Introductory Clojure Presentation

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Transcript of Introductory Clojure Presentation

The Clojure Programming Language


571 Program

ming Languages

Brian GracinJenny PawlakJacquelyn S Victoria

90 Second Overview…..Clojure is…..

- A dialect of Lisp- General purpose language- Emphasizes functional programming- Runs on the Java Virtual Machine- Designed for Concurrency- Used in industry -- CapitalOne, Amazon, Facebook, Oracle


Simplicity“We suffer from so much incidental complexity in traditional OO languages, both syntactic and semantic, that I don’t think we even realise it anymore. I wanted to make ‘doing the right thing’ not a matter of convention and discipline, but the default. I wanted a solid concurrency story and great interoperability with existing Java libraries,.” -Rich Hickey, creator of Clojure

Rich Hickey, Clojure, Benevolent Dictator for Life

CLOJURE:- First Available: 2007- Latest Stable Release: 1.8 January 19, 2016

Clojure’s Influences

Why Lisp?● Entire Language:

○ 7 functions○ 2 labels

Why JVM?● Familiar - run just like Java apps● Use some familiar Java objects● Many available libraries● Established track record ● Now open-sourced. (Chapter 12)

What are Clojure’s Characteristics?● Functional - succinct, understandable, reusable● Defaults to Immutability

○ Simplifies reasoning and testing○ Easier to share objects○ Thread safe

● but allows mutability!● Code-as-Data (Homoiconicity)● Syntactic Abstraction

Immutable objects are always thread safe.

—Brian Goetz, Java Concurrency in PracticeThe Joy of Clojure Chapter 6.

ExamplesHomoiconicityCode written in the language is encoded as data structures that the language has tools to manipulate

Syntatic Abstraction

Permits the definition of new language constructs whose meaning can be understood in terms of static translation into the core language.As Data:

As Code.




Java’s Librariesiteration


Immutable datatypes

Lazy evaluation



TruthinessWhat is truthy?

● true● 1● (= 1 1)● 0● “False”● []● Literally any value but false or nil

What is falsey?

● false● nil● (= 3 1)

Nil Punning: Handling Clojure’s empty sequences that are Truthy

Every[thing] is "true" all the time, unless it is nil or false.

—Brian Goetz, The Joy of Clojure

Clojure Data Structures● They are immutable by default● Support metadata● Implement java.lang.Iterable● Implement the read-only part of java.util.Collection

Data Collection Types - Part 1

ListsSingly linked listsFirst item in calling positionHeterogeneous elements

Compare to Haskell:Homogeneous lists

VectorsSimply evaluate each item in order.Quick look-up timesHeterogeneous elementsNo calling position

Data Collection Types - Part 2

MapsMaps store unique keys and one value per key (dictionaries and hashes)

Two types:

1. Hashed: key has hashCode, equals2. Sorted: implement Comparable

SetsStore zero or more unique items

Some Mutable Data Structures!

AtomsManaged shared synchronous independent state

RefsTransaction referencesSafe shared use of mutable storage Require SW transactional memory system

AgentsIndependent, asynchronous change of individual locationsOnly allow change due to an action

VarMutable storage locationCan be dynamically rebound per threadEnsure safety through thread isolation

MUTABLE DATA Type Comparison

FunctionsFirst Class

Created on demandStored in a data structurePassed as an argumentReturned as a value

Higher-OrderTakes one or more function argsReturns function as result

Pure FunctionsALWAYS return same resultNo observable side effects

(defn[arg1 arg2]

(;function code))

def or defn?

● Both bind a symbol or name ● def is only evaluated once● defn is evaluated every time it is called


Quick ComparisonHaskell:

average numbers = (fold (+) (numbers) ) / (length(numbers))


(defn average [numbers] (/ (reduce + numbers) (count numbers)))

Quick ComparisonHaskell:

fact x = if x == 0 then 1 else x * fact(x-1)


(defn factorial [n] (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (factorial (dec n)))))

Code example


Higher-Order FunctionsMap

>(map * [1 2 3 4] [5 6 7 8])(5 12 21 32)


>(reduce max [0 -3 10 48])48


((comp str - +) 4 5) is equivalent to (str ( - ( + 4 5)))


(defn add10 (partial + 10))>(add10 3)13>(add10 3 4 8)25

Anonymous FunctionsFn

>(map (fn [x] (* x x)) (range 1 10))(1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81)

Macros(defmacro infix

[infixed](list (second infixed)

(first infixed) (last infixed)))

>(1 + 2)error

>(infix (1 + 2))3

Java InteropAccessing member functions

>(.toUpperCase "fred")


>(Math/pow 2 4)


( proxy [class-and-interfaces] [args] fs+)


Do over a sequence


Do all or nothing


Generate a thread


Bind function but don’t evaluate


Create a binding with no value


Clojure Shortcomings:● Dynamic type checking● Doesn’t scale well: code size, team size, time elapsed● Startup time● If JVM is not a good solution, then Clojure isn’t either

○ Systems programming limitations○ Real-Time

Clojure in Industry

Clojure in IndustryThe Boeing 737 MAX Onboard Maintenance Function is 32,000 lines of Clojure.

First time Clojure used in aircraft software.

One of the largest code bases to date.

When to choose Clojure?Handle large amounts of data with significant hardware limitations.

When you want more concise code, easier to test and debug.

Easier to get over 90% coverage with unit testing.

When JVM or CLR can be used.

Clojure developers are the happiest developers

From an analysis of Reddit comments,

Further InfoThe Joy of Clojure

Book by Chris Houser and Michael Fogus

Clojure Programming

Book by By Chas Emerick, Brian Carper, Christophe Grand

Simple Made Easy

Video by Rich Hickey