Introduction to Growth Hacking and the Growth Hacking Process

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Transcript of Introduction to Growth Hacking and the Growth Hacking Process

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

Get Ready for a Hockey Stick

Style Growth Adventure

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

The Birth of an Idea

So they built a web-based email system

2 entrepreneurs were afraid their boss would

read their emails

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

…and was born

The Birth of an Idea

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

But Hotmail’s Launch was Unimpressive

Their growth strategy was to buy billboards and radio ads

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

But their Investor had a Better Idea...

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

The Power of Referrals

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

This is Not a One Off Story!

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

Why did they succeedwhen so many other startups failed?

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

What is Growth Hacking

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

Why Growth Hacking?

• Startups tend to have limited resources so they need to be creative to acquire new users and retain them

• Traditional marketing channels are expensive and saturated

• Most startups focus heavily on product but another real challenge is with distribution

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

It’s not About Tactics

What tactics should I use to grow my business?

It’s not about TACTICS

It’s about PROCESSES

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

Understanding Growth

GROWTH = SUM of (1 + 2 + 3 +…)

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

The Growth Hacking Funnel

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

Acquisition = getting people to come to your site

User Acquisition

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

Example: AirBnB

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

Activation = getting people to take the required action, e.g. purchase, sign up

User Activation

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

Example: AirBnB

Listings with high quality photos received 2-3x more bookings AirBnB invested in professional photography

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

Retention = getting users to come back to your site

User Retention

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

User Retention Through Email Marketing

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

Referral = getting active users to refer others

Viral Referral Loop

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

Referrals increased bookings by 25% in some markets

AirBnB’s Referral Campaign

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

Revenue = monetising active users


@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

AcquisitionYou hear about Quora after a friend posts a question from

Quora on Social Media

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)



You are asked to sign up to read the content

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)




You receive weekly digestemails with questions and

links back to the site

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)




Once you’re back, Quoraencourages you to read

related questions

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)






…and share questions through social media

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

The Growth Hacking Process

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

Rigorous Process of Experimentation




Systemize/ Playbook

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)


Focus on Inputs, not Outputs

Example: Activation Rate = Step 1 + Step 2 + Step 3

Output InputInput Input

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

Prioritise your Ideas


1) Probability of Success

2) Impact

3) Resources

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)


Run Minimum Viable Test (MVT)

For example by using:

1) Landing pages

2) A/B Testing Tools

3) Etc.

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

Understand and Document Test Results


1) Impact (results)

2) Accuracy (how close to hypotheses?)

3) Why?

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

Build it into Your Product (no more MVT)


If experiment was successful:

1) Systemize (build into your product)

2) Playbook (if it can’t be systemized, create a manual)

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

Recap: Process of Experimentation




Systemize or Kill

@Growthhackasia (Growth Hacking Asia)

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