Invitation with application form for International Canarian Beach Volley Camp 2014

Post on 30-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Invitation with application form for International Canarian Beach Volley Camp 2014

Please fill out the form.

You are player or coach?



Date of birth: Phone:

Address: City:

Postal code: Country:

Your size for t-shirt and shorts:

Height: Weight:

Camp period: Camp type:

E-mail address:

Name of the club:

What is your beach volley level from 1 to 5 (1 is the lowest level and 5 the highest level)?

Your passport number:

With advance payment of 100 EUR you secure your participation (reserve place) in International Canarian Beach Volley Camp

Payment can be made in the following account.

Name: Federacion Canaria de Voleibol

Name of the bank: Banco Santander Central Hispano


IBAN: ES92 0049 1881 4128 1015 3060

1035 EUR

Payment process:

CAMP (1 training per day)

75 EUR

495 EUR

675 EUR

895 EUR14 days


International Canarian Beach Volley Camp 2014


*Per day

7 days

10 days

ADVANCE CAMP (2 trainings per day)

92 EUR

575 EUR

785 EUR