Introduction to jQuery Mobile

Post on 01-Dec-2014

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Slides from my 2011 mLearning DevCon session.

Transcript of Introduction to jQuery Mobile

Hi! I’m DavidAbout me:

• Senior Web Developer, Southern Bancorp

• Multiple disciplines including: PHP, Javascript, Objective-C ,

MySQL, CSS, HTML, Graphic Design, WordPress and Joomla


• <3 building interesting data driven web sites

…And YOU?

Today’s Sessions• 9:00am – 12:00pm

– Seven life changing reasons why you should design

for the mobile web

– Why is jQuery so dang cool?

– A Brief History of jQuery

– jQuery Mobile: “What It Do?”

– Creating gorgeous mobile web apps (in about 30 seconds)


Today’s Sessions• 12:45pm – 4:00pm

– Time to get your hands dirty

– “Hello” + $(“#world”).val() + “!”;

– Toolbars foolbars

– Buttons… and danger

– Creating forms that don’t suck

– Great resources

– Closing arguments + bonus: 24 reasons why I love beer


Also LearningAlso Learning

Seven life changing reasons why you should design for the mobile web

Reason #1:

By 2014, mobile internet should take over

desktop usage


Seven life changing reasons why you should design for the mobile web

Reason #2:

85% of mobile devices will be web enabled by



Seven life changing reasons why you should design for the mobile web

Reason #3:

More than 50% of U.S. adults will be using a

smartphone by the end of 2011


Seven life changing reasons why you should design for the mobile web

Reason #4:

In a typical week, 81% of smartphone users

will browse the Internet


Seven life changing reasons why you should design for the mobile web

Reason #5:

49% of those who have seen a mobile ad take action. Of


– 49% purchase

– 42% click on the ad

– 35% visit websiteSource:

Seven life changing reasons why you should design for the mobile web

Reason #6:

29% of smartphone owners in the U.S. have

made an online purchase using their



Seven life changing reasons why you should design for the mobile web

Reason #7:

Everybody’s doing it: “We understand that the

new rule is ‘Mobile First.’ ” ~ Eric Schmidt,

Google CEO

“OK OK OK! I get it.”

Why is jQuery so dang cool?

• jQuery makes writing Javascript almost effortless

– DOM selectors! $(“li.navigation”)

– Daisy chain events and commands $(“li.navigation”).click(function() {

alert(‘You clicked me!’);

}).mouseover(function() {

alert(‘You moused over me!’);

}).css(‘color’, ‘red’);

– Automaticly cross-browser compatible (mostly)

Why is jQuery so dang cool?

• jQuery is used…. a lot… by a lot of people. This


– Extensive cache of plugins and themes that you can straight-up

jack from for use in your mobile site.

– Quick and easy access to help from websites like

A brief history of jQuery


John Resig posts about improving upon Behaviour.js

methods. Description of jQuery by Behaviour.js

website: “Jquery is like behaviour that has been sent

back from the future by a secret f$%# government


A brief history of jQuery


• jQuery announced at BarCampNYC and world rejoices

• jQuery 1.0 released


• Plugin repository created

• jQuery UI announced

A brief history of jQuery


• jQuery UI release candidate made available


• Boring


• jQuery Mobile project announced and world rejoices once


jQuery Mobile: “What It Do?”

jQuery Mobile: “What It Do?”

The company line: “A unified user interface system that

works seamlessly across all popular mobile device

platforms, built on the rock-solid jQuery and jQuery

UI foundation. Focused on a lightweight codebase

built on progressive enhancement with a flexible,

easily themeable design.”

jQuery Mobile: “What It Don’t?”ALERT! You should probably stay away from developing with jQuery Mobile for these devices:

Blackberry 4.x

All older smartphone platforms and feature phones

Any device that doesn’t support media queries

MeeGo – Originally a target platform, but Nokia decision to relegate this platform to

“experimental”, the good folks at jQuery are considering dropping support.

Samsung Bada – The project doesn’t currently have test devices or emulators although so far

it’s showing good support. No guarantee of future support.

Creating gorgeous mobile web apps (in about 30 seconds)1. Open our example files folder and go to /like_a_boss/

2. Open index.html and check it out.

3. Open index.html in your favorite text editor

4. Edit line #23:

<div data-role="page" id="main_page">

5. Change to:

<div data-role="page" id="main_page" data-theme="e" data-content-theme="e">

6. Save and reopen

7. BAM!

Let’s get to work!“Hello” + $(“#world”).val() + “!”;

1. Open our example files folder and go to /helloworld/

2. Open index.html and check it out

3. Open index.html in your favorite text editor

4. Create new page containing text “Hello World!”

5. Create button to link to that page

1. Use data-role=“button”

6. Save that bad boy

Let’s get to work!Toolbars foolbars

1. Open our example files folder and go to /foolbars/

2. Open index.html and check it out

3. Open index.html in your favorite text editor

4. Learn more about buttons and come back

5. Add buttons to toolbar like so:

<a href="index.html" data-icon=“delete”>Cancel</a>

<h1>Toolbars Foolbars</h1>

<a href="index.html" data-icon=“check”>Save</a>

6. Add footer buttons using a horizontal controlgroup

Let’s get to work!Buttons… and danger

1. Open our example files folder and go to /dangerbuttons/

2. Open index.html and check it out

3. Open index.html in your favorite text editor

4. Add positioning data rolls to each test button

1. Positions are: top, bottom, left, right and notext

2. Use data-iconpos=“whatever”

5. Change themes for each individual button

1. Themes are: a, b, c, d, e

2. Use data-theme=“whatever”


Let’s get to work!Buttons… and danger

1. Add icons to grouped buttons

1. Icons are: arrow-l, arrow-r, arrow-u, arrow-d, delete, plus, minus, check, gear, refresh, forward,

back, grid, star, alert, info, home, search

2. Use data-icon=“whatever”

2. Make group buttons horizontal

1. Add data-type=“horizontal” to your controlgroup

3. Add additional inline buttons

1. Play with different theme options to differentiate buttons

4. Test it!!

Let’s get to work!Creating forms that don’t suck

1. Open our example files folder and go to /suckbegone/

2. Open index.html and check it out

3. Open index.html in your favorite text editor

4. Create a contact form that includes at least:

1. Name, e-mail, phone, subject, website rating, city, state, zip code

5. Turn off native selection (HOLY $#%#! THIS IS AWESOME)

6. Save, test, HALELUJAH!

Great Resources

• jQuery 1.6 Visual Cheat Sheet


• jQuery Mobile on github

• Stack Overflow

Keep in touch!


24 reasons why I love beer