Introduction to debugging linux applications

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Transcript of Introduction to debugging linux applications

Spenser Reinhardt \ DC612

Introduction to ELF (Executable and Linkable Format)


Assembly Primer

Number Bases

Registers and Memory Addressing

Basic Instructions

Debugging Tools and Ideas

Principal of Confirmation

GDB, GDBtui, DDD, Insight

Working with GDB

Example Errors

General Overview

ELF is a format for storing programs or fragments of programs on disk, created as a result of compiling and linking. An ELF file is divided into sections. For an executable program, these are the text section for the code, the data section for global variables and the rodata section that usually contains constant strings. The ELF file contains headers that describe how these sections should be stored in memory. ELF is a format for storing programs or fragments of programs on disk, created as a result of compiling and linking. An ELF file is divided into sections. For an executable program, these are the text section for the code, the data section for global variables and the rodata section that usually contains constant strings. The ELF file contains headers that describe how these sections should be stored in memory.

Types of Files: .O, regular executables, shared libraries and core dumps

Executable & Linkable Format

ELF StructureElf Header: Start of the file and a description of it’s organization.

Program Header Table: Instructs the system how to execute the file. (optional)

.text: Contains all program instructions

.bss: Holds all uninitialized data

.data: Holds all initialized data

.rodata: Holds read only data

.debug: Contains debug symbols (optional)

Section Header Table: Assists in locating each internal section (optional)

The language known as Assembly or ASM, is really a collection of CPUindependent instructions that vary depending on the platform. Eachdifferent CPU and sometimes each revision within a family of processors, willhave it's own version or interpretation of asm instructions. This variation inwhat we know as an individual language, is due to the close relationship ofthe hardware how machine instructions are almost directly derived fromasm instructions.

Assembly language is a translator language that allows total control overevery individual machine instruction generated by the translator program orassembler.

What is Assembly Language?

Computers = Numbers

Computers only speak in numbers, however they do not count with numbers as we think of them. They work in a mixed fashion of both binary and hexadecimal.

Binary = Base 2 = Digits 0 1Decimal = Base 10 = Digits 0 – 9Hexadecimal = Base 16 = Digits 0 – 9, A - F

Decimal Calculations

1 15 100 870434+2 +03 +86 + 372013 18 186 907635

9 53 234 829548- 5 - 36 - 75 - 8293214 17 159 227

Binary Calculations

1B 1111B 1100100B 11010100100000100010B+10B +0011B +1010110B + 1001000101010001B11B 10010B 10111010B 11011101100101110011B

1001B 110101B 11101010B 11001010100001101100B- 101B -100100B - 1001011B -11001010011110001001B

100B 10001B 10011111B 11100011B

Hexadecimal Calculations

1H 15H 64H D4822H+2H +03H +56H + 9151H

3H 12H BAH DD973H

9H 35H EAH CA86CH- 5H - 24H - 4BH - CA789H

4H 11H 9FH E3H

CPU Registers

Within a CPU there are special small storage compartments for very fast access, these are called registers. Much like the rest of asm these registers are very processor specific, however many generalizations can be made.

8-bit 16-bit 32-bit 64-bit Description

AL AX EAX RAX General purpose registerBL BX EBX RBX General purpose register CL CX ECX RCX General purpose registerDL DX EDX RDX General purpose register

IP EIP RIP Points to current instruction location (Instruction Pointer)

BP EBP RBP Points to bottom of current stack frame (Base Pointer)

SP ESP RSP Points to top of current stack frame (Stack Pointer)

SI ESI RSI Used for special operations (Source Index)

DI EDI RDI Used for special operations (Destination Index)

CS, DS, SS, ES, FS, GS Segment Registers (16-bit)

CPU Registers

The order of importance and direction to read byte values. The systems CPU determines endianness.

Little Endian: Read from right to left, with the most significant byte stored on the right. (x86, x86-64)

Big Endian: Read from left to right, with the most significant byte stored on the left and not flipped when read. (PowerPC, IBM Mainframes)

Bi Endian: Can potentially interpret either values either way. (MIPS, IA32, IA64)


• Stores data temporarily as an application may need it.

• ESP = Top of the Stack EBP = Bottom of the Stack, or top of previous

• Addressed by offsets of esp\ebp or direct memory locations

• Last in, First out (LIFO) or First in, Last out (FILO)

• Push [value] – Adds to top of the Stack, then decreases ESP accordingly

• Pop [value] – Removes from top of the Stack, then increases ESP

• Dynamically allocated, 32 bits wide

• Grows from higher memory down

The Stack

• Almost identical to on-disk ELF layout

• Definitions of sections in ELF, directly applies

• Also has Stack and Heap sections

• Heap space is dynamically allocated as programs request or deallocate it.

• Heap is allocated in otherwise free space and does not need to be in any order or specific location

• Application sees 4GB of virtual memory

• Some or most space may be paged out

Memory Layout

• Usually one command per line

• First or only operand is usually the destination operand, unless specifically noted in the instruction details.

• R/8,16,32,64 Register size

• M/8,16,32,64 Memory size

• I/8,16,32,64 Immidate Data

• D/8,16,32,64 Displacement

• SR Segment Register

mov eax, ‘WXYZ’ Save WXYZ into eax

Move ZYXZ into eax, and

zero any remaining space in the register

ASM Instructions - mnemonics

Instruction Description

add r/m32, r/m32 Combines operands though addition and stores in first

sub r/m32, r/m32 Subtracts operands and stores in first

mul r/m32, eax Multiplies operands* and stores in ax and dx when operands are greater than 8 bits

div r/m32, eax Divides operands* and

* When mul and div are used the “A” register is used implicitly as the second operand. “A” register could be AL, AX, EAX, or RAX.

ASM Instructions - Arithmetic

Instruction Description

and r/m32, r/m32 Compares operands and sets to one if both are equal or zero if not.

or r/m32, r/m32 Compares operands and sets to one if at least one, is not zero.

xor r/m32, r/m32 Compares operands and sets to one if not equal and zero if equal.

not r/m32 Sets one to zero, and zero to one.

neg r/m32 Sets value equivalent negative value

inc r/m32 Increments operand by 1.

dec r/m32 Decrements operand by 1.

ASM Instructions – Unary Operators

Instruction Description

and r/m32, r/m32 Compares operands and sets to one if both are equal or zero if not.

or r/m32, r/m32 Compares operands and sets to one if at least one, is not zero.

xor r/m32, r/m32 Compares operands and sets to one if not equal and zero if equal.

not r/m32 Sets one to zero, and zero to one.

neg r/m32 Sets value equivalent negative value

inc r/m32 Increments operand by 1.

dec r/m32 Decrements operand by 1.

Instruction Description

shl r/m32, count Shifts bits left [count] times, stores overflow in CF, inserts zero

shr r/m32, count Shifts bits right [count] times, stores overflow in CF, inserts zero

rol r/m32, count Rotates bits from left and inserts on right, no CF use

ror r/m32, count Rotates bits from right and inserts on left, no CF use

rcl r/m32, count Rotates left to right, storing the first value rotated off, and stored in CF, previous CF is set as right most value

rcr r/m32, count Rotates left to right, storing the first value rotated off,and stored in CF, previous CF is set as right most value

ASM Instructions – Bit Manipulation

Instruction Description

push r/m32 Pushes data onto the stack and lowers ESP

pusha Pushes all 16-bit general purpose registers at once

pushad Pushes all 32-bit general purpose registers at once

pushf Pushes Flags register onto the stack

pop r/m32 Pull data from the stack, store at location provided and raise ESP

popa Pull top 16 bytes from the stack and sets into each register !SP

popad Pull top 32 bytes from stack and and sets into each register !ESP

popf Pull top 2 bytes and store into Flags

mov r/m32, r/m32 Moves data from one location of memory to another

ASM Instructions – Push Pop Mov

Debugging is the process within software development where applicationsand code are tested to be accurate to the developers expectations. This caninclude programmatic errors, unexpected data values, infinite loops, andpotentially security risks. Debugging is generally a recursive processperformed until all known bugs are located and corrected, and preformedagain when new issues are found.


The principle of confirmation, is a process of validating that assumptions youas a programmer make, actually are true within execution. If something isnot as expected you have likely found a bug, or part of it.

Principle of Confirmation

• Text\CLI based by default

• Semi GUI or uses other frontends

• -tui or ctrl-X-A to access console analogue interface

• Extremely fast

• Low visual input


• Red Hat\Cent OS\Fedora based

• Full GUI, including console

• Fast and stable


• Frontend to GDB• Removed from Debian repositories


• Works in almost all distributions

• Fast but not as stable (IMO)

• Full GUI and supporting console

• Virtually identical to Kdbg

Instruction Description

-tui Used while starting for semi-gui

Break [line] Stops execution at set line and allows for inspection

Tbreak [line] Stops execution at set line the first time hit only

Watch [condition] Performs commands for condition arguments set

Print [variable] Displays a variables value while execution is stopped

Frame [number] Diplays trace of set stack frame

Backtrace Displays entire stack layout

GBD Commands

Run [arguments] Starts program execution with supplied arguments

Continue Continues normal execution after being paused

Step Executes line

Stepi Executes next ASM\machine instruction

Next Executes next line then pauses, skips over called functions

Nexti Executes next ASM\machine instruction and pauses

GDB Instructions

The Art of Debugging With GDB, DDD, and Eclipse

Norman Mattloff and Peter Jay Salzman – No Starch Press 2008

Assembly Language Step by Step Programming With Linux

Jeff Duntemann – Wiley 2009

C++ Programming Today

Barbara Johnston – Pearson Prentice Hall 2008

Hacking The Art of Exploitation

Jon Erickson – No Starch Press 2008
