Introducing Summer Intern, Marina Adell

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Introducing Summer Intern, Marina Adell

What's your name?

Marina Adell Domenech

Where are you from?

I´m from Valencia, a beautiful city on the east coast of Spain.

What are you studying and where?

I’m currently finishing my last year of the degree in business management and entrepreneurship at the London School of Economics.

When did you join The Edtech Podcast?

May 2017

What attracted you to the placement and what are you looking forward to?

The Edtech podcast is a start-up growing very fast. Having the opportunity to join this journey from the start and being part of the process to achieve its objectives and goals opens many doors for my personal experience and I am sure will help me to develop as a person. In addition I will be able to acquire experience in every department of the firm which will make me discover new passions and make me more flexible.

What's your favourite book and why?

Fall of Giants and Winter of the world by Ken Follet are my favourite books and this is because i haven’t read the third book of the trilogy, Edge of eternity. The books narrate the experience of the First World War and the Second World War through the points of view of five distinct families from different countries. This allows people understand how the experiences of these people were according to the part in the world where they were. I have always been fascinated by history and enjoy going to different museums. Learning whilst Reading these books is the icing in the cake.

What's your superpower?

I have the superpower of being positive and optimistic 24/7!

How can people contact you?

Twitter: Marina Adell

Linkedin: Marina Adell