Intro-Concept of road safety for Childrens.ppt

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Intro-Concept of road safety for Childrens.ppt

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A Tata Steel

Road Safety Initiative

forSchool Children & Community

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• We will Save ourselves & other's lives by spreading message of road safety 

- The social cost of road accidents is computed at 1.5 -3% 3GDP**. 

• We will make the difference by preaching and practicing road safety 

• We will make a difference by creating a safe road culture across the country 

• India records highest road accidents in the world. 

- About 1,00,000 deaths and 1 million plus road accident injuries

annually in India. 

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"Safe kid" is an achiever

•  Safe kid is aware about...

  Crossing the road  Importance of being seen by other drivers while on

the road

  Giving and recognising signals

  Road etiquettes while cycling, playing, walking   Riding on the left side of the road

  Whom to wait for, while in traffic

  Need to be considerate towards vulnerable road-


  Importance of personal protection (helmet, seatbelt)

  Hazards of playing on the road 

  How to maintain his / her vehicle

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Defensive Driving

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I am one who cares about

• Safety of my own life

• Safety of my Family

• Safety of the other road


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Road Safety is a Culture 

• Have we adopted it……….and if so to what extent ? 

• Have we ever paused to consider how much time we spend on the

road in our lives ... and how safely do we do it?

• You will only get your ROTI - Return On Time Invested !

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World's first death by a motor vehicle

• On 17August 1896,Bridget Driscoll 44 year old became the first

person ever killed by a motor vehicle in London. She was stuck by a

car which was going "at a tremendous speed.” (12.8 km/h), and

the speed limit was 6.4 Km/h only. 

• At the inquest the coroner said "this must never happen again” 

• In spite of the warning what has happened?

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Global Fact File - W.H.O.

• An estimated 1.2 million people die every year in road crashes

• 20-50 million are seriously injured or disabled each year

• Nearly 85 % of these deaths take place in the developing nationsand Asia constitutes about 44 % of those deaths

• EU countries have reported a 50 % reduction in road deaths in the past

30 years

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India Specific - W.H.O.

• In India, there has been a 23% increase in the number of vehicles from

1990-1999 and a 60-fold increase is predicted by 2050.

• At the present levels of road safety activity in India, accident rates will

increase till 2045 !

• At 2 % of GDP, the social cost of road deaths in India is over Rs.55T000

crore each year!

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W.H.O. & World Bank studies reveal ....

•  83.50 % of accident cases are caused due to driver negligence

• Bad roads account for only 1,1 % of accidents

• India has a 70 million vehicle population (3rd  in world)

• India 2nd  highest accident rate in the world !

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Disease burden (DALYs lost)

for 1O leading causes

DALY - Disability Adjusted Life Years

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Road Deaths per 10,000 vehicles


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Some of the main factors for roa

accidents (WHO)

Risk factors influencing being involved in a crash

• Inappropriate/excessive speed

• Presence of alcohol and drugs

• Fatigue

• Being young and male

• Being a vulnerable road user in rural/urban /residential


• Traveling in darkness

• Poor vehicle maintenance

• Road design, layout and maintenance defects

• Inadequate visibility (weather condition)

• Poor eye sight

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Some of the main factors for roa

accidents (WHO)

Risk factors influencing consequence of injuries

• Delayed crash detection and transportation

• Rescue and evacuation 

• Lack of knowledge of first aid

• Post collision fire

• Leakage of hazardous materials

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Road Safety paradigm shift -a new understanding

“Road crash injury is largely preventable and predictable . It is

a human made problem amenable to rational analysis and

counter measure"

World Bank

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Be a Defensive Driver

•  If you are very ANGRY

• If you are very TIRED 

• If you are very UPSET 






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Defensive Driving & Safety

on the Road

• Driving is not a physical

 Act…….but a MENTAL act! 

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Be a Safe Road User

How you think is how you

will drive

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Defensive Driving

What is the

Guru Mantra?

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Safety On The Roads

• Remember, accidents do

not occur - they are caused !

• Human error is the primary

causative factor

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Are you sureyou will not

become a partof these

statistics ?

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  ….where does the problem lie ? 

•  There is lack of accountability in Govt.

for road safety.

• Multi-lane highways are being built – but

will untrained drivers be able to handle

these high speed corridors ?

• How does one cope with the diverse road

user behaviour found on India's roads ?

•…… so we have to drive bearing in mind 

the errors of others !

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Remember the three C's




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This Is A Great Country

We Can

Must Make 

A Difference

Accident Free Jamshedpur