IoT Shifts - Iskander Smit

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Transcript of IoT Shifts - Iskander Smit

New haptic interactions & the Internet of Touch

Iskander Smit, @iskandr, IoTShifts 2015, 19 October 2015

Photography by Local Androids, Model Leonie Baauw

Iskander Smit



COMMIT/ Internet of Touch

Researching haptics

Awearables feel the invisible

Air pollution suit - By Borre

Nerve fibers detect tempature differences

free nerve endings detect servere pain and high pressure

Merkel endings detect continuous pressure

Ruffini endings detect tension in different layers; stretching Pacinian endings detect high


Skin is a complex organ

Aduen Darriba, 2015

Changing voltage creates electronic connector between finger and surface

Structure and movement (dynamic) play a major role for rich haptic experiences

Electro vibration mimics touch

Skin is not good in exact location, so easy to simulate

Aduen Darriba, 2015

Six-dimension vibrations:

Combining vibrations with other interaction methods (visual, auditive, etc.)

Haptics is the science of applying touch (tactile) sensation to interact with computer applications.

Haptics; more than vibro-stimuli

Think beyond the screen


Pavlok give electric shocks to change your habits

Painful interactions

Feel from a distance

Cryoscope Weathervane

New layers of haptics

Taptic engine Apple Watch

Wearables are connecting the things and the self

Haptics enhances the wearable

Now: apps model

New messaging layer

New model


Lucy McRae - Body Architecture

Learning loop for adaptiveness

Conversational UI

Research Beyond Glass; Digital Life Lab &

New haptic interactions

Haptics as new design material

A system of sensors

Worship the moment, design the rules

Impuls driven adaptive things with haptics embedded

James Bridle; Surveillance Spaulder

See you in Amsterdam!