Introducing the Human Figure through Canon of Proportion

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Introducing the Human Figure through Canon of Proportion

Canon of ProportionLearning how to depict the human form.

Canon of ProportionAncient Egyptian DaVinci

Varies According to Purpose





Real Life

Comic Book


Movie Star

Neck = ½ head from chin to clavicle

Torso = 3 heads(3.5 from back)

Thigh to Knee = 2 heads

Calf to Ankle = 2 heads

8 ¾ heads tall(6’ 4”)

Hogarth’s Canon

Enlarge the Canon (2x Scale)1. Begin with the head .

2. Then, a vertical line to mark center axis:

The head is the unit of measurement. [8 ¾ heads]

From the vertical axis, work from the center of the figure out

Enlarge the Canon (2x Scale)

1. Begin with the head .

The head is the unit of measurement. [8 ¾ heads]

Enlarge the Canon (2x Scale)

2. Pay attention to size comparisons as you draw!

From the vertical axis, work from the center of the figure--out

Use the Canon as Inspiration

Spoof A Famous Artwork

You’ll need to find a copy of a famous painting.

Then Plan how you can incorporate the Canon into the painting: for a spoof to work, you have to maintain the recognizability of the artwork AND the canon.

Use the Canon as Inspiration

Tell a Story

Think of a situation—either humorous or serious—in which to embed the canon.

For example—the canon could be a statue in a museum, an Egyptian Pharaoh, a surfer, or in this case “Urban Cowboy”….

Find references to help you.

Ideas to build on:

Muscle man Contest



Cave man

Fire Eater

Statue in a Museum