Introduction to the TANF Eligibility

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Transcript of Introduction to the TANF Eligibility

Introduction to TANF FSFN Course Storyboard

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Introduction to the TANF Eligibility module

To familiarize you with this new functionality, this module includes a system overview of the enhanced Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Eligibility screens.

The TANF is one of many Eligibility pages, which currently exists in FSFN and is documented as part of the Investigation and Special Conditions Referral process. The TANF is also documented when a child enters a non-paid placement, independent of an Investigation or Special Conditions Referral.

The TANF Eligibility page represents enhancements to FSFN support the following program goals to facilitate the safety of children and families:

Improve quality and consistency of decision making

Eliminate redundant processes and re-work

Gain efficiencies through enhanced technology

Modifications to the TANF Eligibility module in FSFN, support the following enhancements:

Reduce duplicate data entry

Streamline business processes

Direct access to other FSFN pages, from the TANF page, in edit mode

The TANF page can now be saved intermittently prior to completing all questions

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

Describe the purpose, goal, and benefits of the enhanced TANF Eligibility pages

Demonstrate the various methods of accessing the TANF Eligibility pages

Describe the enhancements to the TANF Eligibility pages

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Creating and accessing the TANF Eligibility page

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Types of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Eligibility

A TANF Eligibility can be created in FSFN from:

Child Investigations

Special Conditions Referrals

Case Book

Create Case Work

Create Financial Work

Once created, the record can be accessed directly from the Investigation or Special Conditions Referral (if applicable), within the Eligibility icon of the Case record, from the center panel of Case Book or Person Book when Eligibility is selected, from Create Financial Work, or through Search in view only mode.

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Create TANF from an Investigation or Special Conditions Referral

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As an Investigator or other authorized user, you can create the TANF determination record from the Actions Group Box within the Investigation or Special Conditions Referral shell. Once created, you can view and update this page directly from the Investigation or Special Conditions Referral by clicking the TANF hyperlink or from your Desktop for Cases that you are assigned, up to the point the Investigation or Special Conditions Referral is approved for closure.

Important points to note:

Per Florida policy, a TANF determination must be completed before a Child Investigation or Special Conditions Referral can be closed if you have attempted to make or have made contact with any participant of the Investigation or Special Conditions Referral.

When created from a Child Investigation or Special Conditions Referral page the TANF Eligibility page is at the “family” level and you identify which children the TANF Eligibility applies. Only participants under the age of 18, and children who do NOT have an active, approved TANF can be selected on the Investigative TANF.

If there are two investigations, then two TANF determinations will need to be completed and approved even if they are concurrent, as one is needed for each investigation.

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Upon approval of an investigation, a copy of the TANF determination will be system generated for each child that the “Eligibility Applies To” check box is selected on the original Investigative TANF. In addition, the “family” level TANF will no longer exist.

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Create TANF from Create Case Work

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Based on the manner in which the TANF Eligibility page is created determines which steps you must take in order to create the page.

For example, when Create Case Work is accessed from the Desktop you must select TANF from the Eligibility drop down, select the appropriate FSFN Case and select the participant for whom you are creating the TANF. However, when Create Case Work is accessed from Case Book you must select TANF from the Eligibility drop down and the participant for whom you are create the TANF, but the FSFN Case is system derived.

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Create TANF from Create Financial Work

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You can also manually create a TANF Eligibility record through Create Financial Work by clicking the Financial Work command button on the Banner Bar of the Desktop, selecting “Create TANF” from the Eligibility drop down and click Continue.

The Financial Work page is accessible by fiscal workers.

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The TANF Eligibility page displays.

From the TANF Eligibility page click the Search hyperlink next to the Case Name field. The Search hyperlink brings up the Person Search page. Once you search for a child, results will appear in the Person Returned group box of the Search page. You will need to select the appropriate Case by expanding the child’s name, expanding the Case Folder, selecting the appropriate Case in which the TANF Eligibility should exist and click Continue.

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TANF Eligibility Page

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The TANF page consists of the Eligibility group box along with the Eligibility Information group box and the Household Information group box. The Eligibility group box consists of the common eligibility information such as the Case Name, Case ID, Child Name, Investigation ID, Removal Date, and the Eligibility ID.

The Eligibility Information group box includes Eligibility dates and status along with the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) calculation determination.

The Household Information group box includes a list of the active participants in the case or investigation with the demographic information for each.

Below these group boxes are a set of questions that prompt the user to determine if the child is eligible for TANF funds in the Questions group box, as well as Assets & Employment Expando and an optional Eligibility Notes Expando.

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Important points to note:

If a child is placed in a Relative or Non-Relative Out of Home Placement, FSFN automatically creates a “pending” TANF Eligibility record for the child based on the following criteria:

First Relative or Non-Relative Out-of-Home Placement in a Removal Episode based on the Service Category

When a Placement Change occurs and the child goes from any Service Category other than Relative or Non-Relative “to” Relative.

When a Placement Change occurs and the child goes from any Service Category other than Non-Relative or Relative “to” Non-Relative.

A TANF page will NOT be system generated if the Case Type is ICPC or ICPC Priority regardless of the Placement Service Category or change in placement.

A TANF page will NOT be system generated if a child is placed in any other “unpaid” Service Type, under any Service Category other than Relative or Non-Relative.

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Eligibility group box

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Eligibility group box:

The Case Name displays as a hyperlink which launches the Maintain Case page. If the TANF page is in edit mode, the Maintain Case page will be displayed in edit mode. Otherwise, displays in view only mode.

When the TANF page is created from an Investigation page, the Removal Date field will be labeled “Initial Intake Received Date” and will pre-fill with the Initial Received Date for the Initial Intake associated with the Investigation from which the TANF page was created.

The Child Name will display as a hyperlink which launches Person Management. If the TANF is accessed in edit mode then Person Management page is displayed in edit mode. If an update is made to Person Management when launched from TANF, upon returning to the TANF page, the system will automatically refresh the TANF page to pull in the updated information without the user having to close and re-launch the page.

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Actions group box

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The Actions within the Actions group box are captured as hyperlinks. The Options dropdown with the associated Go button have been replaced by the Actions group box.

The Approval hyperlink displays the Approval History pop-up page and follows the standard approval process. Upon selecting the Approval hyperlink, if the Form 5244 has not been launched the following prompt is displayed “Request for TANF Funds/Eligibility Determination Form-524 has not been launched. <Ignore><Return>. The message will be triggered by selecting the hyperlink.

The Submit Void Determination allows the user to void a General TANF. Two reviews are required in order for the TANF to successfully be voided. The Submit Void Determination hyperlink is conditionally displayed once the General TANF page has been fully approved and frozen.

Request for TANF Funds/Eligibility Determination-5244 displays as a hyperlink and when selected displays the Form 5244 template.

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Important point to note:

If the TANF is created from an Investigation, there will not be an Approval hyperlink and instead there will be a Complete check box.

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Eligibility Information group box

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The Eligibility Information group box contains the following:

The Effective From date from which the eligibility status is effective. This date is system derived from the first unpaid placement begin date if it is not associated with an investigation.

If the TANF eligibility is derived from an Investigation, the system will default the date to the same date as what pre-filled the Initial Intake Received Date field.

The Effective To date will pre-fill by the system to 364 days from the Effective From date entered.

Entry Date is the system date on which the eligibility information is initially entered and the “Save” button was first selected.

The Approval Date is system date when the TANF determination is approved by a Supervisor. The Approval Date for investigation TANF determinations will be the date that the investigation is approved for closure.

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The Completed By field is pre-filled with the worker that is logged into the system and initiated the first save.

Is the child eligible? System derived radio button with the options of Pending, Eligible or Ineligible. The Eligibility Status is based on the information from questions 1-4 along with the FPL question in the Eligibility Information group box. Radio button Defaults to Pending. AFCARS VALUE

FPL Question “Based on the information below, the child income is.” The radio button is system derived based on the income information derived for Question 4 and FPL chart values for the fiscal year associated with the “Effective From” date. This field only pre-fills with a determination when a dollar amount populates the “Estimated Family Income” field.

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Household Information group box

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The Household Information group box includes a list of active participants in the case or investigation with the demographic information for each.

Each Name is displayed as a hyperlink that launches Person Management, and if the TANF page is accessed in Create or Edit mode then Person Management is launched in Edit mode. The TANF page must be saved directly prior to launching the Person management record.

These fields are pre-filled from Person Management in display mode only: Person ID, SSN, DOB, Age and Gender.

Eligibility Applies To check box will not be enabled for participants’ age 18 or older, as well as not enabled for children who have an Effective TANF that is not expired when documenting Investigation TANFs. When documenting case level TANFs, the Eligibility Applies To defaults to the participant for whom the Eligibility is being determined and all check boxes are disabled and grayed out.

The US Citizen or Qualified Non-Citizen check box is derived from Person Management; if US Citizen or Qualified Non-Citizen is selected.

The Include check box has been moved to display in the Assets & Employment expando.

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Questions group box

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The Question1 in the Questions group box is a required user selected radio button.

The Relationship to Child drop down contains values that include possible relationships of the parent or specified relative to the child. If the relationship to child value is not “Mother” or “Father” you will search for the participant using the Search hyperlink. This drop down is required if “Yes” is selected for Question 1.

Parent/Relative Name pre-fills in most cases based upon the selection in the “Relationship to Child” dropdown. This dropdown is required if “Yes” is selected for Question 1.

Question 2 is system derived based on the child’s Address Tab within their Person Management record for non-Investigation TANFs. For Investigative TANFs this field is derived in the same manner but based on the youngest child selected for Eligibility Applies To. If the child’s current Address is a type of Primary Residence with no end date, and is the State of Florida, the answer is derived as Yes.

Question 3 is required if Question 1 and 2 are “Yes”.

Question 4 is only derived, and Unable to Obtain check box enabled for selection, if Questions 1 and 2 are Yes and Question 3 is No. Furthermore, the Unable to Obtain check box is only enabled if the selected participants whose income is going to be included do not have

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“Effective” income documented on their Assets & Employment page for Earned or Unearned Income.

Family Size is system derived based on the number of participants selected within the Assets & Employment expando.

Estimated Family Income is also system derived based on the participants selected within the Assets & Employment expando and only includes current “Effective” Earned and Unearned Income captured on each participant’s Assets & Employment page who meets the identified criteria as defined below within the Assets & Employment expando.

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Assets & Employment expando

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Assets & Employment Expando:

All “active” FSFN Case Participants will be displayed for selection. Selecting the check box will include the participant in the “family size”. Only those selected participants who are identified as the Mother or Father on Maintain Case, as well as the child for whom the current Eligibility is being documented will be included in the “Income” calculation.

When the TANF page is created and the child is currently in a Relative or Non-Relative Placement (service category) the system will not enable any of the check boxes and the child for whom the Eligibility is being documented will be defaulted, selected, disabled and grayed out.

NOTE: Mother and Father are defined based on the Relationships tab of Maintain Case and include the following values: Mother; Mother – Adoption; Mother – Birth; Mother – Step; Father; Father – Adoptive; Father – Birth; Father – Step.

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Eligibility Notes expando

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Eligibility Notes Expando:

The Eligibility Notes text is a user entered, optional narrative field that is available until the determination is approved.

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You can view and update this page from your desktop for cases that you are assigned to. In addition, only if the TANF Eligibility has not been either completed or approved, whichever is applicable, can it be updated. The record can be found under the Eligibility Icon of the case record, TANF Eligibility hyperlink, as well as from Case Book or Person Book when Eligibility is selected from the center panel drop down, from Financial Work by selecting Update TANF, or is accessible through Search in view only mode.