Internationalisation & Export Tips for SME's

Post on 26-May-2015

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Six easy steps to help SME's internationalise and grow their business overseas export

Transcript of Internationalisation & Export Tips for SME's

Consultancy | Business Services | Interim Management | Project Management

Six Simple Steps to Overcome the Hurdles to the Adoption of an Internationalisation & Export

Growth Strategy by an SME Business

January 2013All Rights Reserved – OutsideIn Int. Ltd


The ‘Kit’ needed is different so change your Shoes... & your Mindset1


Consultancy | Business Services | Interim Management | Project Management

Ask yourselves three ‘How’ questions & write down the (honest) Answers...



Consultancy | Business Services | Interim Management | Project Management

January 2013.V4

All Rights Reserved: OutsideIn Int. Ltd. 2010

All rights reserved – OutsideIn Int. Ltd. 2013 do I get going Internationally when the options to begin or go to the next phase of development are not that clear at all?

Your Answer:

Consultancy | Business Services | Interim Management | Project Management do I give my home market & production my full attention at the same time? Does this mean ‘robbing Peter to pay Paul’?

Your Answer:

Consultancy | Business Services | Interim Management | Project Management

Ask yourself a ‘Tough One’ do I acquire the appropriate skills & experience mix that I need to get going in a simple, flexible and short-term business relationship?Your Answer:


3English is the international business language standard. Is yours ‘up-to-scratch’ enough to support your business plans?

Let’s check using the following 3 language scenarios

…you are offered a 10 minute presentation spot in an Industry Association meeting of about 50 people to present your company … in English. Confident?

…a proposal is needed for a major Retailer to include a draft Contract, Product Descriptions, plus T & C’s all in English. And all before the sun sets tomorrow evening . Capable?

…a tough new customer wants Key Words, Case Studies & Testimonials to add to his site as part of his marketing plan for your Brand… in English. Competent?

…if, as Einstein claimed, “..the only source of knowledge is experience..” what options do I have to acquire the knowledge, train my teams, & keep it inside the company?



Draw some simple conclusions like a short list of ‘I needs’. For example...25


I need... guidance & help on ‘how best to internationalise, improve my export potential and grow my business abroad’

I need... to acquire and apply practicalexpertise in the English Language to improve the way we conduct our international business in both verbal & written form it ‘write, right, rite or wright?’

I need.... to find & use the knowledge & experience of those who have built enduring business relationships abroad and done it well

I need.... to train my team and have that knowledge pass using a methodology that can give immediate returns & ensure it remains inside the company

I need.... a flexible business relationship so I can draw upon help when I need it and not when it needs me.

Time ‘stands still for no man’ so do something about it now! If your conclusions match with a need for International Business Experience; expertise in the use & application of Business English; a novel approach to training & a wish for flexible business arrangements, you need to talk to Mike@ OutsideIn Int. Call him on:+44 7521 376355 or +39 335 6184924 Alternatively send a quick mail to:

It ‘costs’ about two minutes of the most precious asset we all have....Time!