INTRODUCTION TO HEBREW III · Grown in your enjoyment of the Hebrew language. Grown in your...

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OT 504 SPRING 2019

1 Dr. Mark D. Futato Hebrew 2 Reformed Theological Seminary Electronic Track

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2 Dr. Mark D. Futato Hebrew 2 Reformed Theological Seminary Electronic Track

Name: Hebrew 2 (Electronic Track) Number: 02OT504 Instructor: Dr. Mark D. Futato Email: Dates: February 7 to May 15 Office Hours: By Appointment via You Can Book Me

PURPOSE, GOALS, AND OBJECTIVES Purpose: To encourage you in enjoying an abundant life to the glory of God! Goal: To facilitate your success in acquiring

A basic knowledge of Hebrew grammar and

Essential skills in the use of Hebrew,

So that you can study and teach the Hebrew Bible with greater depth and accuracy and enjoy a richer life.


Upon successful completion of Basic Hebrew 2 you will have:

Mastered the basic forms and uses of Hebrew suffixes, infinitives, participles, volitives, vav-relative, piel, hiphil, niphal, perfect, and imperfect.

Mastered a basic vocabulary of 230 Hebrew words.

Applied your computer skills to learn the theological significance of ten key Hebrew words or phrases.

Grown in your enjoyment of the Hebrew language.

Grown in your commitment to use your Hebrew knowledge and skills in a life-long study of the Hebrew Bible.



You will need to buy and add to your Logos library the following grammar:

van der Merwe, Christo H. J., Jacobus A. Naudé, and Kroeze, Jan H. A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar: Second Edition. 2nd ed. London; New York: T&T Clark, 2017.

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3 Dr. Mark D. Futato Hebrew 2 Reformed Theological Seminary Electronic Track


Chisholm, Robert B. From Exegesis to Exposition: A Practical Guide to Using Biblical Hebrew. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1998. (9780801021718)

Currid, John D. Calvin and the Biblical Languages. Fearn, Scotland: Mentor, 2007. [9781845502126]

Basic Hebrew Course Material

Available on Canvas and at


There are 12 quizzes.

Each quiz will be open from 4:00 p.m. on Thursday (starting February 7) until 4:00 p.m. on the following Thursday.

You may take your quiz any time during this period.

Once a quiz is closed, you have missed the opportunity to take it.

The quizzes are worth 10 points each or 120 total points or approximately 28% or your final grade.


There are 12 workbook lessons.

The workbook lessons are to be submitted on Canvas by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, with the first one due by February 14.

The workbook lessons are worth 10 points each or 120 total points or approximately 28% or your final grade.


There are 12 posts.

The posts are due by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, with the first one due by February 14.

Each post is worth 2 points or 24 total points or approximately 6% or your final grade. Reflections

There are 12 reading reflections.

The reading reflections will cover the assigned reading in Calvin and the Biblical Languages and From Exegesis to Exposition.

The reflections are due by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, with the first one due by February 14.

Each reflection is worth 5 points or 20 total points or approximately 14% or your final grade.

4 Dr. Mark D. Futato Hebrew 2 Reformed Theological Seminary Electronic Track


There is a midterm and a final exam.

The midterm will be open from 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 28, until 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 4.

The final exam will be open during the regular final period.

The exams cover Hebrew grammar and the content of Calvin and the Biblical Languages and From Exegesis to Exposition. (Study guides are provided). The midterm will cover Lessons 13g through Lessons 18g and Calvin and the Biblical Languages, chapters 1-6. The final will focus on Lessons 19g through Lessons 24g, but will be comprehensive, and Calvin and the biblical languages, PostScript and Appendix, and From Exegesis to Exposition, chapters 1-4.

Each exam will focus on the grammar lessons studied since the previous exam and will be worth 50 points or 100 total points or approximately 24% or your final grade.


I use the Seminary's published grading scale.

At times a question may arise with regard to your grade for the course or for a particular assignment. You are advised to keep all work submitted for a grade.

Note: A "C" or better is needed in Hebrew 2 in order to move on to Hebrew 3.

5 Dr. Mark D. Futato Hebrew 2 Reformed Theological Seminary Electronic Track


Date Grammar Workbook

02/14 G13 Participles W13 Blessed (ברך Part 1)

02/21 G14 Volitives W12 Blessed (ברך Part 2)

02/28 G15 Vav-Relative W15 Blessed (ברך Part 3)

03/07 G16 Piel W16 Bléssed (אׁשרי Part 1)

03/14 G17 Hiphil W17 Bléssed (אׁשרי Part 1)

03/21 RTS Spring Break

03/28 G18 Niphal W18 Salvation (יׁשע)

04/04 G19 Syntax-Perfect W19 Succeed (צלח)

04/11 G20 Syntax-Imperfect W20 Law of the Lord (תורת יהוה)

04/18 G21 I Guttural W21 Shalom (ׁשלום)

04/25 G22 II Guttural/I Nun W22 Wisdom (חכמה)

05/02 G23 I Yod W23 Think with the Heart?

05/09 G24 Geminate/Hollow W23 Virgin or Young Woman

6 Dr. Mark D. Futato Hebrew 2 Reformed Theological Seminary Electronic Track