IPARD Programmes in the Western Balkans and...

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Transcript of IPARD Programmes in the Western Balkans and...

IPARD Programmes in the Western Balkans and


"1st Balkan Rural Parliament" Vrnjačka Banja, 26-28 June 2018

Anna Nowak-Wood

Directorate-General for

Agriculture and Rural Development

What is IPARD?

• IPARD - European Pre-Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development

• Part of an Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II) - for candidate and potential candidate countries

• Financial envelope (IPA II) allocated for the period 2014–2020 – EUR 11.6 billion

• Total estimated budget for IPARD II ~EUR 1.1 billion in 2014–2020

• All pre-accession countries are eligible – depending on the level of preparedness!

• Currently 5 IPARD Programmes: AL,ME,MK,RS,TK


With whom are we working?

Turkey, FYROM

Albania, FYROM, Montenegro, Serbia,Turkey

Kosovo, Bosnia & Herzegovina


What are we doing - practical?


We provide IPARD funding of 2.2 billion EUR as part of overall support to enlargement (IPA) in 2007-2020

Investment programme

We support measures (11 in total) on farm investments, processing, diversification, LEADER, and rural infrastructure, and in the future, pilot agri-environment and advisory services

Capacity building

We help the countries set up their national institutions for programming, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and auditing of IPARD


Total EU contribution to IPARD programmes €,00

Country 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total

AL -- -- 13 14 12 16 16 71

FYROM 5 5 5 6 10 14 15 60

ME -- 5 5 6 7 8 8 39

RS -- 15 20 25 30 40 45 175

TR 69 69 69 148 148


149 149 784

Total 74 94 112 199 190 227 233 1.129

IPARD Co-financing principle

Most commonly used IPARD measures

• Investments in physical assets of agricultural holdings

• Investments in processing and marketing of agricultural products


• Farm diversification and business development

• Technical assistance – to support networks and LEADER


IPARD state of play

• Countries with IPARD running: Turkey*, FYROM*, Serbia and Montenegro – measures for investments on farms, food processing and – partly – diversification. Albania is still building its structures.

• Countries with Technical Assistance measure running: Turkey and – partly – FYROM

• Countries with LEADER measure: none (Croatia in the past)

• Turkey: advanced preparation for entrustment of LEADER measure and support already given under Technical Assistance

Calls under IPARD


.Entrusted Calls



Investments in Physical Assets of Agricultural




ME (1), MK (1),

RS (2), TR (2) -

Support for the Setting up of Producer Groups 2 - - -

Investments in Physical Assets Concerning

Processing and Marketing of Agricultural and Fishery


3 AL, ME, MK, RS,


MK (1), RS (1),

ME(1) TR (3) -

Agri-Environment-Climate and Organic Farming 4 TR - -

Implementation of Local Development Strategies –

LEADER Approach5 - - MK (?), TR

Investments in Rural Public Infrastructure 6 - - MK, TR

Farm Diversification and Business Development 7 AL, MK, TR MK (1), TR (2) ME, RS

Improvement of Training 8 - - -

Technical Assistance 9 MK, TR TR (cont.) AL, ME, RS

Advisory Services 10 - - MK (?)

Establishment and Protection of Forests 11 - - -

Upcoming potential flagship for IPARD:

• IPARD needs to reach smaller operators (farm) in

viable way - cooperation of small operators in higher added

value (inc. quality and local products) and short food

supply chains;

• The Western Balkans and Turkey boast a richness of

(traditional) local products and culinary traditions,

which could be better valorised to the benefit of


• Pilot projects and then, investment support (incentives);

• The Commission is preparing a Publication on this topic;

And more…

• Entrustment of Technical Assistance measure under IPARD

• Preparation and training for rural communities, not just in LEADER but wider social capital in areas such as: strategic planning, participation, conflict solving, empowerment of women, leadership

• Encouragement of local organisations and NGOs

• Making contacts to get expertise – both at central and local levels: ENRD, PREPARE, ELARD, SWG…

• Development of National Rural Networks

• Networks and its members welcome at the relevant events at the EU Network for Rural Development– check and register, no special invitation needed:


Rural Development Networks in the EU

EIP - European network

Contact Point

Evaluation Helpdesk

EU InnovationPartnership

Service Point

EU level National level

If you want to know more

https://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/enlargement/assistance/documents_en (link to the Publication on LEADER – paper copies available in the room)