INTERNET PASSWORD abcde12345. Situation analysis NCD in Suriname Director of Health Drs M. Eersel.

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Transcript of INTERNET PASSWORD abcde12345. Situation analysis NCD in Suriname Director of Health Drs M. Eersel.



Situation analysisNCD in Suriname

Director of Health

Drs M. Eersel


• Mortality NCD

• Risk factors

• Hospitalisations

• National Strategic NCD plan:

– Priority areas

– Activities

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Causes of death in Suriname, 2011

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• 70 % No regular exercise

• 40 % waiste to big

• 40 % obesity

• 20% Morbide obesity (BMI > 30)

• 20 % high cholesterol

• 30 % smoking• 35 % Alcohol misbruik

Risk factorsSource: Population research 2001 (15 – 55 years)

Deaths due to DM, 2005 – 2011 ( Bron: BOG)

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Hospitalised Diabetics by Age category in AZP, 2007-2010

Myocard Infarct admissions in AZP by year

Myocard Infarct admissions in AZP by gender and ethnicity

Hospital admissions AZP, 2007 - 2010

Average age Myocard Infarction Average age CVA


Result in tertiary Care: Number of Dialysis patients, 1997 -2008

2013: 350 patients

Costs (only dialyses):350x3x550x52= 30 million srd


• National NCD plan, 2012 – 2016:

– Public Policy and Advocacy

– Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

– Integrated Management of Chronic Diseases

and Risk Factors

– Surveillance, Monitoring and Evaluation

ActivitiesPublic Policy and Advocacy

• NCD plan

• Dedicated government budget for NCD

• Different presentation for the members of parlement

• Establish multi-sectoral commission

ActivitiesHealth Promotion & Disease Prevention

• Development and implementation Smoke law in accordance with FTCT

• Tabacco cessation campaign

• Different physical activity promoting activities

• General health promoting campaigns

• Working towards dietary (e.g salt intake) restrictions

ActivitiesIntegrated Management of Chronic Diseases

and Risk Factors

• Development treatment protocols

• Opening “One Stop Shop (OSS) for Chronic diseases”

• Refresher courses regarding NCD for health care workers

• Plan for Cervical cancer

ActivitiesSurveillance, Monitoring and Evaluation

• STEPS: after 10 years a population survey looking at risk factors

• Cancer registry

• NCD M&E plan

• Working towards: diabetic and dialysis registries