interview tips for 2015

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Transcript of interview tips for 2015

• Step One: Focus

Resume Cover Letter Guide

• Starting Your Cover Letter• State the Position• Relate Your Experience• Explanation• Closing

Last Check

• Make sure to include:• Your name• Address• Email address• Phone number• Be sure to check for:• Salutation• Flow• Spelling, grammatical or typographical errors• Missing words• Appropriate contact information• Signed, Sealed, and Delivered

• Resume Followup Tips• Thank you Notes• Follow up Tips• Remind the employer of your resume.• Express your continued interest in the

position.• Help you stand out from other applicants.

• Suggestion 1: Instead of telling the hiring manager that you’re “passionate,” give them an example of a project that you spearheaded to increase company profits — that kind of information relays your passion much more clearly.

• Suggestion 2: Instead of telling the hiring manager that you’re “driven,” give an example of how you went above and beyond the call of duty complete a project or support another teammate.

• Suggestion 1: If you helped increase company sales, write by how much.

• Suggestion 2: If you managed employees or trained new employees, write down how many.

• Suggestion 3: If you saved the company money, write down how you did it, and how much you saved.

• Suggestion 4: Did you manage a budget? Write down how big it was

• Suggestion 1: Find the hiring manager’s job description, and sprinkle their keywords and phrasing into your resume. NOTE: This does not mean plagiarizing or copying what they’ve written – simply strategically employing important keywords to capture their attention.

• Suggestion 2: Draft your resume so that the skills and abilities they are calling for are towards the top of your resume, where they’ll instantly be seen.

• Suggestion 1: If you’ve been out of work, use a combination style resume to conceal your work experience gaps while relaying your relevant experience.

• Suggestion 2: Read the hiring manager’s job description carefully, and consider whether you current skill knowledge and skill set overlaps with their requirements. Present the best spin possible on your resume – even if you don’t have the skills yet, you may be easily trainable because you have foundational skills (such as software skills, customer service skills, management skills, etc.)

• Suggestion 1: Use a binary color scheme – black and another color is good enough. Use the color on your headings and keep your bullet points black.

• Suggestion 2: Keep it classy. Red, blue, and orange with comic sans won’t get you a job, unless you’re applying for a position at a clown college

• Trend #1: Call-out boxes and breakaway text• Trend #2: The value proposition• The networking resume• Inclusion of video• Writing to the audience• Visual engagement

• The formatting or template for your resume is pretty standard -- Company name and location, your title and dates of employment. (Not just years but months too.)

• See each job you worked at as a headline, and then fill in the rest.

• Be spontaneous and don't judge what you're writing.• The goal is to get it down on paper.• List what you do, your accomplishments and abilities.• Don't worry about the style. You'll send it to a resume expert,

who will make it look beautiful.• One to two pages max. Simple. Clean lines. Easy to read

• . Take full advantage of it. Exploit the space.• Entice people with your experience,

achievements and ambitions. Hook them instantly.

• This is the place to be precise, creative and clear about what you want.

• Express your career goals and aspirations

• Write out a 200 word summary. • Then make it into a simple paragraph.• Then 2 sentences.• And finally, one word.

• These days about 90% of all applications are done on line. What will you do with that statistic?

• Will it discourage or inspire you?• How will you go beyond that process, get around it and add

to it?• What are you willing to do to be noticed...and

remembered?• What risks are you willing to take to have a company

discover you?• Trust yourself. You have nothing to lose and all to gain by

trying new things

• Promote Yourself