Introduction to English for Specific Purposes

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Introduction to English for Specific Purposes


According to Strevens (1977) “ESP

concerns the emergence of a number of

activities, movements and subjects that

are carried out predominantly (though) not

exclusively in English across the world)”

It looks at the purpose for which the

student needs to learn English, i.e. for

occupational or for study purposes.

ESP is a term that refers to teaching or

studying English for a particular career

(like law, medicine) or for business in


Hutchinson and Waters (1992) emphasize

ESP to be an approach and not a product

which means language learning not

language use is highlighted.

They draw attention to a learning centred

approach “in which all decisions as to

content and method are based on the

learner´s reason for learning”.

Coffey (1985) observes that ESP is “a

quick and economical use of the English

language to pursue a course of academic

study (EAP) or effectiveness in paid

employment (EOP)”.

Lorenzo (2005) reminds us that ESP

“concentrates more on language in context

than on teaching grammar and language


Carter (1983) believes that self-direction is

important in the sense that an ESP course

is concerned with turning learners into

users of the language.

The absolute characteristics are that ESP

courses are:1. designed to meet the specific needs of the


2. related in content to particular disciplines or


3. centred on language specific to those disciplines

or occupations;

4. in contrast to General English.

The variable characteristics are that courses


1. be restricted in the skills to be learned;

2. not be taught according to a particular


Robinson (1991) also suggests two

absolute criteria for defining ESP courses.

1. The first is that ESP programmes are

normally goal-oriented.

2. The second is that they derive from a needs

analysis. The needs analysis will state as

accurately as possible what the learners will

have to do when speaking the language.

Absolute Characteristics

• ESP is defined to meet specific needs of the


• ESP makes use of underlying methodology

and activities of the discipline it serves.

• ESP is centred on the language appropriate to

these activities in terms of grammar, lexis,

register, study skills, discourse and genre.

Variable Characteristics

• ESP may be related to or designed for specific disciplines.

• ESP may use, in specific teaching situations, a different methodology from that of General English.

• ESP is likely to be designed for adult learners, either at a tertiary level institution or in a professional work situation. It could, however, be for learners at secondary school level.

• ESP is generally designed for intermediate or advanced students.

• Most ESP courses assume some basic knowledge of the language systems.

1. authentic materials,

2. purpose related orientation, and

3. self-direction

ESP is more relevant than the general


ESP as a register analysis

ESP as a rhetorical and discourse


ESP as a communicative approach

ESP as a target situation analysis

Register analysis has been defined by Michael Halliday as an attempt to analyze the linguistic foundations of language we use in given situations, and the ways in which the language we speak or write varies according to the type of situation. Register analysis has been a strong research area in linguistics for several decades. Many people are now working with examples of genuine texts in the hope of establishing the linguistic features which characterize them. Text linguistics, discourse analysis, pragmatics and register and genre all depend on communicative events which have taken place.

Rhetorical – art or skill or speaking or

writing formally and effectively especially

as a way to persuade or influence people.

Discourse – formal and orderly and usually

extended expression of thought on a


Who is your target learner?

What do you know about your target

learner’s goals?

ESP is a generic term used to indicate an

approach practiced in teaching and

learning of content-oriented English for any

very specific purpose.