International Relations Mock Paper MAY 2017 EXEMPLAR 2 Relations Mock Paper MAY 2017 EXEMPLAR 2

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Transcript of International Relations Mock Paper MAY 2017 EXEMPLAR 2 Relations Mock Paper MAY 2017 EXEMPLAR 2

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PearsonEdexcel GCSECentre Number Candidate Number

History A (The Making of the Modern World)Unit 1: International RelationsThe Era of the Cold War, 1943–91

Monday 5th June 2017 – MorningTime: 1 hour 15 minutes

You do not need any other materials.Total Marks

Instructionso Use black ink or ball-point pen.o Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name,o Centre number and candidate number.o Answer ALL questions in Section A. In Section B answer EITHER Question 4(a)o OR 4(b) and then Question 5 and Question 6.

Answer the questions in the spaces provided there may be more space than you need.

Informationo The total mark for this paper is 53.o The marks for each question are shown in bracket

use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on each question.o Questions labelled with an asterisk (*) are ones where the quality of your

written communication will be assessed

you should take particular care on these questions with your spelling, punctuation and grammar, as well as the clarity of expression.

The marks available for spelling, punctuation and grammar are clearly indicated.

Adviceo Read each question carefully before you start to answer it.

o Check your answers if you have time at the end.


Answer Question 1, Question 2 and Question 3.

Question 1

Study Source A

The CFE Agreement 1990 was signed by Bush and Gorbachev, set limits to the non-nuclear forces that the Warsaw Pact and NATO could have in Europe. Negotiations for this began in 1989 and the process was made difficult because the USSR was beginning to break up at this time. This meant that for example, Hungary was part of the Warsaw Pact when negotiation began, but had left by the time the Treaty was ready to be signed. History Textbook

1. Give two ways in which the CFE Agreement 1990 was difficult (2)

One way that the CFE Agreement was difficult is because the USSR had started to


Another way that the CFE Agreement was difficult is because members of the

Warsaw Pact had started to leave the USSR.

(Total for Question 1 = 2 marks)

2. Outline two effects of the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan. (4)

One effect of the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan was economic sanctions.

This meant that the USA stopped all trade with the Soviet Union.

Another effect of the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan was the USA formed an alliance.

This meant that the USA worked with China and Israel to support Afghan rebels against

The Soviet Union by providing weapons and funds.

(Total for Question 2 = 4 marks)

Question 3

Study Sources B and C

3. How useful are Sources B and C as evidence of the USA’s response to the Soviet Blockade of Berlin 1948-49?Explain your answer using sources B and C and your own knowledge. (10)

Source C is more useful as evidence of the USA’s response to the Soviet Blockade

of Berlin because it mentions the Airlift.

Evidence to support this is “every day 380 American planes flew to Berlin.”

This supports my own knowledge because I know that Allied planes transported

supplies to West Berlin. They flew up to 1000 tonnes a day from June 1948 to

May 1949. Supplies included food, coal, and other necessities.

Source C can be considered reliable, because it contains factual details

However, it could be considered unreliable, because of its Origin. This

Source is from a Russian history book and therefore could be subjective. This can

be seen in the quote “It was simply a propaganda move intended to make the

cold war worse” This shows that the author wants the actions of America to be

Source B: “The Bird Watcher” This cartoon of 14 July 1948 by EH Shepard for the British magazine Punch shows Stalin watching as storks fly coal and food into Berlin.

Source C:[The Americans had introduced a new currency into Berlin.]Old money flooded into the Soviet Zone. Some restrictions were placed on links between Berlin and western zones, but the Soviet side was ready to supply food to all Berlin.   Yet every day 380 American planes flew into Berlin. It was simply a propaganda move intended to make the cold war worse.

From a Russian history book.

Seen as unnecessary and self serving.

Source B is less useful as evidence of the USA’s response to the Soviet Blockade

of Berlin because it of its nature.

Evidence to support this is that Source B is a political cartoon showing a man on

a roof with an old fashioned gun glaring at a flock of storks carrying parcels of

coal and food towards Berlin.

This source supports my own knowledge because I know that the man in the

cartoon is Stalin, and that the storks represent the Allied Airlift. I also know that

The cartoon is designed to show Stalin as unnecessarily aggressive towards the

peaceful actions of the USA.

This means that Source C is subjective as it is clearly intended to show Soviet

aggression against the USA. However Source C is also reliable as to someone

that understands the content it contains details of the events.

In conclusion I believe Source C is more useful as evidence of USA’s response

to the Soviet blockade of Berlin because Source B relies more on the knowledge

of the viewer, making it more difficult to understand and interpret.


Answer EITHER Question 4(a) OR Question 4(b):

4 (a) Briefly describe the key features of Cominform. (6)


4 (b) Briefly describe the key features of SDI. (6)

Indicate which question you are answering by marking a cross in the box (X).

Chosen Question Number: Question 4a [ ] Question 4b [ ]

One key feature of Cominform is that it was an international organisation.

This meant that it represented Communist Parties across Europe and brought

Them under the direction of the USSR.

Another key feature of Cominform is that it was used to ensure loyalty

This meant that Eastern European governements were investigated and any

government ministers and employees that were not loyal to Stalin were


OROne key feature of SDI 1983 is that is broke the Outer Space Treaty 1967.

This meant that the USA purposefully broke the treaty and ended détente which

Was a significant turning point in the arms race.

Another key feature of SDI is that it is known as ‘star wars’

This is because the USA planned to put lasers into space to intercept and destroy

USSR missiles

Answer Question 5

5 Explain the importance of three of the following in international relations: (15)

[ ] Brezhnev Doctrine [ ] Fall of the USSR [ ] Cuban Missile Crisis [ ] Geneva Summit 1985

(Total for each part = 5 marks)

(Total for Question 5 = 15 marks)

Indicate your FIRST choice on this page.

Indicate which part you are answering by marking a cross in the box (X)

[ ] Brezhnev Doctrine

[ ] Fall of the USSR

[ ] Cuban Missile Crisis

[ X ] Geneva Summit 1985

The Geneva Summit 1985 was important for international Relations because Reagan

And Gorbachev were able to talk face to face and develop a personal relationship.

Evidence to support this is that Gorbachev was keen to establish a working relationship

with President Reagan as he hoped to persuade him to drop his SDI plans. Gorbachev

even sacked the old Soviet foreign minister to show that he wanted to end the

aggressive foreign policy that the USSR had previously pursed

This meant that it was important for international relations because although no formal

agreement was reached during the meeting it established a friendship between the two

leaders that would eventually lead to the INF Treaty in 1987 which was the first treaty

To reduce the number of nuclear missiles the superpowers possessed.

Indicate your SECOND choice on this page.

Indicate which part you are answering by marking a cross in the box (X)

[ X ] Brezhnev Doctrine

[ ] Fall of the USSR

[ ] Cuban Missile Crisis

[ ] Geneva Summit 1985

One reason why the Brehznev Doctrine of 1968 was important to international relations

was because it made the USSR look threatening and showed that the USA were

unwilling to risk tension even though they had promised to protect countries

against this as part of the Truman Doctrine.

Evidence to support this is that the Brehznev Doctrine was created by

Premier Brehznev to ‘protect’ communist countries. In reality, this policy was

intended to stop satellite states from reform and weakening the USSRs

control of them.

This meant that Brehznev appeared to be a harsher leader and even though his actions

actions in Czechoslovakia were condemned by the USA America did not take

military action. This shows that the relationship between USA and USSR was improving,

as America and Russia were trying to avoid conflict after the events of the

Cuban Missile Missile Crisis. The American response to the Brehznev Doctrine also

links to Détente, as it shows a commitment to avoiding conflict over actions in

other countries, which was later made a part of the Détente agreements.

Indicate your THIRD choice on this page.

Indicate which part you are answering by marking a cross in the box (X)

[ ] Brezhnev Doctrine

[ ] Fall of the USSR

[ ] Cuban Missile Crisis

[ ] Geneva Summit 1985

The … was important for international Relations because

Evidence to support this is that

This meant that it was important for international relations because

Answer Question 6.

Spelling, punctuation and grammar will be assessed in this question

6. Explain why the relationship between the USA and USSR changed in the years 1963-83. (13)

One reason why the relationship between the USA and USSR changed in the years 1963

-1983 was détente.

Evidence to support this is that during the 1960s and 1970s the USA and USSR tried to

ease tensions so that they could lessen the threat of nuclear war. In 1967 the USA and

USSR signed the Outer Space Treaty and then the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in

1968 so that the possibility of further conflict between them was limited.

This meant that the USA and USSR went signed SALT 1 in 1972 as well as going on the

Apollo-Soyuz space mission and attending the Helsinki Conference together in 1975.

Therefore the relationship between the USA and the USSR changed from 1963-1983

because the tension between the superpowers decreased and they were able to have

peace between them for the first time since World War II.

This links to the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan 1979 as the soviet aggression ended

Détente and restarted the Cold War.

Another reason why the relationship between the USSA and USSR changed in the years

1963-83 was the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979.

Evidence to support this is that the aggression shown by the Soviet Union during their

invasion horrified the USA and led to their President Jimmy Carter issuing the Carter

Doctrine which ended all diplomatic relations between the USA and USSR as well as

Implanting economic sanctions, ending trade.

This mean that the period of peace known as détente was coming to an end.

You may use the following in your answer:

- Afghanistan- Détente

You must also include information of your own.

Therefore the relationship between the USA and USSR changed from 1963-1983 as

Their relationship changed from one of peace and co-operation to open hostility.

This links to the Olympic Boycotts in 1980 and 1984 when both superpowers and their

Allies refused to attend each others Olympic games in protest.

A final reason why the relationship between the USA and USSR changed in the years

1963-83 was because of President Reagan.

Evidence to support this is that when Ronald Reagan became President in 1981 he had

no intention of renewing détente between the USA and USSR as he wanted to ‘win’ the

Cold War, which he made clear in his Evil Empire Speech in 1983.

This meant that Reagan believed it was Americas moral duty to defeat the ‘evil’ USSR

and that the USA should invest in its nuclear weapons to defend ‘liberty’.

Therefore the relationship between the USA and the USSR changed from 1963-83

because they went from a period of peace to a ‘Second’ Cold War.

This links to the Strategic Defence Initiative 1983 as Reagan broke the Outer Space

Treaty with his plan to place lasers in space to destroy Soviet missiles.

In conclusion the most important reason why the relationship between the USA and

USSR changed in the years 1963-1983 was the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan because

it ended détente and led to Ronald Reagan restarting the Cold War.

(Total for spelling, punctuation and grammar = 3 marks)(Total for Question 6 = 16 marks)