Introduction to getKanban v2.0: Lean Principles for Experiential Learners by Cheryl Hammond

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Introduction to getKanban v2.0: Lean Principles for Experiential Learners by Cheryl Hammond

intro to getKanban v2.0

getKanban v2.0lean principles for experiential learners

Cheryl Hammond @bsktcase

Northwest Cadence

agreements and asks

@bsktcase #Agile2015 #getKanbanTweet your feedback and questions during and after and whenever your feedback please please please the kit and play!

agendaIntro, logistics, agreements

getKanban in context

Hands-on with getKanban

Lean principles illuminated by getKanbanClose


Cheryl Hammond16+ years’ experience in software

development, team leadership, and

organizational transformation

Passionate about agile, lean, and

making software delivery humane;

not afraid to look silly doing it

From/in Seattle, the other Washington

College (university) recruiter; traveler;

bolonka lover; genealogist; feminist

let’s get started!

why 2.0?

It’s free, and our boss is cheap frugalWe can create as many kits as we need for large classes

Our clients can download their own copies, to play and share after

Mods for portabilityMain board fits on a folded 11x17”/A3

Paper disposable vs. laminated reusable

it scales

our template

25% theoryHistory & context

Agile principles

Lean principles

25% praxisScrum basics

Kanban basics

50% hands-onLEGO® Scrum

getKanban v2.0

it’s fun

our favorite lean principles




batch sizing


queues (ToC)

it’s effective

let’s play*!

story cardsStandard stories

earn subscribers

Don’t change the

order of the stack

“Fixed date” stories

have special prize

or penalty

“Intangible” stories

will earn a secret

benefit later in the


Hand over your

“expedited” story;

you’ll get it back

after Day 18

diceRed dice, or the color

you have two of:


Blue dice, or a color

you have three of:


Orange dice, or a color

you have three of:


… but wait!

Hand over one of your

tester dice. You haven’t

hired them yet.

Dice represent people, and dice rolls represent the effort they perform.

They score double if they are working in their own area of specialization.

If they are helping out in another area, they score face value only.



competing priorities

How do you decide relative value?Stories are measured very differently, and some are immeasurable!

What choices are informed by priority?Whether to add a yellow, purple, or green card in the Ready column

Which stories to move to the top of their column during the “daily standup”

Of course, every story you move up, pushes other stories down

Where to allocate resources (dice) each day


queue patrol

Where do you see queues on your board?

How do you address queues?How hard is it to get rid of a queue once it’s formed?

How expensive is it?

Have you spotted the one worthless queue?

cycle time

your dice don’t earn subscribers

What’s your average cycle time now?How much did that start to suck when you got those low-subscribers stories?

What’s your best cycle time?How did you get it?

Why isn’t every story as fast as your fastest story?

beyond the classroom

what’s the objective?

effective in the classEngagement




effective back at workActionable




the story card


agreements and asks

@bsktcase #Agile2015 #getKanbanTweet your feedback and questions during and after and whenever your feedback please please please the kit and play!

thank you!

Cheryl Hammond @bsktcase

Northwest Cadence

now go play!