Interview Tips for Your First Job

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Interview Tips for Your First Job


Tips for Your

First Job

Intern: Nedzad Neziri

Job interview, can be nerve-wracking experience, especially if you never been interviewed before.

I just want a job!

So to be sure, that you will be best prepared for your first job interview, follow me on this preparing journey....

So I will divide our guide into three pieces :

1.Preparation before interview,2. Interview, and 3. After interview (re)action.

1.Preparation before interview

Do some research on the companyExercise potential interview


Be on time!

2. Interview

Make eye contact, try to smile and relax a little bit.

Answer the questions slowly and ask some questions about the company or about the position.

3. After interview (re)action

Always follow up with a written note of thanks to the person who interviews you. An email is better than nothing, but a written note will stand out...

Now, you're ready

to pursue job of your dreams!

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