Introduction to Witricity (Wireless power transfer)

Post on 06-May-2015

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This paper gives an introduction about Witricity technology. Witricity stands for wireless electricity. It uses the principle of mutual inductance for wireless power transfer. This is an interesting technology and has wide applications.

Transcript of Introduction to Witricity (Wireless power transfer)

WiTricityWireless Transmission of


Presented by :- Asim Sagheer

Anum Khan

Sumaira Sagheer

Contents What is WiTricity BackgroundWorking PrincipleIs it secure ???ApplicationsLimitations

Stands for ‘wireless electricity’Eliminates the use of cables for

transmission of powerTransmission by induction through


What is WiTricity?

In 1899, Sir Nikola Tesla enlighten 200 lamps at the distance of 40 km.

But only 15% efficiency was achieved.



MIT powered 60 watt light bulb from 2 meters (7 ft) at 40% efficiency

First practical example

of WiTricity.


Working Principle One Simple Physics Rule !At Source : Electricity Magnetic Wave At Device : Magnetic Wave ElectricityResonant coupling


Is it secure ???Works on the principle of magnetic

induction.Interact weakly with surrounding objects

(biological tissue)



Automatic wireless charging of mobile electronics


Direct wireless powering of stationary devices

Sony demonstrated its wirelessly powered television [2010 October]

Demonstration of WiTricity on cell phone and LCD at the TED conference


Direct wireless powering of PC peripherals


Automatic wireless charging for electric vehicles


One source is able to transfer the energy for the electronic devices.


LimitationsIt is a midrange technology.

(max 7.5 m)The maximum efficiency obtained in full

ideal conditions is 95% .Only obstructions are metal structures like

metal doors and metal walls.

Thank you !

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