Investigation into current industrial practices relating...

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Investigation into current industrial practices relating to product lifecyclemanagement in a multi-national manufacturing company

Ismael A. Essop1 , Richard D. Evans1 , Shan Wan2 , Muni P. Giddaluru1 , James X. Gao1 ,David Baudry3 , Sara Mahdikhah3 and Mourad Messaadia3

1University of Greenwich; 2Nanjing University of Science and Technology; 3CESI/IRISE, Rouen, France

ABSTRACTProduct Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems have gained growing acceptance for managing allinformation relating to products throughout their full lifecycle, from idea conceptualisation throughoperations to servicinganddisposal. This paper, throughan in-depthexploratory study intoa leadingpower generation manufacturing organization, presents current PLM issues experienced by man-ufacturing companies, exploring three separate topics: 1) PLM, 2) Knowledge Management andLessons Learnt and 3) Product Servicing and Maintenance. Following a review of published litera-ture, results of the investigation arepresented, analysing the responsesof 17 employees interviewed.With respect to Product Development, it was found that information traceability is time consum-ing and change management requests take too long to complete. Results relating to knowledgemanagement indicate that the Company operates a ‘who you know’ culture, but do aim to capturelessons learned on the manufacturing shop floor and assembly lines. Therefore, a prototype designis proposed to integrate the capturing of lessons learnt within the existing PLM system.

KEYWORDSPLM; knowledgemanagement; lessonslearned; productmaintenance and service

1. Introduction

In today’s modern business environment, Product Life-cycle Management may be seen to underpin corporateability to meet customers’ increasingly bespoke demandsin a sustainable and competitive manner. PLM offerscompanies the capability of a framework to capture, store,retrieve, represent and re-utilise product and processknowledge in order to competemore effectively in today’sknowledge-intensive Product Development (PD) envi-ronment [15]. PLM, however, is not solely a technologicalframework; it is seen to offer social and cultural dimen-sions which contribute to the strategy and competitiveadvantage of organisations.

PLM systems have gained acceptance for managingall information relating to products throughout their fulllifecycle, from conceptualisation through operations todisposal. The PLM philosophy and systems, therefore,aim to provide support to an even broader range of engi-neering and business activities thanmerely PD. PLMwasinitially conceived as an academic concept to address themanagement of data, information and knowledge duringproduct lifecycles, but subsequently has gained accep-tance in industry to provide support to a wider gamutof business and engineering practices [36]. Traditionally,product information has been organized and generated

CONTACT Ismael A. Essop

by various business functions in an organisation. Func-tional areas, such as design engineering, manufacturingengineering, supply chain, sales and distribution, war-ranty and repair, and accounting all have informationsystems that reflect the needs of those functional areas[20]. The amount of data generated during PD processesis growing faster than ever before. For most aerospace,automotive and defence companies, to store data for15–20 years is the norm, but creates a big challenge.In many instances, product data may be required to bestored for more than 50 years. To capture product infor-mation within an enterprise and between its partnerenterprises, united, robust and flexible data models arerequired.

1.1. Challenges facing product development

The estimate of waste in design and engineering func-tions is often cited at 60–80% of the total design and engi-neering cost; this waste relates to manufacturing produc-tion, such as wastedmotion, scrap (developing parts withdesign specification anddrawings that are outdated), overproduction (designing parts that have already previouslybeen designed), rework (designing parts that cannot bemanufactured and must be redesigned), and material

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shortages (looking for drawings and engineering dataand transportation waste – copying / moving drawingsand engineering data) [20]. Translating a market oppor-tunity into a new product requires approximately 15%invention, whilst the remaining 85% involves previouslylearnt processes that are often undocumented and undis-ciplined and, therefore, the need for improved knowledgesharing and the capturing of lessons learned during PD iscurrently at its highest.

1.2. Research approach

The purpose of this paper is to report on an IndustrialInvestigation which was conducted in a leading powergeneration manufacturing company in the UK betweenOctober 2013 and March 2014. For the purpose of thisreport, the organisation is referred to as ‘The Company’.The aim of the investigation was to gain an understand-ing of the Company’s current practices and challengesin relation to: 1) Communication between internal col-leagues and external stakeholders; 2) The Product Devel-opment Process; 3) ICT Tools currently used within TheCompany to assist with PLM; 4) Knowledge Manage-ment (KM) and Sharing; and 5) Product MaintenanceManagement.

The methodology used during the investigation wasinformal, audio-recorded face to face interviews last-ing between 60 and 90 minutes. In total, 17 employeesfrom 5 different departments were selected for inter-view. Participants had a wide range of experience indesign, manufacture and maintenance and included thePlant Manager, Maintenance Engineers and AssemblyLine Operatives. Interviews were conducted on an indi-vidual basis by a panel consisting of two PhD studentsand one post-doctoral research fellow. The interview-ers followed a standardised questionnaire, which askedparticipants a variety of open-ended and closed ques-tions to identify the current methods, practices and toolsemployed within The Company for KM, PLM and prod-uct maintenance management; the findings relating tothese questions are summarised in this paper.

2. Review of published literature

2.1. PLM

Product lifecycle management is a set of capabilities thatenable an enterprise to effectively and efficiently innovateand manage its products and related services through-out the entire business lifecycle, from conception throughrecycling and disposal.

Most engineering information systems store andretrieve data in different forms and using different file

types. Specifically, in the computer-aided engineeringand design field, the number of files associated withindividual products, parts, components and their asso-ciated Computer-Aided Design/Computer Aided Engi-neering/Product Data Management and Product Lifecy-cle Management (CAD/CAE/PDM/PLM) systems andsystem users, has reached a level of vast complexity andlittle transparency; this is due to the fact that current filesystems are still based on traditional hierarchical direc-tory structures. In such file systems, users are requiredto organise their data in hierarchical structures. In suchstructures, specific path and file names have to be deter-mined and correctly entered in order to store and retrievedata. Unfortunately, these traditional hierarchies often donot scale to large data collections and to the fine-grainedclassifications required. As the data classification hier-archy grows, files are increasingly likely to be assignedseveral different classifications that are all linked to onlyone associated file location. To locate and retrieve a par-ticular file at a later date, system users must remem-ber the one specific classification that was originallychosen.

The PLM concept links different stages of PD, includ-ing CAE, CAD, PDM, Manufacturing Process Manage-ment (MPM), Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) interalia in a unique numerical chain [17]. The target is to bet-ter answer questions relating to time-to-market, cost, andquality criteria. In fact, there is no unique tool or methodwhich allows the management of a project for the devel-opment of a product; it is a very difficult task because ofthe vast amount of information which comes from dif-ferent sources in the process of product development.PLM is collaborative in nature and aims to integrateall partners and associated knowledge efficiently. Whenimplementing PLM, organisations need to consider thecollaborative process and how it can be optimised byallowing up stream integration of data, resources andknowledge. PLM systems are IT application frameworksthat are widely acclaimed for supporting this objective,along with enhancing KM capabilities and coordinationamong the functional areas involved in New ProductDevelopment (NPD) [7].

In general, PLM systems integrate [46]:

• Systems and technologies to support design activities(i.e. visualization/viewing applications, CA-X integra-tion, PDM, engineering change management tools,configuration management tools etc.), in the contextof interdisciplinary and distributed teams (i.e., dataexchange and collaboration technologies, design coor-dination tools);

• KM systems (i.e. document management, contentmanagement systems etc.);


• Project management and workflow managementtools; and

• Systems and technologies to support relations throughthe supply chain (i.e. customer-oriented and supplier-oriented applications, or information tracking sys-tems).

Recently, business leaders have recognised the needfor wider collaboration and integration for sharing ofproduct information within business that had previouslybeen spread globally and across supply chains. They havefurther realised that they are far from reaching theirgoal. One reason for this is that until recently, infor-mation technology tools and strategies were not up tothe challenge of effectively sharing information acrosssuch a complex network in a flexible and robust manner.This is about to change due to the convergence of threeimportant technological developments: (1) maturity ofstandardized product data and product meta-data mod-els, and standardized engineering and business processes;(2) emergence of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)for information sharing; and (3) availability of robustmiddleware to implement them [46]. A PLM infrastruc-ture that combines the benefits of these three develop-ments, which have converged almost in perfect harmony,is bringing us closer to realising the dream of businessand technical integration and partner collaboration.

2.2. Knowledgemanagement

Since the 1990 s and given the evermore challenging eco-nomic conditions experienced by companies today, therehas been increasing recognition that one of themost valu-able resources owned by an organisation is its employeeand organisational knowledge. Prior to the 1990s, PorterandMillar [37] suggested that the key to a company beingsuccessful was in the information it possessed. Nowa-days, it is believed that employee knowledge is the key tocorporate survival and growth; companies need to main-tain and make better and more informed use of theiremployee, partner and organisational knowledge [16]. In1991, Nonaka [32] predicted that successful companieswill be those that create, capture and make best use oftheir knowledge and then apply it to new innovative PD.The need to manage and develop this knowledge effec-tively has increasingly been acknowledged in order thatorganisationsmay respond to the challenges presented intoday’s dynamic and complex business environment andto overcome economic uncertainties [39].

Research [32] shows that there is a distinction betweenemployee knowledge and organisational knowledge.Tsoukas and Vladimirou [48] explained that employeeknowledge is the “individual capability of a person to

draw distinctions, within a domain of action, basedon appreciation of context or theory, or both” whereasorganisational knowledge is the “capability of memberswithin an organisation to draw distinctions in the pro-cess of carrying out their work, in particular, concretecontexts, by enacting sets of generalisations whose appli-cation depends on historically evolved collective under-standings”; for the purpose of this study, research iscarried out at both employee and organisational levels.

Nonaka [33], described organisational knowledge asthe information flow among the various resources withina company; it is the knowledge that is captured throughIT systems, organisational processes, products, companyrules and corporate culture. Knowledgewithin an organi-sation can include workers’ experiences and skills, whichmay be stored in the minds of the employees (tacit) orcould be recorded in physical documentation (explicit),which is available for all employees to view and re-use.Myers [31] adds that organisational knowledge is “pro-cessed information that is embedded into routines andprocesses that enable action”. Research [32] shows thatorganisational knowledge and the management of thatknowledge are critical to the success and competitiveadvantage of an organisation [34]. Pillai and Min [35]state that knowledge plays a critical role in the successfulmanagement of an organisation’s supply chain. Ross [42]states that although supply chain members are indepen-dent entities, they still need to form inter-firm and intra-firm alliances, whichmake themmutually dependable oneach other to meet common goals. All parties in a sup-ply chain need to work together collaboratively to solveproblems and develop innovative products to meet thedemands of customers. Consequently, knowledge shar-ing should become an integral activity within any supplychain. In 1999, however, Liebowitz [24] explained thatknowledge cannot necessarily be managed and instead isa set of activities that companies must practice in orderto achieve competitive advantage; these activities weredescribed as: Knowledge Creation; Knowledge Valuationand Metrics; Knowledge Mapping and Indexing; Knowl-edge Transport; Storage and Distribution; and Knowl-edge Sharing [6].

The management of employee and organisationalknowledge is becoming increasingly important for thesurvival of manufacturing organisations [2]. Researchers[5] believe that, by sharing formal organisational knowl-edge with partners in the supply chain, companies arenow able to increase performance and ultimately be suc-cessful in global marketplaces. Empirical research [32]suggests that organisations that actively share and makeuse of collective knowledge with partners in the supplychain become more productive and are more likely tosurvive than those that withhold knowledge within their

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company. The external knowledge of a company includescustomer, supplier and competitor expertise. Organisa-tions which are able to tap into that knowledge baseincrease significantly their chances of succeeding in com-petitivemarkets.However, there are numerous barriers tocreating a culture for sharing between these entities andit is recognised [1],[41], in particular, that the activitiesof knowledge capture and sharing face numerous barri-ers typically relating to either social factors or the tech-nology adopted or a combination of both [6]. Barriersinclude:

• Businesses often cannot identify what is knownwithintheir organisations and, consequently, best practices,expertise and knowledge and skills cannot easily beapplied and transferred;

• The physical layout of an office space or the hierarchi-cal structure of a companymay be counter-productiveto knowledge capturing initiatives [41];

• Individuals often perceive knowledge as power thatcan allow them to advance within an organisation and,therefore, are not prepared to share [1];

• Individuals often do not have the time to contributeknowledge to others, if they are working, for example,on busy production or assembly lines [41];

• Employees within organisations often will not sharetheir tacit knowledge for fear that other individualswill take credit for the knowledge they have previ-ously shared [41]; Choi et al. [10] suggested that trustand reward mechanisms are possibly more importantthan technical support in isolation for encouragingknowledge sharing;

• Organisations often do not share knowledge withexternal partners for fear of divulgence of confidentialinformation, including corporate technologies, pric-ing schedules, customer databases and processes [31];

• Language and cultural barriers, including the dif-ferences in cultures between North America, West-ern Europe, Japan and Spain. Desouza and Evaristo[14] argue that Spanish and Japanese employees arefar more open to the sharing of knowledge, whereasemployees in North America and Western Europeweremore reserved when it came to sharing their tacitknowledge and wanted confirmation that the knowl-edge would be controlled and not be misused;

• A lack of consistent policies across businesses oftenhinders the successful management of knowledgemanagement systems [22];

• The interoperability of new knowledge managementsystems into existing IT infrastructures and compati-bility issues with current or legacy systems;

• Organisations often do not offer sufficient training orexplain the benefits of new knowledge management

systems; this causes difficulties due tomany employeesbeing unfamiliar with the new system installed; and

• Employees leaving the business; Preiss [38] recognisedthat important tacit knowledge will be lost if an organ-isation fails to capture it before an employee leaves.Similarly, if an employee stores work locally on a per-sonal hard drive rather than in shared folders or cloud-supported networks, where others have been grantedaccess, then explicit knowledge already storedmay notbe captured and made available to others, includingnew employees.

Finally, it has been acknowledged by Myers [31] thatorganisations which share similar philosophies and cor-porate culture have a far greater inclination to shareknowledge with each other. They further added thatorganisations which have made investments in sup-ply chain partners (e.g. financial, equipment, facili-ties) are more open to knowledge sharing because theyhave an interest in the other party developing theirknowledge.

2.3. Lessons learned

This sub-section will review relevant research relating toLessons Learned (LL). A statement that is increasinglycited, both in academia and industry, as a comprehensivedefinition of LL is one used by the American, Euro-pean, and Japanese space agencies: “A lesson learnedis a knowledge or understanding gained by experience.The experience may be positive, as in a successful testor mission, or negative, as in a mishap or failure. Suc-cesses are also considered sources of lessons learned. Alesson must be significant in that it has a real or assumedimpact on operations; valid in that is factually and techni-cally correct; and applicable in that it identifies a specificdesign, process, or decision that reduces or eliminatesthe potential for failures and mishaps, or reinforces apositive result” [44].

Many prominent Engineering organisations nowadayscollect lessons learned. The early pioneers of this initia-tive have been space agencies and military organisations.A significant part of the work related to simulated exer-cises, after which members are asked to describe whatthey learned and store this in generic or dedicated infor-mation repositories. A number of researchers [27] regardLL practices as building blocks of learning in organisa-tions and is an agent of knowledge creation. LL allowthe capture of individual and group experiences intoorganisational knowledge. Therefore, organisations needto have what Cooke-Davies [12] describes as an effec-tivemeans of learning from experience on projects whichcombines explicit knowledge with tacit knowledge in a


way that encourages people to learn and to embed thatlearning into continuous improvement of project man-agement processes and practices.

When lessons learned occur at the end of projects,they are known as Post-Project Reviews which is oneof the most common approaches for the capture ofproject knowledge [11],[43]. This exercise providesopportunities for cross-functional teams to share, dis-cuss and express their experiences in especially organizedmeetings.

Manufacturing companies are often pressured to work‘faster, better, cheaper’ than their competitors, and theyare increasingly looking at streamlining their NPD pro-cesses. During the early design phase, engineers need toaccess specific knowledge that is often captured in LLfrom previous projects. In global companies, where bothknowledge and expertise are geographically distributed,it becomes a major challenge to locate experts and tapinto their know-how’.

From case studies described in the literature review,there were a range of ways that lesson learned could becaptured, from fairly unstructured manner to detailedmethods, that help with information retrieval after theproject have long been completed [11],[19],[21].

Lessons learned are described and captured in a vari-ety of forms. A structured LL activity should compriseof a set of contents, such as the learned strategy, how itwas learned, and how it can be applied for reuse. Therehas been a number of research studies conducted whichexplored ways to describe and capture LL in a struc-tured format. In order to support reuse, lessons must bepresented in a timely and contextual way.

Richter [40] proposes a Case-Based Reasoning systemthat tracks each task included in an engineering projectand searches its database for lessons that are applica-ble to each task. Milton [27] suggested a LL structure,including: context, description of the event, root causeof the problems, lessons identified and suggested actionwhile Chirumalla [9] proposed a seven-step representa-tion of lessons learned, consisting of: (1) lesson learnedstatement, (2) working context, (3) task description, (4)what went wrong or what went well, (5) lessons learned,(6) lessons learned measures, and (7) applicability anddelimitations.

2.4. Product service system and e-aintenance

According to [49], maintenance costs account for 15%to 60% of the total production cost of a product, withthe maximum being experienced for complex products.In the Power Generation Industry, a product’s life canspan from 30–50 years; this, therefore, means that themaintenance, repair and servicing of them is extremely

important either on service strategy or KM from a PLMpoint of view.

Product Service Systems (PSS) were first introduced in1999 [18] in order to manage product and service infor-mation together, in order to create value for both cus-tomers and manufacturers. Goedkoop et al. [18] definedPSS as “a system of products, services, network part-ners and supporting infrastructure that is economicallyfeasible, competitive and satisfies customer needs. Itoffers dematerialised solutions that minimise the envi-ronmental impact of consumption”; this definitionmeansthat PSS not only contains product and service infor-mation, but also includes stakeholders throughout theproduct lifecycle and supporting technologies, informa-tion/knowledge whichmakes the product suppliers morecompetitive, the customers more satisfied and societymore sustainable. There are three commonly acceptedclassification for PSS [18]:

• Product-oriented PSS, whereby physical products aresold with added after-sale services, such as mainte-nance, repair, monitoring and management;

• Use-orientedPSS,whereby product vendors/manufacturershave ownership of the physical products, while theusage of the product is sold to the customer; the own-ers are responsible for the product’s condition, suchas its maintenance and timely installation of upgrades;and

• Result-oriented PSS, whereby customers purchasefunctional results or capability of a product providedby a vendor under an agreement. A good example forthis is that customers purchase laundered clothes as aresult of buying a washing machine .

According to the characteristics of maintenance andservice in power generation, they belong to the product-oriented PSS. However, little research has focused specif-ically on PSS in the Power Generation Industry (PGI),although there are researchers exploring PSS in otherindustrial sectors, such as automotive [25] and manufac-turing [50].Wan et al. [51] provided amethod of develop-ing an e-Maintenance systems based on knowledge man-agement to improve maintenance efficiency of manufac-turing systems in a PowerGeneration company. Researchrelating to maintenance and servicing in power genera-tion has historically focused on maintenance scheduling.For example Dahal and Chakpitak [13], adopted a meta-heuristic approach to optimise maintenance schedulingproblems, while Badri et al. [3],[13] scheduled genera-tionmaintenance work, considering system indices, suchas security and reliability; other research [47],[23] hasoptimised themaintenance strategy for power generationsystems.

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Due to power generation equipment being located inremote and isolated places, product service engineersoften obtain as much information as possible before trav-elling to another place to fix the problem. The ability ofservice engineers to access all relevant information andknowledge is therefore very important. E-maintenanceis a strategy that can reduce the influence from geo-graphical barriers and improve themanagement ofmain-tenance knowledge and its process [8]. Through theadoption of an e-maintenance platform, maintenanceactors could communicate and work together throughthe maintenance process and information they acquirecould be retrieved far easier to support decision making[8]. Chebel-Morello [8] provided a framework on howto reason the previous knowledge by using ontology tomodel equipment and failure, and then using the Casebased Reasoning (CBR)method to get the recommendedsolution.

Muller [30] provided a review on the current situa-tion and challenges of e-maintenance; although this waswritten in 2008, it still offers a guide to the future devel-opment of e-maintenance platforms. According to [30],the ability of organisations to achieve knowledge-basedmaintenance operations is still one of the most urgentindustrial requirements.

3. Industrial investigation

This investigation was conducted within a global man-ufacturing company based in the UK. The organisationhas 4 main business units: Engine, Power Generation,Components and Distribution. The business consists of17 company-owned distributors and 10 joint ventures,covering 90 countries and territories through 233 loca-tions.

The investigation was conducted within the PowerGeneration business unit of The Company, exploring 4main research areas: 1) Product Information manage-ment, 2) Knowledge Management, 3) Collaboration and4) Maintenance Management. The methodology usedduring this investigation is detailed in Section 1.2.

3.1. PLM

The Company uses 3D and 2D design tools for productdevelopment and Product Data Management (PDM) forstoring CAD data. The PLM system is used for storingthe released engineering product information. There arework flow processes designed to carry information fromCAD to PLM system and a life cycle process is used fordesign approvals. As part of the investigation the follow-ing questions relating to product information were askedto the interviewees, with the aim of understanding how

product information is stored and how it flows betweendifferent systems.

• What PLM systems do you use?• Could you explain how your department manages

product information and knowledge?• Have you encountered any problemswith themanage-

ment of information?• Does all other business units use same systems? If not

how do you manage data?• How many systems do you use for storing product

information?• What type of new product development methodology

do you use?• What are the big challenges that you are facing in data

integration in upstream and downstream systems?• What is the longest life of your data approximately?• How your data is shared between other business units?

What tools you use for this purpose?• Is your data stored in different languages due to the

global nature of the company?

Interviewees concluded the following: Productinformation is stored in different systems by differentdepartments in the process of NPD and continuousimprovement processes. The company uses 3D and 2DCAD design tools to create and maintain product engi-neering information. All native CAD data is stored in aPDM system called pdmlink. The drawings from pdm-link are released from/to the PLM system. This processconverts drawings to PDF format and stores them inthe PLM system; there is limited integration between thePDMsystem and PLM system to transfer the PDFfile andEngineering Bill OfMaterial (EBOM) to the PLM system.

The PLM system has got an embedded life cycleapproval process called ‘Engineering Change Order’ thatflows to Responsible Design Engineer, Product LineManager, Chief Engineer, Standards team, engineeringdata management group for approval. PLM then inte-grates with downstream Enterprise Resource planningconsisting of product configuration management, man-ufacturing, supply chain management, order manage-ment, customer services, after market and more. A largeamount of data is generated during the process of NPD.Apart from design data, a lot more product informa-tion is generated during product theoretical validation(Final element analysis, Aero dynamic analysis, simula-tion details etc.), configuration design (General BOM,product specifications, module specifications, configura-tion bill of material, parts classifications etc), manufac-turing (manufacturing planning data, tolls and equip-ment information, work instructions, manufacturingBOM, routing information, NC programs, flow charts,


maintenance information, shop floor instructions, pro-cess plans, tools and fixtures etc.), supply chain manage-ment (supplier information, parts cost, supply strategydata, purchasing information etc.), testing (test planninginformation, testing tools and its maintenance infor-mation, test reports etc.), order management (customerorder details, customer information, pricing data etc.),inventory management (rawmaterial and finished goodsdata etc.), logistics (goods in / out, shipping informationetc.), finance (product pricing, sales, invoices, purchaseorders, profit/loss data etc.) and miscellaneous (patent,regulations, service manuals, spare parts information,technical publications etc.).

The above information is stored in different systems.Engineering standard work, test results, Analysis Ledsimulation analysis is stored in local servers, while CADdata is stored in pdmlink. Product release data, EBOMsand change management is stored in PLM. Manufactur-ing data is stored in a few different systems, includingCAD data management, ERP and shared server spaces.Product testing result data is stored in access-controlledshared servers. Order management, sales, customer andsupplier information is stored in anERP system. Logisticsdata is stored in a data warehouse management system.It can be seen that the lifecycle of a product is stored inmany systems; this is only one business unit and one loca-tion data. It is difficult to imagine how much complexitywill be there in connecting cross functional and cross

sites globally. The company has a presence in more than10 countries worldwide, in design and manufacturing;each site produces different ranges of power generationproducts, so the data is very big and tracking this data indifferent systems makes more completed across globally,as can be seen in Figure 1.

In this section, we provide an analysis to the responsesgathered about how PLM is managed in the organisa-tion. The company usesmultiple systems to store productinformation in the process of product development. Inthis study, data flow analysis was limited to 3 systems:CAD, PDM and PLM. The following conclude intervie-wee responses:

• Product information traceability: It is difficult orsometimes not possible to trace product information.One example is that CAD data is stored in a PDM sys-tem and the same released data is stored in a PLMsystem, since they are two different systems, the revi-sions of the same files may not be same. Revisioncontrol is manually maintained and it is not foolproof.Another example is regarding test results, theoreti-cal analysis, where engineering standard work data isstored in shared drives and relating this information toa particular product takes lot of time and is sometimesvery difficult;

• Integration issues: Data from CAD system goes toPDM and from PDM it is stored in PLM. Due to

Figure 1. Product Information Flow in the Industrial Case Study.

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compatibility issues between the two systems, datawill fail to transfer from one system to another. Oneexample is transferring EBOM from PDM to PLM;

• Cross functional Data Sharing: Since the companyuses different systems for the same functions in differ-ent business units or different locations. This makesit complicated to share product information withinthe same company due to compatibility issues. Onebusiness unit uses E-Matrix PLM system to store bothCAD and PLM data, while another unit uses PDM-Link for CAD data management and E-Matrix forPLM functionality;

• Common standards issues: As a global company withdifferent locations, each business site uses their localstandards as per requirement. For example, some sitesuse metric while some uses inches as units. Whenthe organisation integrates these products to sell inother parts of world, they need to consider the cus-tomer local requirement and make necessary changesto release the product;

• Change management: Engineering change manage-ment takes a lot of time in the approval process.Since the life cycle goes through many individuals forapproval, it takes a lot of time to be released; this alsodepends on system performance;

• Supplier integration: Since the company’s supplierscannot access the internal PLM system, data sharingis a manual process; this leads to suppliers working onincorrect versions or part drawings, which have subse-quent revisions. The current PLM system adopted bythe company does not have sufficient functionality toshare data with supplier securely with traceability;

• Legacy Data: While implementing the PDM and PLMsystems, all legacy data is stored as is. With newsystems being introduced, this data requires manychanges to make it compatible with each system; thistakes a lot of engineering workload, which leads to anincrease in the product development cycle; and

• Reuse of existing data: The product data is not storedin a systematic or logical manner, which makes it verydifficult to reuse for new or similar product develop-ment projects.

Product information is generated and maintained inmany different systems in a typical manufacturing com-pany and this company is no different. The main issuewe found in this investigation is that information trace-ability is time consuming and change management lifecycle takes too long to complete. Maintaining and apply-ing common standards globally are challenging. Thereare numerous numerous hurdles to overcome to try toaddress the legacy data which is required prior to aPLM implementation. Furthermore, there is no complete

solution from PLM implementation in how to deal withthe existing legacy data.

3.2. Knowledgemanagement

This section answers the following questions relating toknowledge management, which were asked of intervie-wees during interview:

(1) How do employees within the Company currentlyidentify best practice knowledge for specific manu-facturing problems?

(2) How does the organisation currently store best prac-tice knowledge?

(3) How do you currently share best practice knowledgewith dispersed and co-located colleagues?

(4) What knowledge management tools are currentlyused within the Company? How frequently are thesetools used?

Firstly, in relation to question 1, employees explainedthat for every manufacturing project, a set of workinstructions are produced detailing relevant knowledgein relation to the design, manufacture and assembly pro-cess for a complete product. This explicit knowledge isstored on an internal database, which is the first pointof reference for operators working on the Assembly line.The database is accessible directly from the shop floorusing touch screen monitors and product designers andchange engineers can modify product documentationremotely. It was reported that the company promotes a“who you know” culture, whereby employees are encour-aged to ask colleagues to share knowledge and, if thatcolleague does not have the required knowledge, ask ifthey can suggest someone who does. If it is not possi-ble to find required knowledge internally, employees areencouraged to use external resources, such as commer-cial search engines. There is no system in place for thestorage, identification and retrieval of explicit knowledgeof employees. Currently, information is captured in worddocument format when users are completing work pro-cesses, although no further action is taken to convert itinto explicit knowledge. Finally, if someone experiencesa problem, they are encouraged to visit Team Room,an intranet accessible by colleagues working within thesame project group, and ask questions via an instantmessaging tool.

In relation to Question 2, employees confirmed thatbest practice knowledge is typically stored in spread-sheets and then made available via the EASE touch-screen system. Knowledge is occasionally input into‘Team Room’, although this is not considered a stan-dard practice. It is recommended by the corporate IT


department that employees store all manufacturing doc-umentation on a shared server or on the internal intranet,but this does not always happen and often information isstored locally on personal hard drives. During the NPDprocess, the company aims to capture lessons learnt dur-ing projects at the product closure stage. This activityinforms colleagues of issueswhich arose duringmanufac-ture, testing and execution and is stored for future refer-ence. After product delivery, however, there is no require-ment to update this information (e.g. when a productis repaired in the field) and in-service experiences arenot added to the lessons learnt document. It was statedthat the company is currently seeking to adopt paper-less working and a new system called EASE has recentlybeen introduced, which offers a Touch-screen worksta-tion for assembly line operatives. The system stores allproduct development project documentation, fromworkinstructions to training manuals and all critical prod-uct characteristics. The company also operates a sys-tem called “QSI”, where all training materials are stored;this is an electronic system controlled through revisionchanges and approval processes and allows for the prepa-ration of operator instructions when new products areintroduced.

In relation to Question 3, it was confirmed that theCompany does not currently have a standardisedmethodfor sharing knowledge relating to best practices, althoughemployees commented that they try tomake their knowl-edge as easy as possible to understand; to this end, theyaim to remove from documentation any unnecessarytechnical jargon for stakeholders who do not have a tech-nical background. It was revealed by interviewees thatthey usually use e-mail as their preferred communica-tion tool when sharing knowledge. An internal intranetfacility, called Team Rooms, exists to support projectwork and it is the responsibility of functional team lead-ers to ensure effective communication between teammembers.

Finally, in relation to Question 4, which aimed toidentify specific knowledge management tools employedwithin the organisation, none were identified. For therecording of maintenance issues, a T-card system isemployed where users note down in paper format anyproblems or issues being experienced with manufac-turing and assembly equipment. Interviewees reportedthat the company relies heavily on e-mail and cor-porate management are trying to encourage employ-ees to collaborate more pro-actively and, thereby, sharegreater knowledge through informal communication. Itwas confirmed that the Company provides an instantmessaging system for informal communication and acorporate intranet is available to transmit company-wide information. It was pointed out that project

groups are also able to create and manage their ownintranet sites for communication purposes, although nomicro-blogging functionality is available to facilitatebusiness processes.

3.3. Capturing lessons learned during PLM

The interviews yielded a large amount of informationrelating to the methods used by the company for cap-turing Lessons Learned. This section evaluates the resultsobtained by the investigation, focusing specifically on LLactivities during NPD.

“But lessons learned forme, particularly inNPD,we talkabout KM, it has got to be up there. That’s the only way youare going to gain knowledge. And continually to improveon the launch, to the next launch, to the next launch, islearning lessons from the previous ones. Once the projectis completed, we do have a lessons learned (activity), butwhat we are not doing, not only us, but most of the industrytoo, we are not tracing back when there is an issue with theoriginal document. Once we close the project, we tie up allthe things, from an Engineering point of view, we have doneall the work, we have released the product, my perception isfrom a business perspective, it is a tick in the box activity.”Six Sigma Quality Champion.

The above statement highlights the fact that LL activ-ities need to be incentivised so as to promote its useand reuse within the organisation. Currently, there isno framework in place to identify best practices. LL arerecorded, but then are often lost in the system. Clearly,there is a need to analyse these experiences in an effort tocreate a feedback-loop in the development process. Sinceno feedback loop has been established, many employeesare unaware who or which department/unit may benefitfrom the insights and experiences captured.

“It’s part and parcel of the sign off. So within the 180days, so the lessons learnt page, slides, depends on howmany lessons learnt you’ve captured, depends on howlong they actually are, everyone is different. Some peopleare quite prescriptive with what they’ve learned from oneanother learn, others will just have bullet points.” StaffManufacturing Engineer A

This statement confirms that LL are captured at theend of each project, but that they have a fairly low pri-ority. Once the company’s employees have already beenassigned to new projects it is challenging to rememberthe important issues encountered on previous projects,as there is a delay between the occurrence of the issuesand the capture of the experiences.Interviewer: Yes. And is there an example template whichyou can use to fill in?Respondent: No, at the end of the template, it says: lessonslearnt, it’s blank.

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Interviewer: Interesting, and who is able to record thelessons learnt, can everybody who worked on the projectcontribute to the lessons learnt, or it’s just the . . . ?Respondent: It’s just the belt. The guy who is leading theproject obviously there would be five or six team memberswhich come from a diverse background, so you get differ-ent inputs, not just looking at one part, the manufacturingpart, or purchasing part, you’ve got other people coming inand give their feedback and their comments, but generallyit’s the belt.” Staff Manufacturing Engineer A.

The above is a typical example where LL have been putinto place, but are almost never systematically applied,as confirmed by Milton [6]. It has become apparent thatthe LL process lacks rigour. The quality of reports varybetween projects and are often influenced by factors, suchas budget and the belt’s interest.

“We have six sigma to record the lessons learnt from thedifferent projects and put it in the document in a file, so forthe new projects, it would be useful to see what happened inthe past and get off some of them.”Manufacturing SystemEngineer B.

It is evident that while there is a process for explicitknowledge to be captured, the current system used doesnot allow for the capture of tacit knowledge. The commu-nication is one-way and is very much individualised and,therefore, it is not conducive for sharing and distribu-tion. There is currently no organisational policy for howthis knowledge should be shared and fed back to otherdepartments.

During the investigation, it was observed that a num-ber of interviewees were unaware whom within theorganisation or department was accountable for ensur-ing that lessons are identified and recorded properly.The identification of lessons learned varied from projectto project. Some staff held free-format meetings of theproject team to discuss what has been learned during aproject, while others designated an individual to write anend of project review document.

The current PLM system used within the companydoes not have the level of customisation to capture LLduring NPD. Currently, LLs are only captured at theend of the project, and is done in a very unstructuredway. Consequently, this information is unlikely to bereused during NPD. There is a need to analyse theseexperiences in an effort to create a feedback loop tothe development process. Since no feedback loop havebeen established in the company, many engineers areunaware who may benefit from the insights and expe-riences captured. Many prominent Engineering organi-sations nowadays collect lessons learned. A number ofresearchers [21],[40] regards LL practices as buildingblocks of learning in organization and agent of knowl-edge creation. They allow the capture of individual and

group experiences into organizational knowledge. There-fore, organizations need to have what Cooke-Davies [12]describes as an effective means of learning from experi-ence on projects that combines explicit knowledge withtacit knowledge in a way that encourages people to learnand to embed that learning into continuous improvementof project management processes and practices.

Based on the requirements highlighted above, we areproposing the design of a Lessons Learned system thatcan be later added to the company’s PLM system. Thedesign takes into consideration the generic aspects ofthe framework proposed by other researchers such asChirumalla [9] and Milton [28]. They are presented aswireframes shown in Figures 2 and 3.

The schematic aims to provide an interface that willallow geographically dispersed engineers to search andretrieve lessons learned on past projects. This operationis extremely valuable as this will help avoid repetition ofpast mistakes, and provide an opportunity to share bestpractices across the different business units within thecompany. In a large multinational company, it is oftenchallenging to search for the relevant person that wasengaged with a particular project, therefore we have pro-vided a contact information field. The keyword fields willsignificantly improve information retrieval.

Figure 3 shows the secondwireframewhich representsa search result of a particular product at a certain stage inthe product development process. The assigned staff canretrieve an image or a video of the part, and a detailednarrative of the lessons learned process is presented to theuser.

3.4. Product servicemanagement

This section provides the answers to the questions ofproduct service process raised during the investigation.This is then followed by an analysis of the responses gath-ered. The questions asked during interviews relating toproduct service management included:

• Does your company have outsourced service part-ners? (To get an idea of whether they encounter theknowledge sharing problem with their partners)

• Where are the service engineers based? (To know theirwork mode)

• How long is the service provided to the customers?• How do you get service requests from customers and

give them feedback?• Does the product service department give feedback to

the product design department? (To get an idea of howthey communicate from the PLM point of view)

• How do you currently manage problems experiencedby customers? If there is a system that manages these


Figure 2. Data Entry Form for Lessons Learned module.

problems, root causes and their historical solutions,how are they retrieved and reused?

• Can you obtain a recommended solution from the sys-tem once you type several retrieving words? If yes,following the solution, does it provide procedures andsteps to solve the problems? If not, do you think it isnecessary to get the recommended solution to guideengineers work?

According to the questions asked during the investi-gation, there were several key points obtained:

• The Company does have a product service depart-ment; product service engineers will go out with diag-nostic tools and plug it into their control panels andtry to understand what’s gone wrong with a product.Once a diagnosis has been made and the engineer is

able to locate the fault and what caused it, they wouldthen either fix the part or replace it;

• Service engineers are globally dispersed; they aremobile workers who travel a lot to other places inthe world, whenever a call is received. They will goand get the product back up and running, either asa short fix, and then they work through a long termimplementation strategy;

• When asked whether the service is provided lifelong,interviewees stated that the product is sold with awarranty period, which can be extended by the cus-tomer. The Company offers 5–6 different warrantylevels for customers to choose from: a standard pack-age and others with differing options, ranging from1–6 years. If something goes wrong outside of the war-ranty period, engineers still go to repair it, but thecustomers would incur a charge;

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Figure 3. Search Form with Results in Lessons Learned Module.

• A common platform exists between the Companyand its customers, which is named Customer Ser-vice Management System (CSMS). The system allowscustomers to input their problems and the supportengineers to share informationwith product engineersin collaboration. A database within the Company iscalled Issue Tracking System (ITS), which receivescustomer issues. Once input into the ITS, issues arefollowed up by service engineers. Once the customerrequest is received, the service manager will raisethe respective documentation and then distribute thetasks to different engineerswho are located close to thecustomer experiencing the problem; the ITS databaserecords all problems which can be retrieved oncereceiving a new customer request, by going throughthe previous activities, service engineers then go outto the sites and fix the problems and report back to the

system once the work has been completed to close theprocess;

• Apart from the ITS, there is another system calledBefore In Service (BIS), which is used before a prod-uct is commissioned and if there are any problems.For example, if the product has been rattling dur-ing transit, a BIS is raised for the service engineersto distinguish between product fatigue failures andassembly issues;

• Feedback from the product service department isshared with the product design department. Prod-uct support engineers physically come to talk to theproduct design engineers. There are two parts of engi-neering in the Company: product development andproduct support. The latter are the eyes and ears to theground, which carry out short and long term fixes, butthey always comeback to product development to seek


collaboration, because it is the product developmentdepartment that own and control product design;and

• The CSM system is not intelligent. Employees canretrieve lessons learnt information stored in the sys-tem. Once retrieved, similar issues and their solutionsare displayed for the engineers to reuse. However, thesystem does not select the best solution; this createsa manual process which relies heavily on the knowl-edge and experience of the engineer. In the powergeneration field, it doesn’t matter how detailed thedescription of the solution is, it is the qualification thatmatters because the person cannot do the job if hehasn’t been qualified to do the job; this means that theorganisation is extremely reliant on the knowledge andexperience of the engineer and the qualifications of theperson doing that job.

According to the responses to the questions, it canbe established that the Company employs a CustomerService Management System (CSMS), which is used dur-ing service processing. Due to the requirement from theproduct support department, for product design infor-mation, a product service system seems necessary tobe implemented in The Company. According to thedefinition of PSS, given by Goedkoop et al. [18], aPSS is “a system of products, services, network partnersand supporting infrastructure that is economically fea-sible, competitive and satisfies customer needs. It offersdematerialised solutions that minimise the environmen-tal impact of consumption”; this definition means that aPSS should not only contain product and service infor-mation, but also include stakeholders throughout theproduct lifecycle and the supporting technologies andinformation/knowledge which makes the product sup-pliers more competitive, the customers more satisfiedand society more sustainable. The current CSMS systemstores lessons learned, but does not store it using a for-malized method, which leads to difficulties in knowledgeretrieval efficiency and effects, whenever knowledge isneeded [29].

Based on the comparison between the industrialinvestigation and the literature review of PSS and e-maintenance, it can be seen that there is a requirementfor the PGI to apply knowledge-basedmaintenanceman-agement systems to enhance the optimisation of main-tenance operations and the efficient reuse of employeeknowledge.

4. Summative analysis

The Company has implemented a PLM system for thefirst time 6 years ago. From the investigation, we found

that there are some basic issues that need addressing inorder to maintain the product information. During theimplementation the team mainly concentrated on CADdata management, and its output (drawings) and onlyone level of bill of material. There was no plan in how todeal with the legacy data, which lead to having issues innew system. It was a missed opportunity to relate otherproduct information generated in and outside the engi-neering function into the PLM system.Whilst the designof changemanagement system is very robust, it is taking alot of time to complete the cycle. There is scope to addressthis by doing some customisation.

The industrial investigation confirmed that the Com-pany does not currently have any formalised method forsharing explicit employee knowledge. Some tools andprocedures exist to facilitate knowledge exchange, butthe organisation lacks a standardised process for thecapture, management and sharing of explicit employeeand organisational knowledge. Given the relatively flatorganisational structure and a corporate culture of“who you know”, employees are expected to seek outknowledge from identifiable colleagues. This is fre-quently completed on an oral face-to-face basis whilewritten documentation is shared. However, it may beconcluded that the Company is failing to embracecurrent technologies to facilitate and enhance knowledgesharing.

From the investigation, there is a general awarenessof the inherent benefits of lessons learned in NPD andsome momentum would be welcome to promote its useacross cross-functional teams. There is a need to designand develop amore structured template to record lessonslearned as the current free-flow text does not capture thefull extent of what has been learned. An initial designhas been provided that, once implemented, can be inte-grated within the company’s existing PLM system. Forfuture works, the system should be implemented to vali-date our approach. In addition a case study with real lifedata should be tested.

Throughout the industrial investigation of the Com-pany, there is a requirement to make the maintenanceprocess clearer to all the stakeholders through the prod-uctmaintenance cycle. Besides, the knowledge of productmaintenance should be integrated with other stages ofthe product lifecycle, such as NPD. Further research willbe carried out to develop an e-Maintenance system toenhance the current PSS management.


The authors would like to thank all at the collaborating com-pany for their support with this project and their input to theIndustrial Investigation. This research is based on work funded

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by the European Program INTERREG IVA France-Channel-UK under the project entitled “Building an Expertise Networkfor an Efficient Innovation and Training System (BENEFITS)”,under the INTERREG Programme France (Channel) – Eng-land, Ref 4177.


Ismael A. Essop D. Evans Wan P. Giddaluru X. Gao Baudry Mahdikhah Messaadia


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