Ip Part 2 Official

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Transcript of Ip Part 2 Official

Chapter 1


This chapter presented the background of the study, the statement of the

problem, hypothesis, significant of the study, scope and delimitations of the study

and definition of terms.

Background of the Study

Nowadays, there are many artificial and cosmetic things that is in the market.

One of the most popular is shampoo. We think that we will produce a shampoo in a

natural way. So that’s how we come up with okra and aloe vera to help replace

other artificial products into an environmental one.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aimed to determine the effectively of okra and aloe vera in

strengthening of hair. Specifically, study sought to answer the following questions.

1. Can okra and aloe vera be used as raw materials in making shampoo?

2. How effective are aloe vera and okra on the tensile of the hair?

3. Is there any significant difference in the effectivity of different concentration

of okra and aloe vera in strengthening hair?


There is no significant difference in the effectively of different concentration

of okra and aloe vera in strengthening hair.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study


This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness if Okra and Aloe

Vera can be made as an homemade shampoo. This study also aimed to determine

that Okra and Aloe Vera can strengthen the tensile of the hair.

Significance of the study

This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness if Okra and Aloe

Vera can be made as an homemade shampoo. This study also determines which is

more effective in strengthening hair.

Definition of terms

Okra - tall tropical Asian annual plant (Abelmoschus esculentus) widely

cultivated in warm regions for its edible, mucilaginous green pods. The edible pods

of this plant, used in soups and as a vegetable. Also called regionally gumbo.

In this study, okra will be utilized as a hair strengthening ingredient

Aloe Vera - The mucilaginous juice or gel obtained from the leaves of this

plant, widely used in cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations for its soothing and

healing properties.

In this study, okra will be utilized as a hair strengthening ingredient

Shampoo - Any of various liquid or cream preparations of soap or detergent

used to wash the hair and scalp.

In this study, shampoo will be producing from okra and aloe vera.

Chapter 2


Review of Related Literature

This chapter represented the review of related literature and studies about

okra and gugo that can be made as an homemade shampoo and can strengthen the

tensile of the hair.


Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) Moench, known in many English-speaking

countries as lady's fingers or gumbo) is a flowering plant in the mallow family. It is

valued for its edible green seed pods. Originating in Africa, the plant is cultivated in

tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions around the world. The name

"okra", most often used in the United States and the Philippines, is of West African

origin and is cognate with "ọ́>kụ̀@rụ̀@" in Igbo, a language spoken in Nigeria. Okra is

often known as "Lady's Fingers" outside of the United States. In various Bantu

languages, okra is called "kingombo" or a variant thereof, and this is the origin of its

name in Portuguese ("quiabo"), Spanish, Dutch and French, and also of the name

"gumbo", used in parts of the United States and English-speaking Caribbean for

either the vegetable, or a stew based on it. In the United Kingdom it is often called

as "bhindi", from its Hindi name "bhindi" or "bhendi". It is a tall-growing, warm-

season, annual vegetable from the same family as hollyhock, rose of Sharon and

hibiscus. The immature pods are used for soups, canning and stews or as a fried or

boiled vegetable. The hibiscuses like flowers and upright plant (3 to 6 feet or more

in height) have ornamental value for backyard gardens.

From Arabia, the plant spread around the shores of the Mediterranean Sea

and eastward. The plant was introduced to the Americas by ships plying the Atlantic

slave trade by 1658, when its presence was recorded in Brazil. It was further


documented in Suriname in 1686.Okra may have been introduced to southeastern

North America in the early 18th century. It was being grown as far north as

Philadelphia by 1748. Thomas Jefferson noted that it was well established in Virginia

by 1781. It was commonplace throughout the southern United States by 1800 and

the first mention of different cultivars was in 1806.

Okra seed pod

In Caribbean islands, okra is eaten as soup, often with fish. In Haiti it is

cooked with rice and maize, and also used as a sauce for meat. It became a popular

vegetable in Japanese cuisine toward the end of the 20th century, served with soy

sauce and katsuobushi, or as tempura. Okra forms part of several regional

"signature" dishes. Frango com quiabo (chicken with okra) is a Brazilian dish that is

especially famous in the region of Minas Gerais. Gumbo, a hearty stew whose key

ingredient is okra, is found throughout the Gulf Coast of the United States and in the

South Carolina Lowcountry. Breaded, deep fried okra is eaten in the southern United

States. Okra is also an ingredient expected in callaloo, a Caribbean dish and the

national dish of Trinidad and Tobago. Okra is also eaten in Nigeria, where draw soup

is a popular dish, often eaten with garri or cassava. In Vietnam, okra is the

important ingredient in the dish canh chua. Okra slices can also be added to

ratatouille, combining very well with the other ingredients of this French popular

dish. Okra leaves may be cooked in a similar way to the greens of beets or

dandelions. The leaves are also eaten raw in salads. Okra seeds may be roasted and

ground to form a caffeinate-free substitute for coffee. When importation of coffee

was disrupted by the American Civil War in 1861, the Austin State Gazette noted,

"An acre of okra will produce seed enough to furnish a plantation of fifty negroes


with coffee in every way equal to that imported from Rio. Okra oil is a pressed seed

oil, extracted from the seeds of the okra. The greenish-yellow edible oil has a

pleasant taste and odor, and is high in unsaturated fats such as oleic acid and

linoleic acid. The oil content of the seed can be quite high at about 40%. Oil yields

from okra crops are also high. At 794 kg/ha, the yield was exceeded only by that of

sunflower oil in one trial. Common Okra seed is reported to contain only 15% oil.

Nutritional Value & Health Benefits

Okra is a powerhouse of valuable nutrients. Nearly half of which is soluble

fiber in the form of gums and pectins. Soluble fiber helps to lower serum

cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease. The other half is insoluble fiber which

helps to keep the intestinal tract healthy decreasing the risk of some forms of

cancer, especially colorectal cancer. Nearly 10% of the recommended levels of

vitamin B6 and folic acid are also present in a half cup of cooked okra

Nutrition Facts (1/2 cup sliced, cooked


Calories 25

Dietary Fiber 2 grams

Protein 1.52 grams

Carbohydrates 5.76 grams

Vitamin A 460 IU

Vitamin C 13.04 mg

Folic acid 36.5 micrograms

Calcium 50.4 mg

Iron 0.4 mg

Potassium 256.6 mg

Magnesium 46 mg

Aloe vera

Aloe vera, also known as the true or medicinal aloe, is a species of succulent

plant in the genus Aloe that is believed to have originated in the Sudan. Aloe vera

grows in arid climates and is widely distributed in Africa, India, and other arid areas.


The species is frequently cited as being used in herbal medicine. Many scientific

studies of the use of aloe vera have been undertaken, some of them conflicting.

Despite these limitations, there is some preliminary evidence that Aloe vera

extracts may be useful in the treatment of wound and burn healing, minor skin

infections, Sebaceous cyst, diabetes, and elevated blood lipids in humans. These

positive effects are thought to be due to the presence of compounds such as

polysaccharides, mannans, anthraquinones, and lectins.

Claims of medical properties

Scientific evidence for the cosmetic and therapeutic effectiveness of aloe

vera is limited and when present is frequently contradictory. Despite this, the

cosmetic and alternative medicine industries regularly make claims regarding the

soothing, moisturizing, and healing properties of aloe vera, especially via Internet

advertising. Aloe vera gel is used as an ingredient in commercially available lotion,

yogurt, beverages, and some desserts. It is common practice for cosmetic

companies to add sap or other derivatives from aloe vera to products such as

makeup, tissues, moisturizers, soaps, sunscreens, incense, shaving cream, and

shampoos. Other uses for extracts of aloe vera include the dilution of semen for the

artificial fertilization of sheep, use as fresh food preservative, and use in water

conservation in small farms. The supposed therapeutic uses of aloe vera are not

exclusive to the species and may be found to a lesser or greater degree in the gels

of all aloes, and indeed are shared with large numbers of plants belonging to the

family Asphodelaceae. Bulbine frutescens, for example, is used widely for the

treatment of burns and a host of skin afflictions. Aloe vera has a long association

with herbal medicine, although it is not known when its medical applications were


first suspected. Early records of aloe vera use appear in the Ebers Papyrus from

16th century BCE, in both Dioscorides' De Materia Medica and Pliny the Elder's

Natural History written in the mid-first century CE along with the Juliana Anicia

Codex produced in 512 CE. Aloe vera is non-toxic, with no known side effects,

provided the aloin has been removed by processing. Taking aloe vera that contains

aloin in excess amounts has been associated with various side-effects. However, the

species is used widely in the traditional herbal medicine of China, Japan, Russia,

South Africa, the United States, Jamaica, Latin America and India. Aloe vera may be

effective in treatment of wounds. Evidence on the effects of its sap on wound

healing, however, is limited and contradictory. Some studies, for example, show

that aloe vera promotes the rates of healing, while, in contrast, other studies show

that wounds to which aloe vera gel was applied were significantly slower to heal

than those treated with conventional medical preparations. A more recent review

(2007) concludes that the cumulative evidence supports the use of aloe vera for the

healing of first to second degree burns. In addition to topical use in wound or burn

healing, internal intake of aloe vera has been linked in preliminary research with

improved blood glucose levels in diabetics, and with lower blood lipids in

hyperlipidaemic patients, but also with acute hepatitis (liver disease). In other

diseases, preliminary studies have suggested oral aoe vera gel may reduce

symptoms and inflammation in patients with ulcerative colitis. Compounds

extracted from aloe vera have been used as an immunostimulant that aids in

fighting cancers in cats and dogs; however, this treatment has not been

scientifically tested in humans.Topical application of aloe vera may be effective for

genital herpes and psoriasis. However, it is not effective for the prevention of

radiation-induced injuries. Although anecdotally useful, it has not been proven to


offer protection from sunburn or suntan. In a double-blind clinical trial, both the

group using an aloe vera containing dentifrice and the group using a fluoridated

dentifrice had a reduction of gingivitis and plaque, but no statistically significant

difference was found between the two. For bacteria, inner-leaf gel from aloe vera

was shown to inhibit growth of Streptococcus and Shigella species in vitro.In

contrast, aloe vera extracts failed to show antibiotic properties against

Xanthomonas species.


Shampoo is a hair care product used for the removal of oils, dirt, skin

particles, dandruff, environmental pollutants and other contaminant particles that

gradually build up in hair. The goal is to remove the unwanted build-up without

stripping out so much sebum as to make hair unmanageable.

Even though most modern shampoos include a conditioning component,

shampooing is frequently followed by the use of conditioners which ease combing

and styling.


Shampoo is generally made by combining a surfactant, most often sodium lauryl

sulfate and/or sodium laureth sulfate with a co-surfactant, most often

cocamidopropyl betaine in water to form a thick, viscous liquid. Other essential

ingredients include salt (sodium chloride), which is used to adjust the viscosity, a


preservative and fragrance. Other ingredients are generally included in shampoo

formulations to maximize the following qualities:

Pleasing foam

Easy rinsing

Minimal skin/eye irritation

Feels thick and/or creamy

Pleasant fragrance

Low toxicity

Good biodegradability

Slightly acidic (pH less than 7),

since a basic environment

weakens the hair by breaking

the disulfide bonds in hair


No damage to hair

Many shampoos are pearlescent. This effect is achieved by addition of tiny

flakes of suitable materials, e.g. glycol distearate, chemically derived from stearic

acid, which may have either animal or vegetable origins. Glycol distearate is a wax.

Many shampoos also include silicone to provide conditioning benefits.


Chapter 3


This chapter contained data gathering instruments, treatment/general

procedure, and determination of hair strength.

Purpose & Research Design

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness if okra and aloe

vera can be made as a homemade shampoo. This study also determines which

treatment way more effective in strengthening hair.

Data Gathering Instruments

Materials and Equipment

In this experiment we used aloe vera stem, okra fruits, coconut oil, and tap

water as the main ingredients and the other materials are stove, clean pots for

boiling of ingredients, strainer, mask, funnel, clean bottles where to put the

concoction, bowls for soaking, hair comb, towel, and strands of hair.


Setups Kind of Concentrations



Okra and Aloe Vera

BAloe Vera


This table shows the

Scale Strengthening Effectivity

3 Extremely tough Very Effective

2 Moderately tough Effective

1 Tough Slightly Effective


First, enough hair strands were gathered for three treatments. Treatment of

aloe vera and okra, treatment aloe vera, treatment okra. Five grams of aloe vera

boiled in 70 ml water for 30 minutes and strained to extract the juice. The decoction

was placed in a clean bottle. To prepare the okra decoction, 2 pieces okra fruits

were boiled in 200 ml tap water for ten minutes. The cooked okra were masked for

extraction and decoction was strained for the preparation of solution. The

homemade shampoo was prepared from 50 ml aloe vera decoction and 50 ml okra

decoction. The homemade shampoo was then prepared into three setups. Setup A

is the treatment of aloe vera and okra, Setup B is the treatment of aloe vera only,

and Setup C is the treatment of okra only. All setups will be put in the table.

Soaking Process of the Hair Strands


The hair strands that have been divided enough for the three setups. The hair

strands were soaked in the respective bowls and left about 30 minutes. After 30

minutes the hair strands were rinsed thoroughly with tap water.

Determination of Hair Strength

To determine the strength of the hair strand, pulling it until it breaks. The

breaking of hair strand will be recorded in a table and will be scaled.

Chapter 4

Results and Analysis

This chapter presented the data, analysis and interpretation of findings. It is

in this part

whereby the data have been sorted out, tabulated, subjected to statistical analysis

and then the

findings were interpreted.

Table 1 showed the difference in the hair strengthen and exposed

treatments. Result showed that treatment A was extremely tough, treatment B was

moderately tough and treatment C was tough.

Table 1 Difference in the hair strengths as exposed to treatments.


Treatment Mean Description

A 3.0 Extremely Tough

B 1.0 Moderately Tough

C 2.0Tough

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

Chapter 5 consisted of the following, namely (1) Summary, (2) Findings, (3)

Conclusions and (4) Recommendations.


Generally, this study aimed to determine the effectively of okra ang aloe vera

in strengthening of hair. Specifically, study sought to answer the following

questions. The homemade shampoo was then prepared into three treatments.

Treatment A composed of aloe vera and okra, Setup B composed of aloe vera only,

and Setup C composed of okra only.


Result showed that Okra and Aloe Vera can be used a potential raw material

component in strengthening hair.

Statistical tools

Mean was used to determine if there is a significant difference in the

comparative effectiveness of each treatment being tested. Mean is equal to the sum

of all scores divided by the number of treatments.




EX= Sum of all Scores

N= Number of Treatment


Based on the results obtained from the experiment, the researchers drawn

the following conclusions:

1. Okra and aloe vera can be used as an alternative strengthening shampoo.

2. There was no significant difference in the effectivity of different

concentration of okra and aloe vera in strengthening hair, in terms of

strengthening, treatment was found to the effective than the rest of the




On the basis of the conclusions formulated, the following recommendations

are offered

for possible further study.

1. Use other ingredient/concentration which was not yet tried.

2. Use more resources.

3. The researchers recommend utilizing other alternative ingredients.

4. Use any alternative herbal plants for more to make the things more

complicated because this IP is so easy.

5. Use other finding or experiment to know more useful abilities of this

homemade shampoo.







http://www.wikipedia.com/wiki/aloe vera

Encarta premium (2009)


