Iran Sanctions PDF

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7/31/2019 Iran Sanctions PDF 1/1

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ces: Reuters, U.S. Department of the Treasury, Ocial Journal o the European Union

EU sanctionsU.N. sanctions U.S. sanctions Japan sanctions

Travel curbs oncertain individuals

Arms embargo

Asset freeze of individualsand companies linked withnuclear or missileprograms

Banks abroad with suspectedlinks to nuclear or missileprogram

Financial curbs on individualsand companies

Sale of all items andtechnology with both civilianand military uses (dual use)

Setting up of cargo

inspection regime similarto one in place for NorthKorea

Funds transfer over 40,000 euros or10,000 euros if not related tofoodstus, healthcare or medical

Public bonds by Iran government or banks

Provision of insurance and reinsurance to

Iranian government and its entities

Visa ban on certain senior ocials, topnuclear and ballistic experts

Access to airports under member state jurisdiction of all cargo ights

Trade or transfer of equipment andtechnology for rening liqueed naturalgas, exploration or production

Ban of Iranian crude imports to member states

Import and export of arms, all equipment,materials and technology that couldcontribute to uranium enrichment

All U.S.-Iran trade with someexceptions – gifts valuedbelow $100, foodstus,carpets, among others

Bans banking activities with 15designated Iranian banks

Britain sanctions

Bans all British nancifrom doing business wIranian counterparts, Iranian central bank 

Freezing of business tRepublic of Iran Shipp

Canada sanctions

Blocks virtually all tranwith Iran, including wcentral bank, with an for Iranian-Canadiansmoney home

France sanctions

While not taking concurges European Unionnations to freeze the acentral bank and to supurchases of Iranian o

Insurance services and brokeringof securities that could contributeto nuclear activities

Bans branches of Iraniannancial institutions in Japan

No new medium- to long-term(two years or more) export creditcommitment for trade with Iran

Ban of all new oil- andgas-related investment by notproviding export credit

Travel ban to entities andindividuals that could contribute toIran’s nuclear activities

Asset freeze for designatedentities and individuals

All oil products trade

Washington has sought to cut16 banks o from theinternational nancial system

Companies supplyingIran with renedpetroleum products

Foreign rms investing over$20mln in ve years in Iranianenergy sector

International bankinginstitutions involved withIslamic Revolutionary GuardCorps or nuclear program

Ban of doing businesswith 21 Iranian banks

Banking/ nancial Arms Travel Trade Oil and gas Others

IRAN SANCTIONS Key areas aected by sanctions imposed by the international community against Iran

Would ban the exportgoods used in Iran'spetrochemical, oil andindustry



July ‘10 U.S. sanctionsPost Bank of Iran, 20petrochemicalcompanies

Jan. ‘11 U.S. Secretary of State announces newunilateral sanctions to beimposed on Iran

Jan. ‘12 EU reaches a preliminarban imports of Iranian crude, bdecide when it would be put in

June ‘10 U.N. sanctions banks withsuspected links to nuclear or missileprograms, expand arms embargo andset up cargo inspection regime

1995 U.S. bans energy investment,trading in Iran. Sanctions foreignrms investing in Iranian energysector

March ‘08 U.N.imposes traveland nancialcurbs, trade ban

March ‘07 U.N.imposes arms,nancial sanctions,extends asset freeze

1979 U.S. bansIranian imports

Oct. ‘07 U.S. sanctionsBank Melli, Bank Mellatand Bank Saderat

2006 U.N. freezes assets of those linked with nuclearprogram

Oct. ‘09 U.S.sanctions Bank Mellat in Malaysia

June ‘10 U.S. sanctions companies supplyingpetroleum products to I ran, banks involvedwith Revolutionary Guards

Sept. ‘10 Japan and South Koreaslap additional sanctions on Iranover its nuclear program

Nov. ‘11 Western states step uIran in response to a report suworked on designing an atom

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