Intro to Building Desktop-Style Web UIs JavaScript on Grails Torey Lomenda Senior Consultant Object...

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Transcript of Intro to Building Desktop-Style Web UIs JavaScript on Grails Torey Lomenda Senior Consultant Object...

Intro to Building Desktop-Style Web UIs

JavaScript on Grails

Torey LomendaSenior ConsultantObject Partners Inc.



Founded 1996, privately held company Minneapolis based

– Branch office in Omaha, NE 50 employees and growing Enterprise IT Consulting

– Leveraging leading edge and open source technologies• Striving for the highest levels of productivity and quality

– Delivering mission critical applications that are:• Performant• Scalable• Easier to enhance and maintain

SpringSource partner– Using Spring for 5+ years– Excited about Grails


Introducing Ext JS and Grails UI– Exploring in Ten Steps – Event-based Applications (DOM Manipulation, Events,


Technologies Working Together– Grails Platform

Demo – Hockey Stats Application– Side By Side Comparison of Ext JS and GrailsUI/Yahoo! UI

Development Practices

A Note on Javascript Libraries

Rich UI Goodness– Dynamically change DOM and CSS based on user interaction

Utility Libraries– Prototype,– sprinkle effects on existing Web 1.0 app

Mid-Level Libraries (Utilities and Controls)– Yahoo! User Interface (YUI)– JQuery– Nice foundation to build full features Widgets

Full-Featured (Out-of-the-box Widgets)– Ext JS – A Nice UI Component Model– GrailsUI - Extending YUI the Grails Way– Dojo

Introducing Ext JS and Grails UI

Ext JS Grails UI

JavaScript Namespace: ExtProvides high performance, customizable “real-world” UI widgets

Well designed, documented and extensible component model

Uses adapters to work seamlesslywith other libraries (YUI, JQuery,Prototype)

Open sourced under GPLv3

Commercial License$289 per developer$1159 for 5 developers

JavaScript Namespace: GRAILSUIA Grails plugin that provides an extensive tag library of rich ajax components based on the Yahoo! UI (YUI) JavaScript library and a YUI extension called the Bubbling Library.

It has been designed for ease-of-use as well as configurability.

Yahoo! UI (YUI)

JavaScript Namespace: YAHOO A set of utilities and controls, written in JavaScript, for building richly interactive web applications using techniques such as DOM scripting, DHTML and AJAX.

YUI is available under a BSD license and is free for all uses.

Exploring in Ten Steps

Step 0: Layout

Step 1: Menus

Step 2: Dynamic Forms

Step 3: Tree Views

Step 4: Accordions and Tabs

Step 5: Data Grids

Step 6: Search Combo Box/AutoComplete

Step 7: Drag & Drop

Step 8: Rich Text Editor

Step 9: Customize Look and Feel

Highly Interactive Web Apps

Websites/Web 1.0– Informational based – Some advanced features such as eCommerce and Content

Management– CRUD style applications

Web 2.0 Applications– Full featured desktop-style interface; intuitive, immediate

interaction a user experiences– Advanced features like workflow and other processes that

require a high level of user interaction

Event-Based Applications

Paradigm Shift to event-based approach– Flow of application determined by change of state or user

interaction (the event).– Event is broadcast– Listener/Observer acts on the event

Common Traps– Acting on a component or object before it is in a state to

handle the action. Caused by mixing procedural programming with event-based programming.

Things to Consider– Is the DOM ready? Is the DOM Element available?

[eg: Ext.onReady(), YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady()]– Is the component/object in a ready state?– Timers to wait for conditions (ie: setTimeout, setInterval)

Common Trap

var panel = new Ext.Panel({title: “My Panel”,items: [{html: “We are Here!”}]});

panel.render();panel.items.get(0).getEl(); getEl() returns undefined.

Tried to get the elementbefore render completed.

var panel = new Ext.Panel({title: “My Panel”,items: [{html: “We are Here!”}]});

panel.on(“render”, function(thisPanel) {



getEl() returns DOM element. Invoked action is event-based.

Procedural Programming

Event Programming

DOM Manipulation


Finding Nodesvar elById = Ext.get(elId)var elBySelector = Ext.DomQuery.selectNode( 'a.mycls[@href*=”myref”]:first');

Manipulating DOMExt.DomHelper

Finding Nodesvar elById = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(elId);var elBySelector = YAHOO.util.Selector.query('li a');

Manipulating DOMYAHOO.util.Dom

Ajax Support


var successFn = function(res) {};var failureFn = function(res) {};

Ext.Ajax.request({ url: 'someUrl', method: 'GET|POST', success: successFn, failure: failureFn});

var callback = { success: function(res) { }, failure: function(res) { }}

YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest( 'POST',

'someUrl', callback, ['param1=blah']);

Technologies Working Together

Enabling Web Technologies – CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)– DOM (Document Object Model)– Javascript & Ajax (Async Javascript)

Grails Platform– Solid Foundation (Groovy, Spring, Hibernate, SiteMesh)– Plugin Architecture (Spring Security, Rich UI, many others)– Modularity: Easy to build custom plugins– RESTful Web Services

The Role of CSS

Look and Feel– Visual Styling– Positioning

Cool Effects– Examples: Drag & Drop, Expand/Collapse, Overlaying,

many others

CSS Box Model

DEMO: Hockey Stats Manager

Administer Leagues

Manage Players

Manage Scouting Reports

League Admin

Player Admin


Use Case Model





PlayerStats PlayerNews



League Season



Domain Model

home visitor

Hockey Stats App Using Grails UI

Hockey Stats App Using Ext JS

<Grails Plugin>hockeystats-domain



<Grails Plugin>acegi

(Spring Security

<Grails Plugin>yui

<Grails Plugin>ext-js


<Grails Plugin>Grails UI

<Grails Plugin>Bubbling

RESTful Web Sevices(League, Team, Player,

Scouting Report)

<Grails Plugin>hockeystats-domain

<Grails Plugin>acegi

(Spring Security)





Component Model





Step 1 – Border LayoutExt JS YUI

*Leverage Grails SiteMesh Integration

var viewport = new Ext.ViewPort({ layout: 'border', renderTo: 'some-div',

items: [

{region: 'northnorth',xtype: 'panel'},

{region: 'westwest',xtype: 'panel'},

{region: 'southsouth',xtype: 'panel'},


var layout = YAHOO.widget.Layout({ units: [

{position: 'top', body: 'header-div'},

{position: 'left', body: 'side-div'},

{position: 'bottom', body: 'footer-div'}, ]});

Step 2 – Menus


new Ext.Toolbar({renderTo: 'some-div',items: [

{text: “Home”,xtype: “tbbutton”,handler: someFn},

{xtype: “tbseparator”}, {text: “Stats Menu”,

xtype: “tbbutton”, menu: [

{title: “Sub 1”, disabled: false; handler: someFn}



var menu = new YAHOO.widget.Menubar();

menu.addItems([{text: “Home”,

onclick: someFn},{text: “Stats Menu”

submenu: { id: “sub1Menu”, itemData: [ {text: “Sub 1”,

disabled: false,onclick: someFn

} ]


Step 3 – Dynamic Forms

Ext JS Grails UI / YUI

Nice Dynamic Forms

Highlighted Features:Rich ComboBox Support Collapsible Field SetsBuilt-in Field ValidationBinding buttons to forms

Can use applyTo() to decorate existing HTML form.

Preferred option is dynamic

Minimal GrailsUI support for Forms

Grails UI Widgets:Date PickerExpandable Panel

Why the SplitButton?Should have used Grails UI Autocomplete

YUI decorates existing HTML formmarkup

Custom validation can be added to a form

Step 4 - Trees

Ext JS YUIUse:



new Ext.tree.TreePanel({useArrows: true,

root: {nodeType: “async”,text: “Some Tree”,draggable: false,id: “someRootNode”


loader: someTreeLoader});

var loadFn = function(node, onCompleteCallback) {

// Some Ajax call then complete...onCompleteCallback();


var tree = new YAHOO.widget.TreeView(“Tree”);

var root = tree.getRoot();var node = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode({

label: “Some Node”,labelElId: “someNodeId”}, root); = “attachIdToNode”;node.labelElId = “someNodId”);node.setDynamicLoad(loadFn);

Step 5 – Accordions & Tabs

Ext JS Grails UI

var p = new Ext.Panel({

layout: 'accordion',

renderTo: 'some-div',

cls: 'someCls',

items: [

{title: 'Blah'

collapsed: true,

xtype: 'panel'


{title: 'Blah Tabs',

collapsed: true,

xtype: 'panel',

items: [

xtype: 'tabpanel',

activeItem: 0,

items: [// tabs]





<gui:accordion id='someId'


<gui:accordionElement id=”1”


<div />


<gui:accordionElement id=”2”



<gui:tab id=”tab1”


<div />





Step 6 – Data Grids

Ext JS Grails UIvar someGridStore =

new{data: dataObj,root: “dataRoot”,fields: [

{name: “col1”},{name” “col2”}


new Ext.GridPanel({store: someGridStore,autoHeight: true,columns: [

{header: “Col 1”,dataIndex: “col1”},

{header: “Col 2”,dataIndex: “col2”}


viewConfig: {forceFit: true,getRowClass: someCssFn


Markup:<gui:dataTable id=“someDataTable” draggableColumns=“true” columnDefs=“[

[key:‘col1’, label:‘Col 1’],[key:’col2’, label:’Col 2’]

]“ sortedBy: “col1” controller: “someController” action: “someAction” params: [id:0] resultList: “dataRoot” rowExpansion: false rowsPerPage: 10 />

JS Code (Refresh Data):GRAILSUI.someDataTable. getDataSource().

sendRequest(“id=xxx”, callback);

Step 7 – Custom Search Combo

Ext JS GrailsUI / YUI

var resultTemplate = Ext.XTemplate(‘<tpl for=“.”>’ +

‘<div id=“someItem”{id}’ +‘({name})’ +

‘</div>’ +‘</tpl>’

new Ext.form.ComboBox({store: someStore,typeAhead: false,loadingText: “”,cls: “”,pageSize: 10,minChars: 1,hideTrigger: true,tpl: resultTemplate,itemSelector: “div.someItem”




JS Code (Refresh Data)://Attach BehaviourGRAILSUI.someCombo_autocomplete. doBeforeParseData = function(req, res, callback) { // Build resultLabel };GRAILSUI.someCombo_autocomplete. formatResult = function(d, q, m) { // Put formatting code here };

Step 8 – Drag & Drop

Ext JS YUIvar dragSource =

new Ext.dd.DragSource(‘someDivElementId’,{someConfig: “prop1”});

var dropTarget = new Ext.dd.DropTarget(

‘someDropTarget’,notifyDrop: someFn});

var dragSource = new YAHOO.util.DDProxy(


dragSource.startDrag = function() {// Do Something


dragSource.onDragDrop =function(event, id) {

// Use id of node you are// Dropping into


var dropTarget = new YAHOO.util.DDTarget(


Step 9 – Rich Text Editor

Ext JS GrailsUI / YUI

Use 3rd Party Widgets such as TinyMCE (

<gui:dialog title=“Some Editor”




[text: ‘Ok’, isDefault: true]



<gui:richEditor id=“SomeId”

value=“Default Text” />


Step 10 – Look & Feel

* Understand the DOM generated. Use Firebugto Inspect DOM.

Ext JS (Style Accordion) Grails UI (Style Accordion).my-accordion {}.my-accordion .x-panel,.my-accordion .x-accordion-hd {

background: none;}.my-accordion .x-panel-body {border: 0px;}.my-accordion .x-panel-header { background: transparent none repeat scroll 0 0;

border-bottom:1px solid !important;

border-left:medium none; border-right:medium none;

border-top:medium none; width: 95%; margin-top: 10px;

}.my-accordion .x-tool {float: left;

}.my-accordion .x-panel-header-text {margin-left: 5px;

font-weight: bold;}

#playerProfileInfoAccordion .actions {left:2px;

margin-right: 10px;position:absolute;text-align:right;top:5px;

}#playerProfileInfoAccordion .yui-panel{border: 0px;

border-style: none !important;}#playerProfileInfoAccordion .hd {background:none !important;

width: 95%;border-bottom: 1px solid !important;border-right: 0px !important;padding:0 20px !important

General Comparison

Pros– Powerful, intuitive, easy to use.

(it actually works??)

– Readable, extensible JS component model

– feature rich components out-of-the-box. Many config options available.

– Lazy instantiation of components

– Good documentation and samples

Cons– Commercial license ($289 per

developer, $1159 for 5 developers)

– 2.2.x lacks accessibility standards. 3.0 to change that.

Pros– Powerful, intuitive, easy to use.

(it actually works??)

– Nice tag support to embed components through mark-up

– Active communities (SpringSource, Yahoo)

– YUI has good documentation and samples

Cons– Not as many features, eye

candy and customizable options as Ext JS

– Grails UI documentation beyond getting started documents

– YUI is a powerful library, but needs to be extended with custom code for more flashy components

Ext JS GrailsUI / YUI

A Note on Performance

Load time. Loading an application with lots of JavaScript and CSS.

– Optimize with the help of Yslow Profiler

Memory Footprint and execution speed on the Browser

– JavaScript not known to be a fast language– DOM elements take up a lot of memory– JavaScript libraries strong focus on performance. Use

them– Research coding optimization techniques. Especially on IE

Browsers – support for Ajax applications getting better

A Note on Web Accessibility

Accessibility Guidelines– Section 508 of Rehabilitation Act

– W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

Accessible Alternatives– Degrading gracefully (Grade A browsers to lower grades)

– Providing an alternate site if Javascript is disabled (Gmail)

Keyboard Navigation

Screen Reader friendly generated HTML

Notify user when Javascript changes appearance

Both YUI and Ext JS are embracing 508 support.

Development Experience

Groovy/Grails on Eclipse– Need custom setup for a tolerable IDE experience. Blog coming soon

Aptana– JavaScript Editor

– IDE for AJAX Development

Firebug– JS debugging

– DOM inspection

– CSS control

– More...

YSlow (Performance Recommendations)

– Performance Report Card based on 13 rules from Yahoo!'s Exception Performance team

Testing Tools– Selenium

– HtmlUnit

– env.js

– Screw.Unit


Demo code available at Recommended Books

– Ajax in Action. Dave Crane, Eric Pascarello, Darren James

– JavaScript Ninja. John Resig

– Ajax Security. Billy Hoffman, Bryan Sullivan

– Learning Ext JS. Shea Frederick, Colin Ramsay, Steve 'Cutter' Blades

– Learning Yahoo! User Interface. Dan Wellman

– Definitive Guide To Grails. Graeme Roche

Reference Sites– Ext JS (

– YUI (

– Grails UI (

– Grails (

Final Word?

Embrace JavaScript and Ajax technologies– They are elegant and are “fun” to work with (once you get

the hang of it.

Grails is Grrreat!!– Straight forward for Java developers to pick up– Allows for rapid development– Features via plugins will only continue to grow– SpringSource support means the product will only get


Ext JS is a quality product. Is it worth $289? Grails UI is promising. Is generating in-line

JavaScript a problem?