allowed for concretes of C20/25 compressive strength class, i.e. non-structural concrete (of lower responsibility though very common). In the countries where the use of ceramics such as tiles and hollow bricks is more popular (e.g. Mediterranean countries), the mixed recycled aggregates represent almost 70% by weight of the total recycled aggregates.IRCOW has also worked on the recycling of the C&DW gypsum into plasterboards. Within the product’s industrial validation with Knauf, a low percentage of substitution of conventional gypsum by C&DW gypsum was made (< 10%). Nevertheless, technical viability of much higher substitution rates is promising. Setting feasible scenarios and supply chains for the recovery of this stream seems to be the main pending issue for the establishment of this product.A successful multilayer extrusion of certain C&DW streams, for which disposal is the common practice, has been demonstrated: namely the mineral wool and gypsum plasterboard. Also wood can be introduced in the composite, but it must be 100% hard metals free. These C&DW materials could successfully contribute in ca. 60% by weight in the composite mixture. Typical applications for these wood and plastics composities include: decking, fencing, and other indoor applications such as window and door frames, etc.According to market projections, worldwide WPC production will rise from 2.43 million tons in 2012 to 3.83 million tons in 2015. Today North-America is the world’s leading producer of WPC with 1.1 million tons ahead of China, which produces some 900,000 tons (estimate), and Europe, which produces 260,000 tones. It is expected that European production will particularly grow by around 10% per year, reaching 350,000 tonnes in 2015.All IRCOW products have been analyzed and assesed for their environmental performance using Life Cycle Assessments

Closing the material cycle of cellular concrete: Signature of collaboration agreement

A voluntary collaboration agreement for the Flanders region was signed on October 2014 during the IRCOW project final conference, involving demolition sector, collection-recycling sector, producers, sellers and construction sector. The agreement aims for a chain management of cellular concrete, closing the loop of the material. It is estimated that between 50.000 and 100.000 tons of cellular concrete waste are generated per year in this region, of which 30.000 tons are expected to be recycled in 2014. Flanders expects becoming a European leader in the recycling of cellular concrete by 2020. IRCOW outcomes contribute this objective. The manufacturing costs of the recycled IRCOW products made of cellular concrete are, at least, 40% cheaper than the products made of raw materials.

For more information see section 7


(LCA). Three different methodologies have been used to evaluate the new products and processes: Attributional LCA, Consequential LCA and Attributional input output hybrid LCA. The focus has been on consequential LCA to capture the environmental effects of introducing the new products on the European market.The best performing products from an overall environmental perspective were: ▪ Insulating concrete with recycled cellular concrete

The insulating concrete was compared to aerated concrete with a similar strength, conductivity and density and performed at least 80% better in all impact categories. This means that there is a good potential for improved environmental performance if aerated concrete is replaced by the IRCOW insulating concrete.

▪ Multilayer composite decking board or wood-plastic composite (WPC)The IRCOW WPC was compared to conventional WPC with similar technical performance and performed more than 40% better for global warming and better or similar for other impact categories.

▪ Gypsum plasterboard with recycled gypsumThe IRCOW developed gypsum plasterboard with 5% recycled gypsum from C&DW performed more than 25% better for all impact categories (except acidification, which was similar) than the conventional gypsum plasterboard.

▪ Ternary mixture with recycled crushed sandThe IRCOW ternary mixture showed environmental improvements by up to 70% compared to the conventional product. This IRCOW product however demonstrated higher uncertainties regarding environmental performance than the other IRCOW products.

Raw material with recycled cellular concrete for subfloors

Cellular concrete has been successfully used in Europe for more than 80 years. The amount of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) in construction and demolition waste that can be recycled in the production of new AAC is, however, limited because of the quality issues. Recycling of AAC in traditional concrete or as unbound aggregate, also

faces difficulties because of the low compressive strength (2-10 MPa) of AAC and technical and environmental issues related to sulphate leaching.During IRCOW, a method for the immobilisation of sulphate was developed. This created opportunities for the development of new products. Cellular concrete waste was crushed and used as sand replacement in sand-cement products for subfloors or foundations. These products were developed and tested in laboratory and industrial conditions.The subfloor products demonstrated a sufficient compressive strength for their applications, combined with a lower thermal conductivity than other sand-cement products.Furthremore, the insulating concrete was compared to aerated concrete with a similar strength, conductivity and density, from the life cycle perspective. The result of the comparison showed that the IRCOW insulating concrete

Processing of cellular concrete waste into new products. Left to right: Industrial crushing of cellular concrete, production of the cement stabilized sand in the lab.

The three developed products with recycled cellular concrete. Left to right: screed (case study 5), cement stabilzed sand, insulating concrete

performed at least 80% better in all impact categories. This means that there is a good potential for improved environmental performance if aerated concrete is replaced by the IRCOW insulating concrete.

Concrete mixtures with recycled granulates of the concrete type

Within IRCOW, concrete for different applications was produced with the use of high-grade recycled concrete aggregates. Foundation or indoor flooring concrete has to comply with following exposure classes from NBN EN 206-1:2001: XF1 (resistance against degradation by freeze-thaw cycles in moderate water saturation without de-icing salts) and XC3 (resistance against corrosion initiated by carbonation in moderate humidity) (Flanders: EE2). For both applications the strength class C30/37 is premised. Foundation concrete with up to 60 m% replacement of the coarse fraction with recycled concrete aggregates was produced. For the indoor flooring concrete, a replacement of 30 m% was obtained.Outdoor flooring concrete must comply with the following exposure classes from NBN EN 206-1:2001: XF1 (resistance against degradation by freeze-thaw cycles in moderate water saturation without de-icing salts) and XC4 (resistance against corrosion initiated by carbonation in alternating wet and dry conditions) (Flanders: EE3). A strength class C30/37 is premised. Outdoor flooring concrete with up to 30 m% replacement of the coarse fraction with recycled concrete aggregates was produced.

Concrete with coarse mixed recycled aggregates and recycled ceramic sand

The recycled concretes with coarse mixed recycled aggregates with addition of recycled ceramic sand developed and tested within IRCOW are low-intermediate strength concretes (with a minimum compressive strength of C20/25). They are aimed to be used for both ready mixed concretes and precast concrete products.In general, these mixed recycled concretes could be used in applications with no high structural requirement: for example in the case of ready mixed concretes for pipe

beddings, levelling surfaces, subgrades for foundations, etc.; and in the case of precast elements for kerbs, ditches, ornamental urban elements, etc. Even applications with an increased structural requirement could be addressed, if

Foundation and indoor flooring concrete with recycled concrete aggregates (Case Study CS 5)

Concrete with mixed recycled aggregates and ceramic sand

Concrete slab containing 100% recycled coarse aggregates and 10% recycled ceramic fine aggregates. (CS1) Real execution in Bilbao (Spain)

(LCA). Three different methodologies have been used to evaluate the new products and processes: Attributional LCA, Consequential LCA and Attributional input output hybrid LCA. The focus has been on consequential LCA to capture the environmental effects of introducing the new products on the European market.The best performing products from an overall environmental perspective were: ▪ Insulating concrete with recycled cellular concrete

The insulating concrete was compared to aerated concrete with a similar strength, conductivity and density and performed at least 80% better in all impact categories. This means that there is a good potential for improved environmental performance if aerated concrete is replaced by the IRCOW insulating concrete.

▪ Multilayer composite decking board or wood-plastic composite (WPC)The IRCOW WPC was compared to conventional WPC with similar technical performance and performed more than 40% better for global warming and better or similar for other impact categories.

▪ Gypsum plasterboard with recycled gypsumThe IRCOW developed gypsum plasterboard with 5% recycled gypsum from C&DW performed more than 25% better for all impact categories (except acidification, which was similar) than the conventional gypsum plasterboard.

▪ Ternary mixture with recycled crushed sandThe IRCOW ternary mixture showed environmental improvements by up to 70% compared to the conventional product. This IRCOW product however demonstrated higher uncertainties regarding environmental performance than the other IRCOW products.

Raw material with recycled cellular concrete for subfloors

Cellular concrete has been successfully used in Europe for more than 80 years. The amount of autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) in construction and demolition waste that can be recycled in the production of new AAC is, however, limited because of the quality issues. Recycling of AAC in traditional concrete or as unbound aggregate, also

faces difficulties because of the low compressive strength (2-10 MPa) of AAC and technical and environmental issues related to sulphate leaching.During IRCOW, a method for the immobilisation of sulphate was developed. This created opportunities for the development of new products. Cellular concrete waste was crushed and used as sand replacement in sand-cement products for subfloors or foundations. These products were developed and tested in laboratory and industrial conditions.The subfloor products demonstrated a sufficient compressive strength for their applications, combined with a lower thermal conductivity than other sand-cement products.Furthremore, the insulating concrete was compared to aerated concrete with a similar strength, conductivity and density, from the life cycle perspective. The result of the comparison showed that the IRCOW insulating concrete

Processing of cellular concrete waste into new products. Left to right: Industrial crushing of cellular concrete, production of the cement stabilized sand in the lab.

The three developed products with recycled cellular concrete. Left to right: screed (case study 5), cement stabilzed sand, insulating concrete


they have been designed taking into consideration the given characteristic strength of the concretes; e.g. slabs or footings, such as the ones which were tested in Case Study CS1 of IRCOW (see sections 6.1 and 6.2).Incorporation of ceramic recycled fine aggregates induces higher resistance against freeze/thaw cycles. Resistance against carbonation is comparable to conventional concrete. However, the incorporation of ceramic recycled aggregates induces higher shrinkage, thus adequate joints absorbing the higher shrinkage should be considered on large concrete surfaces. Additionally, compressive strength is reduced compared to a conventional concrete including the same amount of cement.

An important conclusion from the IRCOW project is that from an environmental perspective it is generally preferred to replace natural aggregates with recycled aggregates if and only if the use of cement is equal or lower than in the conventional product and if an environmentally similar or better cement is used.

Ternary mixture with recycled crushed sand

Traditionally, a ternary mixture consists of sand, chalk and mixing water. Chalk and water bind sand allowing it to interconnect. Within IRCOW, a ternary mixture was developed in which 100% of virgin sand fraction has been replaced with sand fraction (0-8 mm) of crushed concrete (crushed sand).If the increased water absorption of the crushed concrete sand is taken into account, the properties of the recycling product are equal to a traditional ternary mixture.The IRCOW ternary mixture showed environmental improvements (LCA) by up to 70% compared to the conventional product. However, compared to other IRCOW products, ternary mixture with recycled crushed sand represented higher uncertanities regarding environmental performance.

Insulating mortar with recycled expanded polystyrene (EPS)

Beads of expanded polystyrene (EPS) have been combined with concrete for the last 20 years to obtain lightweight concrete for levelling, filling and insulating. In IRCOW project, crushed recovered EPS from C&DW and other sectors has been added to mass concrete to create a cement-based material with improved thermal insulating properties.Its thermal performance cannot be compared with conventional EPS insulating boards but its intermediate density and perfect compatibility with fresh cement based materials makes it an interesting option for industrializing some building applications.During manufacturing and de-installation, special safety measures must be taken into account to avoid the visual

Ternary mixture with recycled crushed concrete sand







Reference Recycled








Comparison in average compressive strength after 28+ days

contamination derived of the EPS beads. Specific equipment for EPS handling is recomended at the manufacturer facilities during its mixing with the cement paste. This “EPS mortar” was used as external thermal insulating layer in the façade multilayer panels installed in KUBIK lab-building and Case Study CS4 (see section 6.5).

Gypsum plasterboard with recycled gypsum

Gypsum plasterboards with a partial substitution of gypsum with recycled gypsum from C&DW were developed within IRCOW. Gypsum plasterboard is used for partitions and lining of walls, ceilings, roofs and floors. The properties of plasterboard can be modified to meet specific requirements, such as fire resistance, humidity resistance, shock resistance, etc.Under IRCOW, gypsum from C&DW was recovered from a C&DW treatment plant by means of advanced sorting technologies. Recycled gypsum from C&DW was crushed and dehydrated for partial substitution of conventional (mineral or FGD) gypsum for plasterboard.A pilot case was successfully performed in the last semester of the project with small substitution ratio (<5% by weight). Selected gypsum was combined with conventional gypsum at the beginning of the manufacturing process at an industrial facility. Gypsum plasterboards with recycled gypsum were manufactured and installed in Case Study CS4 and at the KUBIK lab-building (TECNALIA facility).From the LCA point of view, the IRCOW developed gypsum plasterboard with 5% recycled gypsum from C&DW performed better for all environmental impact categories (except acidification, which was similar) than the conventional gypsum plasterboard.

Comparison of thermal insulating performanceSamples of mortar with recycled EPS

Substitution of reference gypsum: (0%), 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% 100% recycled gypsum Installation of recycled plasterboards in Kubik lab-building (TECNALIA)


Multilayer composite decking board

In the IRCOW project multilayer composite decking boards (WPC) were developed using different mixtures of waste materials from C&DW such as gypsum plaster board, mineral wool insulation and mixed wooded materials together with recycled plastics using new Conenor invented multilayer CONEX®-extrusion technology.Waste materials were used in the following indicative composition up to 95% of the product weight (which may be tailored case by case according to the actual type and origin of the waste): ▪ waste wood fibers and inorganic fillers 60% (wood, gypsum plaster board, wool insulation); ▪ mixed colors recycled plastics 35% (PP or HDPE e.g. from rigid consumer packaging or films); ▪ additives 5%.

Majority of WPCs are manufactured using profile extrusion, which creates continuous profiles in unchanged cross-section cut to the desired length. They can be used in a number of applications both outdoor and indoor.Despite the fact, that WPCs have been produced in the USA and Canada for about 20 years and elsewhere in the world for about 10 years, they are still at a relatively early stage of their industrial development. Consequently, new processes, methods as well as applications are in evolution. Decking, which has been one of the first applications to be developed, continues to be among the most popular applications of WPCs.Stricter regulations on the use of chemicals in building materials, such as the phasing out of chromated copper arsenate (CCA) treated lumber for residential decking and the desire for ‘green’ building materials have also contributed to greater acceptance of WPCs by builders and homeowners.Within the IRCOW project, Conenor Ltd. developed a new type of WPC decking board with a multilayer product structure using its nested 2-rotor CONEX®-extruder. The board consists of two in-parallel extruded material formulation layers, surface and core. The surface material formulation fully encapsulates the core material formulation on both sides as well as the female-female board edges.The core material formulation (~3/4 of the board total weight) consists of recycled mixed colored plastics 35% (either HDPE or PP) and C&DW materials 60% (mixed wood/wool insulation/gypsum plaster board) plus 5% virgin additives (coupling agent and processing aid).The main difference between a conventional single-layer WPC board available on the market and the WPC decking board developed in IRCOW consists in the multilayer product structure. This structure allows C&DW materials to be used together with recycled mixed colored plastics in the decking board core layer to achieve the adequate product quality required by the decking application. The IRCOW decking board has been applied in the IRCOW Case Study CS4 (see section 6.5).

Conventional single layer WPC-decking boar (left) and IRCOW multilayer composite WPC-decking boards (center/right).

Beside environmental aspects, the leverage for commercializing this new multilayer WPC board lies in the economic benefits that are provided by the remarkable reduction of raw material costs which is highly important in general to make WPCs a preferred choice as green building material in the future. Utilizing C&DW materials at the core layer allows saving over 50% of total costs of manufacture.

The IRCOW WPC was compared to conventional WPC by LCA, with similar technical performance and performed more than 40% better for global warming and better or similar for other impact categories.

Ceramic aggregates for bricks

Ceramic aggregates for bricks are fine to medium grained aggregates resulting from processing of stony fraction from C&DW. Therefore the red ceramic parts of the stony C&DW are negatively sorted out by using Titech (presently TOMRA) color sorting equipment. Negative sorting means that the red particles are sorted out of the main material stream consisting of grey concrete rubble.The desired grain size for the application as secondary raw material is obtained by crushing and sieving. In the event that a very fine grained ceramic aggregate (< 100 um) is needed for a specific application, an extra grinding step is required.Within IRCOW the objective was to investigate the possible application of ground ceramic aggregate as raw material in brick production and to look at the maximum allowable contamination with concrete or mortar components not having a significant effect on brick product quality.The application as raw material for brick production allows a maximum concrete contamination of 20 M%. If larger amounts of concrete particles are present, the risk for the formation of efflorescent salts on the brick surface is increased.The grain size target for the tests was to achieve overall grain sizes < 200 µm in order to prevent eventual lime blowing to occur. Residual mortar or cement remaining on the brick surface after crushing and grinding to grain sizes > 200 µm could lead to “lime pops”. These lime pops consist of CaCO3 which decomposes during firing to CaO and CO2. The free CaO remaining after firing may react with atmospheric H2O forming Ca(OH)2 which is accompanied by a rather important volume expansion. The latter can lead to lime blowing in the final brick product.The chemical composition of the aggregates reflects the original composition of the bricks in the building. The ceramic aggregates consist predominantly of quartz (~ 70 %) with calcite (~ 14 %) and albite (~ 12 %) and minor amounts of microcline (~ 5 %).The ceramic aggregates show rounded grains, very finely dispersed as reflected in the grain size distribution. A detailed picture of one grain shows very clearly that, although the material has been finely grinded, the original porous brick texture remains unchanged.The ceramic and technical advantages are as follows: ▪ Optimisation of rheological behaviour of the clay column in brick extrusion processes; ▪ Optimisation of the grain size distribution (fine grained ceramic aggregates); ▪ Fluxing agent at elevated firing temperatures (> 1100°C); ▪ Neutral agent in regard of flue gas emissions (SOX, HF, etc.).

Detailed picture of 1 grain of ceramic aggregate


Multilayer panel for building envelope

The multilayer panel for building envelope is a façade solution, with optimised thermo-acoustic performance, which must meet the current exigent requirements of energy performance for buildings. It is composed of: ▪ external thermal insulation layer made of insulating

mortar with recycled EPS; ▪ internal structural layer made of concrete with 100%

recycled coarse aggregates; ▪ gypsum plasterboard with recycled gypsum (indoor

assembled to the other two layers)The best possible thermal performance can only be achieved when the walls are externally insulated. IRCOW multilayer panel provides external thermal insulation in a precast component; so, most of the manual on-site tasks of traditional external thermal insulation composite systems are eliminated. This product could be later complemented with rendering layer for extra protection and insulation.Its performance has been monitored in KUBIK lab-building (TECNALIA), using data acquisition systems and sensors measuring temperature, solar radiation, wind, humidity and thermal flow. Also similar panels were installed in Case Study CS4 (see section 6.5).From the life cycle perspective, the multilayer panel developed within IRCOW proved to perform better than the conventional product for all impact categories, except the use of primary energy.

Side view of the multilayer panel Multilayer panel (after finishing layer)

Without internal insulation Structural concrete layer thickness (cm)U (W/m2K) 8 10 12 14 16

External thermal insulating EPS mortar layer

thickness (cm)

0 2,91 2,65 2,44 2,26 2,102 2,01 1,88 1,77 1,64 1,594 1,54 1,46 1,39 1,33 1,276 1,24 1,19 1,15 1,11 1,078 1,04 1,01 0,98 0,94 0,92

With internal insulation* Structural concrete layer thickness (cm)U (W/m2K) 8 10 12 14 16

External thermal insulating EPS mortar layer

thickness (cm)

0 0,72 0,70 0,68 0,67 0,652 0,65 0,63 0,62 0,61 0,594 0,59 0,58 0,56 0,55 0,546 0,54 0,53 0,52 0,51 0,508 0,50 0,49 0,48 0,47 0,47

*4 cm of rockwool (40kg/m3)

Thermal conduction coefficient of the multilayer panel with 10mm of internal plasterboard sheeting with and without mineral wool mat


New software for NIR sorting equipment

Some EU countries have achieved high recycling rates for the stony fraction derived from concrete, bricks and tiles (recycled aggregates and sands). However, most of these materials are traditionally used in certain low-grade applications in civil engineering as unbound applications (embankment, sub-base, levelling of roads). This market for recycled aggregates, however, is getting more and more saturated. Therefore, a shift towards more structural concrete applications is currently investigated and promoted. Additionally, recycling strategies also aim to get higher rates of use for other materials contained in C&DW. The traditional recycling systems do not guarantee sufficient technical and environmental quality to use the recycled aggregates in high grade applications.Key problematic constitiuents causing a decrease in the quality of the recycled aggregates to be used in high grade applications are: organic material, gypsum and autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC).Those constituents contribute to high levels of total sulphur compounds, acid soluble sulphates well as cause other environmental problems and effects influencing the properties of the final use. The unwanted constituents can lead to expansive compounds in cement-based materials (gypsum), induce delays in setting and hardening of cement based materials or cause lack of bonding strength (organic material). Particles with lower mechanical strength (e.g. cellular concrete) may cause weak points in the final application. Furthermore, both gypsum and cellular concrete can cause excessive leaching of sulphate to the environment. Finally, the level of grey-fraction (concrete + unbound aggregates) in most original samples is too low to be used in structural concrete (at least 90% is needed for this fraction).The samples of mixed C&D granular waste collected and tested within IRCOW were used to create and develop new classification software for NIR spectroscopy sorting systems. “TITECH autosort” NIR sorting systems with a combination of two different NIR sensors (sensor configuration NIR1-NIR2) were used for these tests.Additionally, NIR sorting was performed on a medium heavy/heavy mixed C&DW sample to analyze the performance of advanced sorting equipment for the recovery of wooden and plastic fractions from mixed C&DW. The overall results showed that both wood and plastics can be recovered to a high degree in high qualities from mixed C&DW fractions.

Recording of samples AAC and gypsum

The results clearly indicate that the problematic fractions in the mixed recycled aggregates can be significantly reduced or even eliminated during the NIR sorting treatment, boosting a greater use of recycled aggregates in high grade applications such as concrete manufacturing.

The two tested NIR sensors analyse different wavelength ranges of the input material in order to enable a separation of the contaminant fractions.The new developed classification software has been specifically designed for mixed aggregates and aims for an efficient removal of specified fractions like gypsum, AAC, wood, plastics etc.The software was optimized and successfully tested on different samples collected in the IRCOW project. It was afterwards validated in Case Study CS4 being installed in a C&DW treatment plant of Bizkaiko Txintxor Berziklategia (BTB) in Spain.


The recovery of recyclable materials (stony fractions, wood, paper, plastics etc.) from mixed C&DW could be performed in an off-site material recovery facility by using combinations of advanced sorting technologies and traditional processing technologies. Tests performed within the framework of the IRCOW project have shown that an efficient recovery of recyclable fractions can be achieved in such processes. Automated sorting technologies for plastics and wooden materials are preferable to be used in off-site treatment plants.

An important prerequisite for an increased recovery of both stony and other organic fractions is the presorting of these fractions already on-site. Additionally, traditional C&DW recycling systems designed for mineral C&DW qualities are not suitable for processing mixed C&DW with higher organic contaminations.

On-site microwave energy thermal treatment for inorganic fibrous materials

An important part of the project was devoted to treating waste from building demolition which contains fibrous materials like asbestos, mineral and glass wool and other fibrous materials. The method introduced and tested by ATON was based on MTT (Microwave Thermal Treatment) technology. This technology uses microwaves for disintegration of fibrous structures (such as stone wools, glass wools, etc.), resulting in the change in the structure and chemical properties of the input waste material.

In the MTT method the treated material was crushed, mixed with specific additives and heated by microwaves to a very high temperature - in the range of 900° C -1100° C. In many cases, the end product of the treatment demonstrates properties enabling its application as an additional filler in cement production or as recycled material for mineral wool production.Based on laboratory test data concerning process parameters such as optimal temperature of the process,

time of treatment and percentage of additives needed, semi-industrial tests were carried out with ATON-HR 20 reactor. During the tests, the treated material passed through the ceramic drum located inside the reactor and was heated by microwaves to the required temperature determined before in laboratory tests. The reactor was connected to another reactor developed by ATON i.e. ATON-MOS used for cleaning the exhaust gases emitted during the thermal process inside ATON-HR reactor. Application of both reactors helped eliminating air pollution. It should be pointed out, that the application of the ATON-MOS reactor effectively eliminated also emission of asbestos fibers with exhaust gases. All fibers were melted inside a metallic chamber filled with special ceramic elements heated by microwaves to the temperature exceeding 1200° C. The performance of ATON – HR 20 reactor was in the range of 10 – 30 kg per hour. The tests were carried out by a minimum time of 3-4 hours in order to achieve stable thermal conditions. In such long tests as much as 40 – 80 kg of output material were obtained. The material was then used as filler in cement blocks. In the case of cement boards with asbestos (ethernit), an end product called ATONIT was produced. It demonstrates very good chemical affinity (including puzzolan effect) and thus high potential applications as a filling material for concrete production.For all tested materials optimal process parameters were obtained – like temperature, time of treatment, additives (kind of additives and percentage).

Reactor ATON-HR 200 (left); and reactor ATON-MOS (right)

An important conclusion from the tests performed with ATON-HR20 reactor is that all tests fully confirmed a complete transformation of fibrous structure of asbestos and other fibrous materials info fibreless (amorphous) form.

Based on the tests with ATON-HR 20 reactor a new industrial scale installation ATON-HR 200 was designed and manufactured. New reactor enabled treatment of all tested fibrous materials. It can be installed inside a standard container together with ATON-MOS reactor. If necessary, special crusher for crushing cement boards (ethernit) can be also applied. Such a complete system can be easily moved close to the building demolition place as an on-site installation. The end product of the treatment can also be used on-site as a filler for concrete production (for example for foundation or for concrete blocks). In this way transportation of waste from building demolition can be avoided.The performance of a combined ATON-HR 200 and ATON-MOS 200 system was in the range of 200 kg/hour, microwave power was about 60 KW, 2,45 GHz (for HR reactor) and 40 kW, 2.45 GHz (for MOS reactor). Additionally, preheating of the treated material by gas burner was also applied. The system was automatically controlled by microprocessor controller and the most important process parameters were recorded during the process.Currently, a combined ATON-HR 200 and ATM-MOS reactors system has been deployed by two companies specialized in building renovation and demolition.

Multilayer composite extrusion technology

The CONEX®-extrusion technology with multiple (in this case two) nested rotors is a unique and proprietary invention of Conenor Ltd. It allows various types of recycled and waste materials such as polymeric, thermoplastic, thermosetting as fillers, organic, inorganic, fibrous, etc. to be used in extrusion formulations at chosen weight ratios. In the case when a specific application requirements demand so because of aesthetics or physical product characteristics, it is possible to use waste materials in the rear rotor of the extruder providing only the product core layer while using those fit-for-purpose materials in the front rotor giving the product surface layer and wanted properties. It should be underlined that this is not a limitation of the CONEX®-extrusion technology but the application of the specific product. The technology itself enables the waste materials appearing on the product surface as well. This can be done by applying the waste/recycled material formulation into the front rotor to produce the entire product from waste/recycled materials in two altering formulations e.g. by optimizing plastic/fiber ratio and using expensive coloring, UV- and other additives and non-colored recycled plastics on surface layer only.

Before the materials enter the extruder, adequate formulations must be prepared using either a compounder or an agglomerator e.g. high intensity mixer, or both: first agglomeration and then compounding, depending on type of extrusion equipment to be applied. However, the costs of a compounding equipment are rather high, so are its operating costs. By using agglomerator only, as in the case of CONEX® which allows so, costs can be saved and the entire process can be simplified. Regardless of the process or combination of formulation preparing processes, the input waste material must be cleaned from undesired impurities such as metals and non-acceptable contaminants and thereafter downsized to proper particle size corresponding for the desired surface quality and also preferably sieved by appropriate mesh-size.

Multilayer CONEX®-extrusion 2-rotor technology (left); Conventional extrusion technology for plastic capped WPCs using three extruders and a cross-head die (right).


The main difference between Conenor CONEX®-extruders and conventional single- or twin screw extruders is that in the case of CONEX® screws have been replaced by sharp conical rotors nested inside each other. Each is fed at 3- and 9 o’clock positions by two compressive and heated feeding screws preheating the materials. In CONEX®, the size of the rotor is about 5 times larger (500 mm diameter) than the size of the screw in equal (100 mm diameter) size screw extruders and turns at low rpms of 5- 20 avoiding thus unwanted excessive shear heating while mixing well the materials.Due their technical characters and limitations, conventional screw extruders cannot produce such multilayer product structures as the decking boards developed within IRCOW using CONEX® and applied in Case Study CS4. To produce a similar board using conventional screw extruders, two individual extruders will need to be used and a cross-head die to co-extrude a multilayer product structure. However, in the case of WPC-formulations it would be impossible to achieve as the surface material would not flow in the spiral flow channels of the cross-head die. Only plastic rich formulations with plastic content about > 75% and having high melt flow rate (MFR) could be used in screw extruders equipped with cross-head dies.

Conenor CONEX® multilayer composite extrusion technology allows utilizing up to 95% of recycled raw materials within multilayer composite products such as the multilayer composite decking boards developed and applied within IRCOW Case Study CS4 (see section 6.5). This feature provides WPC manufacturing companies the opportunity to develop and offer more environmentally friendly products in their markets at a remarkable lower costs in order to improve their sustainable green activities and gain a more positive image.


Stock- Exchange tool facilitating reuse of C&DW recovered construction items

Within the IRCOW project an attempt has been made to design and develop a demo version of a ICT tool in a form of a Stock Exchange platform for reusable materials and elements recovered from C&DW. The main objective for this tool is to facilitate reuse as a common practice leading to the prevention of waste generation in line with the waste management hierarchy of the Waste Directive.The tool is composed of two elements: a Stock-Exchange and a Databse of C&DW Agents. A manual in a form of 11 animated instructions is available on project web site ( to present the functionalities of both components of the tool and how to use them.A demo of a Stock-Exchange for reusable items recovered from C&DWIRCOW Stock-Exchange is a dedicated portal for selling and purchase of reusable C&DW materials and elements by private persons, commercial entities and municipal agencies. The Stock-Exchange enables presentation of offers for sale as well as submitting requests for purchase of specific materials. In addition to that the system is also equipped with a search engine which allows to find the sought items by categories, by key words as well as by distance from the location of the user: either default or specified. The innovation features of the Stock Exchange aiming to increase and popularize reuse result from an in-depth analysis of these systems combined with IRCOW results on optimal reuse scenarios and supply chains carried out in work package WP1. It allowed to design a tool which easily allows to find what is available where and when as well as in which quantities and of what quality. The IRCOW Demo Stock-Exchange has been furnished with the following functionalities that go beyond the state of the art of the up-to-date waste stock exchange systems :

Î focus: the categories of offers have been defined using terms and definitions typical for construction sector to make the tool better customised for specific user needs . This makes a difference of the IRCOW Stock-Exchange compared to waste stock exchanges already functioning worldwide;

Î geographical scope: the system covers the whole Europe enabling thus sell and purchase of both casual elements as well as some specific elements of artistic /aesthetic value which may be a requested item far from the place of their origin (e.g. for specific interior design).

▪ easy navigation by clear and simple categories of materials and elements subdivided into subcategories; ▪ easy registrationn of offers providing data on the reusable C&DW recovered items relevant for private purchasers

as well as professionals accompanied by a help service e.g. how to define parameters of certain elements categories;

▪ an inbuilt system of subscriptions notifying if a requested reusable item has been registered as an offer; ▪ convenient search options by a user friendly categories but also according to the predefined distance from the

users’ location; ▪ system operational framework enabling its easy use by both private persons and professionals, especially reuse

traders and municipal waste management agencies; ▪ a system for monitoring the validity of offers system display of outdated or not updated offers.

Database of C&DW agentsDatabase of C&DW agents is a tool which provides access to different actors involved in the reuse processes (e.g. demolition companies, demolition inventories developers, construction companies, architects and designers, renovation businesses, recycling centers, other professionals etc.) equipped with a search option based on Google to find the needed agent within the defined distance from location. A novelty is the fact that the database is combined with the Stock-Exchange so once an agent e.g. a reuse trader registers in the Stock-Exchange, they can simultaneously become listed in the directory. The databse may be also used as an inbuilt advertising mechanism for the registered agents.

IRCOW Stock-Exchange features


Within the IRCOW project a dedicated business model was developed indicating how opportunities related to reuse operations based on the Stock-Exchange can be taken on board by agents (SMEs but also regional waste managers/operators or recycling centers) interested to set up this type of business activity.

Expert tool: Human health and Environmental Risk Indicator (HERI)

The Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) states that by 2020 material recovery of non-hazardous construction and demolition waste (C&DW) should be increased to a minimum of 70% by weight in each EU Member State. The word “non-hazardous” in this statement is essential to ascertain that the use of recovered C&DW does not provoke any risk to the environment and human health. In order to support the decision making process, a generic screening tool was developed by VITO which helps to identify the potential hazard the use of these materials may pose within specific applications with regard to heavy metals.The tool was named the “Human health and Environmental Risk Indicator” (HERI) (link: This tool can be used by the industry to indicate the potential risk to human health and/or the environment due to the use of recycled C&DW materials or products based on recycled materials prior to the start of a project. The tool is based on basic input parameters of the recycled C&DW materials (e.g. total metal content).The tool opens with a welcome screen that guides the user to the different applications of the tool: health or environmental risk indicator.In the first part, the risks to human health by inhalation of heavy metals are assessed during 4 phases: construction, demolition, recycling and the user-phase. This risk assessment is based on the prediction of the exposed metal dose by inhalation. In general, exposure scenarios are built up based on various processes that are known to create dust (e.g. drilling, grinding and hammering). The dust created by these processes is assessed and used to populate the different exposure scenarios. The calculated metal exposures are compared with the lowest occupational exposure limits (OEL) reported in international literature. If exposure/OEL > 1, which means a possible risk, cells are colored in red, else in green. Additionally, the extra carcinogenic risk is calculated. It is the extra risk as compared to working with a reference material. For occupational exposure, an extra risk less than 1 in 100 000 is acceptable according to REACH guidance2. If the cell value is > 1 ×10-5, the cell is colored in red, else in green (see picture above).

HERI Input (left) and output (right) menu for the construction phase.

In the second part, the potential hazard of toxic metals leaching to the environment is assessed. This risk is mainly assessed through the total metal concentration and the increased risk for the leaching of toxic metals in certain pH intervals. The model provides risk indication for 8 heavy metals visualized by a green, orange or red traffic light, corresponding to the level of risk associated with the recycling of the material in the defined application.


Services based on Eco-Design Recommendations

Eco-design is not a concept that has been developed in the context of the IRCOW project. It is an established concept for the integration of environmental aspects into product design and decision-making.

Typically, eco-design addresses the refinement of products. Identified weaknesses and hot spots of concern are addressed in the refinement, with the goal to mitigate adverse impacts while maintaining functionality and performance as well as other desired product properties. During the IRCOW project, the eco-design concept has been applied to products currently outside the scope of the EU directive, and to the design of new products. They were developed under the precondition to apply construction and demolition waste as a resource base in a high-grade application. Eco-design was applied to contribute to ensuring that the reference frame of considered aspects would not be restricted to recycling and technical performance aspects alone. Eco-design applied to buildings and building products is a significant milestone in the context of sustainable construction, product sustainability, mitigating carbon emissions etc. It can be applied in many different hotspots of current societal focus.The experience gained as well as the performed research underlying the work in IRCOW will be applied in continued development of our consultancy services, as well as directly continued in other R&D projects, currently namely in the ECO-INNOVERA project ECOBIM – addressing building information models and business innovation models in the field of eco-consultancy in the construction sector.

Integrated service aimed at the recycling of C&DW into high-grade applications (referring to ACCIONA’s business model)

ACCIONA Infrastructure intends to foster its image of innovative enterprise delivering cutting-edge and environmentally-friendly solutions through introduction of novel practices aimed at recycling of C&DW for high-grade applications. Building on the strong foundations of the services that ACCIONA Infrastructure already provides in the construction market, a new integrated service has been developed that consists in delivering dedicated civil engineering and construction services to the green buildings market by working in partnership with all actors involved in the C&DW valorization value chain, namely demolition companies, concrete ready mix manufacturers and processing centers.Thanks to having pioneered the definition of new concrete mixes in close collaboration with a concrete manufacturer and with Tecnalia, ACCIONA Infrastructure is able to provide concrete parts for both structural and non- structural applications including either up to 50% by weight of coarse recycled aggregates from processed concrete waste

With the increasing interest for environmental issues related to products, also the field of services for “eco-consultants” has increased significantly over the past decades. Especially when applying eco-design with its full scope and when embedding it in other decision-making parameters, it can form an essential part of sustainability considerations in the design of products.


or 100% by weight of coarse mix recycled aggregates, thus partially replacing naturally occurring primary coarse aggregates towards increased environmental sustainability and preservation of natural resources. Thereby, ACCIONA Infrastructure is able to coordinate the whole supply chain that is necessary for that purpose, which encompasses demolition, concrete ready mix manufacture and C&DW sorting as well as treatment aimed at recycling.High-grade recycled concrete applications and thus the related ACCIONA integrated service could be first exploited in those markets in which there is the highest attention especially toward those building certification programs that grant a benefit to the use of sustainable materials or the recycle of C&DW through a return in terms of credits for the certification. Since such credits are particularly involved in the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification, countries in which the LEED certification program is mostly applied were regarded as potential target markets. At the same time high-grade recycled concrete applications and thus the related ACCIONA integrated service could be deployed in those markets which offer appropriate C&DW recycling infrastructure in place that is capable to supply enough recycled aggregates to satisfy the potential demand of the market. As a result of the market analysis carried out, among the potential target markets identified by the above described approach, countries with highest opportunities are represented by Spain, which is ACCIONA’s domestic market in which thus a high market penetration can be envisaged, as well as Poland, where the company already has an established market position. Interesting opportunities may be also found in Germany, the United Kingdom and France, where ACCIONA has not been present at the construction market yet.Being at the downstream end of the supply chain and as a construction company delivering engineering and construction services, ACCIONA Infrastructure is the customer interface and the only player in the value network that has the capability to promote the new practice in the construction market and thus pull all other actors of the network towards the potential new market opportunity. Accordingly, ACCIONA Infrastructure will have to promote the use of recycled aggregates into its new building and construction projects. This can only be done by exploiting the conventional channels that are characteristic of the construction sector, meaning public procurement tenders in the case of public entities as well as bid procedures launched by private actors, and proposing the use of recycled aggregates within the applications for tenders or bids prepared by the company. Nonetheless, massive use of recycled aggregates in concrete requires that the supply of such secondary raw materials is secured in adequate qualities and at reasonable price on one side, and on the other side that the concrete is produced according to well defined specifications. This requires that the recycled aggregates are processed by processing centers at the required specifications in terms of particle size as purity. Additionally, massive use of recycled aggregates in high-grade concrete applications will also require that such applications of secondary aggregates prove to meet adequate quality standards. Accordingly, quality protocols would need to be established, conforming to standards and specifications in the same way as it is the case for concrete applications utilizing natural aggregates.

6. Validation of Results: Case Studies

One of the key factors that contributed to the added value generated by the IRCOW project were 5 demonstration case studies carried out within the project. They were aiming at validation of optimal supply chain models and the tools developed in support of reuse of building components (see section 5.3), validation of new C&DW recycling solutions as well as well as demonstration of the efficiency of products and components manufactured with C&DW recycled materials. Materials from these case studies including video films are available at project web site.


The objective of this case study was to demonstrate the on-site recycling routes for the stony fraction composed of concrete and masonry oriented towards the use of the derived recycled aggregates in on-site and off-site concrete manufacturing. The works performed by Derribos Petralanda included selective demolition of an industrial building dating from the 1970s, located in an urban environment in the city of Bilbao (Spain).

After checking that no elements can be recovered for reuse, non-stony waste streams (plastics, paper, etc.) were separately collected and removed form the work-site. Then the mechanical (light followed by heavy) demolition was performed, generating stony material of customized composition for the latter concrete manufacture, based on concrete aggregates or mixed recycled aggregates with fixed ceramics content, according to formulations.Those stony wastes (concrete, ceramics) were recycled on-site by means of a mobile crusher and sieves, producing coarse and fine recycled aggregates which were characterised and validated by TECNALIA. More specifically, coarse aggregates of three compositions (100% concrete, 80% concrete and 20% ceramics, and 100% ceramics) were produced, as well as ceramic (0/6 mm) sand.These recycled aggregates were used for the on-site and off-site manufacture of a range of concretes, on the basis of formulations validated within IRCOW, based on the use of 100% coarse mixed recycled aggregates (with up to 35% of ceramics) and also including a concrete with 10% inclusion of ceramic sand. A continuous footing and a slab were constructed using these concretes.Workability and compressive strength of the produced concrete were validated. Monitoring of the concrete slab has shown no evidence of damage after almost two years from its construction.LCA studies showed that the combination of a selective demolition and off-site sorting gave the highest environmental benefit.

Selective demolition and on-site recycling process

Execution of elements with recycled concrete



Within the demolition of another building in Bilbao (Spain), also performed by the project partner Derribor Petralanda, the reuse supply chain was validated, apart from producing, as in the previuos Case Study (CS1-A) clean stony fraction from a selective demolition, for its recycling into concrete. The second building was a student dormitory.As an initial task in the demolition, the following elements were identified, as reusable and hence separately collected and distributed: radiators, soap stands, wall braces, wash-hand basins, toilets, bed frames, shower plates and bath, towel rails, furniture (chairs and table), a weighing scale and doors.


Case Study CS2 was a demolition case with a school building in Stockholm built in 1968. The buildings components and materials of the building where inventoried. Data on each product’s market value and normal waste management was collected and the reusability was analysed in economic and practical terms.In the end the case study has not involve a demolition but several important steps such as demolition inventory, quality assessment and reuse costing have been performed.InventoryThe inventory of reusable elements available in the building was performed in several steps. In the first step a screening inspection was performed together with a reuse trader. The reuse trader gave his view on which products could be possibly reused. Secondly, drawings were collected from the municipality archive. The drawings were analysed and additional products were added as potentially reusable products. During the second visit at the building, a quantitative inventory accompanied by photo documentation were performed. The collected data was then used in communication with several stakeholders to find the quality indicators and market values. Finally a complementary inventory visit was performed to clarify important quality issues revealed during the communication with stakeholders.Quality assessmentImportant quality indicators were collected for each product identified during the inventory. These indicators were collected in communication with the reuse traders from the Stockholm area (Kompanjonen and Rivners) and one representative of a large stakeholder in Gothenburg (Alelyckan). Experts on specific products were also involved: Persiennproducenterna and Persiennkompaniet for venetian blinds, Huddinge stål for steel beams and NCC construction for concrete components.Reuse cost and market value assessmentCosts related to a selective demolition were assessed together with PEAB, experts in demolition. Market values for different reuse products were assessed using input from the same contacts as the ones used for quality assessment information described above. Reduced costs as a result of reuse regarding avoided waste treatment cost were assessed using local cost information

Execution of reusable elements with recycled concrete

from waste management actor Ragn-Sells.The case study comprised a reuse focused inventory pushing the limits to find possible reuse options that are normally not considered, but still can entail attractive opportunities. In essence all components with a potentially commercial value and suitable for reuse found in the building were considered. The market value and the selective demolition cost were assessed on that basis. The components with economic potential were considered in the framework of the optimal scenarios from reverse supply chains developed in IRCOW.The case study demonstrated that for the first time: ▪ a Swedish municipality allowed a reuse focused inventory in such a large scale and well in advance before demolition; ▪ the environmental benefits have been calculated as thoroughly; ▪ a complete methodology for reuse supply chains has been examined; ▪ how reusable items recovered thanks to a selective demolition can be presented for sale using the IRCOW Stock-Exchange



The objective of Case Study CS3 was to validate on-site microwave energy thermal treatment technology developed by the Polish company ATON-HT SA in real life operating conditions. The technology uses microwave energy to force the disintegration of asbestos and other mineral fibers (such as rock wools, glass wools, etc.), resulting in the change of the structure and chemical properties of the input waste material. The input waste material included blends composed of asbestos and other fibrous materials.Within Case Study CS3, two different applications of the technology were demonstrated. On the one side, ATON’s process was applied to treat ethernite roof panels from a building renovation work carried out in Stradomia Wierzchnia (Poland), which is a village located in a distance of about 50 km from Wrocław. During the test, the ethernite panels were first removed and packed in plastic foil. Then, the fibrous material packed in foil was treated using ATON’s HR-200 reactor. The resulting product of the treatment called ANTONIT, which is a complately inert material, was crushed and mixed with cement. The material, can be used as an additive to cement for concrete manufacturing. Samples of concrete were further examined by strength tests. Moreover, microscopic as well as X-ray spectroscopic inspection allowed to conclude that no fibrous structure was be found in the samples.The technology was also applied in order to treat waste from a mineral wool production line in an industrial facility in Pamplona (Spain). In this case, 25 tons of after-production wastes from rock wool production were successfully treated by ATON’s technology. After treatment, the resulting product was reused, forming briquettes by mixing it with cement.This innovative process allowed converting problematic waste (including hazardous waste) into inert material, thereby reducing the waste’s impact on environment and health. The techno-econimic analysis carried out by D’Appolonia highlighted that the costs of the innovative process carried out in the real life operating conditions existing within the case study were just slightly higher (+4,8-5,5%) compared to conventional practices aimed at disposing hazardous waste. Nonetheless, slightly higher costs for the on-site treatment use of the ATON technology can be balanced by cost savings from the management of the hazardous waste by the public authorities afterwards. Process optimization in terms of treatment capacity and energy consumption are already planned in order to reduce this gap.

Dismantling and treatment of fibrous materials



Large construction company ACCIONA Infraestructuras, pioneer in developing and applying new technologies, was the leader of this case study. Other project partners CONENOR and TITECH (presently TOMRA) were also involved in its implementation.The Penitentiary Center construction site included the demolition of an old building and construction of a new building. This construction site allowed for the validation of advanced recycling technologies (for stony and organic fraction) together with the demonstration of recycled products developed in the IRCOW and the validation of the new business model proposed for ACCIONA (with regard to the integrated service for recycling C&DW into high- grade applications).Regarding the demolition phase, firstly an inventory of reusable elements was done in order to support the supply chain model developed in IRCOW. Part of the building was intensively demolished in order to obtain mixed C&DW material (concrete, ceramic, gypsum, plastic, wood, etc.). Approximately 25 tons of the resulting C&DW were separated off-site using the new algorithms for

the advanced sorting systems developed within IRCOW, in order to validate the new technology and to assess the costs of the process. This task was performed in close collaboration with sorting technology developer TOMRA, at a Spanish C&DW recycling plant where the Near Infrared (NIR) technology has been implemented (BTB, Bilbao). In addition, the demolition of the wall provided aggregates of the concrete nature.During the construction phase, the aforementioned recovered clean aggregates were used for the manufacture of a concrete slab foundation following the project advanced and optimal dosages defined in IRCOW. Furthermore, also other recycled IRCOW products were installed in the new penitentiary center, namely multilayer composite decking boards (WPC) and a multilayer façade panel.

Recycled concrete, extruded composites and monitoring of façade solution (left to right)

The IRCOW WPC were manufactured by CONENOR using recovered non-mineral fractions like plastic, wood & mixed wooden materials, gypsum plasterboard and wool insulation waste. The resulting decking profiles were tested by TECNALIA (mechanical and aging test) before being installed in the new building constructed by ACCIONA.The multilayer façade/partition panel consisted of an acoustic insulation board elaborated with recycled gypsum in the inner layer and a two-layer cement based precast panel elaborated with recycled aggregates and recycled plastic, as the structural element plus outside thermal insulation layer. These elements were installed in a service building. In order to validate them, ACCIONA monitored acoustic and thermal behaviour under real conditions by performing in-situ acoustic tests and temperature measurements related to thermal properties. Also, the long term behaviour was monitored by means of non-destructive testing techniques and visual inspection.

Ongoing works in the penitentiary center (left) and simulation of new building (right)


Case Study CS5 of the IRCOW project, ‘Medium size industrial building in Antwerp (Belgium)’, had a strong focus on applying (and monitoring) the newly developed cement–based products (developed in WP4) during the construction of a medium size industrial building (waste collection facility) using recycled materials (WP3) coming from the demolition of an office building from the Port of Antwerp.

The products applied in the waste collection facility included both applications that are current practice in Flanders (mixed recycled aggregate for sub-bases and foundations) and applications going beyond the state-of-the- art as they involved: ▪ newly developed supportive substrate layers (insulating screed) using recycled cellular concrete, and ▪ various concrete types with either increased levels of replacement of virgin materials by recycled concrete (minimum

20% replacement), or ▪ high-grade concrete types where it is currently not allowed to use recycled aggregates (polished concrete floors etc.).

The Port of Antwerp, as the main external partner of the IRCOW - CS5 team, selected an office building as object to be demolished within the framework of IRCOW - CS5. For the application and long-term monitoring of cement based product solutions developed within the IRCOW project, the Port of Antwerp constructed a new medium sized industrial building (waste collection facility).Unfortunately the size of the office building did not allow IRCOW - CS5 to test and evaluate on-site crushing and sieving of the stony fraction. The space available to enable on-site crushing and sieving equipment in was much too small which makes, in a common business scenario, on-site treatment economically not viable. Performing on-site treatment in such conditions would signifficantly increase the cost per ton (€/t).The construction of the waste collection facility was finalised in March 2013. The new (developed) products produced by Jacobs Beton nv were followed closely by the Belgium Concrete Federation and by SECO (notified body, BENOR product certification) and have been well documented. Various tests have been conducted on the final products in order to comply with both technical and environmental requirements and with the final goal to validate the newly developed products from WP4.The different concrete materials were reprocessed by Jacobs Beton nv into new concrete products that were used for the foundations (XC3/XF1, 60% replacement of the coarse aggregates) and the polished concrete floors inside (XC3/XF1, 20 and 30%

Port of Antwerp: waste collection facility, Case Study CS5

Ongoing works (CS5)


replacement of the coarse aggregates) and outside (XC4/XF1, 20 and 30% replacement of the coarse aggregates). The latter application is to be considered as very high level, demonstrating the overall technical possibilities of recycled concrete aggregates. Compressive strength of all concrete types was equal or better compared to concrete made with only primary (virgin) raw materials.Another important feature is the addition of recycled cellular concrete in new developed construction products as used in the building of the waste collection facility. Cellular concrete is known to be one of the more problematic types of waste for the construction products industry. Consumers know this material in the form of white or greyish lightweight blocks. The main disadvantages and barriers of cellular concrete waste for its reuse are its limited mechanical strength and the tendency of sulphate to leach out. One of the problems was overcome when VITO in collaboration with Jacobs Beton nv managed to reduce the sulphate leaching by > 90%. One of the applications in which cellular concrete was reused was to replace natural sand in insulating screed. The products made with recycled cellular concrete comply to the Flemish draft-standards (VLAREMA 4) in which the sulphate leaching limit is set at 2.200 mg/kg.The results from the IRCOW project regarding the valorisation of cellular concrete waste have strongly supported an agreement between OVAM and the waste and construction sector to close the material cycle of cellular concrete. The agreement was signed during the final conference of IRCOW in Brussels on October 24th 2013 (for details see section below).

7. Closing the material cycle of cellular concrete: signature of a collaboration agreement

Construction and demolition waste is one of the largest waste streams in Flanders with yearly about 11 million tons. Fortunately, more than 90% of this waste is recycled. The stony fractions are broken and reused as recycled and certified granulates of debris. Other fractions such as window glass, plaster, roofing or cellular concrete demand a more specific approach. In the context of

the sustainable materials policy of Flemish Minister of Environment, Joke Schauvliege, OVAM is setting up collaborations and chain management projects with this sector. Such a collaboration has been signed on October 24th, 2013 to close the material cycle of cellular concrete. Thanks to this collaboration, Flanders can save from 50.000 up to 100.000 tons of cellular concrete waste every year and recycle this waste in new construction materials and applications. The goal of this collaboration is to recycle up to 30.000 tons of cellular concrete waste in 2014 and to become a European leader in the recycling of cellular concrete by 2020.

A new and recyclable construction materialCellular concrete has been used in utility construction since 1955. Since 1995 it is also used in constructing houses. The Belgian Building Research Institute (BBRI) estimates that currently there is about 7,3 million tons of cellular concrete being used in Belgium. The Flemish demolition sector estimates the quantity of cellular concrete waste on 50.000 to 100.000 tons per year.

Johan d’Hooghe (Chap-Yt)

Jim Wouters (Chap-Yt)

Pascal Vandelannoote (Cellumat)

Kurt Jacobs (EKP Recycling en Jacobs NV)

Mireille Verboven (FEBEM-FEGE)

Daan Smulders (Xella)

Danny Wille (OVAM)

Marc Dillen (VCB)

Representatives of the Organisations who signed the agreement

Recycling cellular concrete is technically feasible and is already in practice today, but we can still do better. Recycling this waste to new cellular concrete still has our preference. For this, we need a clean, selective demolition and separate collection of the cellular concrete waste. The debris can also be used in other application such as light concrete products.

What is a chain management projectOVAM has, for a number of construction materials, a strong commitment towards chain management projects. These are voluntary collaboration agreements to keep the material cycle of a certain product closed. For this, OVAM collaborates with the demolition sector, the collection- and recycling sector, producers, sellers and the construction sector. OVAM chooses this approach because practical restraints sometimes are a larger obstacle towards complete and high-grade recycling than the lack of technical know-how. These agreements fit into the sustainable materials policy of the Flemish Minister of Environment Joke Schauvliege and into the objective of OVAM to work out tailor-made solutions to keep the cycle of construction materials closed. This because raw materials are a scarce and precious commodity. Thus we have both ecological and economic reasons to maximise the selective collection of our waste and to increase the recycling and reuse of these waste types as high-grade sources in new products.

Who does what in this agreement? The collaboration was signed by: ▪ the Confederation of Contractors for Demolition and Dismantling (CASO); ▪ the Federation of Environmental Companies (FEBEM-FEGE); ▪ EKP Recycling; ▪ Chap-yt; ▪ Xella Belgium; ▪ Cellumat; ▪ the Flemisch Confederation for the Construction Sector (VCB); ▪ the Public Waste Agency of Flanders (OVAM).

The demolition sector is responsible for maximally separating of cellular concrete at the source and avoiding that the debris is mixed with other waste products.The waste- and recycling sector will take care of the separated collection and will try to separate the cellular concrete as much as possible from the mixed construction and demolition waste.Processors of cellular concrete waste will tune their processing capacities according the expected offer and provide a balance between incoming and outgoing streams.Producers and sellers of cellular concrete commit themselves to recycle their production waste for the full 100%, minimize the use of raw materials and accept as much as possible cellular concrete waste that meets the quality criteria for reuse in new products.OVAM organises the dialog between the different parties, stimulates the selective demolition and separation of waste and supports pilot projects and research towards closing this material cycle.


8. Policy recommendations from IRCOW

The main impact expected from the execution of the IRCOW project focuses on the increase of material recovery rates from C&DW, due to both the activation of reuse practices and the improvement in recycling. These changes lay on, and also foster, the paradigm shift deemed necessary for converting Europe in a recycling society, in which an integrated approach based on closed materials loops is targeted, a life cycle perspective is assumed in the design of buildings and other civil works, and construction products are both (partially) recycled and (totally) recyclable.

Regulation of the use of recycled coarse aggregates in concreteA common and homogeneous framework for recycled products such as recycled concretes (i.e. their standardization) is desirable for creating a demand for products that otherwise might not find the trust from the purchasers.

IRCOW recommends that a series of recycled aggregate categories (linked to their composition and purity) is established. Likewise, the exposure class and maximum replacement rate for the recycled concretes made of these aggregates should be defined, as well as the compressive strength class. The idea of “the right aggregate for the right application” lays behind it.

Promotion of selective demolitionObtaining high-grade recycled products in an efficient and economically durable regime requires that high-grade recycled materials are generated from C&DW, which is necessarily connected with the optimisation of construction and mostly demolition practices, and the subsequent recycling treatments of the generated waste. This, in short, leads to the preferable practice of selective demolition, as the demolition method determines, up to a great extent, the characteristics of the wastes that will be generated and hence their recyclability.

IRCOW recommends that the building or structure at the end of its life is included in the “waste” list and consequently, that the demolition is considered to be a waste management activity.

Selective demolition requires an adequate planning, regarding both the identification of reusable elements and materials recyclability. Hence, IRCOW recommends the compulsory demolition inventory prior to the demolition which will focus both on reusable elements and in recyclable materials.

change in the Gate fee systemIRCOW findings confirmed the need for developing and applying a new system of differentiated gate fees at C&DW recycling plants based on the purity of the incomming material. Low, if any fees for clean stony waste could effectively result in an increase of such material flow while compensating the additional effort required in the production of recycled aggregares from dirty mixed waste.

Promotion of reuseRegarding current reuse market, IRCOW suggests that public administration, most possibly at regional level, could activate the present reuse market, by initiating regional pilot projects demonstrating that designers have the possibility to include reused components in their design of conventional construction.

In relation to reuse and recycling in the future, the need of a change towards end-of-life design is claimed, as it could radically decouple waste generation from demolition activity in the future. IRCOW recommends public procurement favouring it.

9. Contacts


Address: c/Geldo, Edificio 700

City: Derio (Bizkaia)

Zip-code: 48160


Address: Valportillo II, 8 Poligono Industrial de Alcobendas

City: Alcobendas, Madrid

Zip-code: 28108



Address: Txorierri Etorbidea, 26D

City: Loiu (Bizkaia)

Zip-code: 48180



Address: Via San Nazaro 19

City: Genova

Zip-code: 16145


D’Appolonia S.p.A.

Address: Berlaarbaan 404

City: Onze Lieve Vrouw Waver

Zip-code: 2861


Jacobs NV




Address: Box 210 60

City: Stockholm

Zip-code: 100 31


IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL)


Address: Teollisuustie 13

City: Tampere

Zip-code: 33330


Conenor Ltd.




Address: Ouwegemsesteenweg 30

City: Huise (Zingem)

Zip-code: 9750


Address: Boeretang 200

City: Mol

Zip-code: 2400



Address: Na Grobli 6

City: Wroclaw

Zip-code: 50-421



Address: Kossutha 6

City: Katowice

Zip-code: 40-844


Address: Otto-Hahn-Straße 6

City: Mülheim-Kärlich

Zip-code: 56218


Address: Barmbeker Str. 9a

City: Hamburg

Zip-code: 22301





© Copyright by IRCOW 2014All rights reserved.

The property rights of the content belong to the IRCOW consortium. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. The responsibility for the content of this publication lies within the authors, it does not necessarily reflect the opinion

of the European Commission.