Introduction of afghanistan and Sino-Afghan Relationship

Post on 22-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Introduction of afghanistan and Sino-Afghan Relationship

Prepared by: Hazrat Gul Totakhil

Introduction to Afghanistan

Contents of AfghanistanOfficial Name Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Population 35Million

Area 650000 km²

Religion Islam

Currency Afghani1CNY = 8.3Afs

Official Languages Pashto, Dari

Capital city Kabul

GDP per capita 690 UD

The Afghanistan National Flag

Afghanistan a country located in south-western Asia

The country is divided into 34 provinces "states”

Dr. Ashraf Ghani President and Head of Nation

ReligionMuslim=98% Sikhs=2%

Ethnics of AfghanistanPashtuns







Type of Government

The form of Government is Presidential

There is a legislature to pass and make laws “Parliament”

Afghan Constitution

Afghan constitution is the followed version of 1870s and 1923, with a little changes Approved and enacted in January-2004.

The Constitution has 160 articles

Afghan Parliament Called “The National Assembly of Afghanistan”

Lower house Upper house

Lower house/house of the people

• It has got 250 members

Upper house/house of elders

It has got 102 seats ,its members are called “Senates”

The Currency is called “Afghani”

Languages spoken are:


The official Languagesare

Pashto and Dari

Education 60% of population is educated

Article 43 of the Afghan Constitution Education free from kindergarten to Degree.

Entrance age to school is 5 12 year school 4 year Degree

After Degree people have to pay for their education.

42,Private and Government universities are there in Afghanistan

35% of women are educated

The winter is bitter cold and summer is very hot.

Friday is the Public Holiday

Afghanistan Exports




5% of exports makes Crops



Dry fruits also make the biggest portion of Afghanistan exports

Almonds Pistachio


Copper, Gas, Coal, Precious stones And other natural elements are being Exported to regional countries

Afghanistan exports wool, and pure silk

45% of the exports makes Carpets and Rugs. $526 Million is income

Dress Culture

National Dress for Women


Wearing Turban and hat is cultural


Marriages Ceremony

Traditionall Foods

Afghanistan Sport Buzkashi

Afghan National Cricket Team

Afghanistan SportsKarate

National Football Team Ladies and Gents

Historical Places in Afghanistan

Afghanistan-China Bilateral Relationship

The People's Republic of China established diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Afghanistan on January 20, 1955.Premier Zhou Enlai and Vice Premier He Long visited Afghanistan in January 1957. This was the first ever visit taken by Chinese leadership to Afghanistan in the history of Sino-Afghan relations. During the visit, the Chinese Premier and Vice Premier met with King Mohammad Zahir Shah of Afghanistan, and held respective talks with Prime Minister Mohammad Daud KhanThrough history, the relations between Afghanistan and China mostly involved trade of fruit and tea via caravans through Xinjiang and Wakhan Corridor on the border between the two countries.

Afghanistan-China Bilateral Relationship

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