
Post on 03-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Introduction


The globalised world has given increased to a new phenomenon the employees

burnout syndrome information technology sectors are the most affected the employee

burnout rank after attrition. Burnout a stress related state is defined as a syndrome of

emotional exhaustion depersonalization and a feeling of reduced personal

accomplishment . Emotional exhaustion is the lack of energy, and a feeling of emotional

resource has been up to work. Depersonalization is characterized as viewing co-workers

and clients and dehumanized objectives. Finally workers experiencing diminished

personal accomplishments. Evaluate their work performance negatively and feel a decline

in job competence and achievement. Burnout has also been associated with a variety of

psychological problems such as depression, irritability, and helplessness.

Conditions that causes of employee burnout.

Organizational factors

1. Lack of rewards

2. Excessive and outdated policies and procedure work paced jobs and close


3. Lack of clear-cut expectations and job resposibities conflict both of which

prevent and employee from being productive.

4. Lack of support group or cohesive work groups.

Personal factors.

1. idealistic expectations :

the employee has unrealistic expectations about how the

organizations will work and these when combined with actual

organization experience produce reality shock.

2. idealistic job and career goals:

Organizational conditions that interfere with performance are

bothersome only to employees who want to attain high level of

performance. An employee who thinks it is possible to do everything

Becomes a natural target burnout. Employee in mid-career crisis reflect

burnout reactions, especially feelings of low level personal


Models of burnout

Honeymoon stage

This stage is characterized by the feeling of excitement, enthusiasm, pride and.

Challenge arising out of the elation about the new job.

Fuel shortage stage.

The general undefined feeling of fatigue sleeps disturbance, inefficiency, and job

satisfaction, and signal future difficulties. These disturbances in turn ,can result in

concomitant-behaviors of increased eating, drinking, and smoking.

Chronic symptom stage

In this stage and might even lead to the occurrence of symptoms like physical

illness, anger, irritation, and depression.

Crisis stage.

Over a period of time ,the symptoms may develop in to acute psychosomatic

disorder like peptic ulcer, sleep disturbance, tension headache, chronic backache,

high blood pressure, etc.

Hitting the wall stage.

In this stage, there is a total maladaptation due to the failure of the persons coping

mechanisms to deal with stress.

Symptoms of burnout

The symptoms are classified into physical, psychological symptoms and behavioral


Physical symptoms are characterized by actual changes in physiological or body


Psychological symptoms show themselves in the attitude and feelings of the


Behavioral symptoms reflect those actions or behaviors manifested as a result of


Low job performance/low job satisfaction.

Physical exhaustion/fatigue.

Rigidity to changes/loss of flexibility

Decreased communication/withdrawal

Apathy/loss of concern


Emotional exhaustion

Additional signs of burnout:

You no longer laugh or have fun at work.

You are irritable towards coworkers or customers. Your work has become a chore. You feel lethargic at work. You no longer find fulfillment in your work.
