IoT LPWANs Global Economic Impact opportunities

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of IoT LPWANs Global Economic Impact opportunities


Introducing the IoT and how LPWANs will revolutionize IoT connectivity

Matthew Bailey

Former Chairman Marketing – Weightless SIG Advisor to the Alberta Government

TechRiot - Executive Board Member Award Nominee

Business Builder in high-technologies

Introducing the IoT and how it can lead to

Planetary Consciousness

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Common names for the IoT

Internet of Everything

Internet of Anywhere

Industrial Internet

Internet of Sensing

Internet of Consciousness

Machine to Machine


The IoT - Next Giant Leap for Mankind

Billions of cheap sensors located across our planet “tweeting” tiny bits of information from the physical world

Digitized information used by Big Data and Apps to make intelligent decisions to make our lives better.

3rd Wave of Global innovation (source GE Report 2010)

50 Billion connected devices 2020 (source- Mckinsey)

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$Trillions new global economy (M.I.T) Cisco etc.

IoT = Instrumentation (or digitizing) the physical world


Simply put the IoT is…

Long Range Wireless (5km +)Short Range Wireless (100s feet)

SensorWireless Network Application

“tweeting” IoT Data

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IoT Analogy from Nature - Humans

2. Send Information Via body networks

3. Store and Process information 4. Make Decisions and Take Action

5. Actions Run, Walk, Cry, Speak, Sit, Write, Sleep, Read, Create, Eat, Pain, Joy, Sadness…….

1. Sensory inputs

Hear, Touch, Taste, Smell, See

The Brain = Cloud Computer

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In mobile phone terms

“The Brain”

“Mobile Apps”

Sensors & DataIdentity Location Accelerometer Texts Calls App Data

1. Information 2. Store 3. Process 4. Decisions 5. Take Actions

“Big Data”

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IoT – An Intelligent Planet?

1. IoT Sensors & Information

From “things”, “people”, “animals”, “environment”

2. Send IoT Information Via Networks”

“Big Data” & “Intelligence”

3. Store and Process information 4. Make Decisions and Take Action

“the IoT could create a balanced conversation between physical planet eco-systems

and its participants”.

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IoT could lead to a Conscious Planet?

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Definition of Consciousness “the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings”

IoT Data from physical world


Intelligent Action

“the IoT is an invitation for humanity and the planet to connect digitally and co-evolve intelligently


Multitudes of IoT Applications

The opportunities are endless to instrument anything in the physical world. Only limited by our imagination!

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The IoT - Some statistics….


The IoT - Where is the value?

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Source - McKinsey


The IoT - Size of Global Markets

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Source - McKinsey

The IoT has to make an impact in our co-existance

with the planet

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Water precipitation is changing(Source: National Center for Atmospheric Research.)

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Climate change impacts Ag

Texas - 2012 $3.2 Billion of main crops were lost due to drought. Nearly 50% of the annual state Ag revenue (AgriLife)

Florida - 2010 $100 Million of crops were lost – 2 week freeze. (Florida Trend)

USA - Heat stress costs the dairy and beef industry $1Billion p.a India – 1970 – Cyclone – 2 Million cattle lost

UK Parliament report 2012 predicts that “Increasing amounts of high-quality horticultural and arable land likely to be flooded at least once every 3 years”

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We need more food (and water)

3.8 Trillion cubic liters potable water used by humans p.a. • 50% water wasted! • 70% used in Agriculture

By 2050 10-13 Trillion cubic liters of potable water

Food output must increase by 70%

Smart Agriculture $4 Trillion IoT economy

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Food security is under threat

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Technology must create impactReal-time climate information at a micro level for Agricultural Land.

More accurate climate modelling and prediction leads to better crop management and yield

Optimise water use in farming. Globally!

Save 40% water Crop yields + 25%

Real-time monitoring health and location of livestock.

Reduce Heat Stress. Detect disease early

Save 60% of $1Billion losses

Earlier detection of flooding More sensors the better the information.

Results in proactive and effective disaster management.

The more sensors that are located across non-urban landscapes…. …the more information we have to optimize yield, manage resources and threats

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Species are under threat??

1,000 * What it should be!

NRDC state that $15 Billion US crops pollinated by bees e.g. 1 in 3 bites of food!

California requires half of all the US honeybees for its $2.3 billion almond crop

Pesticides (Bayer) – effected 35 US states (2006)

Low Power Wide Area Networks

“Bridging the Connectivity Gap”


Introducing LPWANs

LPWAN = Low Power Wide Area Network Unlicensed radio spectrum Wireless – new form of “tweeting” cellular Developed specifically for the IoT New paradigm for build of IoT solutions, Impact and ROI

World first open Standard for IoT LPWANs Open standards proven to develop wireless markets

Low Cost – sensor connections, data costs, IoT infrastructure build Low Power – Sub 1Ghz radio, sensors exist on AA battery - years Long Range – 10km + (1 base station supports millions of IoT Messages per day)

3.1 Billion LPWAN connections by 2023

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LPWAN Providers

LPWAN Table Summary

Open Standard? In US? Functionality Private/

Public Nwk

Yes 5 locations

N - Uni direction P - Bi direction W - Bi direction

Spectrum efficient


Kind of Maybe 10 locations

Bi-direction Spectrum hungry

Prone to interference


No 30 cities 2016Bi direction

Carrier grade 2.4 Mhz

More Public

No 100 cities 2016Uni direction

Spectrum efficient SNO model

More Public

Physical network co-existence could be an issue

National Eco-systemsPrivate Eco-systems

0 -> X km Devices


0 -> X km Devices


0 -> X km Devices


0 - > X km



0 - > X km



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Two types of IoT LPWAN Networks

Weightless-P - the world’s most advanced LPWAN tech

+44 4478 600 17360

white paper comprehensive details

free SIG membership possible 17 key USPs

1 x base station3 x end points1 x PSUcablesQuick Start Guide

TEXT email NOW




$40 Million goes a long way!

Cover 45% of the USA!

5000 LPWAN Base Stations 5 Billion IoT sensor connections

How far would $40 Million go in an LPWAN deployment

across the US ?

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The rise of Mega Cities

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The world’s population will move to cities due to economic and climate change

At Home - Smart Connected “Things”

Smart Fridge Smart Heating Smart Home

Smart Car

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“IoT” - Smart City initiatives across the world


Source: Next Big Future

Global Urbanisation

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Mega Cities are growing

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GDP and Mega Cities


2007 50% global GDP from 380 cities developed world

20% GDP from US 190 cities

2025 135 new mega cities developing countries

100 in China

30% developed cities reduced contributions to global GDP

Majority global GDP – developing world cities

MKSmart - The IoT & Smart Cities

Glasgow (Scotland)

Sunderland (North England)

Milton Keynes (Central England)

Bristol (England/Wales)

Many Partners – Diverse Strengths

Smart Cities

Backed by Gov/EU

E.g. Smart City Use Cases

Waste Management Energy/Water Metering Parking

Agriculture Street Lighting Transport

US - Smart City Initiatives

Find out where they are and get involved! Forge partnerships

Get in touch with organizations like these!

Deeper dive into markets where

IoT can solve problems

• Disposable sensor modules that activate automatically • Safe, instantaneous environmental monitoring • Pollution, radiation, temperature, vibration… • Difficult or dangerous places • Low cost and long battery life for sensor modules • Simple to deploy infrastructure

Giant Leaps – Smart Disaster Warnings


SMART medicine – remote care of the sick and elderly

• Aging population – in-home monitoring for health and wellbeing - Heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, position - Lowers total health care costs - Assisted Living

• Panic button alarms and emergency notification • Rural community remote diagnostics and disease management

- Reduces barriers to access • Medicine dosage notification and delivery • Low cost network Infrastructure and ARPU (device) KEY • Ubiquitous standard for device interoperability • Simpler architectures!

Giant Leaps – Smart and Remote Healthcare


• Smart Meters: • Domestic demand management and In-Home display for energy consumption monitoring • Consumer control of energy management and use • Japan already deploying to 10 million homes • UK procurement process begun – contracts awarded Q42012

- 28 Million meters installed & commissioned by 2016 • Smart Grid:

• Saves generating capacity and allows enhanced control of load • Annual savings of ~$2Bn for UK Plc alone, $100Bn worldwide

Giant Leaps – Smart Energy (Source -> consumer)


SMART Logistics – Where is that container?

• Shipping lines own 20m containers - They have good visibility of location of every container on ships and in major ports -  But the containers then go to any of 8000 trucking companies in the US.

• There is no standard way to track these shipments - Shipping lines have no visibility of location of containers, delays etc - Consequence - one in three containers is moved empty, costing $30 - $40bn/year

•  Better visibility of location of containers moving by road • Low cost, long battery life tracking unit permanently attached to every container • Track every container, all of the time, minimizing empty shipments and saving $bns

SMART medicine – remote care of the sick and elderlyGiant Leaps – Smart Logistics


SMART Transport – Infrastructure to driver rewards…

▪ Fleet management - Reduce emissions, consumption & costs

▪ ‘Pay as you drive’ (PAYD) car insurance ▪ Intermodal Asset tracking ▪ Road pricing & congestion charging

- Enabled across entire road network ▪ Emergency incident response

- Platform for Event Data Recorder (EDR) - Automatic notification of incidents, severity of incident, vehicles involved & substances being carried - Improved response times & minimised disruption

SMART medicine – remote care of the sick and elderlyGiant Leaps – Smart Transport

What impact will you create using IoT?


“Imagination encircles the world”

IoT is a great opportunity for us all to imagine and co-create a purposeful world.

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SMART Cities – intelligent infrastructure

• City Wide sensor networks – the backbone of the city • Parking and traffic management – direction to empty spaces • ‘Smart’ Litter bins – emptied on demand • Environmental monitoring – traffic flow control to reduce CO2 • Street Light optimization – activated by movement • Electric Vehicle (EV) re-charging points (EVSE) • Road condition monitoring – variable speed limits, ice gritting... • Integrated traffic management – flow and congestion PLEASE PARK ON L4 498

SMART medicine – remote care of the sick and elderlyGiant Leaps – Smart Cities